National’s 2020 election campaign in billboards

Written By: - Date published: 4:51 pm, October 11th, 2020 - 24 comments
Categories: Judith Collins, national, Nikki Kaye, same old national, todd muller - Tags:

It started off with shiny new leadership after Simon Bridges was rolled. Remember these guys?

But things did not work out as planned.

Then another strong team emerged.

Although they did something weird with Gerry’s tie.

Then Gerry seemed to disappear. What was going on?

And now even National MPs in really safe seats are going for the electorate vote and not the party vote. They must be worried …

Maybe this is the reason.

24 comments on “National’s 2020 election campaign in billboards ”

  1. Chris T 1

    It is 2017 all over again.

  2. Incognito 2

    Is that a flyswatter casting a shadow over Simeon Brown? How ominous 😉

  3. Patricia Bremner 4

    What did they say about the Borders? "Shambles" well well Karma?

  4. Michael who failed Civics 6

    Think their "mistake" over the Wealth tax may have been deliberate. Even if the billboards come down, word of mouth will take over and poison middle classes against Labour/Greens. If NACT can drive Greens below 5% (NZF is gone), it has a shot at forming govt, even if labour is the biggest party (shades of 2017). I reckon they've been cunning, but very wicked, over this.

  5. Muttonbird 7

    I live next to Maungakiekie. Always laugh when I drive past these:

  6. Stuart Munro 8

    Mr Miyagi says "Luxon, Luxoff."

    • Muttonbird 8.1

      I look at imagery a lot. Does this picture of Luxon remind you of anyone? Hint: "Get some guts".

      Here he out-passions Collins who frankly is a bystander. Collins would never do what he's able to do in this picture.

      If they put Luxon into the leadership in November after a very short, bloodless battle with Simon Bridges, he will, if he can keep his new-age religion out of it, be a formidable opponent to Jacinda Ardern.

      Kiwis love this kind of bolshy and shouty alpha-male. It reminds them of what they are not.

      • Stuart Munro 8.1.1

        Reckon they could recycle Todd Muller billboards for Luxon and most folk would be none the wiser.

        It will be uphill for Luxon though. Key, on a shallow reading, looked a lot like a success story, a self-made man. Now the public has seen what a useless spiv he was, that strategy is tainted for a generation. The Gnats have tried shouty oafs – Brownlee for one – they don't fly – crashing security doors notwithstanding.

        Key had learned to fake bonhomie – in most of his colleagues the sentiment, but not the insincerity, is beyond them.

        • Muttonbird

          I think Westie Man will gag for Luxon.

          Problem is, like Key he only knows business and he too would run NZ like a business. When a competitor turns up, undercut them with rockbottom prices until they die. That's literally all these guys do.

          Westie Man will not care.

  7. georgecom 9

    the first bromides had Simon Bridges

    luckily the bill boards were not printed before Muller stepped in though the odd mock up billboard had to be destroyed

    then Collins and Jezza (well most of him) had to be fitted in

    and the current Nats billboards won't be of any use in 2023 when Luxon has taken over

    • Anne 9.1

      …then Collins and Jezza (well most of him) had to be fitted in.

      Looks to me like they vertically stretched the photo in order to fit them in. Hence the weirdness of "Jezza's" tie. They look quite slender. 😼

    • woodart 9.2

      nah, maureen pugh . nat voters are sick of city spivs. she will carry the provinces, and since not from southland, not inbred.

  8. observer 10

    Something that hasn't received much attention in the media (mentioned a couple of times) is the late change of campaign itinerary by Judith: although it was originally scheduled, now she's not going to Tauranga/BoP, where two former leaders have asked her to stay away no need of her vital support to keep their safe seats.

  9. Andre 11

    Although they did something weird with Gerry’s tie.

    It's just the rebound from JuDarth elbowing him in the guts to make him pay attention.

  10. Brendan 12

    Nat voter here.

    I'm don't know why they went with 'Strong team'.

    After two leadership changes, and a significant number of people leaving the party, using strong team just sounds wrong!. Never mind the fact that Judith is not really the parties MP's first choice.