Open mike 10/04/2012

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, April 10th, 2012 - 78 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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78 comments on “Open mike 10/04/2012 ”

  1. muzza 1

    No mate, of course there is no need for this, NZ is the “perceived least corrupt country!

    I would say that this is a dead give away that we need this bill to gain traction!

  2. Something the MSM entirely misses but which is still very much happening is the global radioactive pollution due to the continued disaster that is Fukushima.
    Especially the exposed fuel rods pose a clear and present danger to the entire global population. In fact the fuel rods in Reactor no 4 contain plutonium too. Plutonium is so deadly a lump the size of a golf ball dispersed into the atmosphere would be enough to kill of the entire globe.
    Any further deterioration of the reactor building would mean the exposure of the spend fuel rods and the ignition within hours spewing an estimated 85 times Chernobyl out.
    It would mean the end of Tokyo (Home to more than 35 million people) Japan, and with Radioactive rain already hitting California the advise would be to go home and close your windows for a very long time.

    Just in case you missed it because the National Radiation Laboratory is not in the habit of telling the public what they’re up to Mutton birds and many other species such as planes from air New Zealand spend a lot of their time in Japan and guess what the NRL is testing them (the mutton birds that is). hmmm?

    • Gosman 2.1

      Wow – National Radiation Laboratory in NZ testing migatory birds who fly near site of recent nuclear accident – Who would have thunk it ?! Next up you’ll be telling us that the Papacy is headed by a member of the Roman Catholic Church and that mammals of the family Ursidae defacate in heavily tree covered terain.

      BTW I didn’t realise that planes from Air New Zealand qualify as a species. Fascinating world you inhabit there travellerev.

      • travellerev 2.1.1

        Oh shit, you caught me out. And you are so right!
        Let me point out another obvious truth; three buildings do not collapse due to office fires, not even if two of them have been started by Kerosene and steel framed buildings build to withstand the impact of said planes do not explode into a pyroclastic cloud in FREE FALL speed.

        Not that you ever let the laws of Physics stand in your way when you promoted the official 911 lie before but hey, other readers might get it.

        • Te Reo Putake

          And the madness begins again … Gossie, DNFTT, OK? Still, at least you got a response that was signed off with a brief and presumably unintentional moment of self awareness from Ev.

          • travellerev

            For those of you intrigued by the code inserted in TRP’s troll message This Is An Orange

          • Vicky32

            And the madness begins again … Gossie, DNFTT, OK?

            Oh how arrogant you are Te Reo! You are a blinkered believer in the official story, so you declare Ev to be a troll? Granted, she is not a nice person, too quick to judge and to hate, but in this instance (9/11) she is right.
            Hint for a more fruitful life – try not being so rigid in your adherence to the msm norms…

        • Kotahi Tane Huna

          “…the laws of Physics…” lol

          “…built to withstand the impact…” LOL

          Based on that shiny truthiness I am obliged now to consider the possibility that Gosman is not in fact an asshole.

          • travellerev

            For those of you intrigued by KTH’s ignorance about which laws of physics where violated on the day of 911 Here is a 1.5 minute video you might want to watch and here is a video dealing with the way the buildings were build to with stand the impact of a plane the size of the planes which hit the two buildings. It is a bit longer but still within the attention span of the average Kiwi. 6.5 minutes

            And thank you idiots hiding behind Maori names for allowing me to respond with science to your troll messages.

            • muzza

              LOL – They are not hiding Ev – It’s the Voice of Reason, and One Anonymous Bloke 😉

              And they are certainly not idiots, if I wanted to know anything, anything at all, i would ask one of them first!

              Truther, denier, peaker, nut bar etc – All labels of the oracle.

              The world is as they tell you it is ok!

              • Te Reo Putake

                Cheers, Muzza, I’m always a good bloke to have on a triv team, as it happens. But my favourite game is still poke the righty and while I generally ignore Ev these days, it’s still fun to make her froth and hiss in her absurd crusade against the truth. Ten years and counting …

                • muzza

                  Just because you might deem it absurd, does not necessarily make it so!

