Always an affair, always slanderous, get your own perfect righteous life in order
John Key goes out on high note. look back in time .,.Helen was great P.M. but slippery slope she left behind.
Haha are you kidding? I see no path to winning with any of the likely options for the new PM. English or Collins are the most likely competitiors- English is already a loser, Collins is a scandal magnet and she can’t run the Key strategy of conceding to liberal policies. Bennet and Joyce are just as bad picks. Who’s left other than that? Nobody good.
The National caucus is about to become something similar to a whaling station, blood, guts and blubber flying everywhere! Collins and Bennett will be going for it, hell for leather, while Joyce flaps his gob, spinning the BS! And Blinglish …. dear God, I dread to think!
Some political entertainment to look forward to in election year đ
I could feel sorry for the parasites who’ll be desolated by the backside they’ve lived up no longer being there. But I won’t because I know Hosking will quickly find another residence.
And Collins and co. will go into overdrive reformatting their plans. And plots.
spot on BM, election 2017, Labour up a bit, greens much the same , National 41-43%, Winston (or maybe Shane Jones by then) 10-12%.
Act, The Maori Party and Peter Dunne will not come into play.
You really think Key is the only reason not to go with National? You think NZ First don’t remember the comparative experiences of being in Coalition with Bolger/Shipley and Clark? Their last coalition with National was a disaster, do they expect anything different if they try again? Why?
I am not so sure past history will have any significance on what way Winston goes. Certainly not history from two decades ago.
What I do know is the relationship will be a lot easier to create and sell to the NZ First supporters now that Winston’s main antagonist is out of the way.
I just think a coalition is more likely between them then it was 24 hours ago.
English and Peters will get on very well, Peters has a very similar personality to Key.
It’s hard to know how this will effect National though, I can’t see a mass exodus to Labour/ Greens and a lot of NZ firsts rise in the polls was due to National voters dissatisfied with the way Key was running the country.
Hahaha I like the idea that a leader that isn’t Key would reverse an exodus from National to NZ First. The only chance of that is if they pick someone like Collins, but then the Exodus to Labour is going to be just as big, so there’s really no winning option.
Key is polarising now because the electorate are/were catching on to him and his two-faced nature, and the fact that he’s been banking all that political capital not because he’s a savvy leader but rather because he didn’t have any vision for where to take the country. He was initially not very polarising to the general electorate, just to big political junkies.
Collins is very much the reverse: The only people who like her are dyed-in-the-wool National Party faithful. I’ve never heard any sort of centrist express much sympathy for Collins, in fact I don’t know any who don’t agree that she’s probably corrupt.
Collins not only lacks Key’s social intelligence, (she bulls through somewhat with aggressiveness, but you can only do that so much as Shipley learned) she is also surrounded by the stink of scandal, and has the disadvantage of being a very conservative MP in a nation that has some very liberal sensibilities. (That’s not to say Collins can’t hit populist areas- it’s why she’s frequently been in Justice and Police roles in her political career rather than being on the track to Attorney General) Overall, Collins is about the worst PM they could pick for going into an election, as we’d have 8 months or so of her doing her worst to relive on the campaign trail. She could surprise us and pull off a Trump-style victory with some law and order cred, (although arguably she’s too much of a politician to manage it, the same problem Peters has) but if not, she’s likely to be the biggest possible gift to Labour the National Party could come up with.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but it’s not the direction NZ First policy has been leaning lately. They have a lot more in common with Labour, and without Key in the PM’s chair, it’s possible they won’t even have the numbers to pull a coalition with NZ First.
Who else can get away with giving only a weeks notice?
Still, what a great day it is for anyone in NZ apart from those apparent 36% who prefer him as PM. Wonder if they feel let down or do they, in their strange state of cognitive dissonance think “what a great guy for giving it all up for his family” and adore him even more?
I just wish he had done something substantial with all that multi-year political capital riding up there in the polls. He had a chance to really shape the entire country for the long term good … it just didn’t happen.
I admire him taking the decision at the request of his wife.
Far too often politicians choose the career parliamentary life and deliberately destroy their marriages.
Takes quite an emotional measure to reverse that at the top of the game and top of the power elite, and choose your core relationship over your career.
Very gracious comment Ad. I admire that. But “he had a chance to really shape the entire country for the long term good”?
No that was never going to happen. It’s just not in the National Party’s DNA
It’ll take a few months and perhaps well into 2018 to figure out his legacy.
I sure don’t need to defend this lot, but I’m hoping Key will have done three things at a minimum:
– Deliberately managed the housing market to plateau and gradual deflation
– Permanently altered the public service – local and central – to prepare for nation-wide shocks
– Strengthened the transport core of New Zealand as a whole
I’m scratching my head otherwise to figure his lasting positive legacy.
The arguments will go for a while on this one I am sure.
I’ve got to credit him with the nous not to claw back Working For Families or interest free student loans and resisting the temptation to go full austerity after 2008 (although that was largely due to Michael Cullen’s stewardship of the economy). He didn’t stand in the way of marriage equality. The UFB rollout was a positive policy that is seeing us leapfrog Australia – especially in the climate of their minerals collapse. But it’s not a large list of achievements for 8 years.
Extending free healthcare to Under 12’s
Increasing benefits above the rate of inflation for the first time in x years (50 was it?)
Working with Fonterra and Sanitarium to introduce breakfast in schools
Landmark Tuhoe settlement under which Te Urewera became a legal entity
TPPA (got it to signing and I am sure there will be more to come on this in future)
The Christchurch rebuild (National increased vote share in ChCh over this time)
Pike River murder and betrayal.
Turning New Zealand into a tax haven.
Law Society warned the UN about his government’s attacks on human rights and the rule of law.
Abuse of Parliamentary urgency.
Lying reflexively.
Cameron Slater.
I’m glad Dear Leader has resigned. He was the worst Prime Minister this country has ever seen.
He has poisoned our water forever. Nixon will be remembered as a classic case of a smart man shitting in his own nest. But he also shit in our nests, and that was the crime that history will burn on his memory like a brand.
Definitely the healthcare moves are going, but hardly a groundbreaking legacy.
The Treaty of Waitangi settlements are also noteworthy – but even for New Zealand they are Business As Usual under both kinds of government.
The Christchurch rebuild, well, anyone would say it’s been far too slow, not very imaginative, and barely left Christchurch better off than when he started in office, which is the core measure of leadership. I referred to it when I mentioned ‘responding to shocks’ above.
Even Key has said he would have preferred that he had won the flag referendum, to show he had made some tangible difference.
“The Treaty of Waitangi settlements are also noteworthy â but even for New Zealand they are Business As Usual under both kinds of government”
Most are noteworthy, but the Tuhoe settlement is groundbreaking on a global scale:
Let’s not forget the UFB rollout and the GFC recovery also…
“Extending free healthcare to Under 12âs” – this was at the expense of three-month free health checks for the oldies, Bob.
“Working with Fonterra and Sanitarium to introduce breakfast in schools” – and this was a community initiative which Key jumped into for photo ops.
The Tuhoe settlement was always going to happen, the Ch’ch rebuild has been a huge disaster for many home-owners with repairs having to be made to rebuilt homes, increasing benefits made no difference to the disaster brought down on beneficiaries by the Richardson-Shipley govt.
Nope – I don’t think Key has left us much of a legacy, except more money for the rich, and much less for the ordinary NZer in the middle, let alone those who are poor.
The Tuhoe settlement was certainly going to happen, after the bruising raid by the police under Helen Clark’s Labour government. A really good case of one in the eye for Labour.
Ad. History will not look too kindly upon John Key, the most dirtiest politician this country has ever had the misfortune to have. Key’s legacy is one of abject ruin.
More likely keen to resign before more panama paper expose’s come calling to NU Zilland and there’s no point now his main focus TPPA/cash4cronies looks dead.
After ten years of wondering which stumbling fool of a leftist was going to ask me whether I stood by my statements today, I’d be ready for a break too.
Best PM ever.
Andy “gravedigger” Little might be in with a chance of raising labour in the polls now…?
Nah mate – were happy to see the end of the most corrupt Prime Minister that this sorry country has ever had the misfortune to have to have endured . Best news in 8 long years,
Now maybe we might see justice in this country again.
And that’s just the problem with you sycophants – you never read because it just might expose the REAL motives and WHOS behind the shit – and pour cold water all over those precious vested interests .
Guess you reckon the slaughter at the battle of the Somme was the fault of the lazy foot soldiers as well , eh?
Yeah, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had stepped down after the election. He didn’t seem like he was imminently retiring, so it’s reasonable to conclude that it’s for personal reasons.
Just watched the news on TV1 and TV3. His reasons are corny and don’t fit with his known persona. If you were to believe him its all about putting his family first… putting his supporters and colleagues first… putting the country first. Rubbish. The byelection result was the final nail… He saw the writing on the wall.
Ok, there might be truth in considering his wife and family who might well have had enough of it. (I would if I was in their shoes.) But the rest is not believable. He talked about “having always been honest with the public”. Many people with moderate to severe memory failure will fall for the line hook, line and sinker (including the sycophantic media) but its hogwash. We’ve put up with years of lies from John Key and BliP’s lists are testament to it.
In the meantime the Mt. Roskill by-election results have fallen off the bottom of the news ladder. Oh well done John Key but sorry mate… it won’t wash forever because sanity usually prevails in the end.
Correct. Oz PMs have lost the party leadership and come back – John Howard of “Throwing Babies Overboard” infamy. Kevin Rudd. It’s not a high bar you know.
Good riddance to a terrible PM, but might not change much except for the politics of personality (plenty of Nacts with the same lousy values to follow).
I think this marks the end of a huge, wasted opportunity for Labour. An opportunity to have debated the issue of the very rich who hold most of the nation’s wealth and don’t contribute their share. Key was a classic example, but was not challenged even slightly on this (e.g. his own tax contribution vs his wealth).
Yea, it sounds like the Nats weren’t going to be able to form a government without NZFirst and Key had said he’d never work with Winston Peters. Winnie must be loving this – Key got pushed before he retired.
Good news! My first thought was what is the ****** must be hiding something. But maybe the tea leaves were just pointing to a defeat next election. Does this clear the way for National + NZ First coalition?
Wonderful news and what a relief we don’t have to put up with the smiling assassin’s lies and and crafty manipulations anymore. And if the pundits are correct and he is the popularity of the Natzi’s we can look forward to a change of Government next year. Whoopee!
I never liked John Key, and he never gave me cause to respect him, in fact embarrassed was the emotion most often felt when watching him in the public sphere. Often angry when seeing the effect his party’s policies have had in NZ society. But unfortunately there are too many like him in the National Party willing to take his place.
So for my part, muted recognition with the side order of ‘meh’.
(I’m guessing the research unit at National are predicting a major slump in housing, and a dive for the economy. Like all lacklustre managers, he is going to go while the going can be reported to be good… and leave the mess for others to clean up. And be warned, we are likely in for a spate of sycophantic articles about Key’s legacy).
Even the National Party Herald could only come up with this:
Key has governed the country through the recession of the late-2000s, formed the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority in response to the aftermath of the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake and led the country following the Pike River disaster.
Key also worked to create the much-protested policy for the partial privitisation of state-owned enterprises, including Meridian and Mighty River Power, Genesis and Solid Energy.
Overseas, Key has withdrawn the NZ Defence Force from Afghanistan, attended the Queen’s residence at Balmoral, improved relations with the United states and aimed to establish the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
The end of an error, and not a good one at that, a time when many voted against their own betterment because of the retoric of a carismatic leader. So why did he really sesign? One can only guess; was he rolled by his own caucus; was whikki leaks finally about to publish the real oil on John Key; one things for sure the real reason is not being spoken of at the moment.
That was my first reaction, but i’m happy with his rationale.
He’s never needed the money or the power. Hell of a job that takes its toll on family life. But he’s always been about the legacy…so what better time to go than when he is still reasonably popular.
Once it was established that he didn’t have the legs for a 4th term, then now is the perfect time. Give the new leader a long lead-in time to the election. By springing it as so much of a surprise he also gets to hand pick his successors as there’s no time for plotting or machinations.
Goodness me. Surely Key wasn’t frightened by direct interviewing from Kim Hill after years of fan based journalists? Maybe she showed him that his time is up!
There is a God after all. Two things come to mind – he was offered a job while at the latest Security Council Meeting or there is some major dirt that has been dug on him – whatever it is thank the lord we won’t have to listen to his insincerity and sarcasm anymore. Not a political genuine article that is for sure. He wants to go out on a roll – he is a legend in his own mind.
I recon he was given the chance to resign to save face, but in the back room was told they had the numbers to roll him and he can either jump or get pushed.
National hides their dirty secrets behind a wall of right wing bloggers and tame MSM.
I recon it was the huge numbers who voted against National at the recent by-election in a seat that because of all the National party votes at the last election should have seen it more closely contested and a hard win for Labour.
Not so Sam, NZJester made a very good point. This is the second by election National have lost, and despite the spin, Key was looking for an upset and got thoroughly trounced instead. Local elections didn’t go National’s way either. Looks like John key was given his marching orders and got out while he could before the spin of the fake “rock star economy” collapsed around him.
Yeah there is some truth in that analysis Jester knowing the way the National party works.
I think Joyce calls the shots and whatever the reasons has tapped him on the shoulder and said its time.
No sitting PM goes willingly and Key had a massive ego and strong desire to win a fourth term for the legacy and would not have wanted to give that away.
The guy is dirty and quite possibly compromised and that has caught up with him.
I just dont buy the “i am going to spend more time with the family ” line.
National are all about smoke and mirrors with their public face.
He was most likely ambushed in a secret backroom meeting with someone stepping in to challenge him in a vote. The National Party inner circle have probably cast their votes for and against him with Key loosing out. The trusted inner circle will already know who will be our next PM until the next election.
Key in order to get some special perks will be choosing who they want and has no say in the matter.
The Mt Roskill by-election is irrelevant. It was Labour’s to lose. Less than 40% of the electorate voted, and those that did vote for labour had always voted for labour. There was no mass transfer of national voters to labour, Labour had more at stake and were better organised on the day to get their vote out. It was the predicted outcome and it came to pass.
Rare telly watching the other weekend, saw him on the Nation…thought at the time he looked a little blue. Put it down to the make up person not applying enough gunk for HD….which is pitiless on the less than perfect.
I do hope there is no serious illness in his family, my first thought.
But Bronagh regretting all those “lonely nights” is a bit rich when she had the option to join him in Premier House, and opted instead to stay in Auckland.
She had the power to change things, but didn’t.
And you might say the same of Key’s terms as Prime Minister. An ineffectual man.
He had a big effect Mrs Brillo… just wasn’t a good effect for the majority of people….His legacy….Lying so so often, Pony Tail Puller, Flag Fail, selling off Assets, bike path, TPP, Housing, immigration
We are incredibly lucky to have had his service at the time when we most needed a smart, competent business guy to keep us afloat.
Most other OECD countries never recovered from the 2009 GFC and today are wracked with civil strife, divided by hyper-partizan politics, crippled by debt and unemployment. Many have either gone tits-up on socialist spending beyond their ability to pay, or else elected far-right reactionaries instead.
Wow, I actually wasted 10 minutes of my life reading through that loosely cobbled conspiracy theory.
Great example of the depth of reporting of facts:
“âąA local indigenous Maori lady phoned a New Zealand radio talk-back show in mid-January 2011 discussing the Pike River tragedy and in her own, unrefined way, perceptively said:
âYou know, thereâs something mighty fishy about what the media is telling us all about this B/S at Pike River Mine. Why has nobody been charged? You know. Just as they killed those guys and they have now sealed the mine up and buried them forever â if we, as a people, donât do something about it â before long â they are going tobury us all too!â”
Then I scrolled back to the top and saw this:
“I recommend that people carefully read what follows â double-check the references for yourself â and above all â please THINK for yourself!
Penny Bright”
Wow, I actually wasted 10 minutes of my life reading through that loosely cobbled conspiracy theory.
I didn’t even spend that much time on it. But I will say this – I don’t think there’s ever been a time in history where so much effort has been put in to preventing people going in to attempt to rescue/recover the victims of a mine collapse or explosion. I have not been able to come across one.
My own suspicion is that our namby-girly police who blocked initial rescue attempts realise that many of the Pike River victims survived and could’ve been rescued alive hours or days later, but because they blocked all attempts to rescue (people have been dragging victims out of burning mines for hundreds of years without benefit of our modern tools!) the men died. Someone going into the mine today would be able to prove that. I suspect those involved know it would be immediately obvious that some of them survived.
“My own suspicion is that our namby-girly police who blocked initial rescue attempts realise that many of the Pike River victims survived and couldâve been rescued alive hours or days later”
Yip, completely agree, the rescue mission should have started almost immediately as the methane within the mine had been burnt off. For the safety of those attempting a rescue you can see why the Police would have felt obliged to stop them, but in reality they all but stopped any chance of a rescue effort right there.
“Someone going into the mine today would be able to prove that. I suspect those involved know it would be immediately obvious that some of them survived.”
This is where I struggle, I think an effort should still be made to enter the mine if there is any way to do so, these families need closure, but the mine has been burning since the initial explosion, so I doubt there would be any evidence left to find.
“Culpable manslaughter?”
Unfortunately this wasn’t an option under the law at the time, however it would be under current law (my understanding).
Awesome! – just awesome !…. picks out the incidental bit and focuses on that and disregards all the rest that shows how plans for the operation were conducted. Enjoy the bit about Key visiting the Wall street broker working for Bank of America ?
‘ 33) September 24, 2009: Prime Minister John Key meets with Douglas A. Johonson in New York, a Bank of America trader who deals in New Zealand company stocks on the first floor of the New York Stock Exchange.’
