Daily Review 10/08/2017

Written By: - Date published: 7:05 pm, August 10th, 2017 - 39 comments
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39 comments on “Daily Review 10/08/2017 ”

    • AsleepWhileWalking 1.1


    • Carolyn_nth 1.2

      And Metiria Turei’s tweet in response to the article:

      We are fighting back! Its not their country anymore, its ours. They have lost it already because we know we all matter. Fire in the belly!

      I think when Turei leaves the House, she will go back to being an activist.

      Russell Brown posted today:

      But before all this, she had also privately expressed doubts about a long political career. To be a Cabinet minister? Or to go back and be an anarchist? It sometimes frustrated people around her. And now the decision has been made in a way no one would have wished. We haven’t heard the last of Metiria Turei. I think she’ll make an awesome anarchist.

      So maybe she still will be speaking for and about the plight of beneficiaries and those in poverty for years to come! And she may have more freedom to do that when not under the glare of the press gallery.

    • BM 1.3

      Turei didn’t have the skills or acting ability to achieve what she wanted.

      History will remember her as an individual who shot herself in the face.

      • Sabine 1.3.1


      • joe90 1.3.2

        shot herself in the face.

        Particularly vile turn of phrase there, sport.

      • Fran 1.3.3

        I don’t often comment but this is a step too far BM. Metiria Turei spoke a truth that frightened the horses in the MSM and middle class. She did not shoot herself in the foot, the powers that be shot her because it is much easier to shot the messenger than look at an unpalatable truth. Facile comments from privileged people are unhelpful and do nothing but highlight how removed those people are from a very large proportion of NZ. Metiria Turei is a hero in the best tradition of hero’s. She sacrificed herself for the greater good. You might not recognise this but that just shows your lack; not that of anyone else.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Metiria Turei spoke a truth that frightened the horses in the MSM and middle class.


          And BM is one of the frightened little dears.

        • Grantoc

          Turei deliberately personalised the beneficiary message and then went further and insisted that her story represented the “unpalatable truth” of what it meant to be a beneficiary.

          So she choose to put herself and her family in the firing line; for political gain. No one else did that for her. It became worse for her when the circumstantial evidence started to reveal that, whilst no doubt tough, her life as a beneficiary appeared to be a lot less desperate and a lot more comfortable than most other beneficiaries. Of course this raised the curiosity of the MSM and increased the intensity of their investigations and thus Turei’s discomfort of being in the firing line.

          • Draco T Bastard

            So she choose to put herself and her family in the firing line; for political gain.

            Typical RWNJ. Don’t like the truth so find some way to minimise it. Say that it was done for money or political gain so as to dismiss the truth that they fear.

            It became worse for her when the circumstantial evidence started to reveal that, whilst no doubt tough, her life as a beneficiary appeared to be a lot less desperate and a lot more comfortable than most other beneficiaries.

            You don’t know that.

            Of course this raised the curiosity of the MSM and increased the intensity of their investigations and thus Turei’s discomfort of being in the firing line.

            Except that doesn’t happen to the old white folks in National. So why did it happen to Metiria?

            • Grantoc

              You’re in denial Draco; or else you’re looking at this with rose tinted glasses.

              Turei herself said that she raised this issue in the way that she did for political reasons – to initiate a conversation on poverty; to increase Green party support; both of which happened. And thats fine; she’s a politician and its a legitimate strategy. Of course she did it for political reasons. Its naive to suggest otherwise.

              But if you put yourself as the centre piece in such a strategy of course you’re going to come under the spotlight and into the firing line. Its naive to think otherwise. Shaw said something similar yesterday.

              To your final point; its happening right now to English re the Barclay affair. See other columns on this blog.

              • Robert Guyton

                English raised the Barclay issue “for political reasons”, Grantoc?

              • It’s your dismal of the issue through saying that it was only done for political gain that is the issue as it dismisses the very real issue that our society purposefully impoverishes a section of our community and then punishes them for what society did that is the problem.

                To your final point; its happening right now to English re the Barclay affair.

                No it’s not. If it was English would have resigned weeks or years ago. Key would never have got away with his 400+ lies.

                What should have happened is a discussion of how appallingly we treat the poor after pushing them into poverty. Instead we got attack politics against the person who raised the issue and all because we don’t want to face the fact that we’re acting in an inhumane way.

          • Psycho Milt

            …her life as a beneficiary appeared to be a lot less desperate and a lot more comfortable than most other beneficiaries.

            Even if that were true, the obvious response “Gee, maybe we should do something to make those other beneficiaries less desperate” is the last one that springs to a right-winger’s mind, swamped as it is by bigotry.

