Judith Collins tweets more fake news

Written By: - Date published: 7:30 am, August 22nd, 2018 - 164 comments
Categories: Iain Lees-Galloway, jacinda ardern, Judith Collins, labour, Media, national, same old national, Simon Bridges, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, twitter, you couldn't make this shit up - Tags:

This is getting to be a habit.  Judith Collins has again been caught tweeting fake news in an attempt to embarrass Jacinda Ardern.

This is exhibit A:

It was debunked by Neale Jones:


But then exhibit B appeared:

It seems that Judith did not want us to miss it first time.

I had a go at debunking the original claim in this post.  Basically Jacinda’s comment was taken by National’s social media gurus out of context. Ardern did not promise there would be no national strikes.  She said there would be no national strikes as a result of the introduction of Labour’s proposed Fair Pay Agreement collective bargaining system.

TRP had more colourful language about the claim as can be seen in this tweet:

And the deceptive nature of the allegations had previously been pointed out to Judith and to National.  In Parliament.

Jacinda Ardern proposed that MPs deliberately tweeting fake news should face repercussions.  As a minimum they should be forced to delete offending tweets.

It is a shame that Simon Bridges does not have the same ethical standards.  Although when your party is the source of the fake news I guess it makes taking action difficult.

164 comments on “Judith Collins tweets more fake news ”

  1. Incognito 1

    Look at me, look at me, look at meeeee!!

  2. Blazer 2

    signs of desperation…they haven’t got a…’game’.

    • Anne 2.1

      …they haven’t got a…’game’.

      Oh yes they have got a game and this is it – fake stories, fake responses and fake tweets. Their strategists have seen how well its worked for Trump so have cooked up a NZ version for the Nat MPs. They’re all doing it – not just Collins and Bridges.

      And that is why Bridges won’t scold Collins.

  3. AB 3

    Is Judith so infected with hubris that she’ll challenge Bridges prior to the 2020 election, and crash and burn her own career by losing to Ardern?
    Or will she wait till 2021 and have a real chance of delivering the dystopian sh*thole she has in mind for us?
    Better than Shortland St.

    • Like Abbott across the ditch, Collins can’t personally win a majority in caucus. So she’ll look to promote someone else whose strings she can pull.

    • Chris T 3.2

      2021 if the Nat’s lose and Bridges steps down

      She is hardly go to run for leader before hand if the Nats stay sitting on 45%

  4. marty mars 4

    Yep nothing more desperate than a yesterdays nobody trying to claw their way back to relevancy. Crasher Collins at it again doh.

  5. Tiger Mountain 5

    wondered if Collin’s recent foray into classic fake news was not an error, but a test run…it looks like she may have provided the answer

    the dirty tricks brigade are hard at it again, thats for sure, and the current lot are seeking to do way more than merely “pay it back double”–as our would be Dominatrix’s infamous quote goes

    • Robert Guyton 5.1

      Tiger Mountain has it correct. Collins is both testing the water and muddying it at the same time. Fake news (lies) work best when they’re camouflaged by other lies; like a school of minnows where it’s had to catch one because of the distractions of the many. National will be surveying to see how many people now believe that Jacinda said, “no national strikes”. If the numbers rise, the strategy will be judged a success and become the “National Way”.

      • Incognito 5.1.1

        It is not a question about whether Jacinda Ardern spoke those words, she did. Strip the context away and wrap it in a newly spun propaganda blanket. The question is whether people believe & accept the ‘new context’.

        • Calltoaccount

          Absolutely correct with this. Or to adopt the Trump way of speaking, ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Expect to see a whole lot more of this fake news style of attack. Hope Arden et al are very well prepared for it.

      • Anne 5.1.2

        Yep. spot on Robert Guyton. I alluded to it @ 2.1 before seeing TM’s comment.

        Its the new Dirty Politics – Trump style. NZers are rather more clued up than the Trumpites so it has to be based on something tangible for it to be successful. They’re currently testing the waters to see what works and what doesn’t.

        Labour beware… the next two years is going to be a rough ride. When the Nats are riled up they will stop at nothing……..

        • Tiger Mountain

          yep, as Robert Guyton says, the Nats will be road testing this approach via surveys etc. to see if it sticks, and works for them

          a bit of triangulation and research soon reveals the truth beneath the likes of Collins tweets, but some don’t go there or give up, so the “classic fake news” tactic involves fatigue, and attrition, the perpetrators want to alienate some people and get them to stop participating in political discourse and elections

          • Trev

            Is that what the $113,000 was for? To see if fake news would be swallowed by their followers?