Okay, how about:
“Yet amazingly, Bathurst Resources Ltd reports on their website as at 2.11pm (EST) 21th January, 2011, their BTU Share Price is now $A1.040 â now well over 900% higher than it was at the same time in 2010”
It is now at less than 10% of that value:
“Clearly, a very elect group of both local and global, corrupt, treacherous, corporate individuals, self-serving bankers and government officials, allegedly headed by the New Zealand Prime Minister John Key with his blind trust”
Blind trusts are just that, blind. Pretty hard for John Key to be heading a conspiracy on investments he doesn’t handle
“out of the very worst excesses of blatant âinsider tradingâ imaginable in Bathurst Resources Ltd and associated company shares”
See above
“âThe Upper Big Branch Mine methane explosion occurs in West Virginia in the U.S. killing exactly 29 miners out of a total 31, (at the same time in the afternoon, as the 29 miners out of 31 were killed on November 19, 2010, by an identical methane gas explosion at Pike River Coal in New Zealand). Most of the major shareholders of Massey Energy that own the Upper Big Branch Mine are the same controlling shareholders of New Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd that are the controlling shareholders of Pike River Coal Ltd. Following the disaster at Upper Big Branch Mine, a number of patriotic organizations called on Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship to be arrested and charged with first degree murder.â”
Charges were laid November 2011:
“33) September 24, 2009: Prime Minister John Key meets with Douglas A. Johonson in New York, a Bank of America trader who deals in New Zealand company stocks on the first floor of the New York Stock Exchange.”
Wow, that seals it then! Our Prime Minister publicly visited a trader who is directly involved in investments into the New Zealand economy…must be trying to cover up murder…
Pull your head in mate, this is a big Penny Bright conspiracy based on nothing, that doesn’t stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny, and you are peddling it a dozen times on the same post like a crazy person!
I suggest pull your own head in ,… your type have been beating your chests for 8 years and you really dont like having to pull your heads out of your hosts backside.
Never mind, – you can used to it. We all had to get used to having a corrupt PM for 8 years… now its your turn to have some character building .
And now the accountability issues that caused Key to resign begins ,… as Peters said it today on RNZ. Let the games commence.
He’s not a “business guy”. He worked in the finance sector speculating on the movement of currencies. No socially useful goods or services were created.
The parasitic banking sector likes to pretend they are performing a vital service in the economy. They think they are wizards able to conjure wealth out of nothing. In fact they are just ticket clippers and imposing costs on the actual productive sector.
Usury should be illegal and all banking should be nationalised as a public utility.
The only reason this country kept afloat during the recession was thanks to Labour’s forward thinking and paying off our international debt, not anything Key’s government did.
Key managed to royally screw that up and put this country into a crippling amount of debt again. You can bet with his so called blind trust portfolio that he is making money off of that debt he put this country in.
Even the so called budget surplus his government came up with was a big lie. When all of our crucial NZ services like health (both mental and physical), education, social welfare, fire services, policing, emergency call services and civil defense are all under funded any budget surplus announced is a lie.
His legacy is selling out this country to big business , making lots of false promises (Pike River top of the list of broken promises) and a crippling debt that will make it hard for a Labour government to properly fund and rebuild all the services National has under funded for so long.
The bad news is probably stacking up against the lie of the “rock star economy” and he does not want to be tarnished with the product of his own policies. The music has stopped and who is going to hold the parcel of debt? Not the Government for sure, it is the over leveraged National heartland. This could get really ugly really quickly and Key knows the sun shines in Hawaii and no one knows who he is up there.
“Because they loved their money more than anything in the whole world.” The voters have been pushed far enough in this iteration of dirty, greed-based politics. Time for a breather before flogging off health and education.
Several concern troll comments on this site have been advising on the importance of Labour retiring older MPs in favour of new blood. And John Key/National have been reading; time to replace John Key with the fresh-faced Bill English.
Predict that the consistently genuine Andrew Little, not to mention Winston and Gareth, will get a boost in the preferred prime minister stakes – STAY THE COURSE.
Credit where credit’s due – Key can be consistent too. Consistently ambiguous on the 1981 Springbok tour, still flogging the TPPA. But overall a remarkably flexible leader, as his utterances on Pike River attest. Not admirable – a consistent liar to the end.
I’m saving my good wishes for the children of New Zealand who suffered and still suffer at the hands of this unprincipled power seeker, wannabe macho-laddie, child. Was always a disgraceful primary school fibber. Good riddance. Who ya’ gonna import this time grande dame Boag?
Didn’t even serve out his third term aye? Wasn’t “Honest John” gonna be New Zealand’s longest serving PM?
A lot of jobs take a huge toll, it never seems to be a consideration for blue collar workers and their families, they’re just told they have to be more flexible. Key was at least richly remunerated while his Govt removed workers rights and enabled a precarious work environment for many. Lots of people work just as long hours, just as hard, some in dangerous environments, many who also have to factor in fatigue from shift work. So meh to Key and the apparent HUGE toll the job took.
Nothing wrong with the keyboard, son, but – but you have a few hours left so dont panic …They say tapeworm parasites can live a few days without their heads…
And now your host has gone its going to be fun to watch all you bloodsuckers squirm and squeal without being able to feed off the population any longer…
Anyone who quotes Penny Blight as a credible source (little less spamming the comments with the same link over and over), is not somebody who could ever be taken seriously – or in fact should even be left alone with crayons
James: “A job like the PM must take a HUGE toll.”
Not really James. NZ population 4.5million. How about Mayor of New York or Birmingham? We are really very tiny even though our PM gets paid twice as much as Brit PM with 70million.
Here is the Herald’s list of his achievements:
(I’ve taken out the elections won bit)
“Key has governed the country through the recession of the late-2000s, formed the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority in response to the aftermath of the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake and led the country following the Pike River disaster.
Key also worked to create the much-protested policy for the partial privitisation of state-owned enterprises, including Meridian and Mighty River Power, Genesis and Solid Energy.
Overseas, Key has withdrawn the NZ Defence Force from Afghanistan, attended the Queen’s residence at Balmoral, improved relations with the United states and aimed to establish the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”
Whether there was planning in this, the timing is outstanding:
– It is the most important cabinet renewal after a highly refreshed caucus and cabinet compared to 2008, signaled in advance of barbeque seasons, and the 2017 electoral season
– It is three days before an enormous surplus forecast, giving National the election-year headroom for massive social spending AND tax cuts.
I really believe that Key has actually told the truth for the first time in his political career. Bronagh has said, be home more, and he has conceded.
Not sure I agree with comments about the big cat fights that are about to start in the Natzi caucus. They are far too well drilled for that. It’ll be Billy Dipstick or Joycie Dildo – or if they are are completely suicidal, Pawdry Benefit.
What concerns me most is that this tawdry, self-serving little man re-introduced the gongs a few years ago with the long term view that when he finally went, one would be waiting for him. If that is the case, he is a bigger arsehole than I even took him for.
Goodbye and total good riddance. He mentioned something about going out on the top – going out on the bottom, more likely – the bottom of the list! What list? Best PM list, of course.
Not sure I agree with comments about the big cat fights that are about to start in the Natzi caucus. They are far too well drilled for that.
They’re authoritarians so pretty much once the leader goes it’s all on to choose the next leader and, as Dirty Politics showed, they don’t fight clean.
The PM is famous for not being around when the shit hits the fan, how many times has Blinglish been left to scrape up his messes while he flies overseas to be as far away as possible from it. I cannot remember when he has ever been around for uncomfortable situations where his deputy can do his dirty work for him. The PM can see next year ahead of him and he never likes to be around and seen as a loser, so its pretty obvious he will now sit on the back benches and let his minions take the flak. His supposed “legacy” is his most important mission in life – so he is performing true to form. His own Government will not be respecting him right now for leaving them in the lurch. Withstanding any ill health in his family, we are better off without him.
Key has ALWAYS been around when problems arise. The GFC. The recession. The earthquakes. Pike River. He has stood up time and again in the face of natural and international challenges. Your lack of insight reminds me the criticism of Helen Clark over the years.
In their portfolio’s, maybe. But Key has fronted lots of the major issues in the past several years. Don’t you understand that is why he is so popular.
Thank you Framu for agreeing with me – he is Teflon John for very good reason, he loathed being associated with bad news or being seen as a loser. Wellfedweka doesn’t know what he is talking about. Swanning around in helicopters with the requisite hard hat on doesn’t do it for me – ask Christchurch residents how they feel x amount of years on about his promises and the Pike River families as well. All hair oil and no socks was how my Granny would have described him – an apt description indeed.
Under which government was Pike River consented? Labour.
There were no ‘changes’ made under national that contributed to the Pike River disaster. Seriously in 10 years the far left have been trying to paint Key as some kind of demon. You’ve failed. Key leaves undefeated.
“More victims of the â Smiling Assassin â and you really dont like it one bit , do you now⊔
Actually I think he’s made exactly the right decision. Family comes first. He’s 55, successful, wealthy and happily married. He’ll leave the next National elader with a tough act to follow, but there is no Helen Clark in today’s labour party.
One last bird flipped at his enemies. For all the churlish rhetoric here now, he will get to say he went out on top. The Left will never have the satisfaction of hearing him concede defeat on an election night.
I understand the need to conjure up fantasies to make the truth more palatable, but the facts are that he’s now one of the very few politicians to “win the game”.
Whether that’s reality or perception, posterity will now look upon him more fondly than possibly he deserves to be.
We will never know, will we. But the polls say he left with a stonking 50% rating. Perception is all that matters, and he will have it in spades. If Nats lose in 2017, people will say it was because he wasn’t there. If they win in 2017, it will be because of the platform he laid.
It would be disastrous to change leaders again. Little has built a solid team and is shaping up to be a good leader.
Robertson and Ardern are both strong politicians and good communicators. They’ll have plenty to contribute to the next Labour government and each has good leadership potential, but that doesn’t make it time to “roll” Little. (And btw, I’d rather have a serious, honest person leading the party and the country than a smarmy jerk like Key.)
No ones going to give a damn about what you sycophants say at present – more so in the future when history teaches the REAL truth about John Philip Key.
This has been such a great day! Much more hopeful for the future now.
However, he could’ve done it better. He could’ve “gone postal” in the traditional fashion! Now that would be a retirement worthy of how much damage he’s done to the rest of the country!
Tony Veitch (not the partner-bashing 3rd rate broadcaster 51
When it was announced by the flight attendant just before the plane left Napier for Wellington, people cheered and clapped. Not all of course but a good number.
You are obviously much smarter than most of us.
By your logic when someone announces their planned retirement and people clap it is because they are glad to see them go.
Little innocent me thought it meant they were thanking the person and wishing them well.
Amazing. When Helen Clark announced her resignation after the election loss the people at the function gave her a standing ovation, did they not?
I thought it was her party members saying thank you and wishing her well for the future.
But Prickles informs us it meant they were happy to see the back of her.
Is that really what you interpret clapping as you silly git?
Funny,… thats not what Winston Peters said about John Philip Key on RNZ today,.. he seemed to think it had more to do with a tanking economy and certain other things that will be unearthed ….
‘ which will come out in the days and weeks to follow ‘….
Winston Peters?
You mean you take him seriously on anything.
It was after midday wasn’t it. By that stage Winston, who is a seriously bitter old man, would be well into his cups and he was probably seeing pink elephants dancing around the room. You don’t really believe anything that man says do you?
Hi Alwyn, just read again what I actually wrote. I didn’t make any mention of my interpretation of what they meant – simply reported what happened. The interpretation has come only from you.
Well, I guess now’s when we get to see how much of the Nat’s support is due to their policies and how much is due to Smarmy John…
Thanks goodness Little has put an emphasis on team-building in Labour so that they’re not likely to fly apart now, given an opportunity to show themselves as a credible alternative.
Bye bye, John; wish I could say it’d been a pleasure.
Yep. It’s going to have to be after the budget and the delivery of more unaffordable tax cuts but before the complete collapse of the economy brought about by National’s policies.
I don’t know why we are cheering. This makes Labour/Green unelectable.
The path is now clear for NZFirst/National. Key doesn’t do anything without planning and calculation, and anyone who judges this on face value is an idiot.
Depends. National could lose a considerable amount of support as a consequence. One thing’s for sure: winning the 2017 election will take a lot of hard work, then as now.
Lets hope it is Dildo Joyce â we could do with a few laughs after all Keys corruption and his Bank of America connectionsâŠ
What gets me with that pic is the smile on his face as he has that heading straight for his mouth.
(Please stop spamming that horribly done site about Pike River. I know something nasty went on there that shonkey and his cronies don’t want uncovered, but that site needs some basic work before getting shown to the public, and it does no good to your cause to have someone displaying a site that turns intelligent people away at first glance!)
This one’s going out to you Rogue Trooper. I wish you had lived to see this day. I know you’d have a song for us. I’m guessing it would have been this one:
Listening to the comments of international leaders it is obvious the very high regard John Key is held in internationally. Andrew Little’s were gracious and measured, Winston Peter’s utterly graceless. Votes lost there.
John Key will certainly qualify as our best post war PM, marginally ahead of Helen Clark. He leaves NZ in a terrific position, and with record levels of personal popularity. Well done good sir, go well.
I thought Little’s comments on Nat Rad were excellent and the most statesmanlike I’ve heard from him. OAB could learn quite a bit from the Labour leader.
Then I am in good company and you are in denial on a blog.
In 2014, 305,000 (29%) of dependent 0â17 year olds were living in income poverty defined using a relative threshold measure of below 60% of the median income after housing costs were taken into consideration. In 2013, the percentage was 24%…
As I said, I have no interest in reading your pathetic excuses. Take it up with the Children’s Commission.
Right wingers lying to one another on blogs discredits you, not the Children’s Commission. Frankly, if there were 100,000 kids living in poverty you still wouldn’t give a toss about them.
He leaves New Zealand with record homelessness , a housing market that’s fucked and soon to crash , an immigration policy that resulted in runaway stress on our infrastructure and abuse of our labour laws, miserable low wages, massive decline in our social services and health, police, – and thats not even starting on the list – as well as this :
UNICEF and the World Bank and the IMF and the Salvation Army and the Children’s Commissioner and the Governor of the Reserve Bank and the NZ Law Society and the homeless families are all hard Left?
Yea, and I told you to go away and find a definition that hasn’t been debunked. I suspect you know nothing of real child poverty. Which is why you’re happy to minimise the problem with such dumb data.
If it were mine, it wouldn’t be, but it isn’t, and since the Children’s Commission is a credible source and you are a denier on a blog, that’s how it’s going to stay.
Best Post war PM? John Key governed this country for the benefit of the wealthy and international corporates. Turned NZ into a tax haven. He presided over record numbers of homeless families while attempting (& failing) to sell off many thousands of State Houses. Did nothing for 305,000 children being raised in poverty. Passed a record number of laws under urgency, and denied the people of Canterbury their democratic rights to electing their regional council. Ran a Dirty Politics operation out of the PMs office. Lies and manipulation were his modus operandi eg:
Record employment is from record population
Record low interest rates is because the economy is stagnant, ditto inflation.
Crown debt is massively increased from when National started in 2008, so that’s you just blatantly lying.
And we aren’t remotely close to having one of the strongest economies in the OECD, as we’re pretending like we have growth on the back of immigration and an empty property market boom.
Honestly, if you’re going to write a hagiography, at least pick some things that are actually going well.
The economy is not stagnant. It is growing faster than most other OECD economies. Our net government debt to GDP is one of the lowest in the developed world. Clearly you haven’t even attempted to research the facts before commenting.
Respect to the families of the Pike River miners, but that’s 16 times you’ve linked that ball of batshit crazy in this comment thread. You must be wondering how many more times it’s going to take to get the attention of a moderator.
John Key will certainly qualify as our best post war PM, marginally ahead of Helen Clark.
He did nothing good of consequence. The best one can say of him was that he didn’t screw up too badly.
Basically Cullen and Clark left him in an enviable fiscal position. However that has largely dissipated with the GFC and he has done nothing at all to deal with the structural issues from the aging demographics. Probably his most notable screwup was to not continue loading up the Cullen fund.
Cullen and Clark left him with a recession that was, at least in part, the result of local circumstances. They also left him with some very poor quality spending. Key has achieved much, but most notably the way he has restored our economic strength after the GFC. The Labour alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.
The books were in good shape, due to the decades of sound economic policy. But Labour made some bad spending decisions, which were coming home to roost in 2007/08.
The “local recession” was a result of trying to rectify issues from the local housing market bubble. Key released those and now we have a really bad bubble.
The thing that staved off the economic problem over the GFC was the rapid rise in commodity prices due to the Chinese market. That was the market that Goff and Clark opened up. It is notable that Key has since only managed to get the Korean FTA completed, and has a dead in the water and pretty useless for NZ TPP.
In the meantime, outside of dairy, all of the other economic good news has been in the tech areas that were initiated by Labour in the early 00s.
The governments only active economic moves were to sell assets to diminish the effect of their spendthrift borrowing, and to overheat the local economy with excessive net migration thereby causing the nasty downstream effects that has on our infrastructure – mostly showing up in housing.
I’d point out that 8 years after Key took over the reins, we still don’t have a real surplus – just book-keeping ones caused by shuffling book-keeping.
Essentially the government has managed to squander the chance to deal with our medium term issue of the aging population. They simply made the downstream issues that government has to deal with harder and more complex by deferring them to buy votes.
Oh so you weren’t talking about the downturn in 2007? You were talking about the global financial crisis n 2009/2010?
Tourism is a commodity product. It generally rises and falls with the price of aviation kerosene and the relative currency differentials. In the last few years it has risen again. Offhand in NZ the only effect that wasn’t due to those was the Lord of the Rings – something to do with favourable tax treatment given to the film industry back in 2000.
However it looks like the price of kerosene will rise post the OPEC decisions last week, and I suspect that the exchange rate isn’t moving in tourism’s favour from our current major markets
This year we actually have a projected government surplus for the first time since 2007 (it is in reality down below 1bn once you take out the book keeping fiddles). That was the half year result. Looking at what is likely between now and March, it doesn’t look likely to sustain
But have you looked the the forward projections from treasury out past 2030 ? I’d look it up, however I have to get back to sleep to kill the jetlag. Have to get up in a few hours to work at building those exports.
If anyone has time, could they look up the longer term projections from Treasury that John Key doesn’t want to read.
“Oh so you werenât talking about the downturn in 2007? You were talking about the global financial crisis n 2009/2010?”
No, I was talking about the downturn in 2007, that then ran into the GFC.
