Derek Fox on Rugby World Cup

Written By: - Date published: 3:01 pm, October 14th, 2009 - 28 comments
Categories: maori party - Tags: ,

Up until a few hours ago Derek Fox was the Chief Press Sec for the Co-leaders of the Maori Party. He resigned from that position this morning, evidently deeply dissatisfied. Shortly after resigning he gave an interview on 9 to noon – scathing of the World Cup bid (embedded below).

28 comments on “Derek Fox on Rugby World Cup ”

  1. rocky 1

    If Derek Fox is right, a few heads should roll!

    • Ianmac 1.1

      The careful avoidance of giving clear answers during Question Time on these matters would suggest that the Mr Coleman at least has serious problems. Mr McCulley is probably too wily.

  2. Ianmac 2

    And it seems that the Maori Television Services will now be the sole bidder according to the Herald. It seemed that Jerry was not aware of the U-turn during question time. Mr Key told the media but not Jerry???

  3. Ianmac 3

    (Try again. Last post vanished?)
    According to the Herald MTS has again become the sole bidder. Mr Key told the media but Jerry seemed to not know about it during Question Time??? Left hand/Right hand? 😯

  4. gitmo 4

    Now let’s wait for the leftist claims that it was all a conspiracy to showcase Key as a leader and to suck up to the Māori Party, and of course the right-wing claims that it was all a conspiracy to suck up to the Māori Party and to showcase Key as a leader.

    Forgetting the more likely answer that it was a pack of buffoons acting like morons that finally had someone kick them up the backside to come up with the right solution.

    • Lanthanide 4.1

      “Now let’s wait for the leftist claims that it was all a conspiracy to showcase Key as a leader and to suck up to the Māori Party”

      I think the left would be more likely to claim that the government is incompetent and this is proof of it, actually.

      • gitmo 4.1.1

        “I think the left would be more likely to claim that the government is incompetent and this is proof of it, actually.”

        And therein you have the problem with politicians being held to account in NZ, if the vocal right and left sopporters were able to bag their side while they were in power rather than wank on from a tribal perspective perhaps we could start seeing some improved performance and accountability…. fat chance though.

        • lprent

          It is a dragons teeth issue.

          That was our point (from various authors) from the start of this site in 2007. We repeatably warned the wingnuts and the right parties who’d been running such a negative carping and partisan campaign from prior to the 2005 election that it was a bad idea to introduce it to NZ. It was counter-productive for NZ to have campaigning based on that type of 1000 cuts campaigning that Crosby_textor specialize in. It is also something that can go both ways. In a lot of ways that was why this site was set up, simply to counter the dog-whistling from Kiwiblog and the other strategic fuckwits of the right.

          Last year, we’d pretty well given up, and decided that whatever the outcome of the election that we’d have to demonstrate the philosophy of mutually assured destruction (MAD) of such negative and personal campaigning to the people of the right.

          A number of us at this site decided online and highly visibly that we’d each run a our own highly partisan 1000 cuts treatment. We’d have to demonstrate that it was easy to run a highly critical, high exposure scrutiny of the defects of this government until this government was gone. It was the only way of penetrating the thick skulls of the strategists of the right. A number of other people on the left appear to have decided to do similar things in many areas.

          Turns out that it is pretty damn easy to do it. After all even the right are capable of it. We just do it better and faster.

          I’m afraid that the right have sowed their own dragons teeth. We are the crop and nastier than anything that they could have imagined. You’re just going to have to live with it…

          • gitmo

            ” You’re just going to have to live with it ”

            Indeed, I don’t live under the delusion that the politicians in NZ will get any better or that the public will hold them more to account for their idiocy during my lifetime..regardless of whether Labour or National control the treasury benches.

            The pollies will always look after themselves first and foremost before tossing some crumbs to the voters……c’est la vie.

            Although I s’pose on a more positive note even though most of the parliamentarians are buffoons it could always be a lot worse.

          • mike

            One problem lynn – you need a credible leader as an alternative. The left thought Key was easy meat but he turned the tables on clark to your horror.

            Now you have the jurrasic Mr Goff at the head of a party trying to project a fresh approach???

            It won’t even be sport in 2011

  5. snoozer 5

    So, is there still going to be a multi-million dollar taxpayer subsidy of this new, stand-alone bid?

    And how long will this new supposed arrangement survive?

    All we need now is for the IRB to reject the tender, like they did TVNZ’s earlier one

  6. tc 6

    more rugby diversions whilst ETS/workers rights/transport/ACC/education all continue to be mugged while the media do self funded night classes on basic financial numeracy……move on it’s only Rugby and we’ve struggled ever since it went pro…….but kept the amateur old boys in charge.

  7. Wow I would not want to displease Fox.

    He is right. This issue seems to have at its centre good old fashioned prejudice.

    I wonder how long the coalition can last. It seems to me that it may be on its last legs.

  8. rave 8

    Of course he means racism.
    I see that the multicultural minstrel from Parnell is going to rescue NZ’s international reputation by forcing MTV to share the booty. Rumour is that Pakeha will get 10% of the land, I mean airwaves. That’s roughly proportional to the pakeha who play first class rugby.

  9. Ianmac 9

    Hows this for a conspiracy theory?
    Key gets a nod from IRB that they will not accept MTS bid. Key therefore announces today that MTV bid will no longer be opposed.
    IRB turns down the bid. (Surprise?)
    Key says hard luck to MTS. “I did do my best for you Peter.”
    Then a bid goes in for either TV1 or jointly for TV3. And everyone is happy and Coleman is saved for another day.
    (I think I will take up plot writing!)

  10. rod 10

    All bets are off. Johnboy is back in his backflip mode.

  11. Ianmac 11

    Mr Coleman did a great job with John Campbell tonight, in totally — not answering questions. He is a genius!

    • ghostwhowalksnz 11.1

      Couldnt believe Campbell was such an amateur.
      Giving easy questions to Coleman… which he could easily deny.

      Like.. have you seen a copy of the (MTS) report. No I havent.

      Of course not . he would only have ‘seen’ a few pages or so, rather than a ‘copy’

  12. Less than 12 months elected and every week is spent fighting another fire.
    National have lost all control of the agenda 😆

  13. barry 13

    Heard the interview. He might be right but it simply confirmed that he is a sad old bitter bugger. No wonder the women he gets associated with cant stand him for long.
    There are much better ways to achieve what he wants than to be a constant winger and hes so bloody negative.

    • BLiP 13.1

      Shoot the messenger, huh?

      What’s there to be positive about in relation to the way National Ltd® has handled this issue?

  14. dave 14

    Derek Fox didn’t resign yesterday, despite what RNZ said. It was earlier than that. And it had nothing to do with RWC.

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