                  Freedom can only exist where there is open, honest discussion, accept anything less than that, and you become nothing more than a mind slave!

                • So I was right. Two idjits hiding behind Maori names.

                  Fuck you guys are thick and for those who would like to see a thorough treatment on why a couple of tons of Kerosene dumped in two steel framed buildings do not melt steel framed buildings into a FREE FALL pyroclastic flow here is a video which might stretch the attention span somewhat but is well worth the watch

                  • Te Reo Putake

                    Te reo is an official language of New Zealand, Ev. Along with being a climate change denier and right wing fantasist, you’ve also admitted to supporting those deluded yanks who think Obama shouldn’t President because of his racial heritage, so I guess it’s no surprise your racism is applied to Maori as well.

                    • Gosman

                      Hey no fair!

                      You can’t disown Travellerev as being a lefty, it is unsporting.

                      Why can’t we just accept that the right in NZ has a crazy nutjob like Redbaiter and the left has a crazy nutjob like Travellerev and call it even?

                    • Bored

                      After all that invective and smug self satisfaction at shooting the messenger lets go back to the message…Something the MSM entirely misses but which is still very much happening is the global radioactive pollution due to the continued disaster that is Fukushima. My take is that Trav is on the ball, cant fault that the MSM have now moved on to fresher less threatening pastures can we?

                    • Pascal's bookie

                      Hardly even Goss.

                      KB threads have been chock full of birtherism and New World Order stuff for ages, most of the disagreement seems to be coming from the lefties over there.

                      Perhaps you should wade in over there and defend the rights rep.

                    • Gosman

                      PB, I’ve taken on Redbaiter for his wacky beliefs before on Kiwibloig. I was also banned from his Website (Crusader Rabbit) for being a leftist scumbag, (I believe was the term used).

                      I disagree that it this sort of thinking is more prevalent on Kiwiblog. I am aware of only three or four people who have ever supported Redbaiters wacky ideas. About the same that I see support Travellerev’s wacky ideas here.

                    • Pascal's bookie

                      Pfft getting banned by RB doesn’t take much.

                      And he’s far from the most prolific spouter of that sort of thing at KB.

                      That Leaping Jimmy chap (is that ‘reid”s new handle) has 10000+comments, and there’s Other_Andy and Fisi et al.

                      the other day they were talking about US presidents, and pretty much everyone had Obama as worst president ever.

                      That’s just insane now matter how you judge it. Mind you, no one was actually putting forward any arguments to why he was the worst, it was just y’know, obvious.

                    • Gosman

                      Oh I agree that it wasn’t difficult getting banned from his site. I am merely highlighting it to show you I have spent time countering his views.

                      I disagree that believing Obama is the worst President ever makes someone a nut job. It makes them wrong in my opinion but they do argue their point and are entitled to their view on this subjective matter.

                      It is different from arguing that Obama isn’t qualified to be President due to where he was born or that he is in fact a secret Muslim. This falls into the nut job category, as to does thinking John Key is an employee of Goldman Sachs (a views expressed here by a muzza for example).

                      So you see both left and right have their fair share of nut jobs. I think that is as it should be.

                    • Pascal's bookie

                      nah, I wouldn’t mind if they did argue their point. But they weren’t.

                      They were making other arguments, about whether GWB Carter was worse then Clinton or whatever, but Obama being the worst was just axiomatic.

                      And if you look at what words mean, the more far out nonsense that gets trotted out here about Key is on a par with theories that ‘Clark hates families’ or the crap about her sexuality. Which is a not even controversial over there. Or that ‘the Greens are REALLY commun1sts who want to exterminate everyone’, and that ‘Kyoto is about NWO’.

                    • Gosman

                      Hold on a minute, even David Garrett told Redbaiter to pull his head in and didn’t want to be associated with his wacky theories. That is hardly usinversal approval of these ideas over there. From what I see the ideas are generally ignored or countered by a combination of left and right leaning people.

