Daily Review 04/09/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 4th, 2018 - 29 comments
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29 comments on “Daily Review 04/09/2018 ”

  1. Ed 1

    The Good.

    “Huge boost for Jeremy Corbyn as #JC9 – yes NINE – sweep to victory in Labour NEC elections.”


  2. Andre 2

    Well, colour me fucken unimpressed. The first road to be funded by Auckland’s fuel tax is a very special link road from the Holiday Highway to Matakana Road. To shave another few seconds off the trip to Omaha baches.

    It’s just not needed, and promoting further development out that direction is just fucken dumb. Yes, the Hill Rd intersection is a clusterfuck, mostly because of SH1 needing to be given priority in the traffic light phasing. Once that SH1 traffic is diverted onto the Holiday Highway, the problems there will dramatically reduce and there will be much more opportunity for a simple solution like a big roundabout.

    Goff better be fucken walking on water for the rest of his term or I for one will be voting “anyone but Goff”.


    • Stunned Mullet 2.1

      I like to say I’m shocked but having suffered through the last 30years of fuckwit mayors and councils it’s hardly surprising.

      A violent pox on the lot of them.

    • Timeforacupoftea 2.2

      ( Andre 2
      4 September 2018 at 6:23 pm :said
      Goff better be fucken walking on water for the rest of his term or I for one will be voting “anyone but Goff”. )

      Anyone but Goff.
      That will work !

      The cry in Mid America was anyone but Hillary Clinton.
      That worked.

      Now those cities are booming with job adverts on buildings everywhere I went. US$14 per hour food supermarkets.
      Food is very cheap compared to here but we have far better selection.

      Other than housing tax you don’t need a lot of money to live well in the middle of the US.
      Plenty of cheap housing available property tax which means rates here were $4,000 per year on a $200,00 to $250,000 home.
      I wouldn’t buy in a nobby area especially above $1,000,000 as property tax could be $17,000 per year.

      • McFlock 2.2.1

        They kidnapped children with absolutely no plans to reunite them with their parents. Ever.

        Eat well.

        • Timeforacupoftea

          It appears Obama / Clinton / Trump and others had been running the same policy for a very long time.

          We are so lucky living away down here in the cold South Pacific not many want to come here.

          However now that they know they could row or paddle here from Australia the asylum seekers will be lining up to give it a go.
          After all the Maori paddled here hundreds of years ago.

          • In Vino

            The Maori did not paddle here, you boofhead. They sailed here in large twin-hull sailing canoes that went faster and much closer to the wind than Cook’s Endeavour.

            • WILD KATIPO

              And the Taniwha was actually large sea going salt water crocodiles… imagine that coming up along side your dugout twin hullers… no wonder they gave Australia a miss.

              Tired , after months at sea because they were turfed out of Taiwan , living off fish and hounded onshore by the Aborigines, … land, – any land was acceptable to get away from all that lot….

              So they ended up in a cold , wet shithouse like NZ.

              Still , when it was warmer in the middle ages,… things weren’t so bad… plenty of moa to kill and large sources of protein. But they still had to overcome the inhabitants that were already there…

              Ancient Celtic New Zealand

              • In Vino

                You are deluded, Wild Katipo. Their twin-hull dugouts with their navigation skills took them North to Hawaii, East to Easter Island + to South America (where else did the sweet potato ie kumara come from?) and South to NZ. They sailed back and forth at times. The Maori who stayed here became paddlers, but those early Polynesian sailors were unbelievably good.
                And forget that bullshit about previous inhabitants from Europe. It is wishful thinking.

            • Robert Guyton

              I doubt anyone could sail from Australia in those days. They’d have to come through from the east, swing around the top, avoiding the taniwha (more likely whirlpools, Katipo 🙂 and land, thanking one’s lucky stars, at Tahunanui 🙂

          • McFlock

            Well, no, the separation is a new policy enthusiastically administered.

            And I think I’ve said before that anyone who manages to “paddle” here should get citizenship – they’re either awesome or lucky, and we need both. Take their number off the top of the visa numbers.

      • Draco T Bastard 2.2.2

        Other than housing tax you don’t need a lot of money to live well in the middle of the US.

        I’m pretty sure that your definition of ‘well’ and mine are not the same thing. In fact, yours seems to be subsistence level while mine means that people have the time and money to be creative and innovative on their own income.

        Plenty of cheap housing available property tax which means rates here were $4,000 per year on a $200,00 to $250,000 home.

        Family member of mine was complaining about the rates in Auckland he was paying. It was $3000/year on a house valued @ half a million.

  3. Ed 3

    The Bad.

