Daily review 22/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 22nd, 2024 - 7 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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7 comments on “Daily review 22/10/2024 ”

  1. weston 1

    As groups of extremely racist killer jews also known as Zionists rampage around the middle east sometimes in IDF uniforms and sometimes not , different kinds of battles are being fought on home fronts on campuses within universities on the streets in the form of widespread protests in solidarity with the Palestinian cause and especially online .

    While mainstream liberal and conservative thinking cringes in supplication to the threat of being labeled " antisemitic " and thereby allowing Israel to dictate the narrative ; however false that narrative may be ; the fight back against the lies just continues to grow in intensity with new channels springing up like mushrooms every day .

    One of these channels called' Colonial Outcasts' turned up in my feed the other day .Run by a guy called Greg Stoker whos an Afghan vet from USA who usually talks to other vets about various conflicts around the world .This guy knows his subject and even manages to extract some humour without compromising the seriousness of whats happening .

  2. SPC 2

    Not every ones taste, the woke critical comedian from Moscow, parses the ME with some Triggernometry.

    • weston 2.1

      I guess this guy got his robotic delivery and pityless demeanour from slitting endless chicken necks at processing factory every day for his whole life .cant imagine what else could have destroyed the human in him .

  3. joe90 3

    Look, over there….Tory Whanau..



    #Breaking: Select Committee report on fast-track has been released, and govt is making no more meaningful changes to the bill. The report shows 93% opposed the bill, and 3/4 of submittors who asked to be heard were denied permission. The fast-track bill is rotten to the core.


    Greenpeace says the Government’s move to remove local government power to protect fresh water is an underhanded overreach that undermines democracy and puts vital fresh water at risk.

    The Government has signalled that it will introduce an amendment to the Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill to prevent local councils from notifying their freshwater plans until the Government replaces the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management.


    • joe90 3.1

      Otago Regional Councillor.


      Govt have moved an underhanded amendment this afternoon to stop us notifying our land and water plan! They plan on having this through parliament today, after less than a few hours in the public eye. Our meeting to notify was supposed to be tomorrow.


      • tWig 3.1.1

        The ODT reports that its apparently it's a retroactive amendment passed today that comes into effect yesterday.

        According to councillors, the sole aim of the retroactivity is to block the Otago District Council (due to publish today) and other councils from notifying their freshwater plans ahead of any government plans.

        Minister Todd MClay said

        ' "By delaying plan notifications, we are providing certainty to farmers, that their planning efforts will be in sync with national direction."

        ' Cr Elliot Weir said "to try and get this through the house with barely a few hours in the public eye, on the eve of our decision, certainly makes their agenda seem pretty clear in that regard".

        ' "There is zero justification for this underhanded amendment other than the fact they don't like our plan and the (honestly largely milquetoast) protections for the environment contained within.

        ' "This government is developing a worrying habit of this government obstructing democratic processes when they don't get their way."

        Or rather, obstructing democratic processes TO get their way. A corrupt political manouvre.

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