Daily Review 08/11/2016

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 8th, 2016 - 38 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:



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38 comments on “Daily Review 08/11/2016 ”

  1. Psych nurse 1

    Turn on the news and 3 appears to have Alfred E Newman as their political correspondent reporting from New York.Well done brilliant move.

  2. Muttonbird 3

    Another death of a homeless person. This is what happened when social policy goes out the door under small government. This is John Key’s brighter future.

    Expect more of it.


    • The lost sheep 3.1

      So without having any facts at all about the death you can pinpoint the cause to the Government’s Social Policy?
      You must have remarkable powers of deduction Sherlock Holmes!

      • Muttonbird 3.1.1

        Hark. It’s the guy who has voted Labour all his life. As did his father and his father’s father. He’s always lived in a Labour family and his family has always been Labour.

        Until David Cunliffe, apparently.

        If you haven’t been paying attention to the increase in housing stress, homelessness, crime, and the worsening outcomes for the people involved including the deaths recently of several people sleeping rough, then I cannot help you.

        If you don’t equate these outcomes directly to cuts in relevant services, and indirectly to the hollow, top-down economic policies of the John Key government then I also cannot help you.

        • The lost sheep

          And if you are willing to make an arbitrary linkage from a specific case about which you know zero facts, to a generalised claim of cause and effect from a specific Governments policies, then I’m picking there is not much sensible discussion going to be had with you.

          On that logic, I could point out that the Nia Glassie case came after 8 years of Labour Government, so it was obviously Labours policies which caused that kid to die eh?

          • Muttonbird

            You, a born again National voter, pluck a single case out of the Labour-did-it-too ether while I discuss a current, ongoing trend in rising homelessness, crime, disenfranchisement, and social dislocation.

            ‘kay then.

            • The lost sheep

              No. You picked a single case on which you had zero information, and made a direct linkage to general Government policy as the cause of death.

              My reference to the Glassie case was to point out how baseless such linkages are. We seem to agree on that now at least.

              • Muttonbird

                There have been several deaths of homeless people in the past 6 months alone which I made reference to. The very first word I used was ‘another’, and this person’s death is a continuation of negative outcomes for displaced people in this country under the current goverment.

                You’re not very good at this, are you?

                • The lost sheep

                  2 in the past year? Is that a higher or lower rate than at other times when we had another Govt? Do you have some facts Muttonbird?
                  Is that a higher or lower rate of death than other social categories during the same time?

                  And do have have some concrete linkage between the actual deaths and how this Govt’s policies directly caused those deaths?
                  Someone dies of natural causes – the Govt. must be responsible? Is the Govt. then also responsible for all the deaths of everyone else who died of natural causes?

                  Two people who have been long term alcoholics through many different govt’s get drunk and one kills the other.
                  How would the current Govt’s policies be solely the cause of that?
                  When those two had had their whole lives shaped by many different Govt’s – how is the current Govt. responsible for their outcome?
                  Have the victim and attacker in any way contributed themselves to that outcome?

                  In the meantime, Other People who are not homeless, from all social categories, have died in exactly the same circumstances as those people during that time.
                  Natural death, murdered, unexplained, accident, etc?
                  Linkage Muttonbird? Are the current Govt’s policies directly responsible for those also? How do you determine whether or not that is the case?

                  If Labour was the Govt. no one would be homeless and no one would have negative outcomes?
                  Luckily I don’t have your amnesia, and can clearly remember the reality that idea is utter bollocks!

        • greywarshark

          We say categorically that we have better powers of deduction and location of reason than you Baa Lamb. You’re lost! Bah!

