Daily review 23/03/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, March 23rd, 2023 - 19 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

19 comments on “Daily review 23/03/2023 ”

    • Mac1 1.1

      Read the body language of the two listening at the end of the clip. First of all, both nod and then Bishop goes back to furrowed brow while Luxon looks into the middle distance. Read it as you will!

      • Anne 1.1.1

        Watched the clip a few moments ago before tuning into TS so hadn't seen your comment Mac1. My reaction was identical. In a matter of two seconds Bishop went from being in full agreement to a "what the shit" reaction.

      • Phillip ure 1.1.2

        The more you watch it..the funnier it is..
        And ‘finger in the wind’ has to gain immediate entry to the political zeitgeist/dialogue..

        • Anne

          What the teachers should do is go outside (seemingly in the middle of nowhere) and have themselves filmed lavishly licking their forefingers and sticking them up in the air.

          Nothing like a bit of humour to show up a silly claim.

          • Mac1

            When I was a boy flying a kite, I used to wet my finger and put it in the air to see which way the wind was blowing.

            Methinks we see here a version being flown in a political playground- to the song from Mary Poppins. "With tuppence for paper and strings
            You can have your own set of wings
            With your feet on the ground
            You're a bird in flight
            With your fist holding tight
            To the string of your kite

            Let's go fly a kite
            Up to the highest height
            Let's go fly a kite."

            National- tuppence for paper and strings…..

    • observer 1.2

      The policy doesn't really matter. It's the usual collection of slogans.

      What matters is getting Luxon on the TV news (and he led both 6 pm broadcasts tonight). Especially with kids, that only doubles the cringe factor.

      He only goes up in the polls when he's not seen or heard. In the campaign proper, he'll be on every night.

    • Peter 1.3

      Way to go Christopher! Put a cretin in charge of education. Hell, the auditions to pick who got the job must've been fun. Wonder how close Maureen Pugh came to getting it.

      One thing I suppose, when they're in after the election they can get Marjorie Taylor Greene into the country as an international guru of education to help them.

  1. observer 4

    Who in the MSM says women should not be allowed to speak?

    • Anker 4.1

      That is a reasonable question observer. I think that what I should have said is Racheal Smalley is one of the few in the Msm who is saying Let women speak should go ahead.

      This is what she says from the link above about Green MP Ricardo Mendendez-March.

      "And somehow, in all of this, we have found ourselves in the extraordinary situation where men like Green MP Ricardo Menendez-March are telling women they cannot speak about concerns for their personal safety, or have a voice at this table".

    • Shanreagh 4.2

      I guess it depends on what you call MSM.

      The Twitter waves seem to be uniformly anti Let Women Speak or Speak up for Women.

      Including some left wing men that I have followed for ever and a day.

      The anti Women tropes are highly magnified there and it makes concerning reading.

      I have found a few pro women speakers to huddle with.