Daily Review 08/03/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:03 pm, March 8th, 2016 - 24 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Donald Trump inconvenient douche

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24 comments on “Daily Review 08/03/2016 ”

  1. weka 1

    Lose to a girl? Under what circumstances can a post-menopausal woman be referred to as a girl without that being a gender slur?

    Not sure who made this image and how useful a commentary it is on Black US politics.

    [I chose it in a hurry. Did not think it through. Given today’s date and its imappropriateness I have changed it. Many apologies – MS]

  2. adam 2

    Anyone else in Auckland having the power going off for 30 minutes here and there all day?

  3. lprent 3

    Been using My Food Bag (vegetarian) for a couple of weeks.

    Great food. Takes approx 3x as long as I am used to cooking. I usually do most of the cooking on a operations research manner – ie efficient.

    Part of the time problem is because we have a very small kitchen and fridge. Finding 17 ingredients (ah yes) for Mondays recipe today (running a bit behind) has taken me about 15 minutes to extract them. I need a damn index for the fridge. Reading the recipe and prepping it …. 17 ingredients..

    Now cooking…

    Good thing that the food is so good even after I mess the formula a bit (like overgrilling the Chibatta last night).

    BTW: The reason why it is a veggie option is because I don’t trust people to find me good cuts of meat – I am really picky about those.

    • dv 3.1

      Their meat is pretty good LP

    • weka 3.2

      $19/plate is reasonably pricey for something you still have to cook yourself (and do the dishes). Even $15 for the veggie option seems high. I could get a healthy takeaway quiche and salad for that. Not delivered though. What’s the attraction?

      There are probably things in the fridge that don’t need to be there (eggs is the classic), especially in the 9 cooler months of the year.

      • lprent 3.2.1

        When I cook I am a production machine.

        I have about 8 basic nutritious and tasty meals designed to cost me no more than 40 minutes total time and usually a lot less than that and no more than 15 minutes of my attention time. I read comments while the food cooks itself. They vary by combination.

        But they typically (apart from my stews) have no more than 7 ingredients. Since I also usually do the shopping, this reduces my workload that way as well.

        If we want more, then we eat out and pay people for more complex meals.

        Did I ever mention that my father and my sister were and are production managers. And in my younger days so was I. The habits of optimizing workflows never leave you. I code that way and I cook that way.

        Lyn wants more variation in our home meals. This is a way of getting it. On the way through (despite my moaning) I’m learning techniques about how to get it.

    • Jamie 3.3

      I’ve heard good things but apparently they use Talley’s.

      • lprent 3.3.1

        Yes I know. That REALLY pisses me off. I have a supply of peas in the freezer that are liable to wind up on My Food Bags office in a rotted state. It will be larger when I get back from Italy.

        I think that I’ll follow Meg’s lead and start annoying them while I am away.

        In the meantime the freezer gets stocked with McCains, and accumulated Talleys mount up for a less civilised gesture.

  4. maui 4

    The Bradley Ambrose “teapot tape” legal fund donations seem to have slowed a bit, still a way to get there – $6,872 of the $38,000 required donated so far:

  5. the pigman 5

    Anyone hear Mark Inglis on The Panel today?

    He ran the totally unbelievable line that he’d voted for the new flag because he was sure that the government would revise the design to be better if NZ chose it in the second referendum. He went on to blatantly lie about how Canada had followed “exactly the same process” as NZ and they’d refined the design after doing so. The remainder of the Panel just listened on in horror, not daring to contradict him (presumably sympathetic because he’d apparently lost more than a few brain cells as a result of smoke inhalation in the Hanmer fire last night).

    If Mora is that afraid to challenge such obvious bullshit, is it any wonder that he is play-dough in the hands of Matthew Hooten, Stephen Franks and David Farrar?

    Oh shit what I wouldn’t do for an annotated Morrissey transcript!

    • joe90 5.1

      Tim Minchin said it best

      “In darker days, I did a corporate gig at a conference for this big company who made and sold accounting software. In a bid, I presume, to inspire their salespeople to greater heights, they’d forked out 12 grand for an Inspirational Speaker who was this extreme sports dude who had had a couple of his limbs frozen off when he got stuck on a ledge on some mountain. It was weird. Software salespeople need to hear from someone who has had a long, successful and happy career in software sales, not from an overly-optimistic, ex-mountaineer. Some poor guy who arrived in the morning hoping to learn about better sales technique ended up going home worried about the blood flow to his extremities. It’s not inspirational – it’s confusing.

    • Gabby 5.2

      Yes, the man’s touched. Or, he knows how Ponyboy’s thinking.

  6. mickysavage 6

    Very good day in the house today for Labour and Andrew Little. Best for a while. He really nailed it in the debate on the Health funding fiasco …

    • pat 7.1

      “Since then, successive Conservative governments have agonised long-windedly about the problem of how to make citizens loyal to a nation at the very moment when they are declaring the primacy of the economic system over the local culture. Their words die as soon as spoken, because everyone can see that if a government is unwilling to lift a finger to save those few organisations – like, for example, the steel industry – that do indeed forge communities, then all their rhetoric is so much guff”

      seeking a sense of Nation.?…I know! A flag referendum would be just the ticket!

      • Colonial Viper 7.1.1

        And what condition is the Labour project in? What worthy vision does UK Labour bring to the nation now?

        At least with a more socialist Corbyn there is hope of a real alternative.

        • pat

          What hope?….the hope of the less bad I guess

          Is that enough?….if its all thats on offer

          Is there a better alternative?….undoubtably

          Who will develop/advocate it?……..???????

  7. pat 8


    “Yet still we cannot bring ourselves to look the thing in the eyes. We cannot admit that we liberals bear some of the blame for its emergence, for the frustration of the working-class millions, for their blighted cities and their downward spiraling lives. So much easier to scold them for their twisted racist souls, to close our eyes to the obvious reality of which Trumpism is just a crude and ugly expression: that neoliberalism has well and truly failed.”