  6. AsleepWhileWalking 6

    She is trying.

  7. peterh 7

    And back in the real world, Jacinda just keeps doing everything right. Must be pissing a lot of people off,I know because I married into a big blue family .and all they can say I dont want to talk about it, now even have my two daughters starting to side with me

  8. Puckish Rogue 8

    Our lady of the Eternal Awesomeness was merely abbreviating the political double speak so that everyone would understand what was happening

    Shes good like that

    • Barfly 8.1

      Lying – Yep She’s a highly accomplished LIAR

    • Robert Guyton 8.2

      So, Pucky. Judith’s not silly, as you are at pains to have us know, and knows full-well that her tweet is misleading and harmful to the Prime Minister of the country. Do you support that behaviour or do you condemn the use of such tactics?

      • mac1 8.2.1

        it’s all about context, Robert. Judith said it so it’s OK. See, context is everything.

        BTW, should these new fake news tweets be known as Con Texts?

        • WILD KATIPO

          Heh,… well in that context , Con Text seems about right.

        • paul andersen

          no, they should be called out for what they are , bullshit…

        • Incognito


          Contextasy is synthetic or manufactured (AKA fake), which is similar to lies as well as disinformation. Contextasy is sold in the form of tweets, interviews, press releases and political flyers. It can have different shapes and forms. Often there is a party logo or image on them.

          Effects: Stimulating/mind altering. Surroundings are perceived differently; feelings of closeness with the others and like-minded are intensified.

          Short-term risks: The use of contextasy may cause anxiety, paranoia and even panic attacks. Ill-feelings and hate may be projected onto weak and vulnerable members of society.

          Long-term risks: It is known that contextasy is neurotoxic and it can cause long-term changes in the brain; the memory can be impaired; it can have negative impact on the concentration and mood (depression and anxiety); its use may lead to psychological addiction and preferences for certain political parties and affect voting behaviour.

          [shamelessly ripped from: http://www.drugsinfo-bg.org/en/drugs-alphabet/extasy/%5D

      • Puckish Rogue 8.2.2

        I’m sure she thought long and hard about it and probably came to the decision that while it might damage her reputation in the eyes of some its for the greater good of the country

        When you think about she really is one of the most unselfish people ever born…her initials aren’t JC for nothing


    • Draco T Bastard 8.3

      Correct – she was lying.

      And, yes, your ongoing support for her proves that you’re a psychopath as you obviously have no conscience and no moral compass.

      • Robert Guyton 8.3.1

        Well….he does, I think, have a conscience, and is conflicted by Judith’s behaviour. Why he remains supportive, no one can say, but underneath his bravado, he’s anxious about this latest ratty behaviour from his Love Queen, I reckon.

      • Puckish Rogue 8.3.2


        ‘Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.’

        I’m not antisocial, I’m quite empathetic and I certainly feel remorse, I plead the fifth on being egotistical though 🙂

  9. tc 9

    National…….. lowering the bar into the DP trough since the mid noughts.

    btw there is no bar which is the issue IMO as this is a taxpayer funded MP not an msm shill.

  10. Craig Glen Eden 10

    Judith Collins is one horrible individual. People who deliberately misled voters really piss me off.

  11. Obswerver Tokoroa 11

    Why are the women of the National Party so cheap ?

    Have they ever done anything of significance – apart from licking the the backside of Sir John Pigtails Key, Billy Crooked English and John Twisted Armstrong of The Herald ? Not forgetting Sir John’s and Mrs Collins best friend the Slater.

    You shall know the fakeness of the National women by the deeds they do not do and the company they keep.

  12. Wayne 12

    This is not The Gotcha that commentators here seem to think (unlike last time). Collin’s claim is sufficiently grounded in fact for her to make the claim. Everyone knows there are way more national strikes than there were under the previous govt. She has a quote from the PM (albeit it taken a little out of context) on national strikes.
    The item really is in the zone of “explaining is losing”.

    • marty mars 12.1

      You are shameless in your defence of the bullshit. What an embarrassment to think you used to hold high office.

    • mickysavage 12.2

      A quote taken completely out of context and she has been reminded about it repeatedly.

