Emmerson on John Key in the US

Written By: - Date published: 10:08 am, June 20th, 2014 - 12 comments
Categories: humour - Tags: ,

12 comments on “Emmerson on John Key in the US ”

  1. happynz 1

    Brilliant editorial cartoon!

  2. Anne 2


  3. blue leopard 3

    Sums it up nicely lolz

  4. Pasupial 4

    Some of those legs may soon turn around to hump us back:

    He also held a meeting with United States Trade Representative, whose views on progress in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement will help inform Key of latest developments ahead of his meeting with President Barack Obama tomorrow.
    Tomorrow, Key will be briefed at the Pentagon by US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel


  5. ffloyd 5

    Lol. Have printed it out and put it on my fridge.

  6. Rodel 6

    Now we know what US secretary of state means when he says NZ is 100% behind America in its decisions over Iraq…..or did he say, ‘get in behind’.

  7. dimebag russell 7

    when President Obama and Bubba have had their fun they will toss him away like the toerag he is.

  8. Jrobin 8

    Unbelievably gauche performance when the pet poodle of the US War machine, finally reveals his connections. Tht was the most shameful moment from any NZ Pm ever. He looked so slack jawed and stunned you have to wonder what JK actually thought the press conference was going to be about. Sustainable farming in Queenstwn was the brief by the minders perhaps. This must be a nightmare, who is this imposter?

  9. dimebag russell 9

    Just saw john key in Washington.
    he blew it.
    he put another arm on the President of the United States Barack Obama as they were shaking hands.
    a no no.