Daily Review 27/02/2018

Written By: - Date published: 6:08 pm, February 27th, 2018 - 38 comments
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38 comments on “Daily Review 27/02/2018 ”

  1. One Anonymous Bloke 1

    Second year in a row for an astonishing temperature anomaly in the Arctic. Another feedback (albedo) on top of the methane from permafrost.

    Makes Brylcreem and Bennett somewhat irrelevant.

  2. Carolyn_Nth 2

    Now we need to talk more about the Arctic.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 2.1

      *snap* 🙂

      • Carolyn_Nth 2.1.1

        Heh. Well, clearly it must be an important topic, as we both were thinking about it around the same time.

        A link:

        Overall, Earth is warming at a rapid pace — 2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years on record — and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as anyplace else on Earth, NOAA recently reported on its website. This raises unique challenges for not only Arctic wildlife but also indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive, including more than 40,000 people who inhabit the Alaska coastline, according to the NOAA report.

        “A destabilization of the dynamics around the North Pole may lead to more extreme winter weather variations in the northern mid-latitudes and further accelerate the decline of Arctic sea ice.”

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Arrhenius predicted that the poles would warm most, that winter would warm more than summer, and that the Arctic would warm more than the Antarctic. I don’t think he predicted a 20° seasonal anomaly though. From the reports, I’m not sure any global circulation model has predicted it either, even with the increasing resolution available as computing power increases.

          Watching and learning.

        • Pat

          This para must surely be ringing alarm bells..

          “previously, climate forecasts predicted that Arctic ice would disappear entirely by around 2060, Overland told Live Science. But based on what scientists are seeing now, the Arctic may be facing an ice-free future decades sooner than expected”

    • patricia bremner 2.2

      And the causes of climate change and what we should do.

  3. joe90 3

    I guess non-proliferation requirements banning enrichment that could produce weapons are for other countries.

    Energy Secretary Rick Perry will travel to London to discuss nuclear energy with officials from Saudi Arabia on Friday as the Trump administration pursues a deal to build reactors in the kingdom, according to two people familiar with the plans.

    Perry scrapped a trip to New Delhi to accommodate meetings at the White House this week, creating an opening for him to lead an inter-agency delegation to London, said the people, who asked not to be named to discuss administration strategy.

    The administration is considering permitting Saudi Arabia to enrich and reprocess uranium as part of a deal that would allow Westinghouse Electric Co. and other American companies to build nuclear reactors in the Middle East kingdom.

    The meetings in London between Perry and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy and Industry Khalid Bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih are seen as a critical step in months of ongoing discussions over a potential nuclear cooperation agreement, bringing together key deal makers from each country.

    Some American agreements with other countries have prohibited the enrichment and reprocessing of uranium in exchange for the use of nuclear technology, and that had scuttled negotiations for Saudi projects during the Obama administration.


    • One Anonymous Bloke 3.1

      What could possibly go wrong?

      • greywarshark 3.1.1

        Don’t they have a lot of sun there? And its reactor is so far out in space that we have some protection.

        I’ve just read a book about the aftermath of the Japanese people bombed at the end of WW2, and the difficulty of helping the ill who actually still found solace in seeing the concerned faces of nurses and doctors.

        I hope as time goes by you will all have a little network of people who are concerned about you and vice versa. Love in action from people. Corporations have distilled off all that and are left with the essence of modern humanity, not blood alone but blood money, a synergy that is very satisfactory to them and their attachees.

    • I guess non-proliferation requirements banning enrichment that could produce weapons are for other countries.

      That’s been obvious for a while now.

      The NPT allows for enrichment and developing a local nuclear industry but whenever a country that the US doesn’t like starts doing it the US uses the fear of nuclear weapons to shut them down.

  4. patricia bremner 4

    I see Helen is getting a message out about single use plastic bags etc.

    Good for her.

    When she was Minister of Health and proposed a “smoke free day” it was a wake up.

    Many, including myself, had to look at our habits and assumptions.

    For years when visiting, my first (cringe) request would be for an ashtray. Awful!!!

    I thought nothing of smoking while doing paperwork, before and after school, in my classroom.!!!.

    Then came my one and only New Years Resolution.

