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notices and features - Date published:
9:23 am, August 10th, 2010 - 5 comments
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What Will Fix New Zealand’s Economy?
In Auckland:
Room 260-206, Owen G Glenn Building, University of Auckland Business School, 12 Grafton Rd
Time: 5.30-7.30pm
Selwyn Pellett of the Productive Economy Council will discuss with Rick Boven from the New Zealand Institute exactly what we need to do to build a truly Resilient New Zealand Economy.
A Wellington version will follow on August 23.
Even Paul Holmes thinks the economy is tanking, so should be an interesting discussion.
I wonder if at this Fabian meeting they will discuss why we can’t have a managed exchange rate that works in regular cycles like the Reserve Bank Official Cash Rate that sets the basis for our domestic interest rates?
I have the idea that we have adopted methods that bigger economies use because we want to be part of their club, and here we are 4 million people plus in a country, smaller population than a major city allowing financiers to play with our currency in a sort of casino/money mall. Surely there are other methods that other countries use?
We work and work to improve our country’s financial position through exporting but this racket that changes our business terms daily skims the profit off our enterprise. And hedging the exchange rate has become a needed insurance for a required and needed return on exports but apparently itself leads to moral hazard and dodgy manipulation of business.
Anti-spam amuses me – digit. Read into that what you will.
I imagine they will looking at managing the exchange rate, it’s most certainly come up before. Selwyn Pellett definitely thinks something needs to be done to sort its volatility.
Singapore would be a good model for seeing how it can be done. A very similar populaton and they’ve got a managed rather than full-floating currency. At the moment we really are in the casino, and the financiers are running the show…
(incidentally, I wanted to go to this, but won’t be able to now, so I’d be interested if anybody does go and wants to write a wee round-up of it)
In fact I agree with you. I really have the same feeling.
Thanks Bunji – hope there is some good discussion abt exchange rate and Singapore.
It woild be good if a sound recording could be made of these lectures or debates by informed people – perhaps go on youtube or somewhere.