      • Michelle 3.1.2

        Of course we don’t need facts lost sheep we just need eyes to see the damage. The suicide rates are now the highest they have ever been since being measured why? One must be living in a vacuum if you cant see how our country has gone down the toilet under the gnats. Inequalities have increased ten fold for Maori and PI peoples. Now is this good for NZ? The tories are breaking all the records at the wrong end, homelessness, high NEETS, prison numbers, under employment, spiraling house prices, too much immigration, infrastructure and safety net has big holes, ACC being taken to task by John Miller ( and we don’t hear about many ACC cases)SOEs being run down then sold as many said would happen. And in the mean time our PM is worried about Motels for tourists.

    • Richard Rawshark 3.2

      I can’t take much more of hearing news like this. it kills me like a spear to the heart.

      The amount of times I weight up a lifetime in prison for a moment to save humanity becomes harder and harder to brush aside as nonsense talk.

      Though how many people..how many have to die for Bill Englishes tax cuts, and for John to get his three years.

      Do we just say Hey John have 3 more years if you just sort this? I would, you can have my vote john i’ll fucking promise it, JUST NO MORE DEATHS !@

    • mauī 3.3

      We’re looking more like the states every day. The bare minimum of social support, people on food stamps and the last option left is life on the street.

      • Richard Rawshark 3.3.1


        and while the homeless die, they vote themselves a backdated payrise..

        I actually might.

        • Draco T Bastard

          No public servant should get more than about $100k.

          • DoublePlusGood

            That would helpfully get rid of quite a few people from the public service who really shouldn’t be there.

        • DoublePlusGood

          MP salaries are independently determined, precisely so they *can’t* vote themselves a backdated payrise.

          • Draco T Bastard

            While true it still fails to ask the people paying them how much that they’re willing to pay them. Instead it’s based on how much a similar role in the private sector would be paid.

            Of course, there is no similar role in the private sector and those roles that the salaries are based upon are obviously over paid.

      • Muttonbird 3.3.2

        We are. Key is obsessed with the US having lived there for some time, and is determined to recreate New Zealand in its image, for better (questionable) and worse (horrifying).


        He and his soulmate Paul Henry simply have no concept, nor care for those at the bottom. They are a part of the new breed of NZ elite which have more in common with the global elite than the people of the country they are supposed to represent.

        Key says the US is an “amazingly successful country”, but what of the areas where the US does poorly; violent crime, incarceration, racism, inequalities in education and health? The disenfranchised are viewed by these people as acceptable damage – unavoidable and concurrent with blind, expansionist growth. Are we to just accept these poor social outcomes as part of the package deal which John Key seems intent on forcing upon the once egalitarian and fair New Zealand?

  3. Anne 4

    Good on Phil Twyford and Andrew Little for calling out TV1 and Andrea Vance on their dishonesty. I have long believed Labour have allowed some journos to get away with murder so it’s good to see them standing up to them at last.

    I was sitting at the back of the venue during Grant Roberston’s speech on Saturday and was watching Andrea Vance (who was only a few metres away) to see how she was reacting. She had her head down texting during the entire speech. I never once saw her look up at Grant while he spoke. It was as if he wasn’t there. I wonder who she was texting?

    Most journos will spend time on their laptops during a speech but they also watch and listen to the speaker and will react along with the audience particularly if the speaker has a good sense of humour. Andrea Vance’s demeanour was different and I wondered what she was up to… 👿


    • Garibaldi 4.1

      Anne what difference is calling these pricks out going to make? We’ve been calling out bloody Hosking for years and all TVNZ says is “He’s our man”. State funded broadcasting should be objective, and could still be if your crowd (Labour) hadn’t handed it over to commercialism in your glorious days of let the Market rule.

      • Gabby 4.1.1

        Proper calling out gets a reaction. Look at Earl Beatlewig for example. Stinks to high heaven.

    • Wainwright 4.2

      You have heard of smartphones right? Those things people use to take notes on or livetweet events as they’re happening? No no it’s definitely a conspiracy.

      You weren’t the person who asked in one session how Labour should ‘attack’ the media, are you?. Because that’s real smart politics.