“Tourism is a commodity product. It generally rises and falls with the price of aviation kerosene and the relative currency differentials.”
No, Tourism is a service. And NZ’s tourism has expanded significantly despite the high dollar.
“This year we actually have a projected government surplus for the first time since 2007 (it is in reality down below 1bn once you take out the book keeping fiddles). ”
We had a surplus in 2016. Labour left a huge deficit in 2008/09.
“But have you looked the the forward projections from treasury out past 2030 ? ”
Are you serious? Are you so desperate you need to call on forecasts that far out? The Governments policies have returned NZ to healthy surplus, and before expectations.
Are you reading comments from international leaders LP?
Well disguised amidst the rosy projections but John Key cannot be proud of
* Natural capital facing decline
* Persistent inequality
* Failure to manage net debt
* Increasing costs of superannuation
Well you’re a well fed weta so you would say that. There are many thousands of wetas out there who are suffering because of the policies of the John Key government!
John Key will certainly qualify as our best post war PM…
Among arse-kissers like yourself, undoubtedly. However, he certainly won’t be regarded as our best post-war PM after the arse-kissers are all dead, for the fairly significant reason that he did nothing to justify such a bizarre claim. Not screwing up badly isn’t the same as doing a great job.
Key is internationally admired. He has unprecedented personal popularity. His stewardship of NZ has seen our economy the envy of the western world. It’s only extremely sour grapes that seems to be getting in the way of your objectivity.
The comments are not ‘stock standard’. Anything but. Check out Turnbull’s. And Helen Clark’s. Key was very well liked and respected. It must be just too hard for you to accept it.
So is Helen Clark. Maybe she’s the greatest post-war NZ leader?
He has unprecedented personal popularity.
And? So did Rob Muldoon, but once all his “Rob’s Mob” arse-kissers were dead, it became apparent how history was really going to look on him. Personal popularity’s wonderful for the ambitious mofo trying to get elected, but it’s of no value to the country.
His stewardship of NZ has seen our economy the envy of the western world.
The rest of the western world didn’t have Michael Cullen spend years paying public debt down to nothing before the GFC hit. Key’s main contribution has been to largely stick with Labour’s programme and resist the calls for austerity – due credit to him that he did those things, but it’s more “safe pair of hands” than “greatest post-war leader” material.
“So is Helen Clark. Maybe sheâs the greatest post-war NZ leader?”
She’d be close. #2.
“So did Rob Muldoon”
Muldoon never had the personal popularity of Key, nor did he ever have national secure the % of votes Key has.
“…due credit to him that he did those things, but itâs more âsafe pair of handsâ than âgreatest post-war leaderâ material.”
It’s far more than the economy. Key has done much to correct what Labour got wrong, but he has also made significant progress on race relations, quality of government spending, quality of our health care system etc.
He’s proved adept at disguising the deterioration in public services that occurs under every National government, yes. Health is a fine example, in which we have numbers that look great, and as long as you only look at those numbers you might get the impression the government’s doing a good job. The people working in the field know what misery’s being inflicted to achieve those numbers, but hey, the numbers are the measure of performance, right?
That’s probably his real legacy: assign key performance indicators to public services, then sit back and watch how your public service managers can game those KPI numbers even while you reduce their funding in real terms. Pretty much the same with the economy – great numbers, just don’t look at how they’re being achieved (immigration and resulting expenditure on creating expenditure to deal with it). We must have the finest, most exquisitely-gamed key performance indicators in the history of the country under this government – some people mistake it for good governance.
+1 very good points. The use of dodgy carbon credits is a typical example. As is the refusal to measure child poverty and manipulated crime stats.
A bunch of numbers and pretty graphs is the kind of bull used by investment scammers all the time.
Key and the Gnats slapped Kiwis in the face with their casual dismissals of evidence from qualified academics, about uncomfortable topics like
polluted waterways,
the housing crisis,
charter schools,
the Panama Papaers,
the TPPA,
the GCSB spying on Kiwis,
Pike River
But Key’s worst crime was to allow Gerry Brownlee to rampage over Christchurch and turn the tragedy of the earthquake into a frenzy of wanton destruction by disaster capitalists. Much more effort could have been made to save people’s treasured possessions and livelihoods and the culture of the city.
National’s crony capitalism has turned the heart of Christchurch into a wasteland and is trying to beggar the CCC. I think the Gnats were complicit with arsehole insurance companies in ripping off the victims even more.
Best Post war PM? John Key governed this country for the benefit of the wealthy and international corporates. Turned NZ into a tax haven. He presided over record numbers of homeless families while attempting (& failing) to sell off many thousands of State Houses. Did nothing for 305,000 children being raised in poverty. Passed a record number of laws under urgency, and denied the people of Canterbury their democratic rights to electing their regional council. Changed labour and employment laws for the benefit of international corporates. Ran a Dirty Politics operation out of the PMs office.
Lies and manipulation were his modus operandi eg:
Once again that is just an unsubstantiated diatribe. Let me just pick one…”Changed labour and employment laws for the benefit of international corporates”. I assume you’re referring to the Hobbit legislation. The law that saw three movies made in NZ that have brought untold credit and international exposure to NZ.
Should there not be a snap election? After all people voted for Key to lead, not someone else. Snap election should be called, that would be the democratic thing to do
So I went to sleep in Vienna last night hugely relieved that the son of refugees won the Austrian presidency and woke up this morning that the son of an Austrian (Viennese) refugee had just resigned as the PM in New Zealand. Synchronicity! I don’t think my political day could get any better.
I’m quite happy to wait awhile before the next election. Give the self-entitled wannabees in government to tear National apart first.
You should try my day. I’m in Italy, and they are amused at the differences between their PM resignation and that of John Key. Especially the reasons for it…
I’m not sure about the Italian situation… they do need reform, but a PM arrogant enough (or with the conviction of the rightness of his cause without reading the public mood) to bank his future on a referendum? – there’s the difference between NZ’s outgoing PM (not that he’s not arrogant, just that the flag referendum was only marketing) and Italy’s. Not so much of a difference between Italy Renzi and Cameron in this sense but.
It’s christmas come early Miravox đ Parliament is sitting today, I hope they get down to business and don’t waste question time singing about the outgoing PM.
Great news for Austria btw, what a win đ Rock on Alexander Van der Bellen
It’s clear the prospect of facing Hayley Holt in election debates was too much pressure for the man. What with Andrew Little’s star on the rise, it was like a pincer move on his netherworld dancing toys. Few men could withstand such a manoeuvre.
I have to admire your dogged persistence, Pucky, and in the heat of the enormous burn you just suffered. I know you’re feeling despondent, disillusioned and desperate and aren’t responsible for what you say right now, so I’ll not hold you to your foolish wager. We’ll talk again once reality sets in for you and you see the future more clearly than you do now. On an entirely ‘nother note, today I learned two interesting things; the meaning of netherworld dancing toys, and your little gem(s) above đ
Considering Bomber can’t publish a coherent paragraph, I can’t see him shitting out a book.
It may be that another Hager investigation is coming to fruition. To cut through the media firewall around Keys it would literally have to have photographic evidence of Keys, Farrar and Slater performing a kind of Human Centipede-like maneuver on a dead teenage prostitute before anyone would pay attention.
Absolutely no way. The elites always look after each other. Nixon, Bush, Obama have never had to face justice for their crimes. (The lords of the banking cartels even less so.)
Human rights advocates are calling for New Zealand’s million dollar hair industry to be regulated in light of a Weekend Herald investigation into the secret behind hair extensions.
Every year New Zealand imports more than $2 million worth of human hair – the equivalent of about 62,500 ponytails – to meet growing demand for hair extensions, which can cost thousands of dollars per head.
This was one of the stupidest and most overinflated stories of the year.
It should really have had the title – “renewable resource voluntarily sold by people in other countries. Little girl looks a bit sad at haircut, forgets it will grow back. But story runs big to justify foreign travel grant.”
The endless backslapping by the herald’s editorial team was also a real circle jerk. Pity they didn’t tell us it was an old story, subject of a book released months ago.
This thing is not going to be served up to the Left on a platter.
The wannabes are going to have to be forced to put up competing policy, reminding them that we have had 8 years of no policy. Their answers then should be analysed to death while the pretenders to the crown are compared both interminably and unfavourably with Andrew Little.
Hours should be spent on the matter of John Key’s “legacy”.
It should be endlessly pointed out that the newbie hopefuls has played golf with Obama or appeared reading a Top Ten on Letterman, or been to the palace to feed the corgis or hung out (or is it hanged out) with Ritchie.
Some time should also be spent trying to think of any other legacy. (Before giving up).
My and my family’s thoughts and prayers are very much with little Mike Hosking at the moment. Must surely be a very difficult time. There’ll be tears, there’ll be shouting, there’ll be screaming, there’ll be bewilderment in the Hosking-Hawkesby household tonight … (but, then again, there always is).
Lmfaoooooo am looking forward to Henry in the morning đ
Went up town and spread the news with a few local business owners, they were thrilled, my neighbours gave me a hug when I told them and you should have seen the kids and teachers faces at the school. What a great day for NZ
Speculation is rife on right wing sites, accolades are flying in the wake of their questions and general bewilderment.
Retiring for family, health or medical reasons makes me think of an academy award winning film from 2015 starring Michael Keaton. However the PM whom simply gave up when it became too hard may have genuine reasons. I’m so happy he’s gone no matter his reasons
Went up town and spread the news with a few local business owners, they were thrilled, my neighbours gave me a hug when I told them and you should have seen the kids and teachers faces at the school. What a great day for NZ
Indeed, a great day for our nation and perhaps the only decent thing shonkey has done.
What I have found interesting over the last few years (apart from not yet meeting any one who admits to liking National!) is the amount of hatred small business owners have for National and especially shon key. If their policies have been so great for the economy, why to SBO hate him so much?
But then, if they were so good we wouldn’t have had the nations highest suicide rates, highest homeless rates, highest child poverty rates, very high debt (on a part with the end of the last Nat administration – and very much higher than Labour left him!).. Don’t know where Nat supporters get off saying “record employment levels” when what, 40 or 50 years ago we had 0 unemployment, job for life and so on. Or do they refer to the numbers of people in jobs? Well duh. Growing population. Of course number of jobs rises!
BREAKING NEWS just in! Man pulled from his Ferrari ( or Lamborghini, or whatever it is this week ) in nick of time with exhaust hose hooked up to heater inlet.
Only comment “….I just couldn’t go on…”.
The considered view of a life-long Tory and Kiwiblog regular:
Sir Cullen’s Sidekick
I think the timing is wrong. John Key and National had a great opportunity to bury Labour once for all in the 2017 election. Now the playing field has been levelled and Chicken Little has a real chance of becoming the PM. I just cannot believe this has happened. This was the only way Chicken Little could have become the PM and that is exactly what has happened.
The substantive difference between me and Cameron Slater is that no Left-wing party would employ me to say these things, nor make my comments on blogs part of their strategy.
‘Jennifer Lees-Marshment, an associate professor in politics and international relations at Auckland University, said: âRecently the normally high-performing Key brand has been undermined by denying a growing housing and traffic crisis as people in New Zealandâs biggest city, Auckland, struggle to find a place to live and to travel to work.
âThe Key brand has become disconnected and he has increasingly appeared to be someone who doesnât understand what it is like to be an ordinary New Zealander any more.â’
The teflon has FINALLY worn off… took long enough.
Key’s ties to big corporates and sale of NZ to foreign interests have fatally compromised his teflon shine. Dirty politics was only one part of his campaign.
Maybe he is shitting himself over the Trump administration and the global security situation.
when he flies off to hawaii i’m going to be at the airport so i can watch you and pucky and hoskings humping his leg and begging him to take you with him
OK, just for the record, I don’t want to lose the little credibility that I might have and sound all conspiratorial here, but something about this is just doesn’t make sense.
Don’t know what, but the timing, the delivery everything about this feel very ab lib to me.
I totally agree. The reason John Key gave for resigning is that he didn’t want to mislead the public after potentially winning a 4th term and then calling it quits. That simply doesn’t add up as he’s been misleading people throughout his term as PM and even earlier.
So many comments by those whose leader is on 8% and can’t even win an electorate.
labgreen, losers in 2008, 2011,2014 & 2017. At the rate labour is going, no-one from the list will get in, and Angry andy will be a leader outside parliament.
I really have to have a good laugh at the left. Oxymorons abound, they call dictatorships “Democratic Republic of “, they call their backwards facing “policies” progressive. And funniest of all, they think they have a chance at the next election , even though they’ve had another another moron forced on them for a leader by the unions.
A couple of additions I would make
* turned the office of PM into an international laughing stock
* abused power of office to conduct dirty politics against opponents and silence critics
* introduced 7 new taxes, mostly shifting the burden away from the rich and onto workers
* lowered the tone of political debate into shouting matches and schoolyard taunts
* used shonky carbon credits, cut DOC resources, allowed MAF to ignore widespread fish dumping
* gave 5-eyes and the GCSB unprecedented spying powers over NZ citizens
* made inequality worse and turned a blind eye to the suffering of the “underclass”
You’re trolling and Winston was quite happy working with the Labour led government last time, and hasn’t supported National in almost 20 years. Besides, he is more on the same page as Labour than with National.
Yes I agree. At the very very least it would’ve been a slickly managed media briefing, he would’ve had some of the National head honchos alongside him, they would have explained how the successor would be picked in an orderly way. They could’ve organised this in a couple of days. National has prided itself on being stable and steady compared to the other lot. Key is a vain man and wanted a 4th term.
He has left out some other elephants in the room like Pike , Panama papers and The Saudi sheep deal and the massive destructive change to the states role in surveillance , Kim.Com ,Sky City and Warner brothers who got special consideration and Key thought nothing of changing our soverign law to accommade their labour issues.
But great analysis overall.
The problem is his legacy has already been established and will overcome any of the most obvious failures of his tenure and its started already with the predictable gush of love from the MSM.
The most popular PM in history will be his legacy in the minds of those who never wanted to confront his very many failings and would rather be swept along by the hype of this man and his invented god like status and that says a lot for the people who supported him and ignored his deceptions..
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My daily news diet is not what it once was.It was the TV news that lost me first. Too infantilising, too breathless, too frustrating.The Herald was next. You could look past the reactionary framing while it was being a decent newspaper of record, but once Shayne Currie began unleashing all ...
Hit the road Jack and don't you come backNo more, no more, no more, no moreHit the road Jack and don't you come back no moreWhat you say?Songwriters: Percy MayfieldMorena,I keep many of my posts, like this one, paywall-free so that everyone can read them.However, please consider supporting me as ...
This might be the longest delay between reading (or in this case re-reading) a work, and actually writing a review of it I have ever managed. Indeed, when I last read these books in December 2022, I was not planning on writing anything about them… but as A Phuulish Fellow ...
Kia Ora,I try to keep most my posts without a paywall for public interest journalism purposes. However, if you can afford to, please consider supporting me as a paid subscriber and/or supporting over at Ko-Fi. That will help me to continue, and to keep spending time on the work. Embarrassingly, ...
There was a time when Google was the best thing in my world. I was an early adopter of their AdWords program and boy did I like what it did for my business. It put rocket fuel in it, is what it did. For every dollar I spent, those ads ...
A while back I was engaged in an unpleasant exchange with a leader of the most well-known NZ anti-vax group and several like-minded trolls. I had responded to a racist meme on social media in which a rightwing podcaster in the US interviewed one of the leaders of the Proud ...
Hi,If you’ve been reading Webworm for a while, you’ll be familiar with Anna Wilding. Between 2020 and 2021 I looked at how the New Zealander had managed to weasel her way into countless news stories over the years, often with very little proof any of it had actually happened. When ...
It's a long white cloud for you, baby; staying together alwaysSummertime in AotearoaWhere the sunshine kisses the water, we will find it alwaysSummertime in AotearoaYeah, it′s SummertimeIt's SummertimeWriters: Codi Wehi Ngatai, Moresby Kainuku, Pipiwharauroa Campbell, Taulutoa Michael Schuster, Rebekah Jane Brady, Te Naawe Jordan Muturangi Tupe, Thomas Edward Scrase.Many of ...
Last year, 292 people died unnecessarily on our roads. That is the lowest result in over a decade and only the fourth time in the last 70 years we’ve seen fewer than 300 deaths in a calendar year. Yet, while it is 292 people too many, with each death being ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob HensonFlames from the Palisades Fire burn a building at Sunset Boulevard amid a powerful windstorm on January 8, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The fast-moving wildfire had destroyed thousands of structures and ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Regulatory Standards Bill, as I understand it, seeks to bind parliament to a specific range of law-making.For example, it seems to ensure primacy of individual rights over that of community, environment, te Tiriti ...
Happy New Year!I had a lovely break, thanks very much for asking: friends, family, sunshine, books, podcasts, refreshing swims, barbecues, bike rides. So good to step away from the firehose for a while, to have less Trump and Seymour in your day. Who needs the Luxons in their risible PJs ...
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Panel and a director of Greater Auckland In 2003, after much argument, including the election of a Mayor in 2001 who ran on stopping it, Britomart train station in downtown Auckland opened. A mere 1km twin track terminating branch ...
For the first time in a decade, a New Zealand Prime Minister is heading to the Middle East. The trip is more than just a courtesy call. New Zealand PMs frequently change planes in Dubai en route to destinations elsewhere. But Christopher Luxonâs visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 5, 2025 thru Sat, January 11, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The decade between 1952 and the early 1960s was the peak period for the style of music we now call doo wop, after which it got dissolved into soul music, girl groups, and within pop music in general. Basically, doo wop was a form of small group harmonising with a ...
The future teaches you to be aloneThe present to be afraid and coldSo if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists…And if you tolerate thisThen your children will be nextSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Do you remember at school, studying the rise ...
When National won the New Zealand election in 2023, one of the first to congratulate Luxon was tech-billionaire and entrepreneur extraordinaire Elon Musk.And last year, after Luxon posted a video about a trip to Malaysia, Musk came forward again to heap praise on Christopher:So it was perhaps par for the ...