      • Dennis Frank 12.2.1

        As an attack dog, you can’t say she’s adept. Oughta use the elephant in the room everyone keeps avoiding: why the unionists are striking against a govt they pretend to support. Oughta ask did they strike against Key’s govt, & if not, why not?

        • marty mars

          No that question is not justified at all. Why don’t you ask the hard working unions and let us know what they say?

        • Puckish Rogue

          Because its easier to keep quiet, pocket the fees and avoid the fight

          • WILD KATIPO

            And so now that Kiwi’s are seeing an opportunity for fairness, somehow that’s wrong DESPITE what govt they are under…

            All this proves is that after nine years of being under the insufferable National regime ,- that head of steam has finally busted through.

            This is what you get when you have an anti union party in support of only the very rich. People get pissed off and vote them out.

            And we haven’t seen nationwide general rolling strikes, have we?

            What we have seen is some activity that is long overdue in a few unions to demand a fair go and proper wages in keeping with the year 2018, – not 1994, – the last time the teachers ( or nurses ) went on strike !

            Personally , – I would like to see far more industrial action take place in this country and the people start to flex their muscles, – preferably under a National govt next time.

            They’ve got it coming to them for how they’ve treated working people so badly for so long.

            • Puckish Rogue

              “the last time the teachers went on strike !”

              So if the conditions were so dire what were the union leaders doing, apart from taking the money of course

              • Well we could equally ask, – what were the political leaders doing at the time to prevent strike action.


                Paid subversives. ( moles)

                And then we get to the interesting bit about those ‘moles’,…

                And do we get to see what union bosses actually get per annum? I’m sure its not quite as much as we would like to think. Hardly the same administration salarys that corporate CEO’s entitle themselves to , is it ?

                • Puckish Rogue

                  “Hardly the same administration salarys that corporate CEO’s entitle themselves to , is it ?”

                  Being that its the workers paying the union bosses I’d hope not

                  • And exactly the point. You wont get rich being a union boss.

                    People do it for other things such as fairness and balancing power so its not all one sided,- the sort of things the National party was trying so hard to prevent- and almost succeeded.

        • WILD KATIPO

          That’s an interesting one because as someone else has said, ‘ many of those striking are actually National party supporters and while they are OK to hold their hands out for more pay, – they get to stick it to Labour in the same move’…

          I would also like to remind people that after the ECA,1991 , many union heads rolled over and sold out, – and when the private sector unions proposed a general rolling strike to defeat the ECA, – it was the PSA / public union heads that opposed it.


          There are and have been many far right wing ‘moles’ in the union movement that take their cues from the neo liberals from both National and Labour.

          Its been 34 years now, – and we are well aware of their ploys.

          Never again.

          • Puckish Rogue

            “There are and have been many far right wing ‘moles’ in the union movement that take their cues from the neo liberals from both National and Labour.”

            So instead of reds under the beds its blues wearing the shoes

            (Best I could come up with on short notice)

    • Drowsy M. Kram 12.3

      “Everyone knows there are way more national strikes…” – the hyperbolic Wayne (off the) Mapp ‘strikes’ again.

      Nurses and teachers were striking for better conditions and pay – why is Wayne ‘striking’?

    • Geez, Wayne,… even I thought you could have done better than that….

      Ever stop to think your lovely party was such an oppressive one that unions, workers and industrial relations took such a hammering under National, – particularly from Key , – that after nine years of mismanagement and currying favor from the rich elite that ordinary Kiwi’s thought it was high time there was an equitable re-balancing of the books?

      Esp with all that talk about a ‘rock-star economy’…?

      And how about Key and that Warner Bro’s deal ?

      Hobbit Laws, anyone?

      Pull the other one, mate.

    • Robert Guyton 12.5

      Wayne said:
      ” Collin’s claim is sufficiently grounded in fact for her to make the claim.”
      Oh, my goodness!
      I’ve not seen anything quite so… duplicitous?.. craven? from you before Wayne. You then followed with,
      ” She has a quote from the PM ( albeit it taken a little out of context) on national strikes.”
      You’ve plummeted in my estimation, not that you’ll care.
      Pucky, please don’t follow Wayne down that waste-pipe. Jokes aside, tell us what your real view is on Judith playing this way.

    • Morrissey 12.6

      “Explaining is losing”, is it?

