Daily Review 13/06/2018

Written By: - Date published: 6:10 pm, June 13th, 2018 - 46 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

46 comments on “Daily Review 13/06/2018 ”

  1. Tamati Tautuhi 1

    Seeing as I have suffered abuse from all directions today re The Official Trolling Register and with regards to our Daily Daisycutter Sports Inc Pick Six Competition, I am suggesting I get recommendations from other members who should be/or should not be on the list or in the Pick Six Competition.

    I have had abuse and smart comments from people who are on the list and from people who are pissed off who think that they should be on the list. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated ?

    • James 1.1

      I think you will find most of the comments too you were more about you using terms like “sucking cock”.

      But hey If you are happy marking this a less comfortable space and trying to drive people away – you are on the right track.

      • In Vino 1.1.1

        Warning – the two trolls above played havoc on Open mike, and are now trying the same thing here. Don’t feed either of them.

        • James

          So what are your views as using cock sucking as an insult on here ?

          Do you think it’s appropiate ?

          Pulling people up for shit like that isn’t trolling.

        • Ed

          James needs to get back to butchering animals and gorging on them with his friends.

          • James

            Doing that Saturday Ed as we have friends coming for a bbq and all blacks game. Lamb on a spit.


            You can sit at home alone sucking on a lettuce leaf.

  2. Anne 2

    I originally put this link on the ‘This is a China Play” post but really…


    I’m still laughing.

  3. Carolyn_Nth 3

    RNZ reports, with respect to the Eugenie Sage granting an extension of water bottling rights to a foreign company:

    The application satisfied the criteria set out in the Overseas Investment Act, she said.

    “It was using the criteria in the Act … if there is a substantial and identifiable benefit for New Zealanders … then the decision must be granted.”…

    On Twitter, former Green MP Sue Bradford called the decision a “betrayal” and a “sad day for Green voters”.

    The Greens campaigned last election on banning new water bottling consents and putting a charge on water exports.

    Ms Sage said the government included special enforcement conditions to ensure the company did provide its promised 60 jobs for New Zealanders.

    Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson said the decision went against Green Party kaupapa and policy.

    But she said the minister was constrained by a flawed Act.

    “It was always going to be hard … but we will continue to uphold our kaupapa on this while also understand the constraints of the minister.”

    Senior Green MP Julie Anne Genter said the problem lay with the law – not with the minister or the party.

    “That’s why it’s important for us to be in government – so we can change the law.”

    Ms Sage said a review of the Overseas Investment Act is on the government’s agenda.

    • Ad 3.1

      Great to see a Green Party Minister getting blooded into hard calls.
      Nuff respec

    • alwyn 3.2

      “Ms Sage said a review of the Overseas Investment Act is on the government’s agenda.”.
      Did she say whether Winston is going to allow time to be spent on it?
      Let’s face it. If it isn’t being supported by Tsar Winston it isn’t ever going to rise out of the rubbish on the floor. Did she give a date for this review?

      • Craig H 3.2.1

        Maybe not, but I suggest this will be one area Winston is well on board with.

  4. Grey Area 4

    Maybe a hard call but the wrong decision. How is a possible 60 jobs in four years time “substantial and identifiable benefit for New Zealanders”?

    • Barfly 4.1

      Where the fuk is the levy on bottled water??

      • James 4.1.1

        They only said that before the election – they didn’t really mean it.

        • Ed

          How would you solve the issue of climate change?

          • solkta

            Yes, we would have that sorted if we could just stop bottled water.

            • Ed

              Are you capable of a serious political discussion or is trivial sneering the only way you can contribute?

              • solkta

                We are discussing bottled water and so you ask James how he would “solve” climate change. How is that “serious political discussion”?

                Also, simply pasting links to videos is not discussion either.

          • Richard McGrath

            Virtue signalling seems to be the favoured approach currently.

        • Grey Area

          A levy on bottled water remains Green Party policy. You do realise that as just one part of a coalition government they don’t get everything they want?

        • Draco T Bastard

          The Greens meant it then and they still mean it. NZ1st is against it and so it doesn’t get to go through parliament.

          As I suspect that you knew.

      • Richard McGrath 4.1.2

        A levy that would discourage people from drinking water and encourage them to consider other options such as Coca-Cola?

  5. Trump manages to do what over 50 years of American foreign policy never could and you grizzler’s whine about the colour of his hair…

    What a pack of party poopers… you should be like this for peace instead:

    “I Could Have Danced All Night” – Audrey Hepburn, “My Fair Lady …
    Video for i could have danced all night▶ 4:06

  6. Still , I identify more with Lee Marvin … totally …

    Mud can make you prisoner, and the plains can bake you dry
    Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry
    Home is made for coming from, for dreams of going to
    Which with any luck will never come true

    Do I know where hell is? Hell is in “hello”
    Heaven is goodbye forever, it’s time for me to go…

    All right , all right ,… I can understand you now… just stop being so damn grumpy.