Hi,Today’s Webworm features a new short film from documentary maker Giorgio Angelini. It’s about Luigi Mangione — but it’s also, really, about everything in America right now.Bear with me.Shortly after I sent out my last missive from the fires on Wednesday, one broke out a little too close to home ...
So soon just after you've goneMy senses sharpenBut it always takes so damn longBefore I feel how much my eyes have darkenedFear hangs in a plane of gun smokeDrifting in our roomSo easy to disturb, with a thought, with a whisperWith a careless memorySongwriters: Andy Taylor / John Taylor / ...
Can we trust the Trump cabinet to act in the public interest?Nine of Trumpâs closest advisers are billionaires. Their total net worth is in excess of $US375b (providing there is not a share-market crash). In contrast, the total net worth of Trumpâs first Cabinet was about $6b. (Joe Bidenâs Cabinet ...
Welcome back to our weekly roundup. We hope you had a good break (if you had one). Here’s a few of the stories that caught our attention over the last few weeks. This holiday period on Greater Auckland Since our last roundup we’ve: Taken a look back at ...
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partnerSometimes I feel like my only friendIs the city I live in, The City of AngelsLonely as I am together we crySong: Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Flea, John Frusciante.A home is engulfed in flames during the Eaton fire in the Altadena area. ...
Open access notablesLarge emissions of CO2 and CH4 due to active-layer warming in Arctic tundra, Torn et al., Nature Communications:Climate warming may accelerate decomposition of Arctic soil carbon, but few controlled experiments have manipulated the entire active layer. To determine surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and ...
It's election year for Wellington City Council and for the Regional Council. What have the progressive councillors achieved over the last couple of years. What were the blocks and failures? What's with the targeting of the mayor and city council by the Post and by central government? Why does the ...
Over the holidays, there was a rising tide of calls for people to submit on National's repulsive, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, along with a wave of advice and examples of what to say. And it looks like people rose to the occasion, with over 300,000 ...
The lie is my expenseThe scope of my desireThe Party blessed me with its futureAnd I protect it with fireI am the Nina The Pinta The Santa MariaThe noose and the rapistAnd the fields overseerThe agents of orangeThe priests of HiroshimaThe cost of my desire…Sleep now in the fireSongwriters: Brad ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkGlobal surface temperatures have risen around 1.3C since the preindustrial (1850-1900) period as a result of human activity.1 However, this aggregate number masks a lot of underlying factors that contribute to global surface temperature changes over time.These include CO2, which is the primary ...
There are times when movement around us seems to slow down. And the faster things get, the slower it all appears.And so it is with the whirlwind of early year political activity.They are harbingers for what is to come:Video: Wayne Wright Jnr, funder of Sean Plunket, talk growing power and ...
Hi,Right now the power is out, so I’m just relying on the laptop battery and tethering to my phone’s 5G which is dropping in and out. We’ll see how we go.First up — I’m fine. I can’t see any flames out the window. I live in the greater Hollywood area ...
2024 was a tough year for working Kiwis. But together we’ve been able to fight back for a just and fair New Zealand and in 2025 we need to keep standing up for what’s right and having our voices heard. That starts with our Mood of the Workforce Survey. It’s your ...
Time is never time at allYou can never ever leaveWithout leaving a piece of youthAnd our lives are forever changedWe will never be the sameThe more you change, the less you feelSongwriter: William Patrick Corgan.Babinden - Baba’s DayToday, January 8th, 2025, is Babinden, “The Day of the baba” or “The ...
..I/We wish to make the following comments:I oppose the Treaty Principles Bill."5. Act binds the CrownThis Act binds the Crown."How does this Act "bind the Crown" when Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which the Act refers to, has been violated by the Crown on numerous occassions, resulting in massive loss of ...
Everything is good and brownI'm here againWith a sunshine smile upon my faceMy friends are close at handAnd all my inhibitions have disappeared without a traceI'm glad, oh, that I found oohSomebody who I can rely onSongwriter: Jay KayGood morning, all you lovely people. Today, I’ve got nothing except a ...
Welcome to 2025. After wrapping up 2024, hereâs a look at some of the things we can expect to see this year along with a few predictions. Council and Elections Elections One of the biggest things this year will be local body elections in October. Will Mayor Wayne Brown ...
Canadians can take a while to get angry â but when they finally do, watch out. Canada has been falling out of love with Justin Trudeau for years, and his exit has to be the least surprising news event of the New Year. On recent polling, Trudeauâs Liberal party has ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Much like 2023, many climate and energy records were broken in 2024. It was Earth’s hottest year on record by a wide margin, breaking the previous record that was set just last year by an even larger margin. Human-caused climate-warming pollution and ...
Submissions on National's racist, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill are due tomorrow! So today, after a good long holiday from all that bullshit, I finally got my shit together to submit on it. As I noted here, people should write their own submissions in their own ...
Ooh, baby (ooh, baby)It's making me crazy (it's making me crazy)Every time I look around (look around)Every time I look around (every time I look around)Every time I look aroundIt's in my faceSongwriters: Alan Leo Jansson / Paul Lawrence L. Fuemana.Today, I’ll be talking about rich, middle-aged men who’ve made ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 29, 2024 thru Sat, January 4, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Hi,The thing that stood out at me while shopping for Christmas presents in New Zealand was how hard it was to avoid Zuru products. Toy manufacturer Zuru is a bit like Netflix, in that it has so much data on what people want they can flood the market with so ...
And when a child is born into this worldIt has no conceptOf the tone of skin it's living inAnd there's a million voicesAnd there's a million voicesTo tell you what you should be thinkingSong by Neneh Cherry and Youssou N'Dour.The moment you see that face, you can hear her voice; ...
While we may not always have quality political leadership, a couple of recently published autobiographies indicate sometimes we strike it lucky. When ranking our prime ministers, retired professor of history Erik Olssen commented that âneither Holland nor Nash was especially effective as prime minister â even his private secretary thought ...
Baby, be the class clownI'll be the beauty queen in tearsIt's a new art form, showin' people how little we care (yeah)We're so happy, even when we're smilin' out of fearLet's go down to the tennis court and talk it up like, yeah (yeah)Songwriters: Joel Little / Ella Yelich O ...
Open access notables Why Misinformation Must Not Be Ignored, Ecker et al., American Psychologist:Recent academic debate has seen the emergence of the claim that misinformation is not a significant societal problem. We argue that the arguments used to support this minimizing position are flawed, particularly if interpreted (e.g., by policymakers or the public) as suggesting ...
What I’ve Been Doing: I buried a close family member.What I’ve Been Watching: Andor, Jack Reacher, Xmas movies.What I’ve Been Reflecting On: The Usefulness of Writing and the Worthiness of Doing So — especially as things become more transparent on their own.I also hate competing on any day, and if ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
Morena folks,We’re having a good break, recharging the batteries. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday period. I’m not feeling terribly inspired by much at the moment, I’m afraid—not from a writing point of view, anyway.So, today, we’re travelling back in time. You’ll have to imagine the wavy lines and sci-fi sound ...
Completed reads for 2024: Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola A Platonic Discourse Upon Love, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Of Being and Unity, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola The Life of Pico della Mirandola, by Giovanni Francesco Pico Three Letters Written by Pico ...
Welcome to 2025, Aotearoa. Well… what can one really say? 2024 was a story of a bad beginning, an infernal middle and an indescribably farcical end. But to chart a course for a real future, it does pay to know where we’ve been… so we know where we need ...
Welcome to the official half-way point of the 2020s. Anyway, as per my New Years tradition, here’s where A Phuulish Fellow’s blog traffic came from in 2024: United States United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Sweden Australia Germany Spain Brazil Finland The top four are the same as 2023, ...
Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so itâs time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by KÄinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. âNew Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealandâs most popular baby names for 2024. âFor the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.âA new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. âThe death of a ...
Uia te pĆ, rangahaua te pĆ, whakamÄramatia mai he aha tĆ tango, he aha tĆ kÄwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rÄtÄ whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pĆ, ngĆ« te pĆ, ue hÄ! E te kahurangi mÄreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. âIt sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the governmentâs largest ever investment in Pharmac. âPharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,â says Mr Seymour. âWhen this government assumed ...
MÄ mua ka kite a muri, mÄ muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. MÄori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. âI know ...
Asia Pacific Report The United Nations tasked with providing humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza â and the only one that can do it on a large scale â says it is ready to provide assistance in the wake of the ceasefire tomorrow but is worried about the ...
Asia Pacific Report About 200 demonstrators gathered in the heart of New Zealandâs biggest city Auckland today to welcome the Gaza ceasefire due to come into force tomorrow, but warned they would continue to protest until justice is served with an independent and free Palestinan state. Jubilant scenes of dancing ...
The Government has released the first draft of its long-awaited Gene Technology Bill, following through on the election promise to harness the potential of biotechnology by ending the de facto ban on genetic engineering in Aotearoa New Zealand.While the country does not and has never completely banned genetic engineering (GE), ...
Comment: Graduation ceremonies are energising. Attending one recently, I felt the positivity from being surrounded by hundreds of young people at their career-launching point.Among them was one of my sons. He struggled through school and left before his mates. As a 21-year-old he qualified as a sparky, and I was ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Liam Byrne, Honorary Fellow, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, The University of Melbourne Should a US president by judged by what they achieved, or by what they failed to do? Joe Bidenâs administration is over. Though we have an extensive ...
COMMENTARY:By Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson and Junior S. Ami With just over a year left in her tenure as Prime Minister of Samoa, Fiame Naomi Mataâafa faces a political upheaval threatening a peaceful end to her term. Ironically, the rule of law â the very principle that elevated her to ...
Madeleine Chapman reflects on the week that was. A year ago I met a lovely older gentleman at a Christmas party who owned racehorses. He wasnât âin the businessâ, as he said, he just enjoyed horses and so owned a couple as a hobby. After a dozen questions from me ...
The Pacific profiles series shines a light on Pacific people in Aotearoa doing interesting and important work in their communities, as nominated by members of the public. Today, Grace Colcord, Shea WÄtene and Devyn Baileh, co-founders of Brown Town.All photos by Geoffery Matautia.Brown Town is an Ćtautahi community ...
The actor and comedian takes us through her life in television, from early Shortland Street rejection to the enduring power of the Gilmore Girls. Browse local telly offerings and youâll likely encounter Kura Forrester soon enough. Whether you know her best as loveable Lily in Double Parked or Puku the ...
Making rÄwana is about more than just a recipe â itâs a journey of patience, care and persistence.A subtle smell is filling our living room as my son crawls around playing with his nana. It has the familiar scent of freshly baked bread, with a slight hint of sweetness. ...
Loading…(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){var ql=document.querySelectorAll('A[data-quiz],DIV[data-quiz]'); if(ql){if(ql.length){for(var k=0;k<ql.length;k++){ql[k].id='quiz-embed-'+k;ql[k].href="javascript:var i=document.getElementById('quiz-embed-"+k+"');try{qz.startQuiz(i)}catch(e){i.start=1;'wait';'0.5'};void(0);"}}};i['QP']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','qp');Got a good quiz question?Send Newsroom your questions.The post Newsroom daily quiz, Saturday 18 January appeared first on Newsroom. ...
From dubious health claims to too-good-to-be-true deals to bizarre clickbait confessions from famous people, scam ads are filling Facebook feeds, sucking users in and ripping them off. So why wonât Meta do anything about it? Â Iâve had a Facebook account since 2006, when it first became available to the ...
A year out from leaving the bear pit that is the pinnacle of our democracy, I have returned to something familiar. A working life in litigation, mainly in employment law, has brought me full circle, refreshed old skills and exposed me to some realities and values which have stunned me.But ...
2025 is the Year of the Snake, so it should be another productive year for the David Seymours of the world by which I mean of course people with an enigmatic and introspective nature. Those born in previous Snake years â Â 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 â will flourish in ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Howard, Senior Lecturer, Discipline of English and Writing, University of Sydney The acclaimed American filmmaker David Lynch has died at the age of 78. While a cause of death has yet to be publicly announced, Lynch, a lifelong tobacco enthusiast, revealed ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Monika Ferguson, Senior Lecturer in Mental Health, University of South Australia People presenting at emergency with mental health concerns are experiencing the longest wait times in Australia for admission to a ward, according to a new report from the Australasian College of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anthony Blazevich, Professor of Biomechanics, Edith Cowan University Weâre nearing the halfway point of this yearâs Australian Open and players like the United Statesâ Reilly Opelka (ranked 170th in the world ) and Franceâs Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard (ranked 30th) captured plenty of ...
Asia Pacific Report Four researchers and authors from the Asia-Pacific region have provided diverse perspectives on the media in a new global book on intercultural communication. The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Communication published this week offers a global, interdisciplinary, and contextual approach to understanding the complexities of intercultural communication in ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Benjamin T. Jones, Senior Lecturer in History, CQUniversity Australia In his farewell address, outgoing US President Joe Biden warned âan oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracyâ. The comment suggests ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Hrvoje TkalÄiÄ, Professor, Head of Geophysics, Director of Warramunga Array, Australian National University A map showing the ‘Martian dichotomy’: the southern highlands are in yellows and oranges, the northern lowlands in blues and greens.NASA / JPL / USGS Mars is home ...
A new poem by Niamh Hollis-Locke.Field-notes: Midsummer, 9pm, walking barefoot in the reserve after a storm, the sky still light, the city strung out across backs of the hills  Dunes of last weekâs cut grass washed downslope against the bracken, drifts of pale wet stems rotting into one ...
The poll, conducted between 9-13 January, shows National down 4.6 points to 29.6%, while Labour have risen 4.0 points from last month, overtaking them with30.9%. ...
As the world farewells visionary director David Lynch, we return to this 2017 piece by Angela Cuming about escaping into the haunting world of Twin Peaks. I was only 10 years old when Twin Peaks â and the real world â found me.Once a week, in the dark, I ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Marc C-Scott, Associate Professor of Screen Media | Deputy Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching, Victoria University Screenshot/YouTube The 2025 Australian Open (AO) broadcast may seem similar to previous years if youâre watching on the television. However, if youâre watching online ...
By Anish Chand in Suva A Fiji community human rights coalition has called on Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka to halt his âreckless expansionâ of government and refocus on addressing Fijiâs pressing challenges. The NGO Coalition on Human Rights (NGOCHR) said it was outraged by the abrupt and arbitrary reshuffling of ...
A selection of the best shows, movies, podcasts and playlists that kept us entertained over the holidays. This is an excerpt from our weekly pop culture newsletter Rec Room. Sign up here.Leo (Netflix) My partner and I watched exactly one thing on the TV in our Japan accommodation while ...
Toby Manhire tells you everything you need to know ahead of season two of Severance.After an agonising wait â nearly three years between waffles, thanks to US actor and writer strikes and, some say, creative squabbles â Severance returns today, Friday January 17. For my money the first season ...
As part of our series exploring how New Zealanders live and our relationship with money, a 32-year-old mother of a one-year-old shares her approach to spending and saving. Want to be part of The Cost of Being? Fill out the questionnaire here.Gender: Female. Age: 32. Ethnicity: East Asian â NZ ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Talia Fell, PhD Candidate, School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, The University of Queensland The Los Angeles wildfires are causing the devastating loss of peopleâs homes. From A-list celebrities such as Paris Hilton to an Australian family living in LA, thousands ...
OMG. Health issues I bet. Guilt does that.
Allegedly he had an affair with [deleted]
[lprent: FFS. Banned for 2 weeks. ]
Oooooh. Do tell.
Not much to tell. Bronagh obviously got to his text messages before he deleted them. đ
I heard Bronagh was sick of cleaning Max’s car while John was away.
Paul Henry, it was Paul Henry, wasn’t it, and they are running away together, Paul Henry is winding up as well. Well, who’da thunk it?
Always an affair, always slanderous, get your own perfect righteous life in order
John Key goes out on high note. look back in time .,.Helen was great P.M. but slippery slope she left behind.
The left might get a chance…lol not.
Yeah Collins is such a charmer, Bennett such a thinker and Joyce such a visionary
theres that charismatic guy – bill something
@ Infused
Heres one for you .
Haha are you kidding? I see no path to winning with any of the likely options for the new PM. English or Collins are the most likely competitiors- English is already a loser, Collins is a scandal magnet and she can’t run the Key strategy of conceding to liberal policies. Bennet and Joyce are just as bad picks. Who’s left other than that? Nobody good.
If they ask nicely I suppose Aaron Gilmore could deign to come back đ
Indeed. I cannot think of a safer pair of hands for National.
Good thing I woke up with jetlag. Site appears to be surviving.
You stand , so many arm chair critics help needy. volunteer, for something
He reach the limit of what was for sale. The fire sale was complete. Good riddance to him.maybe got his green card from Obama
Oh my god.
He’s really taken that by-election loss badly!
Sunday 4 Dec 2016: Audrey Young in the Herald describes Nationalâs massive defeat in Mt Roskill as âa bloody nose, a black eye and broken jaw.â
Monday 5 Dec. 2016….
+1 Bunji and Morrisey
Just what I wanted for Christmas. Brilliant !
English won’t be able to hack it. Fantastic news.
Beware. The man has hidden depths ..
Is that an euphemism for “sinks to new lows” ?
If you like. Have you heard of ‘the deep state’ ?
Methinks certain elites went down with Clinton.
Our geopolitics has not changed.
Bye bye. Now let’s get ready to take full advantage of the infighting the gnats are about to engage in.
@ marty mars (5) .. oh yes.
The National caucus is about to become something similar to a whaling station, blood, guts and blubber flying everywhere! Collins and Bennett will be going for it, hell for leather, while Joyce flaps his gob, spinning the BS! And Blinglish …. dear God, I dread to think!
Some political entertainment to look forward to in election year đ
Blubber provided by Brownlee. What are the betting odds on the various con-tenders?
What was that about the fairer sex ?
I could feel sorry for the parasites who’ll be desolated by the backside they’ve lived up no longer being there. But I won’t because I know Hosking will quickly find another residence.
And Collins and co. will go into overdrive reformatting their plans. And plots.
good post, hosking will clean his tongue, then back in
I can imagine hoskings weeping in cnr somewhere. And somehow am luving it. not a nasty person but hahaha
bye loser no sunshine in hell
Great win for Andrew. Key hates losing.