      Is that why you haven’t explained why you so casually slandered Jeremy Corbyn the other day?

      • Robert Guyton 12.6.1

        “Explaining is losing”
        That’s from Slater, isn’t it?

        • Morrissey

          Slater, Mapp, Collins, Key….

          They all have a lot of explaining to do.

        • solkta

          He is a highly qualified loser.

          • Tricledrown

            The spectator right wing propaganda
            Wayne get your facts right.
            Corbyn is not anti Israel he is anti Netanyahu
            The corrupt leader of Israel 60% of Israelis are anti Netanyahu’s policies.

      • Wayne 12.6.2

        I didn’t slander Corbyn. He is pro Palestinian and anti Israeli. From what I have read (in the Spectator) not once has he ever met any representatives of the Israeli government, not just the current government, but previous governments.

        • Morrissey

          He is pro Palestinian and anti Israeli.

          On Saturday you wrote: “I don’t know whether Corbin is antisemite or not.” That was a cool and calculated lie.

          From what I have read (in the Spectator)…

          Ha! No wonder you write such bizarre and dishonest things on this forum.

          • Dennis Frank

            Has it occurred to you that Wayne may be differentiating between anti-semitism & opposition to Israeli state policy? Such differentiation is required in the public debate of the Corbyn controversy since so many ignorant participants in the UK either haven’t informed themselves of the meaning of anti-semitism or are deliberately conflating the two so they can fire false accusations against Corbyn.

            • Morrissey

              It certainly has occurred to me. Wayne is deliberately, cynically conflating the two.

              • Wayne


                I am not conflating the two.

                I specifically pointed out that Dame Hughes and other senior Jewish people in the UK have said Corbyn is anti-semite. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but neither do I dismiss them as bearers of fake news as you have done. Their views have to be taken seriously.

                However, I am convinced that Corbyn is pro Palestinian and anti Israeli. The fact that he regularly goes to various pro Palestinian events, including the wreath laying in Tunisia, but apparently has never met representatives of the Israeli government bears this out. However, at some point he surely has met the Israeli Ambassador in the UK. But maybe not.

                I also think that if Corbyn becomes the PM, this will be a huge problem in the western alliance, effectively it will be a lightening rod issue. Unless the other members (but basically the US) just ignore Corbyn’s views, and discount the UK for the period that he is the PM. That could as long as be 10 years, or two terms.

                • Stuart Munro

                  “I also think that if Corbyn becomes the PM, this will be a huge problem in the western alliance,”

                  Nope. Israel really isn’t very important.

                • Dennis Frank

                  Thanks for clarifying your stance, Wayne. I suspect that Corbyn has been at pains to re-balance Labour’s foreign policy, due to seeing it as long having been pro-Israeli. So I read his stance as sufficient support for the Palestinians as to induce fairness in the outcome.

                  So I differ from you in not seeing him as partisan, I think he’s just using a pro-Palestinian strategy until the imbalance is rectified. Because some jews are ideological opponents of equal rights for citizens, they see Corbyn as the demon enemy. Fortunately other jews are sensible enough to accept that equal rights is a policy more likely to create peace in the middle east. Unfortunately they have yet to prevail within the Labour Party!

                  • Wayne


                    I disagree.

                    Corbyn’s views go way beyond rebalancing. It will be a complete reversal, not just of UK policy, but of policy in the NATO alliance generally. That will be a problem within NATO, since Israel is not irrelevant to alliance politics. On that point Stuart Munro is wrong. It is a bigger political issue than he thinks.

                    By going that far out, Corbyn will effectively remove the UK of having any role in the Israel/Palestine issue (though maybe there isn’t much of one now). Palestine would clearly get a massive increase in aid from the UK, perhaps well over a billion pounds per year, compared to the few tens of millions at present. How that is done will require a lot of diplomacy.

                    If the UK, under Corbyn, wants to retain any role in Israel, it will have to at least ensure its Tel Aviv diplomats are very active within Israel maintaining goodwill to the extent possible.

                    • Stuart Munro

                      I guess they’re important to you Wayne – who else would bail out toxic sludge like Whaleoil. Russian oligarchs maybe – team evil is always hiring.

                    • Dennis Frank

                      I totally agree with your last paragraph: doing that will be essential diplomacy. I expect him to go further, as well. I haven’t been following him closely re middle east policy, I’m just going on my reading of his character. Time usually proves me right on that basis – but I will start watching for evidence that your view is correct.