    Lee Marvin I was born under a Wandering Star remastered – YouTube

    • A lot of foreign money also lives on the North Shore these days… don’t discount that element either ,- lest we elevate all Pakeha as inherent racists.

      Speaking of which , I sent this brilliant and epic vid to a friend in America, ( foolish move ) to which he replied,… ‘ don’t you ever send me a link like that again with all those monkeys ‘…

      Suffice to say ,… that shitheaded fuckers off the list now as well.

      I’m proud of this vid. 16 year old musicians , with a magnificent energy driven power message of some brutal aspects of the Musket wars… brilliant video.

      ALIEN WEAPONRY – Kai Tangata (Official Video) | Napalm Records …
      Video for alien technology kai tangata▶ 7:17

      • AsleepWhileWalking 7.1.1

        Intense stuff. I like how it conveyed the power of elements + wairua.

    • Alan 7.2

      Ed, King of the sweeping generalization strikes again.

      You live on the North Shore Ed?
      You ever visit the North Shore Ed?
      Do you have any idea how diverse the North Shore is Ed?

      Don’t hold back from those sweeping generalizations Ed, they are hilarious

      • Ed 7.2.1

        Did you read the article??

        “Ani McGahan, from the University of Auckland, interviewed more than a dozen Māori and spoke to many more from affluent suburbs for her masters research.
        Of those she has spoken to some said they were made fun of for doing kapa haka, given strange looks for speaking Māori, called names, followed at shops and pulled over multiple times while driving their parent’s car.”

        And the East Coast result.


      • WILD KATIPO 7.2.2

        Hang on , there’s fair comment in what ED says,…

        What we are observing is in fact a form of white flight,… we have the same form happening in the eastern areas of the city of Auckland… however , the point is ,… even that is now being superseded by a new immigrant monied class with cash to burn …or more importantly , cash to buy up our lands…

        So what we are really dealing with is a class faction ,.. one that views success and any threats to that success as in need of ostracization , and marginalization at any cost to protect their assets…and antagonistic to their bid for future building of the family empire.

        The root cause of it is insecurity and the relinquishing of power… coupled with greed.

        Much of which can be solved by empowering working people with a LIVING WAGE.

        And THAT ,… is where the rubber hits the road.

        Right there.

        And until this country wises up and admits it,… we will always have this tired old boring argument. And the inherent and easily politically motivated and manipulated finger pointing.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 7.3

      Thanks Ed.

      Pretty shocking. I wonder to what extent the rapid immigration has influenced this

      • Ed 7.3.1

        Rapid immigration from white South Africans.

        By people happy to live there when apartheid rules the waves and the servants bowed and curtseyed.

        But not so happy after Mandela was freed and white rule terminated.

        And we let these racists in.

        • WILD KATIPO

          But lets not forget that several years ago a political party was operating out of the North Shore that had its financial backings traced back to Beijing .

          It was promptly disbanded when it was exposed.

          And we also are one of the only country’s in the world that allows residents to have the vote. And can we really believe that members of the Chinese communist party DOESN’T have their ‘monitors’ keeping an eye on all these Chinese students when the National party has an alleged Chinese spy as an ACTUAL MP ?!!?

          No wonder Judith feels qualified to sound off.

          Orivida has never been so secure.

        • Richard McGrath

          So all white South Africans are racist, are they, Ed? I guess you’d like Julius Malema and his catchy chant “Kill the farmer, kill the Boer”.

  7. Tamati Tautuhi 8

    Have we had any active trolls today for our morning result sheet ?

    • … ‘ During the infamous 1932-33 Bodyline cricket series, Neo Liberal captain, Roger Douglas , walked into the New Zealand dressing room to complain about being called a bastard. A New Zealand cricketer supposedly asked his team: “Which one of you bastards called this RWNJ bastard a bastard?…

      They cant hack it , mate.

      They’re screwed.

  8. Oh , totally unrelated to the majority of the subject at hand but still relevant to the skulduggery of the National party regarding its meth scam lurk and then billing the poor with unpayable amounts instead of compensating them for their losses is THIS:

    It is so good in its tongue in cheek manner displaying the fact that these drugs are nothing new under the sun but are in fact , old hat… that I may add it to my favorites.

    Minus the harlotry of course , which doesn’t particularly tinkle my bells in any way.

    So anyways , here it is. Hosted of course by none other than David Carradine of Kill Bill fame…

    Wild West: Vices (Documentary) – YouTube
    Video for vices of the old west youtube▶ 44:29

    • Tamati Tautuhi 9.1

      WP you will be in the shit putting stuff like this on te Standard, you will upset some of the purists who visit this site.

  9. Oh ,… and in case your wondering who the NZ woman was that rescued those young Chinese woman from such disgusting and despicable treatments ?

    It was this woman:

    Donaldina Cameron – Wikipedia

  10. Tamati Tautuhi 11

    WP yep it’s been going on for a while now.