Daily Review 22/08/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 22nd, 2017 - 42 comments
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42 comments on “Daily Review 22/08/2017 ”

  1. weka 1

    “Sharon Murdoch‏ @domesticanimal

    Like lipstick on a pig. Some #TOP make-up advice. Unused #cartoon.”


  2. Ad 2

    TOP is inching into consistent publicity.
    Vital oxygen in this last 5 weeks.

    4% is possible. Even …..

    ….. NZ may need to get ready for TOP in parliament.

  3. Tamati Tautuhi 3

    He’s learn’t a lot from following the Trump Circus, the next 4 weeks are going to be very entertaining if the American Election was any thing to go by, the Kat Killer is winding things up big time.

    • Carolyn_nth 3.1

      I’d rather just ignore the guy. Our democracy could do without such big ego, shock jock attention getters.

  4. Robert Guyton 4

    “MVernon Small
    Just for the record I checked back on The Opportunities Party result in the UMR Research poll last weekend – the one that was reported as having TOPs at 4 per cent. I was assured it was in fact 3.5%. So I guess people were doing a spot of Swedish rounding. You might even say, putting a spot of lipstick on it.”

    Kia hiwa ra kia hiwa ra e hoa ma!

  5. repateet 5

    Do we have a CEO for NZ, a President or is it a dictatorship? I heard in the background P Gower ask “What is Arden’s agenda?” as if she has the ideas, she makes the plans up and whatever happens is her agenda. I thought we had political parties who formulated agendas.

    • Carolyn_nth 5.1

      Ardern did say on RNZ this morning that she was going to take a slightly different position from Little on CGT – ie not rule it out in her 1st term in government.

      So, presumably, she takes the party advice, and makes some decisions of her own – our her immediate team does.

  6. Robert Guyton 6

    “The Prime Minister was interviewed by an NZME panel this morning. Among other things, he declined to rule out Winston Peters as Minister of Finance, despite saying “we certainly wouldn’t want Mr. Peters near monetary policy.”

    • Macro 6.1

      Well Robert – Bill should know! After all he has been M of F for since ever, and he didn’t seem to worry too much about such techo stuff as “monetary policy”! Good grief – what is it anyway? The punters don’t know – so as Alfred E Neuman so famously said “What me worry”. Most important thing to remember is lining one’s pockets.

  7. microbeads

    “The Beat the Microbead campaign website lists all microbead-containing products still available in New Zealand. Popular scrubs, shower gels and buffing creams by Clearasil, Elizabeth Arden, Natio, Sisley and Shiseido are among them.

    Microbeads are eaten by marine life and often cause death, and according to campaigners they are making their way onto our plates too.”



    Yep you will have no pimples and you get to eat some in your fish with dinner. But don’t stop using them yet please the cosmetic companies won’t make as much profit boo hoo

    • Carolyn_nth 7.1

      I’m trying to lessen the plastic in my life – lunch paper and paper bags for my sandwiches. Looking for strong brown paper bags for small amounts of rubbish. Do the plastic compostable bags actually decompose? And why are there ones smaller than the small size.

      Using home made honey + squeezed lemon for face wash – but why does cheaper honey only come in plastic containers these days?

      • lunch paper and paper bags for my sandwiches.

        I use a reusable plastic container that just needs a washout and, when it reaches the end of its life, can be recycled. IMO, this is more likely to keep the trees growing than using paper.

        See, the problem isn’t the plastic so much but how we dispose of it.

        Do the plastic compostable bags actually decompose?

        Probably not and the damage that they do before hand means that they should simply be banned anyway,

      • weka 7.1.3

        “Do the plastic compostable bags actually decompose?”

        It depends. Most of the ones available are degradable not biodegradable. This means that the plastic will break down into tiny pieces but you couldn’t for instance put it in your compost bin and expect it to break down like paper does. Afaik it can’t be recycled with ordinary plastics either.

        Best way to deal with plastic pollution is to stop using it as much as possible. Second best is reusable plastic that can also be recycled. Most of my plastic comes from packaging, I don’t buy plastic bags but repurpose ones that have come from something else.

        • Carolyn_nth

          Actually, the bags I bought yesterday from the organic shop, says they have no plastic in them and are made from corn starch – claim to be compostable domestically or commercially.

          • weka

            yeah that might be right. Lots of bioplastic needs a commercial composter, but there are some around that can be done at home. Worth experimenting to see what they mean. Did they use the word ‘compostable’?

            • Carolyn_nth

              Yes – says compostable, commercial and domestic. I haver read online they can damage the environment in other ways e.g. acidity.

    • Ad 7.2

      I swear by Dr Hauschka and Aesop if you’re looking for source reliability.

    • It’s only laws that we’ve agreed to that are stopping sooner ban of them.

      I’m more concerned with the idiots who thought putting them in facial cleansers would be a good idea.

  8. gsays 8

    I must admit feeling a little disgusted listening to the news and checkpoint today from my sickbed (pesky kids and their lurgee).

    Stephen Joyce waggling tax cuts, while DHBs are underfunded to the tune of 100s of million$, mental health sector screaming for more money, and vital services having their funding removed.

    Meanwhile in a rape trial, harrowing stories from inside a double bunked prison. Partly to do with Ms Collins and her desire to not spend money.
    But, you know.. surplus…

    We need to be rid of this mob in September.

  9. adam 9

    It’s been a while in the making, but the right in the USA are now in open warfare with themselves.


    Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.

