Give it a rest Newshub

Written By: - Date published: 9:04 am, June 30th, 2016 - 47 comments
Categories: journalism, making shit up - Tags: , ,

After their ridiculous Andrew Little witch-hunt blew up in their faces yesterday, Newshub still can’t let it go – Case closed in Andrew Little v John Shewan stoush

Should Andrew Little apologise to John Shewan? Shouldn’t he? Who cares? Great question.

Patrick Gower cares. Patrick Gower cares very very deeply. Some of his team are forced to care with him. I think that’s about it.

Whatever the answer, somehow we’ve ended up at this point.

The point where there never was a story, just a beat-up.

Mr Little gives evidence Mr Shewan gave tick of approval.

It was a game of semantics.

In the middle of all that though was a leader in hiding. This could have all been avoided.

Until he produced that tiny piece of evidence it looked like he was lying. That’s something Mr Little calls the Prime Minister out on, and if Little’s a prime minister in waiting, then he needs to be able to show that he doesn’t lie.

Today he did that, and I take my hat off to him.

Yes, this whole thing could have all been avoided, if Newshub paid less attention to Mr Gower’s personal fixations, and more to the news.

47 comments on “Give it a rest Newshub ”

  1. Clare 1

    Grow up Gower or go away

  2. ianmac 2

    Gower must apologise to Andrew Little.
    Apologise or Resign Gower or you will be remembered as a hypocrite!

    • mosa 2.1

      Point no 1 Gower has a face for radio and someone needs too tell him that.
      Point no 2 Gower is a failure as a political commentator because he has forgotten why he is actually there and thats to report unbiased political news to his audience.
      Instead he has become involved in a personal crusade to kill off every leader of the Labour party so far.
      What slim amount of credibility he might have had he threw away when he called David Cunliffe a LIAR live on tv with regards to the Don Wah Leiu scandal claiming Cunliffe had been involved with helping Don Wah Leiu personally which proved to be false and no apology was issued because the bad publicity had done its job.
      Gower is a blowhole with no credibility whatsoever and will only be remembered for his appalling ethics and character assassinations which destroy reputations and that assist one of New Zealands most corrupt and destructive governments to stay in office.
      I wonder how much and what he has been promised by the dirty tricks brigade.

  3. One Anonymous Bloke 3

    John Armstrong had the guts to apologise to Cunliffe.

    Patrick Gower can’t even get up to that low bar. His mouth belongs to the National Party.

    • Bearded Git 3.1

      Armstrong apologised when he retired long after he had shafted Cunliffe. He should have retracted his article and apologised at the time. He should get no credit at all for much later admitting that he lied about Cunliffe on purpose.

      • Richard Christie 3.1.1

        ^ 100%

      • mary_a 3.1.2

        @ Bearded Git (3.1) … here here. Agree 100% with your sentiments.

      • One Anonymous Bloke 3.1.3

        The miniscule amount of credit Armstrong grudgingly receives is still more than Gower can hope for.

      • mosa 3.1.4

        Cunliffe should have SUED!!
        Apologising for deliberating defaming someone innocent for party political reasons long after the damage was done is why we need a robust media watchdog with sweeping powers that make what Armstrong did be made an example of and harsh penalties enforced no matter if its left wing or right wing.
        Its a bloody joke and shows how far we have moved away from accountability and journalistic standards.

      • the pigman 3.1.5

        To be fair, Armstrong was probably impaired at the time by the various neuropsychiatric disturbances that come with his condition.

        People think Parkinsons is all about the motor symptoms, but it (and the drugs provided to treat it) really does fuck with the mind.

      • leftie 3.1.6

        Spot on Bearded Git !!!

  4. dukeofurl 4

    Gowers beatup was orchestrated by the beehive 9th floor- its the same dirty politics play.
    But instead of Eade dealing with Whaledump , its done directly with Gower.

    • James 4.1

      Any proof of this ???? Or is it yet another tinfoil hat moment?

      • dukeofurl 4.1.1

        You know how these things work- negative stories are fed by the beehive to journalists.
        The book by Hager had the detailed emails from Eade on the process

        • James

          So – thats a no then. No proof whatsoever – yet presented as a fact.

          • leftie

            Dukeofurl is right, so it’s a yes. The Nats and their sycophantic msm have got form. That’s proof.

  5. save nz 5

    Get rid of Gower, if NewsHub wants people to start watching TV3. They are a joke! They don’t even understand their own audience because the right wingers watch TV1! Maybe some brainiac in TV3 feels they need to appeal to the less than 1 percent ACT supporters?

    The beats ups are orchestrated by the Natz and implemented by their cronies. First we have Cryonogenic escapee Hagaman wanting an apology for someone daring to question his rightful corporate welfare and now we have tax avoider consultant Sherwan on a beat up. Who knew the guy was so thin skinned?

    The public are sick of the Rebstock and Co, on the public teat, Rent-a-reports.

    The Natz are panicking with Little being able to settle down and unite the Labour party and making headway in the polls. They are taking the ‘Cunliffe’ and ‘Corbyn’ approach, Attack politics.

    Must mean Andrew little is doing a good job.

  6. Peter 6

    Patrick, please raise the bar. You would be laughed out of countries such as the UK, assuming they would give you a political reporters job in the first place. It is embarrassing to have to read this sort of thing. Get onto the big issues – climate, the lack of a national ports strategy, river pollution, inequality etc etc.

  7. M. Gray 7

    Gower is the same as Williams, Garner & Hoskings they are always right and they think they have all the answers add to this they are extremely bias and often one sided.

