Open 06/05/2011

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, May 6th, 2011 - 41 comments
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41 comments on “Open 06/05/2011 ”

  1. logie97 1

    Anyone else notice Petulant Bean’s obviously, extremely, annoyingly, and actually unnecessarily over use of the “ly” words. A common problem with motor mouths though it’s actually obviously better than “um” and “ah” – definitely!

    In this case it actually Starts about 2′ 00″, actually and really obviously.

  2. The National party has been further implicated in the ACT coup.  The Herald has today stated that long time campaign manager Simon Lusk was involved.
    He was mentioned in the Hollow men.  In June 2005, his email to Brash’s assistant Bryan Sinclair, said “[s]ome of the ads we were discussing in Napier were shown to a selection of MPs yesterday.  Apparently there were some very nervous people after hearing them.”  Lusk’s email was proof that the upper echelons of the National party knew from an early stage that the Exclusive Brethren was involved.  He was Chris Tremain’s campaign manager at the time.
    Lusk’s name also pops up during the 2008 campaign.  That year he provided campaign advice to Sam Lotu-Iiga in Maungakiekie and was the campaign manager for Louise Upston in Taupo.  They both thanked him in their maiden speeches to Parliament.
    Lusk (or at least someone with his name) also apparently did a book review for Amazon.  The book, “Going dirty: the art of negative campaigning” was described as “a compelling, well written guide to negative campaigning. It provides some strong underpinning theories to negative campaigning from an accute (sic) observer of campaign methodology. Very useful and well worth purchasing.”  Obviously, presuming he wrote the review, he has a taste for the negative side of politics.

    The Herald article states that the coup has angered some within the National Party and it appears that information is being leaked.

    • ianmac 2.1

      Unknown Earthquake effect? That might be relevant to the knowledge shown by Nats in 2005. This should throw doubts on Key and Brash ability to be truthful. The buggers lied! That’s the truth!

  3. vto 3

    Unknown Earthquake Effect #312;

    Earthquakes are like snowflakes, each is entirely unique (in their own pretty and delicate way…)

  4. Pascal's bookie 4

    Garth McVicar’s creepy little idol from Arizona in even more trouble…

    • GorjusGeorge 4.1

      Vicious little twerp – as in Totally Witless Extreme Rightwing Psycho

      • GorjusGeorge 4.1.1

        That’d be Arpaio – McVicar’s got a wee way to go before he makes it down to the sadistic Sheriff’s level.

  5. todd 5

    The week that was 30 April – 6 May

    New Zealand has the third-highest rate of children living in single-parent homes, an OECD study says. This means nearly one in four Kiwi children are growing up in single-parent homes as more marriages break up and single women choose to enter motherhood on their own.

  6. William Joyce 6

    220 pound woman, Judith “Collins was arrested on charges of loitering for the purpose of prostitution and resisting without violence.”

    • GorjusGeorge 6.1

      What’s being 4’11” and 220lbs got to do with being arrested for loitering for the purpose of prostitution – unless the ‘resisting without violence’ took the form of sitting down and refusing to budge?

  7. The Voice of Reason 7

    The UK is voting overnight in assemblies, council elections and in a referendum on switching from FPP to AV. It is looking like the Liberals are going to be demolished at local council level and also lose the AV vote they were allowed as part of their coalition deal with the Tories.

    The sad thing about losing the voting reform referendum is that it will almost certainly not come up again for years, if ever. An historic opportunity has blown because of a public backlash against the Liberals and their spineless support of David Cameron. The choice of AV instead of more sensible options also hurt, but the failure to get official support from Labour doomed the proposition.

    Labour are going to be the big winners today and look well set to return to power nationally in 3 years. In Scotland, the SNP and Labour will get nearly 80% of the vote between them, again decimating the Liberals.

    Live updates at the beeb:

    • Colonial Viper 7.1

      The more progressive voices in Labour wanted AV, while the Labour powerbrokers who preferred to keep the system weighted towards the large parties like them, even at the cost of an improved democracy, were heavily against it.

      Basically as simple as that.

      • The Voice of Reason 7.1.1

        The last polling I saw had Lib voters all in favour, Tories opposed and Labour evenly split. The Labour leadership have effectively allowed this to be a concience vote for their MP’s and many have come out in favour of the change. I suspect UK Labour will take some time to get their heads around it, but will eventually support a form of PR in the same way NZ Labour seems to have eventually done here.