    Luckily, with that wake up and help from Nicotinel patches over 12 weeks, I gave up in 1990.

    If Helen makes us look at our plastic use and disposal, and changes us, it is all good.

    • Anne 4.1

      I gave up smoking in 2005 patricia but did it in a different way. I began in the late 1990s and slowly weaned myself off them. It started with 20 a day max which was reduced to 15 then 10 and finally down to less than five. By that point my addiction levels were so low I stopped buying them. By the time you get down to 5 a day it is simply a habit with a cup of tea or coffee and no longer an addiction. That makes it much easier to chuck the horrible habit without withdrawal symptoms. It helps if you change to low tar cigarettes in advance of beginning the ‘count-down’.

      This is for those who want to give up but can’t face the cold turkey method. 🙂

      • patricia bremner 4.1.1

        My husband was like you Anne. He just reduced then stopped. It took me two more years.

        I tried many ways including hypnosis, because I seldom got below 10. I was really addicted.

        The hypnotist could not put me under. He explained about the conscious and subconscious mind. I used delay, telling my conscious mind “wait 3 hours” when my subconscious gave me a prod.

        Gradually using that process I got to the ten or fewer a day on a regular basis.

        Meanwhile my Mother-in-law was prescribed patches for her angina. So, when I saw the nicotinel patches advertised on TV, I thought OK!!

        It worked. I did not have any cravings at all, and was so happy. Two days later I had half my clothes dry cleaned, and washed the rest, and lined all my drawers with scented paper.

        Sadly the actor who did the advert, did not use the product and died 5 years later. I am glad you were successful. So good for one’s health.

        • ianmac

          I just stopped forever one day. I had a deeply certain end in my brain and though my wife became a bit irritable, it was all over 35 years ago.

          • mac1

            27 February 2018 at 10:07 pm
            I was driving a tractor with a rotavator when I gave up. I threw the Rothmans packet over my shoulder, it went through the blades and the following worm-seeking seagulls ignored the tobacco, and so did I from that day- no withdrawal pangs, just a faint desire to roll a ciggie, but not to smoke it- forty years ago. Ooh, happy anniversary. Just calculated what I’ve saved at today’s prices……. $400,000!

            • ianmac

              I noticed the price of cigarettes in a dairy the other day. I said to the nice lady that I wished that I still smoked. She looked a bit bemused until I said that if I still smoked I could give up and look at all the money I would save. She didn’t get the point.

            • mauī

              lol Nice one Mac, best quitting story I’ve heard!

      • BM 4.1.2

        I gave up about 10 years ago.

        I just gave all my cards and money to my partner for about three weeks.

        It’s funny how your brain just accepts the situation that you can’t get smokes so the cravings just disappear.

        • fender

          So you had to give up buying anything and everything for about three weeks? Were you locked in the shed or something?

          • AB

            3 weeks at James’s place eating barbecued homekill? Charcoal, smoky meat, mmmmm

          • BM

            Worked from home, so no need to leave the house, helped stop that temptation to duck down to the shops and buy a pack.

            • mac1

              BM, five years before I gave up for good, I visited a Wellington friend and had a good meal with wine. I had been non-smoking for three months and thought I had given up for good. I decided a cigar would be a great way to finish the meal so nipped down to the corner dairy and bought a pack of three cigars. When I finished that cigar I was smoking again. At the cost of ciggies at the time I called that my $10,000 cigar.

              I hope I enjoyed it.

              Years later a colleague was struggling, having given up smoking. I gave him encouragement every day. One day was much worse for him, so I told him about the $10,000 cigar.

              A little later he came up to me and said. “Damn you, Mac1, and your $10,000 cigar. I was about to give in and light up when I remembered your story.

              “And didn’t.”

  5. patricia bremner 6

    Joe90, that is a total hoot. No I won’t “un-see it”.

  6. ianmac 7

    I just stopped forever one day. I had a deeply certain end in my brain and though my wife became a bit irritable, it was all over 35 years ago.

  7. fender 8

    That Barnaby is a good looking chap, no wonder his staff want his children.

  8. The Book on Ropata WahaWaha the search bar does not link you to this book so Im re linking it. Some people wanted to read it