National +NZ First.
There was never any chance of Peters jumping the other way. He loathes the Greens.
spot on BM, election 2017, Labour up a bit, greens much the same , National 41-43%, Winston (or maybe Shane Jones by then) 10-12%.
Act, The Maori Party and Peter Dunne will not come into play.
You are dreaming Alan.
BM needs to have a wee read for a change…
Instead of sucking on the bottom of the pond for his information…
One for for you, BM .
That’s my thoughts.
Key was the reason why an NZ First National coalition was unlikely. With him out of the way English and Winston can get down to business.
Scary scary
You really think Key is the only reason not to go with National? You think NZ First don’t remember the comparative experiences of being in Coalition with Bolger/Shipley and Clark? Their last coalition with National was a disaster, do they expect anything different if they try again? Why?
I am not so sure past history will have any significance on what way Winston goes. Certainly not history from two decades ago.
What I do know is the relationship will be a lot easier to create and sell to the NZ First supporters now that Winston’s main antagonist is out of the way.
I just think a coalition is more likely between them then it was 24 hours ago.
Given that he continued blasting the government after the resignation announcement, NZ First certainly seems to think nothing’s changed.
English and Peters will get on very well, Peters has a very similar personality to Key.
It’s hard to know how this will effect National though, I can’t see a mass exodus to Labour/ Greens and a lot of NZ firsts rise in the polls was due to National voters dissatisfied with the way Key was running the country.
The Mt Roskill by election puts those so called opinion polls to question.
Hahaha I like the idea that a leader that isn’t Key would reverse an exodus from National to NZ First. The only chance of that is if they pick someone like Collins, but then the Exodus to Labour is going to be just as big, so there’s really no winning option.
He was a rather polarizing character, you either liked him or you didn’t, very Helen Clark like.
Collins would be the same but without the skill set Key had, which is why I reckon English would be the best option by far.
Key is polarising now because the electorate are/were catching on to him and his two-faced nature, and the fact that he’s been banking all that political capital not because he’s a savvy leader but rather because he didn’t have any vision for where to take the country. He was initially not very polarising to the general electorate, just to big political junkies.
Collins is very much the reverse: The only people who like her are dyed-in-the-wool National Party faithful. I’ve never heard any sort of centrist express much sympathy for Collins, in fact I don’t know any who don’t agree that she’s probably corrupt.
Collins not only lacks Key’s social intelligence, (she bulls through somewhat with aggressiveness, but you can only do that so much as Shipley learned) she is also surrounded by the stink of scandal, and has the disadvantage of being a very conservative MP in a nation that has some very liberal sensibilities. (That’s not to say Collins can’t hit populist areas- it’s why she’s frequently been in Justice and Police roles in her political career rather than being on the track to Attorney General) Overall, Collins is about the worst PM they could pick for going into an election, as we’d have 8 months or so of her doing her worst to relive on the campaign trail. She could surprise us and pull off a Trump-style victory with some law and order cred, (although arguably she’s too much of a politician to manage it, the same problem Peters has) but if not, she’s likely to be the biggest possible gift to Labour the National Party could come up with.
It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but it’s not the direction NZ First policy has been leaning lately. They have a lot more in common with Labour, and without Key in the PM’s chair, it’s possible they won’t even have the numbers to pull a coalition with NZ First.
Bet that doesn’t happen BM.
one weeks notice, how mighty generous of him.
maybe he got a job with the orange turd?
I knew there was a reason he was putting off announcing Secretary of State.
Who else can get away with giving only a weeks notice?
Still, what a great day it is for anyone in NZ apart from those apparent 36% who prefer him as PM. Wonder if they feel let down or do they, in their strange state of cognitive dissonance think “what a great guy for giving it all up for his family” and adore him even more?
Who knows? Who cares! Boo Hoo to them!
Apparently Obama’s looking for a full time caddy come January…
I had heard rumours that Bill English was planning on retiring, but this really is a surprise.
Hooten doing his usual on Natrad right now….said how Key took the party to the left….so my ears shut down….
“Spend more time with family….”
Yeah, right.
Hooten let slip on RNZ that polling was showing Key was perceived as “smarmy and arrogant”.
Resigned just in time for the New Years honours list. Arise Sir John the poor boy from a state house who made good and looked after the rich
I just wish he had done something substantial with all that multi-year political capital riding up there in the polls. He had a chance to really shape the entire country for the long term good … it just didn’t happen.
I admire him taking the decision at the request of his wife.
Far too often politicians choose the career parliamentary life and deliberately destroy their marriages.
Takes quite an emotional measure to reverse that at the top of the game and top of the power elite, and choose your core relationship over your career.
Very gracious comment Ad. I admire that. But “he had a chance to really shape the entire country for the long term good”?
No that was never going to happen. It’s just not in the National Party’s DNA
It’ll take a few months and perhaps well into 2018 to figure out his legacy.
I sure don’t need to defend this lot, but I’m hoping Key will have done three things at a minimum:
– Deliberately managed the housing market to plateau and gradual deflation
– Permanently altered the public service – local and central – to prepare for nation-wide shocks
– Strengthened the transport core of New Zealand as a whole
I’m scratching my head otherwise to figure his lasting positive legacy.
The arguments will go for a while on this one I am sure.
I’ve got to credit him with the nous not to claw back Working For Families or interest free student loans and resisting the temptation to go full austerity after 2008 (although that was largely due to Michael Cullen’s stewardship of the economy). He didn’t stand in the way of marriage equality. The UFB rollout was a positive policy that is seeing us leapfrog Australia – especially in the climate of their minerals collapse. But it’s not a large list of achievements for 8 years.
That economic restraint was mainly from English and even Joyce. Key is just the figurehead.
Extending free healthcare to Under 12’s
Increasing benefits above the rate of inflation for the first time in x years (50 was it?)
Working with Fonterra and Sanitarium to introduce breakfast in schools
Landmark Tuhoe settlement under which Te Urewera became a legal entity
TPPA (got it to signing and I am sure there will be more to come on this in future)
The Christchurch rebuild (National increased vote share in ChCh over this time)
I’m sure there is plenty more, but that’s a start
Off the top of my head:
Pike River murder and betrayal.
Turning New Zealand into a tax haven.
Law Society warned the UN about his government’s attacks on human rights and the rule of law.
Abuse of Parliamentary urgency.
Lying reflexively.
Cameron Slater.
You really are a bitter and twisted individual.
I’m glad Dear Leader has resigned. He was the worst Prime Minister this country has ever seen.
Hunter S Thompson on the death of Richard Nixon.
Can’t help it. All those years living under shonkey’s reign does that to a person.
It’s not twisted to tell the truth Sam C, even if it is unpleasant.
Key’s wealth and power probably insulated him from the reality of the damage he was doing to ordinary kiwis.
“Pike River murder and betrayal.”
Really? Seriously? Murder? Mate, that is a step too far even by your low standards
You haven’t been paying attention, Bob.
Yes and if allowed in and mine blows up?? how many more bodies involved, all the experts , get real.
Definitely the healthcare moves are going, but hardly a groundbreaking legacy.
The Treaty of Waitangi settlements are also noteworthy – but even for New Zealand they are Business As Usual under both kinds of government.
The Christchurch rebuild, well, anyone would say it’s been far too slow, not very imaginative, and barely left Christchurch better off than when he started in office, which is the core measure of leadership. I referred to it when I mentioned ‘responding to shocks’ above.
Even Key has said he would have preferred that he had won the flag referendum, to show he had made some tangible difference.
He didn’t.
“The Treaty of Waitangi settlements are also noteworthy â but even for New Zealand they are Business As Usual under both kinds of government”
Most are noteworthy, but the Tuhoe settlement is groundbreaking on a global scale:
Let’s not forget the UFB rollout and the GFC recovery also…
More good links here:
Do cats fly ?
Does a souffle’ rise twice ?
Show me the precedent for recovery from a flag referendum.
“Extending free healthcare to Under 12âs” – this was at the expense of three-month free health checks for the oldies, Bob.
“Working with Fonterra and Sanitarium to introduce breakfast in schools” – and this was a community initiative which Key jumped into for photo ops.
The Tuhoe settlement was always going to happen, the Ch’ch rebuild has been a huge disaster for many home-owners with repairs having to be made to rebuilt homes, increasing benefits made no difference to the disaster brought down on beneficiaries by the Richardson-Shipley govt.
Nope – I don’t think Key has left us much of a legacy, except more money for the rich, and much less for the ordinary NZer in the middle, let alone those who are poor.
The Tuhoe settlement was certainly going to happen, after the bruising raid by the police under Helen Clark’s Labour government. A really good case of one in the eye for Labour.
He pushed to keep it going.
He undercut and underfunded the public service to give tax cuts for the rich.
He wanted more cars and underfunded Kiwirail.
Ad. History will not look too kindly upon John Key, the most dirtiest politician this country has ever had the misfortune to have. Key’s legacy is one of abject ruin.
More likely keen to resign before more panama paper expose’s come calling to NU Zilland and there’s no point now his main focus TPPA/cash4cronies looks dead.
Bullshit , Ad ….
There’s no more truth in Key ‘resigning for family reasons’ than there is in his treatment of the Pike River family’s. :
If anything – the man should be investigated for how hes treated New Zealanders .
Him and the rest of the Nats. All those laws they pushed through under urgency, especially the many attacks on human rights.
Even worse this prick had the audacity to lecture other nations on human rights issues when his government was working hard to destroy ours!
Off to play golf with Obama?
That’s one way to take the attention off Mt Roskill.
Exactly what I was thinking: did John Key just throw a huge dead cat on the table?
I know that he told Bill English in September but timing is everything in politics.
Anyway, I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow âŠ
One wonders whether today would have happened had Mt Roskill gone to National on Saturday.
I think not.
The Mt Roskill by-election was just a single nail but it canât explain the coffin; that took time to put together âŠ
Very odd âŠ
After ten years of wondering which stumbling fool of a leftist was going to ask me whether I stood by my statements today, I’d be ready for a break too.
Best PM ever.
Andy “gravedigger” Little might be in with a chance of raising labour in the polls now…?
Yep that’s right stick to the party line
Your dreaming Lefties if you think this is good news
Nah mate – were happy to see the end of the most corrupt Prime Minister that this sorry country has ever had the misfortune to have to have endured . Best news in 8 long years,
Now maybe we might see justice in this country again.
Sorry I forgot that was his fault alone -sarcasm.
And that’s just the problem with you sycophants – you never read because it just might expose the REAL motives and WHOS behind the shit – and pour cold water all over those precious vested interests .
Guess you reckon the slaughter at the battle of the Somme was the fault of the lazy foot soldiers as well , eh?
Your type never change.
Are you dissing the lot of them, then?
It’s great news and looking forward to a brighter Xmas here.great stuff
With the election only several months away, it will be interesting to see who the National Party selects.
They won’t want anyone who will startle voters.
It’s going to be Bill English .
Wot about Don Brash?
I hear it’s gonna be Michelle Boag. đ
I heard it was the latest Waka jumper from Labour. What was his name, again?
I heard he was considering stepping down.
Nevertheless, he would be their safest bet considering the time-frame till the next election. The public know him well.
Yeah, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had stepped down after the election. He didn’t seem like he was imminently retiring, so it’s reasonable to conclude that it’s for personal reasons.
“I heard he was considering stepping down.”
How do you know? When was that?
When Key himself didn’t know until after the defeat in the Mt Roskill by election.
Some of your comments are stuck in moderation and I can’t get them out. Have left a note for Lynn.
OK, thanks Weka.
On the right track imo Leftie @
Just watched the news on TV1 and TV3. His reasons are corny and don’t fit with his known persona. If you were to believe him its all about putting his family first… putting his supporters and colleagues first… putting the country first. Rubbish. The byelection result was the final nail… He saw the writing on the wall.
Ok, there might be truth in considering his wife and family who might well have had enough of it. (I would if I was in their shoes.) But the rest is not believable. He talked about “having always been honest with the public”. Many people with moderate to severe memory failure will fall for the line hook, line and sinker (including the sycophantic media) but its hogwash. We’ve put up with years of lies from John Key and BliP’s lists are testament to it.
In the meantime the Mt. Roskill by-election results have fallen off the bottom of the news ladder. Oh well done John Key but sorry mate… it won’t wash forever because sanity usually prevails in the end.
“The byelection result was the final nail⊠He saw the writing on the wall.” is bang on Anne, and true to form, John key is lying right til the end.
@ BM
Bill ‘ Double Dipper ‘ English ? …
Almost as corrupt as Key – no wonder they were a team.
“Itâs going to be Bill English .”
charismatic !!
About as charismatic as Andrew Little, but less angry.
Bill English, the leader that led National to their greatest election loss of 20.93% in 2002.
Mr 20% last time round
Long time ago and a bad choice at the time, far too young.
Just because you didn’t win first time around doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try again, that’s the attitude of a loser.
Correct. Oz PMs have lost the party leadership and come back – John Howard of “Throwing Babies Overboard” infamy. Kevin Rudd. It’s not a high bar you know.
Any excuse will do for you, I guess BM, English hasn’t changed, he is still bad.
So you’d never want to see Cunnlife have another go?
BM will always regurgitate the crap from his idol Key. It’s a special faith/love.
Key Love ?
I thought he’d done his dash, times change, time to move on.
Having said that I thought he was a very good PM.
There will be dancing in the streets
Financial crash or housing bubble about to burst?
Yeah that thought crossed my mind too
Or both. Jumping ship to save his own skin.
The enormous financial bubbles are why I would resign right now if I were a politician at any level in any country.
The people’s rage will intensify as economies get worse.
Success has a thousand fathers. Failure is an orphan.
“The peopleâs rage will intensify as economies get worse.”
60% of Italian voters just canned their PM via a referendum. Their economy is in tatters.
Funny how the reports in the NZ Herald were about a cooling off with the Auckland housing market , and then Key resigns… how convenient…
How very , very convenient for Key….
Key .
For my trespasses I scanned the reaction from the riiiight…and there’s Farrar fawning over his family loving friend John…
(As long as it’s HIS family…fuck anyone else’s)
Not sure if others will get the same popup ad…but I got, appropriately, ‘gutter solutions’.
Too much.
Good riddance to a terrible PM, but might not change much except for the politics of personality (plenty of Nacts with the same lousy values to follow).
I think this marks the end of a huge, wasted opportunity for Labour. An opportunity to have debated the issue of the very rich who hold most of the nation’s wealth and don’t contribute their share. Key was a classic example, but was not challenged even slightly on this (e.g. his own tax contribution vs his wealth).
Maybe he *was* audited, and resigned before the SHTF
If it has been planned its a great move.
National can go into the election with changes to Super on the table and in a better position to negotiate with Peters.
Going to be an interesting election.
Yea, it sounds like the Nats weren’t going to be able to form a government without NZFirst and Key had said he’d never work with Winston Peters. Winnie must be loving this – Key got pushed before he retired.
Good news! My first thought was what is the ****** must be hiding something. But maybe the tea leaves were just pointing to a defeat next election. Does this clear the way for National + NZ First coalition?
Wonderful news and what a relief we don’t have to put up with the smiling assassin’s lies and and crafty manipulations anymore. And if the pundits are correct and he is the popularity of the Natzi’s we can look forward to a change of Government next year. Whoopee!
Better the devil you know.
Well weve had 8 years of having a devil – time now for an angel.
stop spamming your shitty formatted crap.
L0L !…
Stay calm , breathe deep and have a lie down.
Then you might just be able to take the shitstorm that’s going to erupt in the near future with your beloved tory party.
My oh my, … didnt Wood and Little look in great shape with the Roskill win …
Little bit of the Winston / Northland thing going on there… dontcha think ?
Guess it is time for Attack of the Clones.
I never liked John Key, and he never gave me cause to respect him, in fact embarrassed was the emotion most often felt when watching him in the public sphere. Often angry when seeing the effect his party’s policies have had in NZ society. But unfortunately there are too many like him in the National Party willing to take his place.
So for my part, muted recognition with the side order of ‘meh’.
(I’m guessing the research unit at National are predicting a major slump in housing, and a dive for the economy. Like all lacklustre managers, he is going to go while the going can be reported to be good… and leave the mess for others to clean up. And be warned, we are likely in for a spate of sycophantic articles about Key’s legacy).
+100 Molly
Even the National Party Herald could only come up with this:
What a legacy! đ đ
lol, beat me to it
Funny how the NZ Herald forgot to mention Keys vested interests in the Bank of America and his blind trust….
John Key was very upbeat (!) about the Half Yearly Economic and Fiscal Update (HYEFU) that is due this coming Thursday December 8.
Has to be something big coming to make him resign. Off to Hawaii? I believe it’s snowing there.
The end of an error, and not a good one at that, a time when many voted against their own betterment because of the retoric of a carismatic leader. So why did he really sesign? One can only guess; was he rolled by his own caucus; was whikki leaks finally about to publish the real oil on John Key; one things for sure the real reason is not being spoken of at the moment.
That was my first reaction, but i’m happy with his rationale.
He’s never needed the money or the power. Hell of a job that takes its toll on family life. But he’s always been about the legacy…so what better time to go than when he is still reasonably popular.
Once it was established that he didn’t have the legs for a 4th term, then now is the perfect time. Give the new leader a long lead-in time to the election. By springing it as so much of a surprise he also gets to hand pick his successors as there’s no time for plotting or machinations.
I love the Freudian slip in place of era. Yes it is the end of an Error and not of an Era.
My information is that he is going to challenge Andrew Little for leadership of Labour. Something about supporting a party with real heart.
Come back Matthew Hooten, you were right all along.
Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooo !!!!
Time for a song or two …
Love it, brilliant
And heres one for Standing Rock with their recent hard one victory as well .
Goodness me. Surely Key wasn’t frightened by direct interviewing from Kim Hill after years of fan based journalists? Maybe she showed him that his time is up!
Him Kim Hill would kill.
3 minutes of Kim Hill and I want to give up!!
Her interviewing “style” shines light on nothing other than Hill’s excruciating self-consciousness. Painful.
Painful listening to the individuals who pass themselves of as ‘journalists’ these days.