    My only hope is the that warfare will spill to here. If you look you can see the cracks, losing the election like they are going to – may just make it break out into the open.

    Rumor I heard today. Many inside national are not happy with the deputy leader of national. That her being M.I.A, and not liked by the electorate is showing up in internal polling.

  10. In Vino 10

    Amusing sideline.. Came back inside from frost-protecting my car, and 7 Sharp were doing a literacy test. Didn’t switch instantly to another channel, because I am a language teacher. 3rd question – 3 sentences (participants asked to find the one with the mistake). I happened to look from bottom up. 3rd sentence wrong because of extra unneeded speech marks at very end. 1st sentence wrong because of missing full stop. Only one sentence was meant to be wrong. Only 2nd sentence was correct. D’uh? 2 wrong sentences??
    People asked picked the missing full stop (wow!!) in 1st sentence, but the extra unneeded speech marks on 3rd sentence went unnoticed. Probably because they read from top down.
    Bloody 7Blunt are incapable of making a decent literacy test! 2 of those sentences were wrong. The third sentence clearly has incorrect speech marks at the very end.
    7Sharp cannot even make up a simple literacy test correctly..
    Does that tell us something about them?
    (I switched to another channel straight afterwards, but when I started writing this I went online to check the replay. All true.)
    The illiterate presuming to judge the semi-literate?
    Just re-checked – the question is “Which of these sentences is wrong?” Singular. 2 of them are.
    7 Sharp literacy? Yeah, right.

  11. interesting polls on Māori TV – a red wash they say – I still like my ‘red election’ line better 🙂 but I’m going to let it go now…

    “Māori Television’s first election poll reveals Jacinda Ardern soaring ahead as the preferred Prime Minister with Māori voters.

    The poll was taken 1 August – 17 August 2017, after Ardern was made leader of Labour.

    It places Ardern well ahead with 42.2% support among the seven Māori electorates as preferred Prime Minister. ”

    “The poll, conducted by Reid Research, sampled more than 1354 voters in the seven Māori electorates.”


    This momentum cannot be countered imo

    • Craig H 11.1

      Nice results for Labour there. The 17.5% for the Maori Party equates to 1.21% of all votes based on the electoral roll as at 31 July. Add in some general roll votes as well and Flavell retaining, and that should be at least 2 seats again.

      • marty mars 11.1.1

        I think The Māori Party must be scared of the Labour surge – they’d be fools not to be. I think it will take a hell of a lot for them to retain any Māori seats – I am unsure if I’m happy or sad about that. On one hand as a supporter of that Party and a voter for them initially I had so much hope for their mahi – and it just hasn’t happened and their governance with the gnats – so ugly, so not tika imo – and I still can’t smile about the Labour Māori MP’s – probably never be able to. So go or stay Māori Party – both options are disappointing to me.

        • lprent

          Hey Marty, there is a third alternative – drop off the Māori roll next census 😈

          Ok, now that we have caused the shock of an even more unpalatable option. That hopefully induced a shift in your sense of scale.

          Basically if you want to retain the Maori seats, then I suspect you’ll have to keep working on the parties who present viable candidates and keep its roll numbers up. Pretty much just MP, Lab, NZF , and Mana. Only two of which have sitting members.

          The Māori party’s only really effective feature as far as I can see (I have always been somewhat sceptical about them) was that it did cause upwards shifts over the last decade and bit in the levels of voters in that roll. Hard to tell because of that missed census.

          But what has been interesting politically in recent years has been the levels of increasing cohesion in the Māori Labour MPs.

          But really the issue is how much do you support the separate roll? Personally I think it is a good idea – probably just needs work to stop electing some rather boring conservatives.

          • marty mars

            ha – yep I’ve thought and are thinking about it – it took a lot to change to that roll – I had to really decide that that was the best way to show my support for it and those seats.

            I had a two tick plan for the Greens – may still even give the two to them.

            Like many – some thinking to do.

            May be some big changes in a few parties after this election so best to sit and wait methinks…

            reminds me of this poem I wrote

            “Little eyes

            I am examined
            little eyes watch
            as I remember
            an untidy day
            closer to a settled
            bird with spear
            coiled and club,
            always club.
            I am examined”

            • lprent

              Fortunately with MMP the electoral seats are of less importance.

              But I’d still like to have some occupational electorate rolls. A geek roll for instance..

              • Andre

                I’d just like the threshold for party representation to be reduced to 0.8% or so. Then we could get a geek party in parliament, along with a whole bunch of other fringe types whose voices still deserve to be heard.

              • Imagine the arguments to get on those rolls – ok then PROVE you’re a geek cos you don’t look like one – wheres your pen protector for instance?

  12. peterlepaysan 12

    Just to annoy everyone, a month or so out from the election my guess is a labour/green/top coalition ahead of a nactpeters one.

    • Anne 12.1

      Actually after watching the debate on Maori television that combination could work out quite well. I think….

    • mikesh 12.2

      With his PhD in Economics, Morgan would probably be by far and away parliament´s best qualified person for the Finance role. Streets ahead of that silly old duffer, Grant Robertson.

  13. patricia bremner 13

    Tonight I went on Tamati Coffey’s Facebook page, and watched a video of Stewart Nash making an announcement re the use of wood as a sustainable material.
    A new centre will be established in ROTORUA on the old F.R.I. site.
    Such excellent news for the region.

    • Eco maori 13.1

      I don’t think that the jobs will go to the people that need the jobs the most. Like the people in Ford block