                      I agree that they didn’t put much of a case forward why Obama was the worst President ever on that thread. I have seen arguments on other threads though where it is all to do with how he is increasing the size of the Federal Government and centralising power. Pretty much the same could be argued for GWB though.

                    • Bored

                      Hey Gos, you say This falls into the nut job category, as to does thinking John Key is an employee of Goldman Sachs….

                      As they said about the delightful and lovely Rachel Hunter, “you can take the girl out of Glenfield, but you cant take the Glenfield out of the girl”.

                      Now, you can take the man out of Goldman Sachs…….

                    • Gosman

                      John Key never worked for Goldman Sachs, (unless you have evidence suggesting otherwise … waiting…).

                      I on the other hand have worked for them, although technically I was an external consultant rather than direct employee so I suppose it doesn’t count does it?

                    • Bored

                      Gos, maybe I was talking about you….

                      So you can take the man out of Merill Lynch…..just another bankster organisation.

                    • muzza

                      Gosman – Have I ever claimed that Key worked for Goldman Sachs – Practice what you preach and provide hard evidence!

                      Hey that comment I made about you last week, your being caught with your pants down talking circular nonsense, you know, the one that you were not able to figure out…

                      It must still be bothering you for me to get singled over something I have never claimed eh!

                      Glad to know I have gotten to you, it put a little smile on my face..

                      You’re a very easy target, so I won’t bask for too long!

                    • Gosman

                      Care to explain this comment of yours then muzza


                      Specifically the bit where you state the following:

                      “…Its not widely known that key works for GS,”

                • Vicky32

                  Cheers, Muzza, I’m always a good bloke to have on a triv team, as it happens. But my favourite game is still poke the righty

                  Hey, you’re the righty, aren’t you?
                  FYI, I am a ‘truther’ and a leftie, and all the truthers I know are lefties. But hey, we are not arrogant, unlike you! (Maybe that’s because we’re also smokers – studies have shown that smokers are generally friendlier and cooler than anti-smokers…  :D)
                  Ah well, as I am again in moderation and have seriously given up on finding out why, you may never see this. So, you can continue to stroke your ego.

                  • McFlock

                    That was pretty random…

                  • Te Reo Putake

                    Er, no, I’m not a righty, V32, but on some issues I’m less left than on others. Similar to you, I guess. The only ‘right’ positions you appear to take (from my memory of your comments) are 911 denial and the small matter of other people’s private parts and where they should and shouldn’t be put.
                    I see you as a lefty, most of the time, and generally speaking, I endorse your comments more than oppose them.

                    Ev, on the other hand, has never made a left wing statement that I’m aware of and is actually openly right wing. For example, she is:

                    A climate change denier
                    Racist toward Obama (and today, maori)
                    A 911 truth denier
                    Unwilling to contribute to her community by paying her rates on time. 

                    These are all attributes of the right, probably the Libertarian right, but right none the less.

                    I also have a terrible feeling that her obsession with Goldman Sachs (and Key) is likely to be anti-Semitic at its heart. Sorry to have to say that, but it fits the mould.

                    • muzza

                      To be honest Voice you are hardly in a position to complain, and like others on these boards you seem to have some sort of egotistical desire to believe you are always right..It reeks through your posts

                      A climate change denier – Boo fucken hoo
                      Racist toward Obama (and today, maori) – Obama is a puppet, and put into the position he is in because of the colour of his skin, thats all there is to it! Maori comments today, unnecessary!
                      A 911 truth denier – More labels, about shit you cant deal with!
                      Unwilling to contribute to her community by paying her rates on time. – What a good little citizen you must be eh. Line up for your vaccines when….

                      Are you a snivelling closed minded apologist in who, genuinely comes across as if his opinions are superior to others?

                      News flash: You have no idea the degree of lies and control exerted over your every day existence, there is much that we will never know, yet you crap on as though you do. I could say the same to Ev, none of us really have a clue, but some are closer to wanting to know than others!