      • Anne 4.2.1

        I made no reference to conspiracy. I was reporting on Vance’s demeanour which struck me as a bit unusual in the circumstances. I did fail to mention that it was Grant Robertson who first released the policy on Sat afternoon which – given the later proclamation by said journo – should have produced more interest than was apparent.

        You weren’t the person who asked in one session how Labour should ‘attack’ the media, are you?

        Never heard of it and doubt it happened. Are you doing a Vance… ignoring the detail in order to dishonestly change the nature of the story?

  4. Chuck 5

    NZF now attacking Labours work scheme…

    “Ball said Labour’s scheme had serious flaws, such as a lack of training which could lead to full-time work or further education.”

    “The announcement has been overshadowed by a dispute over the costings after Labour initially failed to disclose the $60 million was based on four months rather than the full six months.”


    • Draco T Bastard 5.1

      I think NZFirst’s biggest gripe is that Labour cancelled NZFirst’s previous one from the 1990s.

      Personally, I’d prefer to see people put into training when they don’t have a job and paid minimum wage while they’re there. And I’m not just talking job training but full university training. Teach these people how to use their heads, do research and come to solidly backed conclusions.

  5. John r 6

    Mr Little needs to harden up and get stroppy at question time in Parliament.

    Just heard a news clip on RNZ where he asked key a question asking why youth unemployment has gone up under his watch.

    Key sarcastically replied he didn’t have numbers and doubted labours ability to understand numbers (paraphrasing).

    End of news clip.

    IMO Mr Little should then have said “Mr Speaker could you please ask the Prime Minister to answer the question OR should I go over there and smack him in his sarcy mouth”.

    After the speaker asks him to withdraw and apologise Mr Little should then say “Mr Speaker you are totally biased and utterly incompetent, therefore I will not withdraw and apologize but I will leave the house”

    You can bet that RNZ sound bite is still continuing

    Then the whole labour caucus should leave, retire to the nearest pub and plot a repeat performance for the next question time.

    The public may then realise that labour is relevant and has balls.

    Don’t worry about breaking rules or protocol. I’m a Thomas Jefferson fan who said “It is every citizens DUTY to ignore stupid law”.

    • Garibaldi 6.1

      Yes John, you are right. Someone has to stop Carter – he’s a total embarrassment and a disgrace to the position of Speaker. Mind you, Key knew this when he put him in there.

      • Wensleydale 6.1.1

        Carter’s got Key’s arm up his backside. He’s simply behaving as one would expect a glorified sock puppet to behave.

        It is, however, galling to watch Key sneer and snark his way out of giving a coherent and meaningful response to pertinent questions. The man’s not even pretending anymore. He quite obviously does not give a shit.

    • pat 6.2

      lol….now that would be worth buying a ticket for! +1

    • Gabby 6.3

      He needs to stop asking two part questions when he knows the speaker is going to remind the answerer s/he only needs to address either part. They all do it It’s like verbal diarrhoea.

    • Whispering Kate 6.4

      Wow John R – that’s the most refreshing and delightfully naughty comment I have heard for a long time – I would pay to be sitting in the gallery when it occurred. Get in touch with Andrew and tell him to sock it to the sarcastic creep next time he has the opportunity. Loved your comment – nice way to end the evening.

    • Richard Rawshark 6.5

      A Men (religious not sexist in intent) to that..

      When the going gets tough, the tough get going..

      It’s time and well past it,

  6. Muttonbird 7

    I’ll tell you what.

    The person most upset by the sacking/moving to Palm Springs of Paul Henry will be his soulmate and misogynist-in-arms, the prime minister!

    It’s a major blow to John Key’s media profile to lose such a sycophantic, and high-profile media supporter such as tittie-man Henry.

  7. greywarshark 9

    Don’t know if I accept the honesty of direction in the image referring to aliens. The chosen photo reminds me of the noble G’Kar’s head in Babylon 5. I think this send-up is a janus-style approach (can be taken in opposite ways).