  8. A new Roy Morgan poll is out.  Not much change has occurred.  National is up to 52.5%, Labour down 1 to 31%, the Greens are on 7.5% and Winnie is up to 4.5%.
    ACT is still on 1%.  The poll was taken up to May 1, 2011 so some of the ACT drama should have fed into it.
    I wonder if Heatley and Gibbs want their money back yet?

    • The Voice of Reason 8.1

      There were some comments on this yesterday, I think, Mickey. Gobsmacked I think it was that spotted it first. The gap between the Gov’t and the Opposition is still closing and the ‘is the country heading in the right direction’ question has to be worrying for the Nats, because more and more people are saying ‘no it bloody isn’t’.

      No support for Mana shows up and, as you point out, no rise for the new National Party franchise either.

    • Right you are TVOR.  I had most of a day off yesterday …

      • The Voice of Reason 8.2.1

        You took a day off and didn’t spend it on teh blogs? Outrageous!

    • Toby Keith 8.3

      The greens always poll higher than the actual votes they get, if they arent polling around 8-9% come the election they are in serious trouble.

  9. joe90 9

    A pessimists view of the future.

  10. twgmbd 10

    Re: the Close Up poll from last night which asked “Do you think Maori have a special place in New Zealand?”

    The question was a deliberate trap – the same trap set by Brash & Co at Orewa in 2004. The problem being that there are different ways to interpret the question.

    As evidenced by the poll result, most NZers (having just had their one law for all frame triggered) interpreted it as, “do you think Maori (or any other culture) is superior to you?”

    Whereas most Maori viewers likely read it as “do you think Maori have a unique culture, language and history and do you think you have the right to pass it on to your children?”

    So the answer to the question is both “no” (if interpreted the first way) and “yes” (if interpreted the second way).

    I find it hard to belive that 81% of NZers really think Maori have no right to cultural survival! Let’s not forget that this is the only place in the world Maori culture can call home.

    Mark Sainsbury is no doubt stoked with his ratings the last couple nights but he got there by stoking those old hater flames. And Willie Jackson who is usually on point messed up by answering Mark’s dodgy question seriously. He shouldn’t have jumped through the hoop, he should have forced Mark to clarify what he really meant by that vague ass question.

    • GorjusGeorge 10.1

      Seems they took a leaf out of Xtra’s book – how to phrase a poll question to make sure you get the result you want.

      David Round offended me – as he always does. If that man got any more slimy he’d slide off his chair.

      ‘Scum rises to the top’ – hmm? That how you got where you are David?

      This is the man who thinks that, as a ‘6th generation South Islander’ – he has as much right to be classed as indigenous as Ngai Tahu.

      He got elevated to TWERP status again last night. Had forgotten how much he annoyed me.

      Rant over.

    • Draco T Bastard 10.2

      I find it hard to belive that 81% of NZers really think Maori have no right to cultural survival!

      Depends upon how you define “cultural survival”. If you define it as not changing then it doesn’t have such a right. If you define it as having some legitimate effect upon our cultural development then of course it does.

  11. andy (the other one) 11

    Nats spin mister Farrar gets a gig at NZ Herald.

    I am know embarrassed to say I delivered that rag for 4 years, 6 days a week as a kid.

    • PeteG 11.1

      Maybe you didn’t read to the end:

      John Armstrong wrote on Monday that the Maori Party have little to gain from standing in any by-election, and if they did they would split the anti-Harawira vote. It is sage advice. The Maori Party should not stand a candidate.

      If Harawira does trigger a by-election, Labour should contest it. They don’t want to be associated with Hone Harawira and his hangers on like John Minto. Phil Goff was criticised by some for ruling out dealing with Harawira, but the Hitler and bin laden comments this week have justified his stance. If Davis could actually beat Harawira, it would give Labour a huge morale boost just when they need it most – with the general election looming.

      Sounds very reasonable to me. Something positive to work on and focus on rather than resorting to incessant bitchiness. A good test run – little to lose, and something, possibly a lot, to gain.

      • felix 11.1.1

        What does that have to do with anything? Farrar often says reasonable things.

        Unfortunately he uses them as camouflage for his spin work. Just like you do.

  12. higherstandard 12

    The supreme court are earning their money.

    • lprent 12.1

      Saw that come through. It was for the bloody stupid conviction for flag burning. The reported reasoning follows what I’d have expected…

      The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that offensive behaviour within the context of the Act must give rise to a “disturbance of public order”.

