On the standard of proof.

Written By: - Date published: 12:10 am, October 1st, 2008 - 9 comments
Categories: humour - Tags: , , ,

Lynn PrenticeOn occasion I’ve had my ire raised by Danyl Mclauchlan over at The Dim-Post, usually after he repeats crap from the sewers about this site. Every so often (quite frequently) he manages to do something that is almost perfect satire.

Poneke has captured such a comment and put it up as a post “The kind of humour I wish I could write “. I’m not a writer but this parody comment definitely resonates with me.

It is all about the standard of proof required by some of the more credulous around the net, or in this case by Ian Wishart. This site has been the brunt of similar trains of thought from the wingnuts this year from the technically illiterate.

As a lover of fine machinery I’d advise NOT having anything to drink in your hand or mouth as you read it. Keyboards are so hard to clean after you blow the drink out of your nostils when you laugh (as one of our commentators did once).

9 comments on “On the standard of proof. ”

  1. what did poneke do to deserve such a quantity of commenting from Wishart?

    Didn’t we have to ban him because he made every thread about himself and spent hours on end claiming victory?

  2. the sprout 2

    “every thread about himself… hours on end claiming victory”

    yeah unhinged, but in a really boring way. i’m never quite sure though if he’s real or acting.

  3. Poneke 3

    what did poneke do to deserve such a quantity of commenting from Wishart?

    I wrote an article pointing out New Zealand was the least corrupt country in the world, as measured by Transparency International.


    It sure wound up the wingnuts, with Whale, Falsefacts Media and numerous others frothing rabidly all over their sites and all over my comments section over it.

    How truth hurts.

  4. Billy 4

    Didn’t we have to ban him because he made every thread about himself and spent hours on end claiming victory?

    Yet Ev is free to comment.

    [lprent: The difference is that Ev engages and tries to defend her position against some quite vehement opposition. She also listens when the moderators moan about particular behaviors (like when she used massive copy and paste) and adjusts what she does. She also keeps moving to different topics and approaches. I also can’t remember her complaining about us moderating her, or attacks the site. In other words she follows the site policy.

    This place is about dialogue even when we disagree with the opinion.]

  5. Pascal's bookie 5

    Would you really make that trade Billy?

  6. Dom 6

    Are Wishart’s posts for real? That’s the real Ian Wishart? It must be a nice change to have corrupt police ransacking your house. All we get in our suburb is run of the mill robbers. Oh, and P-addicts searching for cash of course. 🙂

    I love how people leap to decry apparent ‘corruption’ with no understanding of how life is in other countries!

  7. Ian Wishart 7

    Boy, you bunnies really do live in fantasyland.

    I’ve only posted a comment probably twice on The Standard, if that, from memory. Certainly was never banned, nor have I banned anyone from The Standard over at TBR.cc.

    And Dom, left unchecked, the difference between NZ now and a banana republic is about 20 years, 10 degrees, and some plantations. I don’t think anyone has suggested NZ is the most corrupt country in the world, but we’re not clean by any stretch of the imagination.

    Poneke has occasional forays (primarily I suspect to boost his traffic) into attacking a point I’ve made and building a strawman post around it. It’s usually good entertainment value and I enjoy the cut and thrust. On this occasion, however, Poneke made the definitive statement that there is NO police corruption in NZ.


    So I called him out on it.

    He doesn’t deny the truth of what I wrote, instead he and Dim and the Standard and others have retreated to a fallback position that TI says we’re the least corrupt country in the world. Great. But that wasn’t the claim I pinged Poneke on.

    And even your fallback position seems dodgy, because TI themselves say list rankings should not be taken too seriously:

    “A ranking of countries may easily be misunderstood as measuring the performance of a country with absolute precision. This is certainly not true.”

    Contrast that with Poneke’s claim:

    “Let me emphasise this: You can’t possibly do better than be the least-corrupt country in the world in Transparency International’s list. We are not number two, we are not number three, four, five, six or seven. We are at the very top. No country scores better than New Zealand for being less corrupt. Not one.”

    It seems that Poneke, Dim and now you guys are making the TI survey to be much more significant than even TI claims for itself.

    It is so hard to find accuracy on the left-wing blog sites these days. Sigh.

  8. Poneke 8

    I’m not going to engage with Ian’s fantasies of corruption under every police station bush, but I am also not going to let him get away with continuing to claim that I said “that there is NO police corruption in NZ.”

    This is a total lie and typical of how Ian conducts his fantasies.

    My article simply publicised last week’s Transparency International report that stated New Zealand is the least corrupt country on Earth. No ifs, buts or maybes.


    In my article I stated: “You can’t possibly do better than be the least-corrupt country in the world in Transparency International’s list. We are not number two, we are not number three, four, five, six or seven. We are at the very top. No country scores better than New Zealand for being less corrupt. Not one.”

    That kind of message really hurts Ian because it contradicts the fantasy world he lives in, and it sure hurt the wingnuts like Falsefacts Media and Whaleblubber, who went apeshit over it.

    And no I don’t count Ian among the wingnuts at all. He is a nice guy, actually.

  9. Stephen 9

    I sympathise, but still, being number one does not mean there is no corruption, it just means there isn’t really enough to worry about.