  8. Anno1701 8

    Needs to apologise for that smile IM

  9. Joy Z Clark 9

    at least we are not like the USA who only use pretty Barbies and Buff Kens for their people on tv…..

    • Brigid 9.1

      I’m not so sure about that. How many females news personalities are old and ugly? Everyone I’ve had to misfortune to see is under thirty, pretty, submissive to their male counterpart, and moronic.

  10. Observer Toke 10

    . The ego of Paddy Gower – is big. After all he is on TV.

    . But the way he waddles along like an ugly duckling behind his hero John Key, is sycophancy of sickening proportions.

    . His lack of balance may have something to do with an inherent unbalance. It is very persistent and vindictive whatever it is.

    . Bias is the curse of countless journalists.

  11. adam 11

    I give up on TV3 really watching it is just sad these days. I went of Paddy when he went drink on air with the Nat’s. And this well.

    I think this song sums up how I feel about news hub

  12. TC 12

    weldon may be gone but the path trodden by the copy/paste press release regurgitators is clearly laid out

  13. Repateet 13

    “But you can guarantee when there are lawyers involved, things get arduous.

    But you can guarantee when there are shit reporters involved, things get more than arduous.

    And you can guarantee when shit reporters get involved and things get more than arduous the media bosses and the shit reporters won’t apologise.

  14. fisiani 14

    Little is already facing one court case for opening his mouth without thinking it through. He now admits he told lies about Shewan. He put out a statement under Test Match cover trying to make an explanation. He denies that Shewan asked for an apology. Shewan has proven that he did make such a request. This now compounds the problem.
    How hard is it for Andrew Little to just be a man and offer John Shewan and full and decent apology. He got it wrong. No hanging offence. He would not lose face. Sorry is truly the hardest word.

    • Gangnam Style 14.1

      Really? Still? It’s kinda funny but sad to think of you all huffed & puffed fuming in a little dark room somewhere muttering swearwords & the name “Little” to yourself. Get some help or move on, you really are not doing your cause any favours. Or keep it up, whatever. Could change this post title to “Give it a rest Fisiani”.

    • You_Fool 14.2

      Do you think all people who say things about others that are obvious lies should offer an apology? Should any public figure who fails to do so resign?

      How do you match such a position up with the way John Key and other National Party members fail to apoligise to anyone who they slander or lie about?

    • Greg 14.3

      How government contracts are awarded are not made public, if something stinks its rotten, and the aid payment sure stinks to a private business.

    • red-blooded 14.4

      fisiani, has it occurred to you that your “be a man” comment reveals you as a sexist relic of a previous age?

    • Richard Rawshark 14.5

      He did, if I went that way though Fisiani, fairs, fair, when is Key then going to apologize for all his lies which number in the 100’s vs 2 as you seem to froth over?

      How about instead of shit stirring for giggles, you piss off to a right wing blog, because I don’t go there and insight the regulars, why should we even put up with comments that you continue for days on end, like this is the only thing you have got to poke us with. I get the feeling your saying these things to shit stir.

      Your quite sad if that’s true, come up with a reasoned argument on policy or direction, but the hate shall end.

      wave fairy wand of peace…

  15. Does Fisiani suffer Little Man syndrome?

  16. Erik Bloodaxe 16

    As usual the mainstream media biased for National – is it Newshub or Sub(standard) News wannabe! The latter surely.

    • ScottGN 16.1

      Except it’s not working quite like it used to.

    • Richard Rawshark 16.2

      Seems to be a news block on. The Herald and Stuff have not picked up on any recent political issues and have focused only on little apologizing, little stir on English and his deceptions, Newshub posted covering Winston and his OIO and national comment, no other agency published it.

      That’s called a news blockade IMHO. At a minimum several news outlets are minimizing everything or just plain not reporting statements by opposition or government critiques.

      Blockade. National


  17. Malconz 17

    Whoever came up with “demented chipmunk” for Gower got it dead right!

  18. rod 18

    Why would anybody watch Newshub anyway. Most of the talent they had, have all resigned, it’s only the dregs like gower left.

    • North 18.1

      Yeah, TV 3 Newshub and Gower are like pimples on the pumpkinesque arse of a reality show. My how the slather has not been rewarded.

  19. Richard Rawshark 19

    I discovered this quiet one tonight…

    Broadcasting Minister Amy Adams has today announced the appointment of Graham Pryor to the Board of RNZ.

    Mr Pryor is an Auckland-based media and business consultant, and professional director with a background in accountancy.

    For 14 years he led Mai Media, which ran a network of commercial radio stations and provided news and programmes to iwi radio. He currently serves on the Board of Te Kakano Whakatipu and Maitahi Media.

    “Mr Pryor’s extensive governance experience and his Māori perspective will be of great value to the RNZ Board,” says Ms Adams.

    Mr Pryor’s term begins on 1 July and will continue until 30 April 2019. He replaces Mr Tiwana Tibble.


    Graham Pryor of Auckland is an accountant, media and business consultant and professional director. He was Chief Executive of Mai Media Ltd for 14 years.

    His current directorships include Te Kakano Whakatipu Ltd and Maitahi Media Ltd. Mr Pryor previously served on the boards of Te Mana O Ngati Rangitihi, CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd and Ngati Awa Group Holdings Ltd.
    dated today, Maori party appointment to a media outlet. not even attempting to hide there ruination of democracy.

    • tc 19.1

      They stopped making decent attempts to shield the cronyism and paybacks once they had the msm to heel.

      In this term they seem to be going all out not caring if the msm decide to do their job now and again.

      When key said that national need to watch the arrogance and complacency he actually meant you just watch our arrogance as we do as we please.