They are talking heads, with little if any knowledge of the subject matter. And it shows.
Kim Hill knows her stuff, and , and at least she speaks clearly and doesn’t slur her words.
Not self-conscious at all…simply a professional.
There is a God after all. Two things come to mind – he was offered a job while at the latest Security Council Meeting or there is some major dirt that has been dug on him – whatever it is thank the lord we won’t have to listen to his insincerity and sarcasm anymore. Not a political genuine article that is for sure. He wants to go out on a roll – he is a legend in his own mind.
… he was offered a job while at the latest Security Council Meeting or there is some major dirt that has been dug on him.
My immediate reaction. If it was the latter, it just might not come out now he has resigned.
I recon he was given the chance to resign to save face, but in the back room was told they had the numbers to roll him and he can either jump or get pushed.
National hides their dirty secrets behind a wall of right wing bloggers and tame MSM.
I recon it was the huge numbers who voted against National at the recent by-election in a seat that because of all the National party votes at the last election should have seen it more closely contested and a hard win for Labour.
Some quantum leaps in your logic there Jester. But hey, if it helps you sleep better at night, then all power to you.
Not so Sam, NZJester made a very good point. This is the second by election National have lost, and despite the spin, Key was looking for an upset and got thoroughly trounced instead. Local elections didn’t go National’s way either. Looks like John key was given his marching orders and got out while he could before the spin of the fake “rock star economy” collapsed around him.
Spot on NZJester! Agreed.
Yeah there is some truth in that analysis Jester knowing the way the National party works.
I think Joyce calls the shots and whatever the reasons has tapped him on the shoulder and said its time.
No sitting PM goes willingly and Key had a massive ego and strong desire to win a fourth term for the legacy and would not have wanted to give that away.
The guy is dirty and quite possibly compromised and that has caught up with him.
I just dont buy the “i am going to spend more time with the family ” line.
National are all about smoke and mirrors with their public face.
He was most likely ambushed in a secret backroom meeting with someone stepping in to challenge him in a vote. The National Party inner circle have probably cast their votes for and against him with Key loosing out. The trusted inner circle will already know who will be our next PM until the next election.
Key in order to get some special perks will be choosing who they want and has no say in the matter.
incoherent conspiracy nonsense NZ Jester.
The Mt Roskill by-election is irrelevant. It was Labour’s to lose. Less than 40% of the electorate voted, and those that did vote for labour had always voted for labour. There was no mass transfer of national voters to labour, Labour had more at stake and were better organised on the day to get their vote out. It was the predicted outcome and it came to pass.
No wonder he looks tired – imagine telling those lies and layers of lies over years.
Suffocated by his own web perhaps?
Rare telly watching the other weekend, saw him on the Nation…thought at the time he looked a little blue. Put it down to the make up person not applying enough gunk for HD….which is pitiless on the less than perfect.
I do hope there is no serious illness in his family, my first thought.
But Bronagh regretting all those “lonely nights” is a bit rich when she had the option to join him in Premier House, and opted instead to stay in Auckland.
She had the power to change things, but didn’t.
And you might say the same of Key’s terms as Prime Minister. An ineffectual man.
He had a big effect Mrs Brillo… just wasn’t a good effect for the majority of people….His legacy….Lying so so often, Pony Tail Puller, Flag Fail, selling off Assets, bike path, TPP, Housing, immigration
And his vested interests with the Bank of America and opening up National Parks for mineral exploration ,.. and Pike River .
Not again! Yes, weve seen the dated link!
We are incredibly lucky to have had his service at the time when we most needed a smart, competent business guy to keep us afloat.
Most other OECD countries never recovered from the 2009 GFC and today are wracked with civil strife, divided by hyper-partizan politics, crippled by debt and unemployment. Many have either gone tits-up on socialist spending beyond their ability to pay, or else elected far-right reactionaries instead.
Oh really ?
Read this :
Wow, I actually wasted 10 minutes of my life reading through that loosely cobbled conspiracy theory.
Great example of the depth of reporting of facts:
“âąA local indigenous Maori lady phoned a New Zealand radio talk-back show in mid-January 2011 discussing the Pike River tragedy and in her own, unrefined way, perceptively said:
âYou know, thereâs something mighty fishy about what the media is telling us all about this B/S at Pike River Mine. Why has nobody been charged? You know. Just as they killed those guys and they have now sealed the mine up and buried them forever â if we, as a people, donât do something about it â before long â they are going tobury us all too!â”
Then I scrolled back to the top and saw this:
“I recommend that people carefully read what follows â double-check the references for yourself â and above all â please THINK for yourself!
Penny Bright”
I didn’t even spend that much time on it. But I will say this – I don’t think there’s ever been a time in history where so much effort has been put in to preventing people going in to attempt to rescue/recover the victims of a mine collapse or explosion. I have not been able to come across one.
My own suspicion is that our namby-girly police who blocked initial rescue attempts realise that many of the Pike River victims survived and could’ve been rescued alive hours or days later, but because they blocked all attempts to rescue (people have been dragging victims out of burning mines for hundreds of years without benefit of our modern tools!) the men died. Someone going into the mine today would be able to prove that. I suspect those involved know it would be immediately obvious that some of them survived.
Murder? Maybe not. Culpable manslaughter?
” I donât think thereâs ever been a time in history where so much effort has been put in to preventing people going in to attempt to rescue/recover the victims of a mine collapse or explosion”
They actually let teams try to enter, they just ruled it out due to the danger invloved:
They even sent down multiple robots:
“My own suspicion is that our namby-girly police who blocked initial rescue attempts realise that many of the Pike River victims survived and couldâve been rescued alive hours or days later”
Yip, completely agree, the rescue mission should have started almost immediately as the methane within the mine had been burnt off. For the safety of those attempting a rescue you can see why the Police would have felt obliged to stop them, but in reality they all but stopped any chance of a rescue effort right there.
“Someone going into the mine today would be able to prove that. I suspect those involved know it would be immediately obvious that some of them survived.”
This is where I struggle, I think an effort should still be made to enter the mine if there is any way to do so, these families need closure, but the mine has been burning since the initial explosion, so I doubt there would be any evidence left to find.
“Culpable manslaughter?”
Unfortunately this wasn’t an option under the law at the time, however it would be under current law (my understanding).
L0L !…
Awesome! – just awesome !…. picks out the incidental bit and focuses on that and disregards all the rest that shows how plans for the operation were conducted. Enjoy the bit about Key visiting the Wall street broker working for Bank of America ?
‘ 33) September 24, 2009: Prime Minister John Key meets with Douglas A. Johonson in New York, a Bank of America trader who deals in New Zealand company stocks on the first floor of the New York Stock Exchange.’
I’ll bet you did bud.
I’ll bet you did.
Okay, how about:
“Yet amazingly, Bathurst Resources Ltd reports on their website as at 2.11pm (EST) 21th January, 2011, their BTU Share Price is now $A1.040 â now well over 900% higher than it was at the same time in 2010”
It is now at less than 10% of that value:
“Clearly, a very elect group of both local and global, corrupt, treacherous, corporate individuals, self-serving bankers and government officials, allegedly headed by the New Zealand Prime Minister John Key with his blind trust”
Blind trusts are just that, blind. Pretty hard for John Key to be heading a conspiracy on investments he doesn’t handle
“out of the very worst excesses of blatant âinsider tradingâ imaginable in Bathurst Resources Ltd and associated company shares”
See above
“âThe Upper Big Branch Mine methane explosion occurs in West Virginia in the U.S. killing exactly 29 miners out of a total 31, (at the same time in the afternoon, as the 29 miners out of 31 were killed on November 19, 2010, by an identical methane gas explosion at Pike River Coal in New Zealand). Most of the major shareholders of Massey Energy that own the Upper Big Branch Mine are the same controlling shareholders of New Zealand Oil & Gas Ltd that are the controlling shareholders of Pike River Coal Ltd. Following the disaster at Upper Big Branch Mine, a number of patriotic organizations called on Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship to be arrested and charged with first degree murder.â”
Charges were laid November 2011:
“33) September 24, 2009: Prime Minister John Key meets with Douglas A. Johonson in New York, a Bank of America trader who deals in New Zealand company stocks on the first floor of the New York Stock Exchange.”
Wow, that seals it then! Our Prime Minister publicly visited a trader who is directly involved in investments into the New Zealand economy…must be trying to cover up murder…
Pull your head in mate, this is a big Penny Bright conspiracy based on nothing, that doesn’t stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny, and you are peddling it a dozen times on the same post like a crazy person!
I suggest pull your own head in ,… your type have been beating your chests for 8 years and you really dont like having to pull your heads out of your hosts backside.
Never mind, – you can used to it. We all had to get used to having a corrupt PM for 8 years… now its your turn to have some character building .
And now the accountability issues that caused Key to resign begins ,… as Peters said it today on RNZ. Let the games commence.
He’s an idiot with limited knowledge and no humanity.
Meanwhile, back in reality…
He’s not a “business guy”. He worked in the finance sector speculating on the movement of currencies. No socially useful goods or services were created.
The parasitic banking sector likes to pretend they are performing a vital service in the economy. They think they are wizards able to conjure wealth out of nothing. In fact they are just ticket clippers and imposing costs on the actual productive sector.
Usury should be illegal and all banking should be nationalised as a public utility.
Look at the carnage he left behind in Ireland and their economy is F***D
The only reason this country kept afloat during the recession was thanks to Labour’s forward thinking and paying off our international debt, not anything Key’s government did.
Key managed to royally screw that up and put this country into a crippling amount of debt again. You can bet with his so called blind trust portfolio that he is making money off of that debt he put this country in.
Even the so called budget surplus his government came up with was a big lie. When all of our crucial NZ services like health (both mental and physical), education, social welfare, fire services, policing, emergency call services and civil defense are all under funded any budget surplus announced is a lie.
His legacy is selling out this country to big business , making lots of false promises (Pike River top of the list of broken promises) and a crippling debt that will make it hard for a Labour government to properly fund and rebuild all the services National has under funded for so long.
Great news.
The bad news is probably stacking up against the lie of the “rock star economy” and he does not want to be tarnished with the product of his own policies. The music has stopped and who is going to hold the parcel of debt? Not the Government for sure, it is the over leveraged National heartland. This could get really ugly really quickly and Key knows the sun shines in Hawaii and no one knows who he is up there.
Even more so in London where he has a flat .. where Spencer ended up.
Consulting with Charles III on Brexit ?
“Because they loved their money more than anything in the whole world.” The voters have been pushed far enough in this iteration of dirty, greed-based politics. Time for a breather before flogging off health and education.
Several concern troll comments on this site have been advising on the importance of Labour retiring older MPs in favour of new blood. And John Key/National have been reading; time to replace John Key with the fresh-faced Bill English.
Predict that the consistently genuine Andrew Little, not to mention Winston and Gareth, will get a boost in the preferred prime minister stakes – STAY THE COURSE.
I agree that Little has been consistent.
But, with a tail wind, he might get over 10% in the preferred PM stakes.
Credit where credit’s due – Key can be consistent too. Consistently ambiguous on the 1981 Springbok tour, still flogging the TPPA. But overall a remarkably flexible leader, as his utterances on Pike River attest. Not admirable – a consistent liar to the end.
A job like the PM must take a HUGE toll.
Its not a job that I would want (nor would I be any good at it – hell my wife wouldn’t even vote for me).
Im glad for him that he has gone out on top, but saddened that there has been a toll that has simply gotten too much.
I obviously thought him a great PM – and a person. Thats my view – others (esp on the standard) who will disagree.
So – I wish him the best for what he tackles next, and all the best for his replacement.
Is there another parade somewhere you could piss on James?
If this is what it takes for you to have a parade Rosemary McDonald – then I pity you.
I’m saving my good wishes for the children of New Zealand who suffered and still suffer at the hands of this unprincipled power seeker, wannabe macho-laddie, child. Was always a disgraceful primary school fibber. Good riddance. Who ya’ gonna import this time grande dame Boag?
Didn’t even serve out his third term aye? Wasn’t “Honest John” gonna be New Zealand’s longest serving PM?
Good on ya James
A lot of jobs take a huge toll, it never seems to be a consideration for blue collar workers and their families, they’re just told they have to be more flexible. Key was at least richly remunerated while his Govt removed workers rights and enabled a precarious work environment for many. Lots of people work just as long hours, just as hard, some in dangerous environments, many who also have to factor in fatigue from shift work. So meh to Key and the apparent HUGE toll the job took.
Great comment Banjo!
Oh James , James , James…
You need to read more than Kiwiblog for a change.
Here… a small education for the uneducated far right.
Hey Katipo -there must be something wrong with your keyboard -its keeps auto-adding an internet address to a load of bollocks
Nothing wrong with the keyboard, son, but – but you have a few hours left so dont panic …They say tapeworm parasites can live a few days without their heads…
And now your host has gone its going to be fun to watch all you bloodsuckers squirm and squeal without being able to feed off the population any longer…
Anyone who quotes Penny Blight as a credible source (little less spamming the comments with the same link over and over), is not somebody who could ever be taken seriously – or in fact should even be left alone with crayons
I’m on your wife’s side James!
Hahaha. I deserved that.
James: “A job like the PM must take a HUGE toll.”
Not really James. NZ population 4.5million. How about Mayor of New York or Birmingham? We are really very tiny even though our PM gets paid twice as much as Brit PM with 70million.
Yes Key placed a HUGE toll on many families.
305 000 in poverty.
Here is the Herald’s list of his achievements:
(I’ve taken out the elections won bit)
“Key has governed the country through the recession of the late-2000s, formed the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority in response to the aftermath of the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake and led the country following the Pike River disaster.
Key also worked to create the much-protested policy for the partial privitisation of state-owned enterprises, including Meridian and Mighty River Power, Genesis and Solid Energy.
Overseas, Key has withdrawn the NZ Defence Force from Afghanistan, attended the Queen’s residence at Balmoral, improved relations with the United states and aimed to establish the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”
That’s pathetic for a 8 year PM.
Whether there was planning in this, the timing is outstanding:
– It is the most important cabinet renewal after a highly refreshed caucus and cabinet compared to 2008, signaled in advance of barbeque seasons, and the 2017 electoral season
– It is three days before an enormous surplus forecast, giving National the election-year headroom for massive social spending AND tax cuts.
Both are serious momentum for his successor.
maybe he’s telling his last lie?
I really believe that Key has actually told the truth for the first time in his political career. Bronagh has said, be home more, and he has conceded.
Not sure I agree with comments about the big cat fights that are about to start in the Natzi caucus. They are far too well drilled for that. It’ll be Billy Dipstick or Joycie Dildo – or if they are are completely suicidal, Pawdry Benefit.
What concerns me most is that this tawdry, self-serving little man re-introduced the gongs a few years ago with the long term view that when he finally went, one would be waiting for him. If that is the case, he is a bigger arsehole than I even took him for.
Goodbye and total good riddance. He mentioned something about going out on the top – going out on the bottom, more likely – the bottom of the list! What list? Best PM list, of course.
I dont think he told the truth about Bronagh…..its just the usual positioning statement to gain sympathy….the truth will surface in time.
A true PM fail …..
They’re authoritarians so pretty much once the leader goes it’s all on to choose the next leader and, as Dirty Politics showed, they don’t fight clean.
The PM is famous for not being around when the shit hits the fan, how many times has Blinglish been left to scrape up his messes while he flies overseas to be as far away as possible from it. I cannot remember when he has ever been around for uncomfortable situations where his deputy can do his dirty work for him. The PM can see next year ahead of him and he never likes to be around and seen as a loser, so its pretty obvious he will now sit on the back benches and let his minions take the flak. His supposed “legacy” is his most important mission in life – so he is performing true to form. His own Government will not be respecting him right now for leaving them in the lurch. Withstanding any ill health in his family, we are better off without him.
Key has ALWAYS been around when problems arise. The GFC. The recession. The earthquakes. Pike River. He has stood up time and again in the face of natural and international challenges. Your lack of insight reminds me the criticism of Helen Clark over the years.
Nine years of surpluses and the Chinafta are the reason the GFC didn’t hit us too hard. Key’s legacy is homeless families.
your lack of connection to reality is disturbing
key ALWAYS got other ministers to front bad news
In their portfolio’s, maybe. But Key has fronted lots of the major issues in the past several years. Don’t you understand that is why he is so popular.
“Donât you understand that is why he is so popular.”
its called marketing – thats why hes popular.
for extra points did the PMs spin team grow or shrink during his term?
You can’t remain popular at Key levels for 8 years without substance. Even Clark didn’t.
youve never compared a maccas burger to the menu photos?
maccas is still a profitable business despite this
People wouldn’t keep buying maccas if they didn’t feel the burgers had substance.
Amazing marketing, easy to chew, loads of sugar and fat, no nutritional value
Actually, your wrong. There is significant nutritional value in a McDonalds meal. Believe it or not!
Thank you Framu for agreeing with me – he is Teflon John for very good reason, he loathed being associated with bad news or being seen as a loser. Wellfedweka doesn’t know what he is talking about. Swanning around in helicopters with the requisite hard hat on doesn’t do it for me – ask Christchurch residents how they feel x amount of years on about his promises and the Pike River families as well. All hair oil and no socks was how my Granny would have described him – an apt description indeed.
Pike River ?
Perhaps this might change your tune a little bit about John Philip Key …
News Flash
John Key did not cause the explosion at Pike River.
There are, you can go back to your conspiracy books now.
His government enabled the slack health and safety environment, then cut a deal with the perps.
Under which government was Pike River consented? Labour.
There were no ‘changes’ made under national that contributed to the Pike River disaster. Seriously in 10 years the far left have been trying to paint Key as some kind of demon. You’ve failed. Key leaves undefeated.
From Penny? Are you serious?
I always what kind of person would read penny and take her seriously – I guess we found him / her.
oooooooo the pain , the pain … its palpable !!!
As is the fear !!!
Its over for you guys and you know it…. your big leader has up and left you with your dicks in the air… and how that must smart!!!!