          • Incognito

            Of course this raised the curiosity of the MSM and increased the intensity of their investigations and thus Turei’s discomfort of being in the firing line.

            They were like a school of starved piranhas smelling blood in their frenzied attack.

            There was absolutely no balance, no fairness, no attention to the back-story, which was arguable the more important one. They completely failed to do their jobs and were driven by pure animal instincts.

            Metiria Turia used her personal experiences to highlight the plight of many, which was completely ignored, to start a debate. Using personal experiences gives you some degree of authenticity and authority even or you will be decried a hypocrite or similar.

            Anybody with a reasonable IQ and EQ would realise these things unless it does not fit their personal agenda …

            • Grantoc

              You’re getting a little carried away Incognito.

              It was the media’s attention on getting the back story that prompted her resignation. I believe she resigned shortly after John Campbell (a bit ironical really – he’s hardly one of the “starved piranhas smelling blood in a frenzied attack” as you flamboyantly state) put several questions to her specifically relating to her back story that she decided not to answer and instead resigned.

              As I said earlier its a legitimate political strategy to use personal experience to make a point. But if you do so, you have to expect that to be scrutinised.

      • mauī 1.3.4

        Leader of a major party for 8 years, 15 years in Parliament and made the selfless act to put her career on the line for her constituents. All round legend.

    • RedLogix 1.4

      I was making a parallel with Colin Moyle.

      The Nats were so loudly smug when they got his scalp, but it wasn’t so many years later when perceptions changed 180 deg.

      • ScottGN 1.4.1

        They fought Fran Wilde and her bill tooth and nail in 1984 too RedLogix which is why I’ll never, ever vote for them.

    • infused 1.5

      She came across as an idiot on twitter.

    • patricia bremner 1.6

      We need to vote Green to show we care for the poor.

  1. Carolyn_nth 2

    Up on Scoop re NZer of the Year 2018

    The New Zealander of the Year Awards office is pleased to provide the following nominations update for the 2018 New Zealander of the Year Awards.

    • 41 people have been nominated for the 2018 New Zealander of the Year title.
    • There has been a surge in nominations for former Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei since her resignation.
    • Other nominated New Zealanders for 2018 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year include:
    o Peter Burling – Team New Zealand helmsman
    o Mark Dunajtschik – Wellington Children’s Hospital benefactor
    o Nicky Hager – author


  2. Anne 3

    Picked up this from Checkpoint. Fascinating. It appears both Glenys Dickson and Stuart Davies of Barclay Affair fame are now members of another political party. Would that be NZ First? If so, then it is highly likely Winston Peters does have copies of the 450 texts English sent to Dickson around 18 months ago.


    The segment begins at 4:28 mins.

  3. Carolyn_nth 4

    I like Trotter’s #AvengeMetiria piece.

    But just don’t think “avenge” is the right word for the lead she has taken to make a better social security system and end poverty.

  4. Mrs Brillo 5

    I see Stuff is running a spirited defence of Mike Hosking written by none other than Bill Ralston.
    The shills are alive, with the sound of schmoozing…..

  5. Sabine 6

    so with all the petitions going on i might add mine.

    so if yer keen, i would like to get Winz to offer toilet access for its clients as it just seems cruel and unusual punishment not to do so.
    I mean i can’t even bend my mind around that a Governmental agency does not have accessible toilets for the people waiting to be seen. Is that actually legal?

    so yeah, feel free to sign.


    • Nice , Sabine ,- I signed and also left a comment about why there also no facility’s for young mothers to be able to breastfeed /change nappy’s etc.

      Its time we as New Zealanders took back our dignity and said F@%K National and all their bullshit.

  6. swordfish 7

    Newshub poll: Women key driver behind Jacinda Ardern’s surge

    Intending Lab Voters = 63% are Women / 37% Men
    Intending Nat Voters = 46% are Women / 54% Men

    Under Little
    Intending Lab Voters = 55% are Women / 45% Men

    So, Labour’s support massively expands and becomes more female at the same time.


    I did a few quick calculations based on these Newshub figures & they suggest to me that Women have moved from:

    (1) strongly preferring the Nats over Labour a month ago (albeit with L+G roughly neck-and-neck with the Right among women voters pre-Jacinda)

    … to …

    (2) now, under Cindy Ardern’s leadership, being pretty evenly split between the 2 major Parties (though slightly favouring Labour) and very clearly preferring L+G over the Right.

    Men, meanwhile still strongly favour the Nats over Lab (though to a somewhat lesser extent than in the previous 2 Elections).

    Upshot: The Gender Gap burns brighter than ever. And as an unusually good-looking white heterosexual middle-aged Male … I’m in a decided minority in my political preferences.