    “Soaring global debt has analysts predicting next big crash.
    Total debt is a whopping US$169 trillion, up from US$97 trillion on the eve of the Great Recession, according to the McKinsey Global Institute.
    While previous debt crises involved US households and, later, profligate European governments such as Greece, this time the concern centres on companies in emerging markets that borrowed heavily in dollars and euros.
    In Turkey, for example, companies and banks borrowed in recent years to finance bridges, hospitals, power plants and even a mammoth port development for cruise ships.”


    • greywarshark 3.1

      Is that a quote about profligate Greece, or your snap judgment Ed? Varoufakis recently made the point that it had been private debt, not government. And they were encouraged by various financiers by available credit. Sound familiar?

      Kiwis’ private debts put the country at risk – Newsroom
      May 9, 2017 – “When private debt is more than four times’ worse [than public debt], the … In March, after one of its regular visits to New Zealand, an IMF …

      30/12/17 Nation of Debt: Half a trillion dollars and still rising

      For New Zealand households, the ratio of debt to income has now reached a record – 168 per cent, well above the pre-financial crisis peak of 159 per cent.

      Some figures that show clearly that government is not responsible for injudicious spending.
      $250 billion Household
      $105.25 billion Business
      $59.25 billion Agriculture

      $97 billion Central govt
      $17.27 billion Local govt
      The grand total of $528.7 billion is up 7.3 per cent from a year ago.

      30 December 2017

    • corodale 3.2

      Says McKinsey! Oh shit, does this mean the strategy remains “go long”, and cash in on the market bounce back for like the thousandth time? Sounds like we’re in for global negative interest rates, so long as the Persian Gulf remains open to shipping.

    • Draco T Bastard 3.3

      Soaring global debt has analysts predicting next big crash.

      Our financial system means that not only can debt not be paid off but that it must expand exponentially. Which means that a crash must occur at fairly regular intervals.

      There’s only one solution but you won’t find any politicians (Except possibly the Greens) suggesting it. That solution is to move to a pure sovereign money system that prevents the private banks from creating money and makes loans for business/mortgages at 0% interest.

  4. Ed 5

    The Ugly #2

  5. Regarding the photo in today’s Daily Review, the righty backlash against Nike featuring Colin Kaepernick has started:


    (hat tip to Phillip Ure)

    ps I loath Nike for exploiting children. I wonder where Kaepernick stands on that issue?

    • joe90 6.1

      Best bit is Nike would’ve analysed the living daylights out of this move and concluded that the idiots who destroy their gear are irrelevant to the bottom line.

    • Tiger Mountain 6.2

      first thought was Nike’s labour record, but Kaepernick is hopefully bright enough to get something positive out of the situation other than a nice earn

      liked his comment along the lines of “America has never been great for African Americans–lets make America great for the first time”

  6. millsy 7

    On a more non political note, I have to say the last 8 years has gone past pretty quickly. When the first CHC earth quake happened, most of us were still using PCs to access the Internet, we all thought John Key would be tossed out at the next election, Jim Anderton was still in Parliament, and most of us hadnt even heard of Kim Dotcom. I remember getting a text from a friend who had moved down there with his wife and son that morning saying there were “buildings collapsed everywhere but we OK”. I booted up my computer to find all the carnage. He had moved down there from NP 18 months before to seek better opportunities, I remember his intense optimism as he prepared to move. The quakes displaced them, and later on, they moved to Dunedin, where they have managed get their lives back on track. The quakes have changed a lot of lives in Christchurch, and beyond. Some for worse, some for the better. But never the same as before.

    • Yep true millsy.

      And stills tons of trauma and ptsd to deal with. Still too much suic8de and violence. I feel for chch. I lived there before the quakes in Keyes road i kid you not – had already moved north but were we lived, gone now. My heart goes out to everyone caught in this traumatic event.

    • Antoine 7.2

      > Some for worse, some for the better.

      I believe that the generation of kids who lived through the ChCh earthquakes will produce some of the country’s most important leaders in the years to come


  7. My sentence o’ the day, from a left wing blog that is taking credit, without evidence, for a Pacific region journalism policy the Ardern government has just announced:

    “If we add Rugby Diplomacy to our diplomatic arsenal, this new Government will have mangled to counter Chinese influence in less than year than National managed in almost decade.”

  8. Incognito 9

    Why synthetic marijuana is so risky

    An article by an intensive care pharmacist and clinical pharmacologist.


  9. Incognito 10

    Could it be that this crisis is mental health care, or the apparent failure of democratic politics to mount an effective policy response is actually related to a far deeper and entrenched element of how we actually ‘do’ politics?

    And does the following remind you of a recent debacle in NZ politics?

    Occupational psychology research suggests that working within aggressive, low-trust, high-blame, secretive and highly partisan political cultures is unlikely to be good for anyone’s mental health.

    An excellent and though-provoking article, which is a must-read for Standardistas IMO.


    Written by Dr Sarb Johal who was a General Election List Candidate (ranked @ no. 49) for the NZ Labour Party in 2017.