More victims of the ‘ Smiling Assassin ‘ and you really dont like it one bit , do you now…
“More victims of the â Smiling Assassin â and you really dont like it one bit , do you now⊔
Actually I think he’s made exactly the right decision. Family comes first. He’s 55, successful, wealthy and happily married. He’ll leave the next National elader with a tough act to follow, but there is no Helen Clark in today’s labour party.
The wolf in sheep’s clothing is about to be exposed and the illusions of RW tools shattered
Barbecue at Judith’s place?
One last bird flipped at his enemies. For all the churlish rhetoric here now, he will get to say he went out on top. The Left will never have the satisfaction of hearing him concede defeat on an election night.
I understand the need to conjure up fantasies to make the truth more palatable, but the facts are that he’s now one of the very few politicians to “win the game”.
Whether that’s reality or perception, posterity will now look upon him more fondly than possibly he deserves to be.
Win the game? He just walked out 20 minutes before full time.
We will never know, will we. But the polls say he left with a stonking 50% rating. Perception is all that matters, and he will have it in spades. If Nats lose in 2017, people will say it was because he wasn’t there. If they win in 2017, it will be because of the platform he laid.
Win win for his historical reputation.
The last real poll was Mt Roskill.
You know the sort when people actually vote.
And Key was hammered.
Key went out on top, good for him. Now time to roll that charisma vacuum called Andre Little and bring in ‘Gracinda. ‘
It would be disastrous to change leaders again. Little has built a solid team and is shaping up to be a good leader.
Robertson and Ardern are both strong politicians and good communicators. They’ll have plenty to contribute to the next Labour government and each has good leadership potential, but that doesn’t make it time to “roll” Little. (And btw, I’d rather have a serious, honest person leading the party and the country than a smarmy jerk like Key.)
Never was a truer word spoken.
No ones going to give a damn about what you sycophants say at present – more so in the future when history teaches the REAL truth about John Philip Key.
What actually is the REAL truth about John Key Wild Katipo? What’s your evidence?
Well said. Most popular PM in history. National riding high. The country is good shape. He’s done a Richie McCaw.
“Most popular PM in history”
you might want to let history have its say on key first
He’s done a Richie McCaw. I didn’t know that, are you sure?
He hasn’t made a movie about himself, has he?
People love Ritchie. Depending on who you talk to people either love or hate Key. He’s divided the new zealand people, like any decent dictator would.
“Win the game” ?!?!
If that’s what you think politics is for, no wonder idiots like Trump get elected
This has been such a great day! Much more hopeful for the future now.
However, he could’ve done it better. He could’ve “gone postal” in the traditional fashion! Now that would be a retirement worthy of how much damage he’s done to the rest of the country!
There is a God after all – and here’s me doubting his/her existence for the past 8 years!
When it was announced by the flight attendant just before the plane left Napier for Wellington, people cheered and clapped. Not all of course but a good number.
You are obviously much smarter than most of us.
By your logic when someone announces their planned retirement and people clap it is because they are glad to see them go.
Little innocent me thought it meant they were thanking the person and wishing them well.
Amazing. When Helen Clark announced her resignation after the election loss the people at the function gave her a standing ovation, did they not?
I thought it was her party members saying thank you and wishing her well for the future.
But Prickles informs us it meant they were happy to see the back of her.
Is that really what you interpret clapping as you silly git?
Funny,… thats not what Winston Peters said about John Philip Key on RNZ today,.. he seemed to think it had more to do with a tanking economy and certain other things that will be unearthed ….
‘ which will come out in the days and weeks to follow ‘….
Winston Peters?
You mean you take him seriously on anything.
It was after midday wasn’t it. By that stage Winston, who is a seriously bitter old man, would be well into his cups and he was probably seeing pink elephants dancing around the room. You don’t really believe anything that man says do you?
Yep, he’d be well and truly sauced.
Play the man, not the ball, eh?
You’re in good company if you buy Peter’s ludicrous conspiracy theories WK. Peters doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He never has.
The only thing that ‘will come out in the days and weeks to follow….’ is evidence that Peters is officially diagnosed as being nuts.
Oh! Did you come here for an argument? This is Abuse.
Aha! You want Room 12A, next door.
Hi Alwyn, just read again what I actually wrote. I didn’t make any mention of my interpretation of what they meant – simply reported what happened. The interpretation has come only from you.
And they are the rich who fly.
The poor must be delirious.
Well, I guess now’s when we get to see how much of the Nat’s support is due to their policies and how much is due to Smarmy John…
Thanks goodness Little has put an emphasis on team-building in Labour so that they’re not likely to fly apart now, given an opportunity to show themselves as a credible alternative.
Bye bye, John; wish I could say it’d been a pleasure.
Lest We Forget….
Can I recommend a song to be played in honour of this announcement? All radio stations should pick this up!
Motorhead’s Traitor
(lyrics available at for those who don’t wish to listen to this bit of classic rock’n’roll)
Well, time for the Opposition to get their collective shit together, and get off their asses.
A July election is very likely now.
Good luck with that
Yep. It’s going to have to be after the budget and the delivery of more unaffordable tax cuts but before the complete collapse of the economy brought about by National’s policies.
Spare a thought for the terminal KDS sufferers, who will now have to live with the reality that Key will always be the man the Left could not beat.
yeah that dirty b*stard ran away from the long overdue spanking he was about to receive in 2017
Like Jim Bolger đ
We simply waited him out. Best strategy ever. Win to the Left.
“waited him out”? “Win to the Left”? Don’t make me laugh man.
Oh come on, can’t you even crack a smile? Ding dong, Dear Leader’s gone… đ
100% successful strategy, Sam C.
The results are in.
We won.
A successful harvest once every nine years Robert? I hope you employ a more fruitful strategy in your garden!
I’ll take it, lost sheep. Might dry it and hang it on the wall too đ
I don’t know why we are cheering. This makes Labour/Green unelectable.
The path is now clear for NZFirst/National. Key doesn’t do anything without planning and calculation, and anyone who judges this on face value is an idiot.
Depends. National could lose a considerable amount of support as a consequence. One thing’s for sure: winning the 2017 election will take a lot of hard work, then as now.
They’ll lose some, but not nearly enough. Some of that support will go to NZFirst, of course.
Winning 2017 just got a whole lot harder for Labour/ Greens.
Act, Maori Party and Peter Dunne just got sidelined too.
But where would the Nats’ support go?
Surely not to Labour or the Greens.
surely not
[citation needed]
I find ‘swing’ voting incomprehensible, and it’s a thing nonetheless.
He looking more and more like a Sid Holland clone….
Nice timing.
Just like Holyoake, Marshall and Muldoon all over again.
Our brighter future coming? Oh wait … Collins, Joyce, Bennett, English waiting in the wings. Bye bye National next year đ
Exactly mary. What’s National without Key eh?
@ mary _ a ,…
Lets hope it is Dildo Joyce – we could do with a few laughs after all Keys corruption and his Bank of America connections…
What gets me with that pic is the smile on his face as he has that heading straight for his mouth.
(Please stop spamming that horribly done site about Pike River. I know something nasty went on there that shonkey and his cronies don’t want uncovered, but that site needs some basic work before getting shown to the public, and it does no good to your cause to have someone displaying a site that turns intelligent people away at first glance!)
You have to respect his consistency:
“And more than anything else in my time here, I have tried to be straight and true with New Zealanders.”
A lying bastard to the end.
This one’s going out to you Rogue Trooper. I wish you had lived to see this day. I know you’d have a song for us. I’m guessing it would have been this one:
Rosie Nice to remember Rogue Trooper. I was thinking of him a while ago, though didn’t know him apart from this Blog.
But I was thinking of Leonard Cohen and Hallelujah too, thanks for putting that up.
+1 Grey
Prime Ministers resigning everywhere.
Over here the PM resigned as well
Jesus lprent. You cause trouble wherever you go!
Listening to the comments of international leaders it is obvious the very high regard John Key is held in internationally. Andrew Little’s were gracious and measured, Winston Peter’s utterly graceless. Votes lost there.
John Key will certainly qualify as our best post war PM, marginally ahead of Helen Clark. He leaves NZ in a terrific position, and with record levels of personal popularity. Well done good sir, go well.
I thought Little’s comments on Nat Rad were excellent and the most statesmanlike I’ve heard from him. OAB could learn quite a bit from the Labour leader.
OAB isn’t a politician and cares not one whit for niceties. Legacy: 300,000 children living in poverty, warnings from UNICEF etc.
Where are 300,000 children living in poverty? Certainly not in NZ.
Take it up with the office of the Children’s Commissioner. No, wait: they won’t care about your ignorant opinion any more than I do.
Better whine about it on a blog. Start with some pathetic denial and move on to the hate speech later, eh.
I’m simply pointing out you are wrong. You can continue to exaggerate the numbers of you like, but it isn’t helping.
Then I am in good company and you are in denial on a blog.
As I said, I have no interest in reading your pathetic excuses. Take it up with the Children’s Commission.
So the only way you can support your claim is using a measure that has been roundly discredited. Thought so.
Right wingers lying to one another on blogs discredits you, not the Children’s Commission. Frankly, if there were 100,000 kids living in poverty you still wouldn’t give a toss about them.
The 60% has been debunked. Get over it. And you don;t give a toss about poverty. If you did you wouldn’t lie about the problem.
Let’s be clear about this: your word isn’t worth shit. Has the Children’s Commission changed the definition? Then piss off.
“Has the Childrenâs Commission changed the definition? ”
Of course not. It would give them nothing to moan about.
“roundly discredited“? “debunked“?
How can a straightforward standard statistical measure be ‘discredited’ and ‘debunked’ and by whom?
It’s possible to argue that there is a better measure but how can a proportion of the median income be said to be ‘debunked’?
^^^ this.
For his next pratfall, Wellfedweta will use millimetres to debunk inches.
@ Wellfedweta.
He leaves New Zealand with record homelessness , a housing market that’s fucked and soon to crash , an immigration policy that resulted in runaway stress on our infrastructure and abuse of our labour laws, miserable low wages, massive decline in our social services and health, police, – and thats not even starting on the list – as well as this :
No, he leaves NZ with:
Record employment.
Record visitor numbers.
Record low interest rates.
Low inflation.
Low debt.
One of the strongest economies in the OECD.
The local hard left are the only ones who can’t see how good things are, and thankfully there aren’t too many of you left.
UNICEF and the World Bank and the IMF and the Salvation Army and the Children’s Commissioner and the Governor of the Reserve Bank and the NZ Law Society and the homeless families are all hard Left?
And then you woke up.
Where’s the 300,000? And the definition?
Pay attention. I linked to it five minutes ago.
Yea, and I told you to go away and find a definition that hasn’t been debunked. I suspect you know nothing of real child poverty. Which is why you’re happy to minimise the problem with such dumb data.
Yawn. Your denials aren’t worth shit.
Nor is your data.
If it were mine, it wouldn’t be, but it isn’t, and since the Children’s Commission is a credible source and you are a denier on a blog, that’s how it’s going to stay.
Here’s some advice:
You’ll hear better if you take your fingers out of your ears.
“Which is why youâre happy to minimise the problem with such dumb data.”
this is pathetic, please try harder…..
Best Post war PM? John Key governed this country for the benefit of the wealthy and international corporates. Turned NZ into a tax haven. He presided over record numbers of homeless families while attempting (& failing) to sell off many thousands of State Houses. Did nothing for 305,000 children being raised in poverty. Passed a record number of laws under urgency, and denied the people of Canterbury their democratic rights to electing their regional council. Ran a Dirty Politics operation out of the PMs office. Lies and manipulation were his modus operandi eg:
Record employment is from record population
Record low interest rates is because the economy is stagnant, ditto inflation.
Crown debt is massively increased from when National started in 2008, so that’s you just blatantly lying.
And we aren’t remotely close to having one of the strongest economies in the OECD, as we’re pretending like we have growth on the back of immigration and an empty property market boom.
Honestly, if you’re going to write a hagiography, at least pick some things that are actually going well.
The economy is not stagnant. It is growing faster than most other OECD economies. Our net government debt to GDP is one of the lowest in the developed world. Clearly you haven’t even attempted to research the facts before commenting.
Respect to the families of the Pike River miners, but that’s 16 times you’ve linked that ball of batshit crazy in this comment thread. You must be wondering how many more times it’s going to take to get the attention of a moderator.
He did nothing good of consequence. The best one can say of him was that he didn’t screw up too badly.
Basically Cullen and Clark left him in an enviable fiscal position. However that has largely dissipated with the GFC and he has done nothing at all to deal with the structural issues from the aging demographics. Probably his most notable screwup was to not continue loading up the Cullen fund.
Cullen and Clark left him with a recession that was, at least in part, the result of local circumstances. They also left him with some very poor quality spending. Key has achieved much, but most notably the way he has restored our economic strength after the GFC. The Labour alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.
explain why bill english praised cullen for the state of the books
your talking nonsense – and i bet its “decade of deficits” nonsense
The books were in good shape, due to the decades of sound economic policy. But Labour made some bad spending decisions, which were coming home to roost in 2007/08.
The “local recession” was a result of trying to rectify issues from the local housing market bubble. Key released those and now we have a really bad bubble.
The thing that staved off the economic problem over the GFC was the rapid rise in commodity prices due to the Chinese market. That was the market that Goff and Clark opened up. It is notable that Key has since only managed to get the Korean FTA completed, and has a dead in the water and pretty useless for NZ TPP.
In the meantime, outside of dairy, all of the other economic good news has been in the tech areas that were initiated by Labour in the early 00s.
The governments only active economic moves were to sell assets to diminish the effect of their spendthrift borrowing, and to overheat the local economy with excessive net migration thereby causing the nasty downstream effects that has on our infrastructure – mostly showing up in housing.
I’d point out that 8 years after Key took over the reins, we still don’t have a real surplus – just book-keeping ones caused by shuffling book-keeping.
Essentially the government has managed to squander the chance to deal with our medium term issue of the aging population. They simply made the downstream issues that government has to deal with harder and more complex by deferring them to buy votes.
“The âlocal recessionâ was a result of trying to rectify issues from the local housing market bubble.”
‘In the meantime, outside of dairy, all of the other economic good news has been in the tech areas that were initiated by Labour in the early 00s.”
Rubbish. And that’s just one sector.
Oh so you weren’t talking about the downturn in 2007? You were talking about the global financial crisis n 2009/2010?
Tourism is a commodity product. It generally rises and falls with the price of aviation kerosene and the relative currency differentials. In the last few years it has risen again. Offhand in NZ the only effect that wasn’t due to those was the Lord of the Rings – something to do with favourable tax treatment given to the film industry back in 2000.
However it looks like the price of kerosene will rise post the OPEC decisions last week, and I suspect that the exchange rate isn’t moving in tourism’s favour from our current major markets
This year we actually have a projected government surplus for the first time since 2007 (it is in reality down below 1bn once you take out the book keeping fiddles). That was the half year result. Looking at what is likely between now and March, it doesn’t look likely to sustain
But have you looked the the forward projections from treasury out past 2030 ? I’d look it up, however I have to get back to sleep to kill the jetlag. Have to get up in a few hours to work at building those exports.
If anyone has time, could they look up the longer term projections from Treasury that John Key doesn’t want to read.
“Oh so you werenât talking about the downturn in 2007? You were talking about the global financial crisis n 2009/2010?”
No, I was talking about the downturn in 2007, that then ran into the GFC.
“Tourism is a commodity product. It generally rises and falls with the price of aviation kerosene and the relative currency differentials.”
No, Tourism is a service. And NZ’s tourism has expanded significantly despite the high dollar.
“This year we actually have a projected government surplus for the first time since 2007 (it is in reality down below 1bn once you take out the book keeping fiddles). ”
We had a surplus in 2016. Labour left a huge deficit in 2008/09.
“But have you looked the the forward projections from treasury out past 2030 ? ”
Are you serious? Are you so desperate you need to call on forecasts that far out? The Governments policies have returned NZ to healthy surplus, and before expectations.
Are you reading comments from international leaders LP?
Well disguised amidst the rosy projections but John Key cannot be proud of
* Natural capital facing decline
* Persistent inequality
* Failure to manage net debt
* Increasing costs of superannuation
Well you’re a well fed weta so you would say that. There are many thousands of wetas out there who are suffering because of the policies of the John Key government!
Really? So Key is to blame for weta deaths now? Honestly I though the right were nuts when Helen Clark was in power.
You must learn not to make things up. Who said there are dead wetas? Suffering wetas yes, but no direct deaths – yet.
There are definitely dead wetas. I know, becasue I saw a couple dead on my deck.
John Key will certainly qualify as our best post war PM…
Among arse-kissers like yourself, undoubtedly. However, he certainly won’t be regarded as our best post-war PM after the arse-kissers are all dead, for the fairly significant reason that he did nothing to justify such a bizarre claim. Not screwing up badly isn’t the same as doing a great job.
Key is internationally admired. He has unprecedented personal popularity. His stewardship of NZ has seen our economy the envy of the western world. It’s only extremely sour grapes that seems to be getting in the way of your objectivity.
Internationally admired, is he?
OK then.
Sweet dreams.
Yes, he is.
oh FFS
stop parading the stock standard comments that are expected of world leaders as some sort of honest endorsement
i know its hard for you to see it as “business as usual”, look at the local yardstick for the last 8 years
The comments are not ‘stock standard’. Anything but. Check out Turnbull’s. And Helen Clark’s. Key was very well liked and respected. It must be just too hard for you to accept it.
no – your problem is you havent separated “honesty” from “expected reaction”
politicians say that sort of stuff alllllllll the time
stop trolling
(and yes others – i will stop feeding it now)
You’re the one trolling. Yes, some of the reactions are stock, many are not.
Key is internationally admired.
So is Helen Clark. Maybe she’s the greatest post-war NZ leader?
He has unprecedented personal popularity.
And? So did Rob Muldoon, but once all his “Rob’s Mob” arse-kissers were dead, it became apparent how history was really going to look on him. Personal popularity’s wonderful for the ambitious mofo trying to get elected, but it’s of no value to the country.
His stewardship of NZ has seen our economy the envy of the western world.
The rest of the western world didn’t have Michael Cullen spend years paying public debt down to nothing before the GFC hit. Key’s main contribution has been to largely stick with Labour’s programme and resist the calls for austerity – due credit to him that he did those things, but it’s more “safe pair of hands” than “greatest post-war leader” material.
