Open Mike 01/04/2017

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, April 1st, 2017 - 33 comments
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33 comments on “Open Mike 01/04/2017 ”

  1. Tautoko Mangō Mata 1

    David Fisher in Herald points out the differences in the Hit and Run and NZDF versions.

    This following excert comes from the report for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan for 2010. The bold type are mine. You can find this on p 27 of the pdf.

    2.2.4. 22 August, Tala Wa Barfak district, Baghlan province
    International military forces conducted an investigation into an air strike on 22 August inTala Wa Barfak district in Baghlan province that caused six civilian deaths and fourinjuries. Reportedly, the strike was not coordinated with Provincial ReconstructionTeams based in Baghlan or with Baghlan authorities. Although the investigation teamwas sent from Regional Command North on numerous occasions, it received minimalcooperation from district authorities. The team was unable to interview victims, was notshown grave sites and was not able to visit the incident site. Although the districtgovernor presented a list of victims to the investigation team, the official ISAFinvestigation report has not been shared with district and provincial authorities, theAIHRC or UNAMA Human Rights in spite of requests. According to the districtauthorities there was no further government follow up.The AIHRC and UNAMA Human Rights continue to ask COMISAF to ensure thatTactical Directives are fully implemented through, among other means, creation of onecentral body that monitors, investigates and publicly reports on all incidents of civiliancasualties. Such a process would support both appropriate follow up with victimsincluding compensation and disciplinary action against individuals found responsible for any violations.

  2. The Chairman 2

    Speaking to the Rotorua Chamber of Commerce on Friday, the New Zealand First leader said they would only consider forming a coalition Government with parties that backed his call for “economic nationalism”.

    “We are not going to go with any party that wants to run the economy the way it has been now,” he said.

    • millsy 2.1

      Too bad it is now totally opposed to 1080. And is tacking hard right on law and order.

      • The Chairman 2.1.1

        The Greens are committed to promoting practical alternatives to 1080. But yes, it’s a shame NZF are tacking hard right on law and order.

    • mary_a 2.2

      @ The Chairman (2) … thanks for the link re Winston Peters’ statement in Rotorua …

      ““We are not going to go with any party that wants to run the economy the way it has been now,” he said.”

      So is Peters saying NZF will rule out going with National after the election? Because I honestly can’t see this government changing its economic position, not while staunch bluer than blue Natz supporters are creaming it from globalism at the expense of far too many Kiwis! Besides, Blinglish loves globalism.

      I agree with Peter’s call for economic nationalism. However, I still don’t trust him, because if the goodies were suitable to him, I can’t see him sticking to principle in refusing to support another National government. Still that element of doubt there for me, regarding the old Winnie.

      • The Chairman 2.2.1

        “So is Peters saying NZF will rule out going with National after the election?”

        He’s made a number of bold bottom lines that seem to infer so.

        However, when it comes to party negotiations with NZF, English has stated: “The only thing we’d rule out would be sharing the PM’s job.”

        No doubt negotiation outcomes will largely depend on the relative size of each party’s vote, but economic nationalism is at the core of what NZF stand for.

  3. The Chairman 3

    Green Party broadcasting spokesman Gareth Hughes said the party promised to spend at least $6.2m a year of taxpayer’s money on a Public Journalism Fund and restoring RNZ’s frozen budget.

    Hear, hear! 

  4. ianmac 4

    “and was not able to visit the incident site.”
    Wonder why not? If they are able to be in the area why could they not enter the villages?

  5. millsy 5

    Happy 30th Birthday SOE’s and former SOE’s.

    1 April 1987, was the day that most of the government departments got the chop and government owned businesses too their place, laying off thousands of staff.

    It was a disaster, but I think that Ruth’s 1991 austerity budget did more damage.

    And selling them shouldn’t have happened.

  6. reason 6

    What “Get some guts” leads to ….

  7. Tui 7

    nicky in danger? i know this is not nice to think about but if the sas can kill women and kids as revenge surely they can you know what. does anyone know if nicky has got any extra security?

    ~ tui

    • Rightly or Wrongly 7.1

      I suspect even if your first assertion was somewhat true, I can’t imagine a slightly overweight, balding security guard would be much of a protection from a squad of SAS soldiers bent on taking Mr Hager out.

      Seriously Tui, I think the SAS soldiers are a little more professional than planning for the murder of Mr Hager.

      Take a deep breath, let it out, look out the window and look: the sun is still shining, and the birds singing.

      Don’t you feel better now?

