Daily Review 27/11/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:25 pm, November 27th, 2017 - 49 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

49 comments on “Daily Review 27/11/2017 ”

  1. McFlock 1

    lol definitely the finger of the year.

  2. Cinny 2

    Ohhh… first comment… in that case… Motueka is such an awesome town, love it here.

    Hope everyone has had a wonderful day as well 🙂

  3. eco maori 3

    Many thanks to Our world rugby union for the awards you bestowed OUR Great lady Rugby players this will inspire Alot of Lady’s to climb there ladder of life to even greater heights Ka pai

  4. JC 4

    The opposition says Labours planned boost to the student allowance, by $50 a week, makes it vulnerable to exploitation by people on the jobseeker benefit, speaks volumes …

    Good piece by Gordon Campbell on this if you haven’t already seen it …



    • Bill 4.1


      Pick up a whacking debt that will add 8% to deductions from your future wages for the sake of picking up $50 in lieu of an accommodation supplement of about $65 (Area 3).

      Makes so much sense.

      (I believe Campbell over-looked that small detail)

    • Muttonbird 4.2

      Campbell is a legend. He neatly shelves the bag-of-flour (Goldsmith) in the aisles of National party elitism.

      I was quoted by Gordon Campbell once during the flag referendum (or at least something I said was referred to by him). It is probably the highlight of my posting career.

      • JC 4.2.1


        “Can this really be Goldsmith’s prime concern about the new government’s efforts to make tertiary education affordable – namely, that the unwashed hordes will see in it only a loophole to exploit?”

        “Someday, as the spokesperson for tertiary education (rather than as the shadow spokesman for beneficiary bashing) Goldsmith should really, really try to come up with a positive policy in this area.”

        • greywarshark

          troughing with student allowance, opening up tax exile huts on White Island, there will be no end of the rorts that the cunning monkeys of the for-some-reason-non-working class will come up with under Labour. /sarc

  5. BM 5

    The Standard seems a bit directionless at the moment, almost as if it no longer has any purpose.
    Can’t see it surviving this parliamentary term, oh well nothing lasts forever, you had a good run, The Standard.

    • garibaldi 5.1

      At least National is going in the right direction…. down, down, down.

    • mickysavage 5.2

      Classic trolling there BM. Posts and hits stats are really good. And there needs to be a counter to the dross the right is dishing out right now.

      • BM 5.2.1

        Honestly MS I’ve been around pretty much from the get-go, The Standard’s raison d’etre has been a platform for angry lefties to rage against the national government.

        The Lefts now in power and it’s like all of NZ’s problems have been solved, poverty, homelessness, climate change, corporate TPPA takeovers, all seem to have been miraculously solved in the space of a month.

        What the role of The Standard going forward?

        • Andre

          If you thought lefties were angry at the Nats, wait til you see the furies from hell they summon when this government ends up being insufficiently left. Because the government will have to compromise towards the centre to be able to, y’know, govern.

        • weka

          personally, now the election is over I’m relieved to have the space to write about other things.

          Plus, you’re wrong. There’s always been non-parlimentary politics posts. Go have a look at the Front Page right now.

          Not sure what your problem is tbh.

          “The Lefts now in power and it’s like all of NZ’s problems have been solved, poverty, homelessness, climate change, corporate TPPA takeovers, all seem to have been miraculously solved in the space of a month.”

          Oh, that’s right, your problem is you’re still getting over National losing and can’t help but troll your disappointment out. FFS man, I’ve been here a long time too and I know you can do much better commentary than this.

        • mac1

          “So raise the scarlet Standard high,
          Beneath its shade we’ll live and die,
          Though cowards flinch and trolls do grinch,
          We’ll keep the red flag flying here.”

          It’s a bugger being on the Left. In power and we’ve got the best songs, too!

          • mac1

            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWzzvnPOyTM Dick Gaughan

            “The World Turned Upside Down” by Leon Rosselson

            In 1649 to St. George’s Hill,
            A ragged band they called The Diggers came to show the people’s will
            They defied the landlords, they defied the laws
            They were the dispossessed reclaiming what was theirs

            We come in peace, they said, to dig and sow
            We come to work the lands in common and to make the waste ground grow
            This earth divided we will make whole
            So it will be a common treasury for all

            The sin of property we do disdain
            No man has any right to buy and sell the earth for private gain
            By theft and murder they took the land
            Now everywhere the walls spring up at their command

            They make the laws to chain us well
            The clergy dazzle us with heaven or they damn us into hell
            We will not worship the God they serve
            The God of greed who feeds the rich while poor men starve

            We work, we eat together, we need no swords
            We will not bow to the masters or pay rent to the lords
            Still we are free men though we are poor
            You Diggers all stand up for glory, stand up now

          • weka

            “and we’ve got the best songs, too”

            We also have our own songs 😉

        • Bill

          The Standard has no “raison d’etre”. It’s a pile of code or summit.