                      The problem with the English country gentleman archetype (which he exemplifies) is that they give others the benefit of the doubt too much. They see good in people when it isn’t actually there. Looks like he won’t succeed until he gets tough with those who are opposed to a middle-east solution.

                    • Tricledrown

                      Wayne fox news propagandist.
                      Corbyn speaks out against Netanyahu’s airstrikes against Gaza in which 2,000 were killed including 500 children.
                      Then Sky news/aka Fox news accuse him of being anti semetic.

                    • Tricledrown

                      Wayne more crap by the time Corbyn comes to power Netanyahu will be locked up for corruption and fraud with his wife.
                      With a more moderate leader peace will return.

                    • Tricledrown

                      Wayne grovelling to Israel is similar to grovelling to North Korea.
                      When IDF soldiers jump up and down fist pumping after shooting an unarmed protester leaders need to show some balls.
                      Corbyn is one of the very few to do anything.
                      Corrupt Netanyahu has created a Ghetto in Gaza!
                      Warsaw like ghetto!
                      a shooting gallery!

                • Tricledrown

                  Wayne explaining is loosing

    • Draco T Bastard 12.7

      albeit it taken a little out of context

      Correct, she lied which makes her unsuitable for office of any kind. Your support of her and her lie proves your psychopathy.

    • Tricledrown 12.8

      Wayne so Crushers comments on leadership can be taken the same way.

    • Tricledrown 12.9

      Wayne Ironically explaining.

    • Reality 12.10

      Wayne, it is very hard to comprehend people like yourself. You take it as a right that those on the top rungs of the ladder should be always well rewarded yearly and at the same time you love to clamp down on others less fortunate. Is it a class thing with you? Do you think those people should know their place and not have aspirations?

      Under the last government we saw Bill English insisting that the public service should do more with less and hence we see now all the staffing shortages and frustrations exposed and the hope of having a government with a different mindset.

      Wayne, it would be interesting to hear your rationale for this, instead of your support for the likes of Judith Oravida Collins.

    • Gabby 12.11

      You mean she might get away with claiming she’s not a lying sack o’ shit wayney?

  13. Draco T Bastard 13

    Jacinda Ardern proposed that MPs deliberately tweeting fake news should face repercussions. As a minimum they should be forced to delete offending tweets.

    No, make it a crime with a possible jail sentence of 2 years.

    This should make them understand that the truth is important and that we won’t stand for lies from or propagated by politicians.

    • Yeah its about time this sort of snide , cynical lying was penalized when in high office or by an elected official. We don’t pay them out of our taxes to carry on like a circus act.

  14. AB 14

    Place your bets on the next fake news tweets from Judith. I’m going for:
    – swamp kauri is polluting our wetlands and needs removal –

  15. Robert Guyton 15

    Fresh water – wasted on New Zealanders.

  16. Bill 16

    Fake or twisted? Well, twisted. And it’s what politicians and others do.

    Thing about crying “fake!” is that the claim is meaningless, but quite a handy thing for those who’re in the business of shutting down lines of communication with the aim of (presumably) leaving their “truth” as the only thing coming down the wires.

    Think google. Think facebook. Think youtube. All working hand in glove with various governments to shut down and control information. “Fake news” (claims of) is one of their criteria for censorship.

    So, y’know, you want to enable fascism? Keep crying out about supposed “fake” news.

    • Bill 16.1

      Case in point.

      Facebook have just killed 600+ accounts – supposedly fake and all apparently out to promote Iranian political interests, including anti-Saudi, anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian themes, as well as promote support for specific US policies favorable to Iran, such as the US-Iran nuclear deal

      Here’s a link to the webpage of one of those deleted facebook accounts that were deleted because of “inauthentic behaviour”.


      I have to say that although I’m not familiar with the site, it looks like solid left wing analysis to me.

      Oh. And the company that alerted facebook to the nefarious goings on of people voicing political opinion, well their Chief Executive Officer and Board Director is a guy called Kevin Mandia and he was (among other things) a computer security officer in the 7th Communications Group at the Pentagon, and a special agent in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations

      And they are riding off the idea of “fake” that too many people across the left are giving credibility to. There is no “fake”. There is spin and propaganda, and some of it is well done and some of it is shoddy.