                      PS – My father is Jewish, John Key is a piece of slime, along with the Jewish Banks. And for what its worth, IMO Israel is the problem! Do I have a problem with all Jews, absolutely not. Do I have a problem with individuals or collectives who seek to keeo theie foot on the throat of real progress, absolutely!

                    • locus

                      Muzza, i agree with a lot of your posts but regarding V32’s comment:

                      And thank you idiots hiding behind Maori names for allowing me to respond with science to your troll messages.

                      To me this statement is the one you should be ranting about… it’s another unnecessary snide comment about Maori.

                      As for having an “egotistical desire to believe you are always right” this is what every preacher or missionary does – and applies equally to every conspiracy theorist i’ve ever met.

                      Labelling people never helps in an argument but I think TRP’s point was that there is overwhelming evidence of climate change, and that the collapse of the twin towers was due to the massive fires caused by al qaeda hijacked planes flying into them.

                      As for:

                      Racist toward Obama (and today, maori) – Obama is a puppet, and put into the position he is in because of the colour of his skin, thats all there is to it!

                      I personally find this comment derogatory and racist

            • Kotahi Tane Huna

              Funny how it’s always videos you truthers link to. Sorry buddy – videos can be edited to say anything I will cheerfully ignore them. Link to an engineering report. One with some hard sums in it. As you can see from the linked material, the case for the non-controversial version of events is fully detailed and backed by Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. Hence the changes to various building codes to reflect various findings in the various reports.

              The building inspectors are in on the conspiracy, oh noes!

              Luckily for you, all the information you have to debunk is gathered together in one place, and since it comes complete with detailed calculations, all you have to do is find the mistakes they made. With better calculations, not with videos.

              😆 except you can’t, and if you could you would already have done so, and how many more years do you need? Truly pathetic.

              PS: “FREE FALL pyroclastic flow” 😆 you dumbass that isn’t even what the non-controversial version says!

              • Oh Oh Muzza,

                You must be a self hating Jew for saying things like Jewish banks and John Key is a slime, LOL.

                • muzza

                  Technically I am not Jewsish Ev, but technically my father is, and his family back beyond him. They had to flee persecution from noth africa in fact, and ended up in NZ. I can speak freely on this issue without any concern for labelled as an anti semite!

                  The only thing I dont like is a closed mind!

                  • I agree with you M,

                    Although I think anybody should be free to have an opinion on Israel/Palestine, 911, finance and the anti Muslim wars with out the anti-Semite stigma which is stupid anyway because Semites are all those people who speak a Semitic language making all of those who think exterminating Palestinians, invading Syria, Libya and other assorted Arab speaking countries to”liberate” them is OK because they are just brown people who are against Jews and who are just filthy Arabs as anti-Semite as they come.


                      And thank you idiots hiding behind Maori names for allowing me to respond with science to your troll messages.
                      To me this statement is the one you should be ranting about… it’s another unnecessary snide comment about Maori.

                      I would like to hear what Maori have to say about two guys who had English monikers for years on this blog and who all of a sudden translated them in Maori names. Either they have decided to out themselves as Maori or they are cynically using te Reo Maori to obfuscate and confuse.

                      As for having an “egotistical desire to believe you are always right” this is what every preacher or missionary does – and applies equally to every conspiracy theorist i’ve ever met.

                      The official story is about 19 young mostly Saudis following the orders of a rich crazy Saudi living in a cave in Afghanistan which we then had to invade because we had to liberate women and catch the crazy Saudi who then escaped and we threw him in the sea to respect Muslim sentiments and while that was the end of that we still have to stay in Afghanistan because the terrorism virus has infected every Muslim on the globe which means that now we have to attack Iran and Syria oh, wait that is because we have to liberate the Syrians. \
                      Not a very consistent story is it?

                      Labelling people never helps in an argument but I think TRP’s point was that there is overwhelming evidence of climate change, and that the collapse of the twin towers was due to the massive fires caused by al qaeda hijacked planes flying into them.