“So is Helen Clark. Maybe sheâs the greatest post-war NZ leader?”
She’d be close. #2.
“So did Rob Muldoon”
Muldoon never had the personal popularity of Key, nor did he ever have national secure the % of votes Key has.
“…due credit to him that he did those things, but itâs more âsafe pair of handsâ than âgreatest post-war leaderâ material.”
It’s far more than the economy. Key has done much to correct what Labour got wrong, but he has also made significant progress on race relations, quality of government spending, quality of our health care system etc.
He’s proved adept at disguising the deterioration in public services that occurs under every National government, yes. Health is a fine example, in which we have numbers that look great, and as long as you only look at those numbers you might get the impression the government’s doing a good job. The people working in the field know what misery’s being inflicted to achieve those numbers, but hey, the numbers are the measure of performance, right?
That’s probably his real legacy: assign key performance indicators to public services, then sit back and watch how your public service managers can game those KPI numbers even while you reduce their funding in real terms. Pretty much the same with the economy – great numbers, just don’t look at how they’re being achieved (immigration and resulting expenditure on creating expenditure to deal with it). We must have the finest, most exquisitely-gamed key performance indicators in the history of the country under this government – some people mistake it for good governance.
+1 very good points. The use of dodgy carbon credits is a typical example. As is the refusal to measure child poverty and manipulated crime stats.
A bunch of numbers and pretty graphs is the kind of bull used by investment scammers all the time.
Key and the Gnats slapped Kiwis in the face with their casual dismissals of evidence from qualified academics, about uncomfortable topics like
polluted waterways,
the housing crisis,
charter schools,
the Panama Papaers,
the TPPA,
the GCSB spying on Kiwis,
Pike River
But Key’s worst crime was to allow Gerry Brownlee to rampage over Christchurch and turn the tragedy of the earthquake into a frenzy of wanton destruction by disaster capitalists. Much more effort could have been made to save people’s treasured possessions and livelihoods and the culture of the city.
National’s crony capitalism has turned the heart of Christchurch into a wasteland and is trying to beggar the CCC. I think the Gnats were complicit with arsehole insurance companies in ripping off the victims even more.
What a complete and utter banker Key was.
The world ridicules him.
Showers and ponytails.
Yea, I saw Stephen Harper’s glowing tribute…
Indeed. Here’s more.
I guess it wasn’t apparent that a glowing tribute from Stephen Harper is not a great thing.
Oh I got the sarcasm, I just pushed through it.
Best Post war PM? John Key governed this country for the benefit of the wealthy and international corporates. Turned NZ into a tax haven. He presided over record numbers of homeless families while attempting (& failing) to sell off many thousands of State Houses. Did nothing for 305,000 children being raised in poverty. Passed a record number of laws under urgency, and denied the people of Canterbury their democratic rights to electing their regional council. Changed labour and employment laws for the benefit of international corporates. Ran a Dirty Politics operation out of the PMs office.
Lies and manipulation were his modus operandi eg:
Not my idea of a good Prime Minister.
Once again that is just an unsubstantiated diatribe. Let me just pick one…”Changed labour and employment laws for the benefit of international corporates”. I assume you’re referring to the Hobbit legislation. The law that saw three movies made in NZ that have brought untold credit and international exposure to NZ.
Which were always going to be made here, as Peter Jackson confirmed in writing.
Read this and explain how you reached your conclusion (OIA release. pdf).
Wow, there seems to be plenty in that to make my case, particularly the October P Jackson email. Thanks.
Should there not be a snap election? After all people voted for Key to lead, not someone else. Snap election should be called, that would be the democratic thing to do
Cinny, I just have to credit you with the excellent spell you cast on the outgoing PM
So I went to sleep in Vienna last night hugely relieved that the son of refugees won the Austrian presidency and woke up this morning that the son of an Austrian (Viennese) refugee had just resigned as the PM in New Zealand. Synchronicity! I don’t think my political day could get any better.
I’m quite happy to wait awhile before the next election. Give the self-entitled wannabees in government to tear National apart first.
Go Judith!!!
You should try my day. I’m in Italy, and they are amused at the differences between their PM resignation and that of John Key. Especially the reasons for it…
That would be fun!
I’m not sure about the Italian situation… they do need reform, but a PM arrogant enough (or with the conviction of the rightness of his cause without reading the public mood) to bank his future on a referendum? – there’s the difference between NZ’s outgoing PM (not that he’s not arrogant, just that the flag referendum was only marketing) and Italy’s. Not so much of a difference between Italy Renzi and Cameron in this sense but.
It’s christmas come early Miravox đ Parliament is sitting today, I hope they get down to business and don’t waste question time singing about the outgoing PM.
Great news for Austria btw, what a win đ Rock on Alexander Van der Bellen
It’s clear the prospect of facing Hayley Holt in election debates was too much pressure for the man. What with Andrew Little’s star on the rise, it was like a pincer move on his netherworld dancing toys. Few men could withstand such a manoeuvre.
No doubt Key was also intimidated by that rug of Andrew Little “in the raw”
Really? I was inspired by it. đ
The Daily Blog reckons that Key has resigned because Bomber is about to publish a new book … hahahahaha đ
He’s a bigger fuckwit then Slater, and that takes some beating.
I saw the post, and it did NOT say that Bomber was publishing the book. Wait and see.
Might be some truth, the site has been taken down for…maintenance and we all know what that means
Pucky – your crystal ball!
My crystal balls are telling me this will lead to a National-NZFirst government after the next election
Care for a little wager? đ
I have to admire your dogged persistence, Pucky, and in the heat of the enormous burn you just suffered. I know you’re feeling despondent, disillusioned and desperate and aren’t responsible for what you say right now, so I’ll not hold you to your foolish wager. We’ll talk again once reality sets in for you and you see the future more clearly than you do now. On an entirely ‘nother note, today I learned two interesting things; the meaning of netherworld dancing toys, and your little gem(s) above đ
Bomber or ….
Hager or ….
someone else?
Considering Bomber can’t publish a coherent paragraph, I can’t see him shitting out a book.
It may be that another Hager investigation is coming to fruition. To cut through the media firewall around Keys it would literally have to have photographic evidence of Keys, Farrar and Slater performing a kind of Human Centipede-like maneuver on a dead teenage prostitute before anyone would pay attention.
Is it likely a long term residence at the Serco suites is on the cards?
Absolutely no way. The elites always look after each other. Nixon, Bush, Obama have never had to face justice for their crimes. (The lords of the banking cartels even less so.)
I can hardly wait to see Michel Boarg’ s face .And what will replace “”Under John Key’s leadership”
so loved and quoted by the Nat’s.
Perhaps this #ponytailcrisis had something to do with it
Calls for regulation of ‘brutal’ hair industry
This was one of the stupidest and most overinflated stories of the year.
It should really have had the title – “renewable resource voluntarily sold by people in other countries. Little girl looks a bit sad at haircut, forgets it will grow back. But story runs big to justify foreign travel grant.”
The endless backslapping by the herald’s editorial team was also a real circle jerk. Pity they didn’t tell us it was an old story, subject of a book released months ago.
As long as you don’t mind children being assaulted and workers being poisoned.
CuttiNg hair is an assault? What are you a brethren?
One girl interviewed says she doesn’t like it but does it to support her family. Doesn’t sound like assault to me.
As for poisoned workers, the story doesn’t mention anything like that. It might have had more impact if it had.
So one girl says it was ok so it must be true for every girl.
It said the workers were being poisoned by peroxide.
Where the leader goes….the rest will follow….Out the door the nitz go !! woohoo
I’m worried about Keeping Stock…
This thing is not going to be served up to the Left on a platter.
The wannabes are going to have to be forced to put up competing policy, reminding them that we have had 8 years of no policy. Their answers then should be analysed to death while the pretenders to the crown are compared both interminably and unfavourably with Andrew Little.
Hours should be spent on the matter of John Key’s “legacy”.
It should be endlessly pointed out that the newbie hopefuls has played golf with Obama or appeared reading a Top Ten on Letterman, or been to the palace to feed the corgis or hung out (or is it hanged out) with Ritchie.
Some time should also be spent trying to think of any other legacy. (Before giving up).
My and my family’s thoughts and prayers are very much with little Mike Hosking at the moment. Must surely be a very difficult time. There’ll be tears, there’ll be shouting, there’ll be screaming, there’ll be bewilderment in the Hosking-Hawkesby household tonight … (but, then again, there always is).
Very clever. Very True. Very sad Swordfish đ
Lmfaoooooo am looking forward to Henry in the morning đ
Went up town and spread the news with a few local business owners, they were thrilled, my neighbours gave me a hug when I told them and you should have seen the kids and teachers faces at the school. What a great day for NZ
Speculation is rife on right wing sites, accolades are flying in the wake of their questions and general bewilderment.
Retiring for family, health or medical reasons makes me think of an academy award winning film from 2015 starring Michael Keaton. However the PM whom simply gave up when it became too hard may have genuine reasons. I’m so happy he’s gone no matter his reasons
Indeed, a great day for our nation and perhaps the only decent thing shonkey has done.
What I have found interesting over the last few years (apart from not yet meeting any one who admits to liking National!) is the amount of hatred small business owners have for National and especially shon key. If their policies have been so great for the economy, why to SBO hate him so much?
But then, if they were so good we wouldn’t have had the nations highest suicide rates, highest homeless rates, highest child poverty rates, very high debt (on a part with the end of the last Nat administration – and very much higher than Labour left him!).. Don’t know where Nat supporters get off saying “record employment levels” when what, 40 or 50 years ago we had 0 unemployment, job for life and so on. Or do they refer to the numbers of people in jobs? Well duh. Growing population. Of course number of jobs rises!
So glad this is over.
What a load of made up shite.
Same sort of thing happened at my work place Cinny.
It was like everyone was breaking the first rule of fight club. Smiles all over the place.
BREAKING NEWS just in! Man pulled from his Ferrari ( or Lamborghini, or whatever it is this week ) in nick of time with exhaust hose hooked up to heater inlet.
Only comment “….I just couldn’t go on…”.
Vacuum cleaner hose
Here’s a thought. Early Election anyone?
The considered view of a life-long Tory and Kiwiblog regular:
Sir Cullen’s Sidekick
“served New Zealand well – Little”….Huh ? ….. perhaps I just dont understand politics
i would put those comments in the same basket as “health reasons” or “family reasons”
ie: they are things your expected to say – even though everyone knows you probably dont mean it 100%
Political niceties. Ever hear of that saying, “don’t kick a man when he’s down”?
Yeah, let him get up and have another go at you.
He’s not getting back up, he is out for the count.
His aura’s intact. Stomp him.
You’re such a fucking tool, seriously the shit you come out with, I’d swear you were Cameron Slater.
Thanks very much, feral bludging trash.
Face it fella, you are Cameron Slater, how does it feel?, bit of an honor is it, managing to out fuck wit your idol?
The substantive difference between me and Cameron Slater is that no Left-wing party would employ me to say these things, nor make my comments on blogs part of their strategy.
Have a nice day, trash.
John Key is the symptom of a much deeper problem. You have to credit him with good timing. What’s next for JK…. a brighter future? And NZ….
HallelujahâŠ. HallelujahâŠ. Hallelujah⊠HallleeeeeeluoooojahhhhhhhhhâŠ
The only way the left defeat key?
By him resigning on his own terms đ
That’s funny. Just as Labour slumps and National rise.
Toxic brand key was finished, no longer a draw card, I reckon key was given his marching orders.
From the Guardian.
‘Jennifer Lees-Marshment, an associate professor in politics and international relations at Auckland University, said: âRecently the normally high-performing Key brand has been undermined by denying a growing housing and traffic crisis as people in New Zealandâs biggest city, Auckland, struggle to find a place to live and to travel to work.
âThe Key brand has become disconnected and he has increasingly appeared to be someone who doesnât understand what it is like to be an ordinary New Zealander any more.â’
The teflon has FINALLY worn off… took long enough.
Key’s ties to big corporates and sale of NZ to foreign interests have fatally compromised his teflon shine. Dirty politics was only one part of his campaign.
Maybe he is shitting himself over the Trump administration and the global security situation.
when he flies off to hawaii i’m going to be at the airport so i can watch you and pucky and hoskings humping his leg and begging him to take you with him
There’s going to be a lot of discussion in the coming weeks and months about John Key’s legacy, so let me have my say:
Key won three elections and . . . umm . . . er . . .
Anything else he ‘achieved’ will have to be undone by the incoming Labour-Greens government!
OK, just for the record, I don’t want to lose the little credibility that I might have and sound all conspiratorial here, but something about this is just doesn’t make sense.
Don’t know what, but the timing, the delivery everything about this feel very ab lib to me.
I agree with you…..
Agreed. Funny that it should come after being thoroughly trounced in another by election.
+1. Waiting for the aftershocks. That’s when we’ll find out what really is in this sandwich.
I totally agree. The reason John Key gave for resigning is that he didn’t want to mislead the public after potentially winning a 4th term and then calling it quits. That simply doesn’t add up as he’s been misleading people throughout his term as PM and even earlier.
Who can forget those lying eyes!
Yeah the irony was not lost on me either Ross.
The master of deception and he has NEVER been called out on it.
He has been the best Hollywood actor we have ever had.
Anyone know if the notice time is usual or unusual historically?
no, the national party have a history of it all the way back to sid.
Muldoon set the gold standard for how (not) to do it
True that…
just beautiful, thankyou Paul.
So many comments by those whose leader is on 8% and can’t even win an electorate.
labgreen, losers in 2008, 2011,2014 & 2017. At the rate labour is going, no-one from the list will get in, and Angry andy will be a leader outside parliament.
I really have to have a good laugh at the left. Oxymorons abound, they call dictatorships “Democratic Republic of “, they call their backwards facing “policies” progressive. And funniest of all, they think they have a chance at the next election , even though they’ve had another another moron forced on them for a leader by the unions.
what a pile of bigoted ignorant rubbish.
let me guess… TrumpKey supporter, middle aged white male, owns a couple of houses, hates poor people.
Winston’s reaction is the most interesting.
‘Winston Peters says John Key has resigned for ‘hidden economic reasons’.’
Bradbury excoriates Key mercilessly. Worth remembering how much he has screwed over NZ for his shonky ideology.
A couple of additions I would make
* turned the office of PM into an international laughing stock
* abused power of office to conduct dirty politics against opponents and silence critics
* introduced 7 new taxes, mostly shifting the burden away from the rich and onto workers
* lowered the tone of political debate into shouting matches and schoolyard taunts
* used shonky carbon credits, cut DOC resources, allowed MAF to ignore widespread fish dumping
* gave 5-eyes and the GCSB unprecedented spying powers over NZ citizens
* made inequality worse and turned a blind eye to the suffering of the “underclass”
No one cares what that idiot has to say. He was never relevant and never will be.
Ad hominem? Is that all you’ve got? Sad.
Winston will be a lot happier working with the Nats with someone other than John Key as leader.
Winston for deputy PM – English as PM.
Labour out in the wilderness for another 3 tears;
You are dreaming James.
Grief addled brain. James is punch drunk from these two body-blows to the National Party: Mt Roskill, and Dear Leader quitting.
Why ?
You’re trolling and Winston was quite happy working with the Labour led government last time, and hasn’t supported National in almost 20 years. Besides, he is more on the same page as Labour than with National.
Boag: Key’s made the right decision
“Former National Party President Michelle Boag says John Key has made the right decision in stepping down as Prime Minister.”
<a href="
That statement shows there was something going on.
She was also the target of a quite bizarre rant from Hooton on Nat Radio this morning as well. Concerning Simon Flood in Clutha Southland.
It’s near the end, and sounded rather over the top. Mike Williams politely called him out on it, which highlighted how visceral it was.
Currently Michele “Chopper” Boag is waxing most lyrical on what great job Our Former Leader has made of basically doing whatever he was asked to do….
… puppet out of the box is….
She’s all over the msm.
Pass the bucket.
And she’s strategically pushing the line that Key’s success was so dependent on his ‘strong team’ and English’s steady hand on the rudder.
Re-positioning the National re-election rhetoric on the hop.
John key couldn’t handle another defeat, and so he’s bailed without even completing his 3rd term.
326 comments. Just. Wow
It is a significant event.
‘National MPs told of PM’s shock exit half an hour before John Key informed the media’
There is something dodgy about all of this…..
Yes I agree. At the very very least it would’ve been a slickly managed media briefing, he would’ve had some of the National head honchos alongside him, they would have explained how the successor would be picked in an orderly way. They could’ve organised this in a couple of days. National has prided itself on being stable and steady compared to the other lot. Key is a vain man and wanted a 4th term.
This is very very uncharacteristic.
There is more to the story than meets the eye.
However, with the awful media we have, we probably will never know.
Calling Fisiani you there dude? You OK?
We will expect you to pay for any counseling you may require yourself.
Funding was cut by natz for counseling…… Fisiass can go to winz
He just ran out of ponytails to pull.
Off to pull Hawaiians tails now.
Somewhere in a Parnell restaurant, John & Bronagh Key compare his role as PM vs her lonely nights without his presence…
Stayed just long enough to get the Parliamentary pension?
think you are confusing him with Hekia…Keys been in Parliament since 2002
No surprise that Key can’t take responsibility for this decision and blames it on Bronagh. I’m surprised he didn’t add “but Labour did it as well”.
Giovanni Tiso has nailed it:
Very good analysis.
bloody sharp indeed.
He has left out some other elephants in the room like Pike , Panama papers and The Saudi sheep deal and the massive destructive change to the states role in surveillance , Kim.Com ,Sky City and Warner brothers who got special consideration and Key thought nothing of changing our soverign law to accommade their labour issues.
But great analysis overall.
The problem is his legacy has already been established and will overcome any of the most obvious failures of his tenure and its started already with the predictable gush of love from the MSM.
The most popular PM in history will be his legacy in the minds of those who never wanted to confront his very many failings and would rather be swept along by the hype of this man and his invented god like status and that says a lot for the people who supported him and ignored his deceptions..
Absolutly nothing to do with Kim Dotcom !