Daily review 02/11/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 2nd, 2023 - 15 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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15 comments on “Daily review 02/11/2023 ”

  1. Johnr 1

    So cluxon won't be attending the Pacific forum. Can I suggest that even if the govt formation wasn't in the way. He would find an excuse to not korero with our brown brothers. It just ain't his style.

    • Barfly 1.1

      Maybe he is aware that his "we will pay the fine" for doing nothing about climate change is as popular as a brick in a pavlova in the pacific

  2. Muttonbird 2

    The deodorant salesman is frustrated with the vote counting process. Says we need more clarity. The fact is there's a lack of clarity because he didn't get enough votes.


    And is he really the PM elect? There's not enough clarity around that either.

    • Johnr 2.1

      I think it was when Winston first went into coalition with bolger it took 12 weeks to complete. I can attest that, media hysteria aside, the country cruised along perfectly well without the pollies input.

  3. observer 3

    Sometimes a myth takes hold and becomes impervious to the facts, which only emerge later. The 2017 coalition negotiations are a classic example.

    The widespread perception (or right-wing spin) is that Ardern became PM because Labour offered more baubles than National. Bill English stood firm, while Jacinda caved.

    Except it's not true.

    Here's the first-hand testimony of Ron Mark and Simon Bridges

    In 2017, Bill English offered NZ First more portfolios than Jacinda Ardern and yet Peters still chose to go with Labour: “And I will tell you straight, in the last coalition negotiations National offered more ministerial posts.”

    To which Bridges added: “I can confirm that – some of us were flinching!”

    Tova podcast: Ex-leadership of National, ACT, NZ First predict trouble for Chris Luxon's tax cuts | Stuff.co.nz

  4. Peter 4

    I expect that on his 'Do Immediately' list Luxon will feature the plans for how he's going to get the election count done more quickly.

    More than 567,000 special votes? The simplest solution to the perceived problem I suppose is to not have special votes. A cut and dried solution to match the style of thinking of the new regime – get rid of cultural reports to judges, all offenders go to prison, maximum penalties automatic, no electronic bail and so on.

  5. joe90 5

    Having seen first-hand a youngster struggling with an inflammatory bowel disorder I can only hope that this is a BFD.

    Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation attenuates inflammatory bowel disease in children: a proof-of-concept clinical trial




    Vagus nerve stimulation is an investigational anti-inflammatory therapy targeting the nervous system to modulate immune activity. This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of transcutaneous auricular VNS (ta-VNS) in patients with pediatric-onset Crohn’s disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC).



    Noninvasive ta-VNS attenuated signs and symptoms in a pediatric cohort with mild to moderate inflammatory bowel disease.