  17. pete 17

    So that was then … Judith Collins publicly was a blatant liar.

    But this is now …. and Judith Collins publicly is still a blatant liar.

    So that was then … Judith Collins was a bitch.

    But this is now …. and Judith Collins is still a bitch.

    • Wensleydale 17.1

      Now, Peter, we don’t want to start sounding like Nicky Wagner during Question Time.

    • Puckish Rogue 17.2

      Just have to go to the derogatory comments eh, just couldn’t help yourself

  18. Observer Tokoroa 18

    Lets hear it for our Nationals weirdos!

    Cheap women and incoherent Simon Bridges – is just about all national has to offer.

    National spend their endless spare time flogging off our Assetts; our water and trees to Asian and other ethnic heart throbs. Our Homes; our pasture, our buildings; our everything. Not to mention Oravidic enterprises. Oh Yes.

    Selling our assets to foreigners while the National women get fat in their caucus seats rubbishing the gifted but struggling hundreds of thousands of people of Aotearoa.

    Shame upon shame upon SHAME – National Women. Worthless. You don’t give a fig !

  19. Robert Guyton 19

    It’s not going well, Pucky.

    • Puckish Rogue 19.1

      No such thing as bad publicity

      • Robert Guyton 19.1.1

        Metiria might dispute your claim, Pucky.

        • Puckish Rogue

          Well yes I concede that point

          How about its better to be talked about then it is to be ignored, for a politician that is

          • Robert Guyton

            But if you have to lie to get that attention…low, cloaca, snake etc.

            • Puckish Rogue

              So when Labour fail to build all their houses or plant all their trees will that have been a lie also?

              • Stuart Munro

                Lying is a matter of intent. If Labour intend to build houses and strive credibly to do so, they will not be liars, even were you to misplace a quantity of ordnance and destroy everything they build. So don’t try it.

                • Bewildered

                  If not liars then just deluded and incompetent, either way not good I suggest a bit of both

                  • Stuart Munro

                    You must give them time before crying wolf, Bewildered.

                    Proof is in the pudding, not the canapes. If there is any truth in your surmises, time will have it out. Equally, if there is not, hurrying to misjudgement will do nothing for your credibility.

          • Gabby

            Not if people are mentioning lampposts puckers.

  20. Draco T Bastard 20

    Actually, thinking about it, does this tweeting of lies by Judith Collins pass the sniff test for cyber-bullying?

  21. Observer Tokoroa 21

    Members of Parliament have a solemn Duty to care for the People of the Nation.

    This includes the women parliamentarians – I should think.

    Given that, numerous hardships – including very low wages – have been slugged on the ordinary people of New Zealand during the last nine years – while the Nationals have gained excessive wealth – should the Politicians of The National not be taken to the High Court and charged with massive dereliction of Duty ?

    The excessive wealth of National Politicians in my opinion – is and was obscene and should be seen as an attempt at Slavery by National. The Poverty never seemed to worry The Women of Sir John key’s Caucus. Nor of Sir Billy English. Nor of Ms Collins. Until the election that Jacinda won. Too Late then.

    • There was never any ‘attempt’ at slavery.

      That had occurred already with the ECA way back in 1991. What we were simply witnessing during Keys / English’s govt was the benefactors ( neo liberals) of that decades old piece of legislation and its descendants.

      And dontcha know,… it is only we the people that can overturn that legislated , locked in slavery . And like it or not, that means industrial action – strikes. It is not until people realize they’ve been conned and realize just who conned them that they will demand action.

      The upper crust of this country have had it far too good for far too long.

  22. Observer Tokoroa 22

    Yes Wild Katipo
    I take your Point

    I think though, The slavery enforced on the New Zealand people by the Women in Parliament needs to be stressed at every opportunity.

    We need to inform the public that it was not just the Landlords that gave citizens the horrendous housing of recent years – above all it was the women of the National Party who allowed it and endorsed it.

    Knowingly. Uncaringly. Willingly. From within their fat Caucus chairs.

    • Then we had the incompetence of Nick Smith , yet if we were to be blunt, it was Nationals program to garner votes by appealing to those property owners on two fronts:

      One was to encourage the paper millionaire status and denying a housing crisis exists. And denying the inevitable crashing of prices. Basically , they betrayed those same voters they wished to procure because now the chickens are coming home to roost and there may be panic in the market in future. And they knew a crash was coming.