    • Wither 7.2

      Doubt it. The last one I met praised Nicky and said Key should be shot.

  8. Anne 8

    Excellent opinion piece by Audrey Young today. Imo she has the picture exactly right.

    It looks like Bill English is NOT going to assent to an Inquiry. Short term political gain and continuation of secrecy and cover-up of botched military raid causing deaths of innocent civilians. They think they can get away with it? With a powerful legal team like the one those civilians have… unlikely.

    • Carolyn_nth 8.1

      Young takes a middle road between Hit and Run and the NZDF – because, you know, Nicky Hager can never be shown to be correct. For Young, the “truth” must be found to be elsewhere, and the NZDF, while making some errors, should not be totally disparaged.

  9. ianmac 10

    Nikki Macdonald writes an in-depth portrait of Nicky. Pretty even/fair.

    “National Portrait: Nicky Hager – investigative journalist.”–investigative-journalist

  10. reason 11

    I’ve edited the anti war clip ….. to include OUR poor little Fatima at the beginning

    … and Abdulrahman al-Awlaki with his little sister at the end …

    All the children in the Video would be friends …

    War is an Adults disease … which hurts, cripples and kills children.

    • ianmac 11.1

      The kids never deserve this.
      “War is an Adults disease … which hurts, cripples and kills children.”

  11. lprent 12

    Well that was annoying.

    Had to finally get around to rebooting the server only to have an issue with a permission on a section of the database.

    Couple more reboots in the future as I upgrade the kernel

    • lprent 12.1

      Ok. Now running the Linux 4.10 kernel (upgraded from a 4.4 kernel) which amongst other things has good support for Ryzen processors.

  12. Penny Bright 13

    Who the hell did (former) Defence Force chief Lt General Rhys Jones think he was?

    “….The relationship between the military and Government is one of the most difficult ones, and the strains have been evident in previous governments as well.

    The military have long resisted the concept that they are servants of the government of the day.

    They have a sense of independence and autonomy which translates into a culture of introversion, an aversion of scrutiny and lack of accountability.

    They think they discipline themselves well enough, thank you very much.

    It was epitomised in former Defence Force chief Lt General Rhys Jones who invited the United States to exercise in New Zealand – after a long absence because of the anti-nuclear rift – without consulting the Government.


    Penny Bright

  13. Penny Bright 14

    Check for yourselves the background of Rhys Jones:

    Lieutenant General Richard Rhys Jones, CNZM (born 2 May 1960) is a retired senior New Zealand Army officer, who was the Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force from 2011 to 2014. He was succeeded by Lieutenant General Tim Keating.[1][2]

  14. Penny Bright 15

    So former NZ Prime Minister John Key appointed former Chief of Defence Rhys Jones.

    “….Defence Force chief Lieutenant General Rhys Jones will not have his role extended and he will stand down in January, the Government has confirmed.

    Defence Force Minister Jonathan Coleman confirmed he had told the Defence Force his decision not to extend the role last week, but it was only after he was questioned by media today that he made the announcement publicly.

    The seasoned officer has been in the role since January 2011 when Prime Minister John Key appointed him for a three-year term in order to monitor progress in a major review of Defence Force spending.


  15. riffer 16

    I wonder why Karl Pearce’s story on Ministry of Vulnerable Children “CYFS – Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” has been pulled from TDB? Legal threats? There were some very scary accusations in that story regarding a CYFS manager who is prominent in the new organisation. I was going to discuss it with my wife as we knew a child who was involved in the HVHS fiasco.

    Page now has a 404.

    Perhaps the HDCA is being used there as well. 🙁

  16. fisiani 17

    In 175 days Chicken will be PM. Just testing April 1st.

  17. Penny Bright 18

    Was the NZ Defence Force ‘tail’ effectively ‘wagging’ the New Zealand Government by unilaterally engaging in ‘regular combat exercises’ with the USA, without prior NZ Government authorisation?

    So, Minister of Defence Jonathan Coleman and NZ Chief of Defence Lt-General Rhys Jones, meet US Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta at the Pentagon, to sign the Washington Declaration on 20 June 2012.

    So on what lawful authority had ‘regular combat exercises by troops’ resumed a month earlier, before the signing of this ‘Washington Agreement’?

    “…Humanitarian naval exercises resumed in the past two years and regular combat exercises by troops resumed only in April this year.”

  18. stunned mullet 19

  19. Andre 20

    Emo Trump. Suddenly it all makes more sense.

    Unless you’re swivel-eyed you’ll need to watch it twice, the second time for the scroll bar across the bottom.