                      As for:


                      Racist toward Obama (and today, maori) – Obama is a puppet, and put into the position he is in because of the colour of his skin, thats all there is to it!


                      I personally find this comment derogatory and racist

                      So what you’re saying it that while it was not OK for Bush to commit war crimes (well maybe he wasn’t because it was them Arabs (talk about racist!) that did 911)  it is perfectly OK for Obama who was financed by all the big banks to commit even more War crimes because… He’s black? WTF!

      • aerobubble 2.1.2

        Birds eat? Fish, worms, plants, eat? Its a radiative bio-system input that will appear everywhere.

        Its a fact that background radiation is non-zero naturally.

        Its a fact that some radioactive byproduct waste is allowed to escape into the environment because its so low level once it has diffused across the planet it will be unnoticeable from background.

        Its a fact that we as a species have believed the oceans are a great dumping zone.

        Migratory birds may well be a good measure of diffusion of the disaster because they are so specific in the way they feed in wetlands, wetlands that may in time become radiatively polluted, so its a good option to measure them now before the pollution has reach their stop off points in asia.

        Shit happens, Humans are thick, we will continue to make mistakes that kill us until we eventually make the final blunder that causes self extinction. Get with the program.

        • Bored

          Nicole Foss (who has a Doctorate in the international law around nuclear reactors so could be described as an authority) summed up nuclear power very concisely.

          She asked us to think of the lifetime of known polities throughout history, such as the Roman Empire. She then made the point that the duty of care for the nuclear waste was at minimum 10s of 1000s of years. The obvious question was would the political systems be in place for that time frame?

          A secondary question for the economists and pro nuclear people is one of pricing the duty of care for 40,000 years and adding it to the price…tell me, is that good economics?

          • travellerev

            And for those of you wanting to know a little bit more about how close John key is to Bank of America which in large part is owned by shareholder Goldman Sachs and where John Key has most of his paper wealth in shares making his political position fraught with conflict of interest here are a few links you might want to check up on

            Fletcher- Banks and Christchurch
            How close is John Key to say Goldman Sach top CEO’s? read 6 degrees of separation
            John Key has Goldman Sachs, Federal Reserve and London/Walls street written all over him. By their friends you shall know them.

            And thank you for the invitation you idjits give me to get some information to people who do want to learn. from the average 90-100 new unique visitors 50% is Kiwi (Check my flag counter stats at the bottom of the right column to my blog) who all want to learn about John Key, big finance and mining and 911. Great!!!

            • Gosman

              Your ignorance about the world of finance is always a wonder to behold. The fact you think the Reserve bank of NZ is an active shareholder of Fletcher building is laughable in it’s naiivity. It is as if a 6 year old managed to work out how to use a computer and express their views on economics.

              • Almost five o’clock, chances are you won’t be commenting after five as that is when you go home from a long day of trolling.

                • Gosman

                  Wrong as usual. Do you ever get tired of being wr… No wait. Don’t answer that.

                  • ROFL. Paying you overtime are they? Let’s see. five o clock you went home had something to eat and you checked your mail form home and oh oops. Did they authorise you commenting from home?

            • Kotahi Tane Huna

              Still waiting for your calculations debunking NIST’s reports – what’s the matter? Are sums a wittle bit too hardie-wardie?

  3. Morrissey 3

    Tuesday 10 April 2012
    Radio New Zealand National, 8:10 a.m.
    Helen Kelly 3, Extreme Right 0

    Just heard CTU president Helen Kelly demolish one Paul McKay, the latest of the stumbling and confused spokesmen for Business New Zealand. The poor fellow was unable to come up with one intelligent reason why women should not be granted half a year’s paid parental leave.

    After she drove poor Alisdire Thomson to destroy himself live on air last year, and humiliated Importers boss Daniel Silva a few weeks ago, it seems that there is not one reactionary businessman willing or able to mount a coherent response to anything Kelly says.

    With the continued turmoil within the National Party, and the recent legal victories by the locked-out Ports of Auckland workers, this continual spectacle of a smart young leftist woman publicly spanking tired old men means it’s going to be a long and dark final two and a half years of this disastrous government.