      Although the judges agreed disturbance of public order was a necessary element of offensive behaviour under the Act the judges disagreed about its meaning outside the Act.

      The majority, with the Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias dissenting and Justice Sir Noel Anderson not entirely concurring on the point, ruled “offensive behaviour” must be capable of wounding feelings or arousing real anger, resentment, disgust or outrage, objectively assessed, provided it was to an extent which impacted on public order and was more than those subjected to it should have to tolerate.

      In other words is it was so offensive that it is likely to drive someone to disturb public order, then it is offensive behavior. If that is reached then the police should arrest them for offensive behavior. On the other side, if it isn’t offensive behavior, but someone acts like a idiot and disturbs public order then they should arrest them instead.

      I wonder how long before this ruling permeates into the police force’s operational behavior.

      • higherstandard 12.1.1

        I’ll just make sure that next time I see some fatuous jerk try a stunt like this that I wander across and throw some dog shit at them.

        There’s no doubt that she was trying her damnedest to disturb the peace.

        • Pascal's bookie

          I really really like this decision in that it will really really piss off the small community of NZ rightwing fuckwits that outsource their thinking to the US right and drag over the rhetoric no matter how badly the fit.

          Tryin to think of a name for them.

          The Fred Birch society?

      • prism 12.1.2

        The RSA spokesperson condemned the burning of the flag because it upset the veterans and their families. If people made the burning of a flag the most aggressive thing they ever did the world might be a nicer place to live in for huge numbers of refugees and dead civilians and ‘fighting’ people.

        To state the obvious, it’s a bit of coloured material that is used as a recognisable symbol and rallying point. We in NZ care so little about what is on our flag that we have one that is an amalgam of British and something very similar to Australian.

        What’s all the fuss about? It should be a convention that people who want to protest burn the flag to make their point. Dramatic and eye-catching, and non-violent to people, dogs, cats, police, and politicians. And as for inciting other people, they should have to answer for their own adult but questionable behaviour, the plea of provocation is no more.

  13. Draco T Bastard 13

    In 2007 the IPCC 4th assessment report estimated that seas were likely to rise by between 18 and 59 cm by 2100. Well, now a new study estimates that the sea rise will be between 0.9m and 1.6m.

    I certainly won’t be buying land in any low lying coastal area such as Westport.

  14. Chris 14

    Can someone please tell Phil Goff to stop saying ‘mate’ in every sentence. He was on Radio Live with J.T. and W.J. this PM for an hour and he must of said ‘mate’ a 100 times – ‘listen mate’, ‘hay mate’, ‘wait a minute mate’ etc. It becomes very ingratiating after a while.

    • Aye. I made a comment at 2 which is related. The name Simon Lusk is going to get some coverage and analysis over the next couple of weeks.

      If there was proof that National was instrumental in putting Brash in as leader of ACT I wonder what the repercussions would be?

  15. Pascal's bookie 16

    Scots wha hae!

    • rosy 16.1

      🙂 Next up referendum on independence.

      “Just as the Scottish people have restored trust in us, we must trust the people as well,” [Alex Salmond] declared. “Which is why, in this term of the parliament, we will bring forward a referendum and trust the people on Scotland’s own constitutional future.”

  16. todd 17

    Welcome to the Jackal Monitor – Updated

    The Jackal Monitor site was set up to monitor New Zealand right-wing websites. It has a number of RSS feeds from well known right wing political commentators. I have just added a quick synopsis of the linked sites and details of the contributors. If you have any requests or edits, please let me know.

    • Jum 17.1


      That was spooky; I had just linked into Jackal Monitor and was looking at David Farrar and Rodney Hide on the steps of Parliament and this NZ drama Rude (Awakenings) actress on the tele was saying ‘who, that fat and ugly pig?’ and I sat back and thought wow. Is Karma linking through the tv into Jackal Monitor? I’ll have to take a bigger interest.

  17. Jum 18

    The web message says…‘May 5 (BusinessDesk) – The New Zealand dollar gained after government figures showed the unemployment rate dropped to 6.6% in the first quarter, narrowly beating market expectations.’

    The $ feeds off people being in or out of jobs – how sick is that?

    • Lanthanide 18.1

      No, the $ reacts to short, medium and long-term economic trends in NZ. The employment rate is definitely an important measure of the short, medium and long-term economic performance of NZ.