        • marty mars

          Yeah fair enough bm. I’ve thought you haven’t had your heart in it for a while – just going through the motions. It’s hard to accept time is up, good on you for having the courage to know when your best days were well over. One more cuz bites the dust – mauriora.

        • mickysavage

          What the role of The Standard going forward?

          Good question. Holding this Government up to the high expectations we have of it. Probably worth a post of its own. Want to write a guest post??


          • weka

            How about we find someone to write the post that actually wants TS to succeed? 🙂

            • mickysavage


              We have always tolerated a diversity of views!

              • weka

                Lol, there are limits though. I mean we could invite Matthew Hooton to submit a Guest Post. 😛 Not sure that would help diversity.

                • mickysavage

                  We could invite it then do the opposite of what he recommends …

                  • weka

                    true, but then if it were Hooton wouldn’t he be doing a double bluff? Never can tell which of his sentences are the straight ones.

          • BM

            Thank’s for the offer, but I’ve got so much stuff on my plate I just don’t have the time.

            For what you’re talking about I reckon Alwyn would make a tremendous author, maybe you want to chuck him an invite?

            • alwyn

              Really BM.

              Have you been taking lessons from “The Right Honourable Winston Raymond Peters”?
              You know the technique.
              1. Announce the manned re-entry of the Pike River mine.
              2. Get other people to sign up to your lunacy.
              3. Run for cover when you and your mates get into temporary power.
              4. Line up some poor mug like Andrew Little to get forced into the job.
              5. Let him cop the flak for having to announce it isn’t going to happen.
              6. Then announce that it would all have succeeded if you had been in charge.

              What have I ever done to you for you to try and inflict such a fate on my poor frame?

              Actually what I think Ardern should have done about Pike River was to simply announce, preferably on TV, the Winston was to be the Minister for Pike River. Don’t even mention it to him first.
              Then watch him squirm as he tried to get out of it. How was he going to be able to say “I would love to do it But, but, but, but, but…….”..
              She was a bit slow, wasn’t she?

        • Muttonbird

          What the role of The Standard going forward?

          Making sure the morally corrupt Nats never form a government again.

          Also, to act as a crutch for you.

    • weka 5.3

      I agree with micky. Gratuitous trolling*. You feeling alright?

      *latest memo from Crosby Textor – try running the ‘you’re not well and are about to die, never mind, you had a good run’ on as many left wing groups/parties/initiatives as possible. Can’t win any other way so time to try gas lighting.

    • JC 5.4

      “a bit directionless”…. And you?

    • Classic bm you really are a fool beating the retreat. Yeah go on cu later mate lol what a turkey.l

    • Bill 5.6

      In all seriousness BM, I’d suggest some posters’ main or over-riding focus was on the National led government. And sure, those people might struggle a bit now.

      But then, other posters (myself included) have a broader view of the left and the labour movement, and a change of government doesn’t really make that much of a difference to what we’re likely to write about.

      You’ll be saddened to hear that it’s doubtful I’ll be any less unprolific 😉

  6. rightly or wrongly 6

    Takes a bit of a mindset change when your favourite bogey monster is no longer in charge.

    You then have to start changing to defend your team who are in power and try and defend all their decisions – both wonderful and woeful.

    Kind of like when the US went into Iraq – the initial fight and war is wonderful; keeping the peace afterwards not so much.

    • mickysavage 6.1

      It is not a binary operation. You can be left and upset with what Labour is doing.

    • weka 6.2

      that would certainly explain all those posts about the TPPA that were critical of Labour.

    • Bill 6.3

      What team?

      The government’s my bogey monster ‘rightly or wrongly’, and last I looked it was still there 😉

  7. gsays 9

    I am curious as to the outcome of the Royal Prerogative of mercy application, for Scott Watson, filed by Brian McDonald.

    An earlier (2009) rpom application was rejected by the governor General after advice from Judith Collins.
    New justice minister, who knows?