Daily review 11/08/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 11th, 2021 - 12 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

12 comments on “Daily review 11/08/2021 ”

  1. joe90 1

    If I ever look up and see a space billboard I'm going to join John Conner and co.


  2. Patricia Bremner 2

    Like we need that!! *^!##**angry

  3. aj 3

    Troy Bowker

    Might have guessed….from Linkden….

    Executive Chairman at Caniwi Capital Partners.


    Troy Bowker established Caniwi Capital Partners in 2008 on his return to New Zealand after 11 years in London and New York, where he worked as an investment banker. Troy holds the position of Executive Chairman of the Group and leads the executive team and the board of directors.

    After graduating from University, Troy spent 4 years with Ernst and Young in Auckland, Sydney and London as an international tax specialist prior to embarking on a career in investment banking where he had a decade in senior investment banking positions in London and New York. Troy held positions with Lehman Brothers, Swiss Re Capital Markets and was most recently Managing Director and UK Head Structured Finance and US Head of Asset Finance for HSBC Bank plc.

    Troy holds a Bachelor of Management Studies (Honours) and a Masters Degree in Tax Policy and Economics (Honours) from Auckland University. In addition, he is a New Zealand qualified Chartered Accountant and a registered investment and derivatives adviser with the UK Financial Services Authority.

  4. I Feel Love 4

    The petition to reinstate the Churchill portrait by National is not a joke???

  5. Ad 6

    Pretty weird that after the intensive round-table hosted by Minister Woods with Transpower, Electricity Authority and key generators, there's not even a written statement released at the end of the day.

    It cannot surely be the case that this government will simply allow Transpower to just apologise, and Genesis and Mercury to just offer $50 bucks credit on accounts of people who can show they were cut off. Is this really the ping for major market failure?

    The Minister has confirmed the shut-down was preventable but has not yet shown how it actually will be preventable in future.

    If as Minister Woods says the extent of the state's power is simply to keep asking questions, the better question for us is simply: what the fuck is this government doing about it?

  6. Muttonbird 8

    I think this was the very worst day for Judith Collins in her whole career. She got very upset about a Winston Churchill painting in the middle of a pandemic.

    Juco has no radar, political or oherwise.

    • mary_a 8.1

      @ Muttonbird (8) … Oh well, that explains why Judith Collins and National find keeping abreast with 21 Century NZ somewhat challenging, wanting to hang on to a portrait of Winston Churchill. Is it any wonder National is disintegrating down the dark hole back to Churchill's world of imperialism, tyranny and war?