      Second thing was the mercenary nature of currying favor with the banks – Australian ones , not even New Zealand owned – over and above the health and safety of New Zealanders. They were more than happy to have homeless rough sleepers, family’s living in substandard , moldy and uninhabitable accommodation that caused respiratory disease to push prices up to be being unaffordable… all because that pleased some sectors of society in financial gains and most certainly foreign banks, and local corporate’s.

      So there never was any inclination to do anything about the squalor. And if National had still been in , – the problem would have worsened and they would still be denying everything. That’s how evil they are. And that’s how evil both the men AND the women are in that party.

      At all costs,- National must never be allowed to gain power again.

  23. Observer Tokoroa 23

    Wild Katipo

    Keep the Paragraphs you have sent me. Let us bring them out again and again – at important times.

    Let the Public see just how stupid the women of Sir John Key are. How they denied any crises of housing. How great things were for everybody – when the opposite was true.

    We must keep drawing attention to the blatant lies and indifference of the National women and how they caused the biggest evil ever to have happened in Aotearoa’s History.

    The National Women are Stench. Always have been. And they work to towards evil not towards goodness. That’s why they cluster together. Like a devlish coven.

  24. Sabine 24

    so we are now discussing Judith Collins fake news?

    Oh well, it gets her ‘discussed’. Better then no attention at all, right?

  25. JustMe 25

    Just recently, today in fact, I was thinking about the NZ National Party and its various MPs and of course supporters.
    After the outcome of the 2014 general election John Key whilst he was part-time prime minister of New Zealand is on record by saying that ‘arrogance should have no part in government…’
    The reality of the matter however when it comes to the NZ National Party is arrogance is part of its make-up and now, negatively for National, its identity.
    The arrogant behaviour of its MPs eg Judith Collins, Nick Smith, Simon Bridges, Amy Adams, Gerry Brownlee etc,etc,etc all reek of an arrogance that should never be shown in politics. But it’s on full display for everyone to see.
    Perhaps Judith Collins has aspirations of over-taking the Leadership of the NZ National Party but her arrogant attitude and failure to even admit she made a mistake shows her up as being the worse person to be a leader of a political party as fragmented as the NZ National Party.
    All in all no-one likes arrogance but the National MPs just don’t get it. They think patronising others for any bit of ‘upmanship’ makes them worthy of a vote at election time.
    So let Judith Collins make herself and the NZ National Party look like idiots every time she posts something that is obviously not true. She will help demean the NZ National Party further and further. So well done Judith Collins.

  26. eco maori 26

    moody’s just trying to float her toilet ignore her and we will see what happend’s
    Ka kite ano

  27. Jackel 27

    There were plenty of strikes under the last National government, they just weren’t reported the same. Funny they are now, I wonder why.

    Tories and the media in this country have a wonderful way of sounding authoritative while being woefully ignorant of the facts.

    • Puckish Rogue 27.1

      “There were plenty of strikes under the last National government, they just weren’t reported the same.”

      Got a link or something to back that up?

      • WILD KATIPO 27.1.1

        Ports of Auckland

        Actors union dispute

        Talley’s- continuous and ongoing ones

        Fast food industry’s ie: MacDonald’s

        Curtailing lunch and smoko break’s

        Casual contracts disputed and rectified

        90 day trials

        And that’s only a few. If we were to look back over nine years we would see many many more so called ‘minor’ strikes and industrial actions by unions,- and all with the overarching heavy hand of Key and his national govt almost always taking the side of the employers.

        And I’m sure people could easily add to that small list.

        The fact that the neo liberal element had its first taste of mass strikes in 24 years and the latent strength of what can happen when Kiwis are pushed too far is what really scared those who thought they had it all sown up in favor of employers .

        Oh,… and lets not forget what happened when unions were denied access to Pike River after employees tried to get union action on hazardous conditions. If it wasn’t for neo liberal govts getting rid of / cutting down the numbers of union mines inspectors there’s a huge chance that disaster would never have occurred.

  28. Jackel 28

    FYI, the reality is individual contracts where the employer has the upper hand is unfair bargaining. To say we are returning to the strong arm Union days of the 70’s is scaremongering and pure nostalgia. While this government is close to the Unions they aren’t Union driven. A middle way is needed where both employer and employee can bargain on fair terms for the purchase of labour. I believe this government can find that middle road.