    • marsman 3.1

      The darker the better.

      • Morrissey 3.1.1

        To make things even darker for poor old McKay and his chums, the ten o’clock news has just replayed some of Helen Kelly’s comments.

        Cue indignant fuming round the Round Table.

        And more incoherent comments….

    • Tiger Mountain 3.2

      Yeah Helen has done very well lately, I think the ‘Hobbit’ debacle may have been the catalyst in tipping her off that these rightist people do not do “nice” or “fair and reasonable”, putting the slipper into them is what usually works.

      • Morrissey 3.2.1

        I think the ‘Hobbit’ debacle may have been the catalyst in tipping her off that these rightist people do not do “nice” or “fair and reasonable”,

        I think she was well aware of that long before the Hobbit disgrace.

        putting the slipper into them is what usually works.

        Helen Kelly never “puts the slipper into them”, she simply states her case clearly and with impeccable politeness. All that the likes of John Barnett, Alisdire Thompson and Daniel Silva have come up with in reply is scowling and choleric ranting.

    • DH 3.3

      Isn’t she a gem? She just keeps her cool and argues her case eloquently & persistently. I’d like to see her stand up for herself a bit more, some of the interviewers are bullies & she lets people talk over her a bit too much, but her unflustered manner probably wins her more points in the long run.

      She’s been bruising a few male egos for sure 😉

  4. muzza 4

    You simply can’t question anything about Israel!

    Netanyahu is a warmonger, and a war criminal, nothing anti semetic about that!

    • Te Reo Putake 4.1

      Yep, read the poem last week. Nothing particularly shocking in it that I could see (though I suppose maybe something was lost in translation). Good on Gunter Grass! I note that Israel’s only retort is that he was drafted into the Waffen SS as a teenager. As if he had any choice or was not able to learn from the experience.

    • prism 4.2

      Usual emotive, hysterical response from Israeli’s present leaders.

      “Grass’s poems are an attempt to guide the fire of hate towards the State of Israel …

      I think Israel needs another go at looking at the past and making new affirmations about the future. They need a South African type Truth and Reconciliation Commission. They are in the thrall of old generals who have secured defensible borders and relative safety for the people but gone on to deal to the Palestine problem in a primarily military manner. Determination to constructively work towards peace comes from a positive movement by the Israeli government but then is abandoned as soon as there is an act of aggression from some Palestinian.

      I heard part of an interview with one of the sub-groups within Israel which so strictly adheres to its rigid principles that it is hostile to the act of adopting Hebrew as the common language for the new country of Israel with mixed ethnicities. No! Hebrew is the sacred language and should be locked away for the scriptures alone. I couldn’t bear to listen to such negative backward-thinking

      With inward-looking, scripture-bound, otherworldly sects like this in Israel who have been invited into the country without expectation of respect for the country and its nation-building,, the situation becomes a repeat of the many tribes of early times clinging to their own ways and rejecting all others.

    • Draco T Bastard 4.3

      The arms sale that inspired Grass’s “What Must Be Said”

      Grass may be no more of a Nazi than Pope Benedict XVI, who was conscripted against his will into the Hitler Youth, but when have Zionists ever let historical nuance get in the way of a campaign to muzzle critics of Israeli policy?

      Can’t say I heard anything in the poem that was bad either. Just truth.

      • Bored 4.3.1

        Grass is so correct, not a single statement to argue with. In a land convulsed with insanity. What a beautiful expression, so appropriate.

        On thing Grass did not mention (although he mentions German guilt and how it prevents them calling out a name to the evil) is Isreals absolute conviction of righteousness that goes with them being Gods “chosen people”. Untermenschen to herrenvolk in one easy nuclear step.

  5. Jackal 5

    The Young Nats schedule

    I happened to be looking around the Young Natz website today when I came across their activities page. So I thought I would check out what they get up to…

  6. muzza 6

    @Gosman ““Specifically the bit where you state the following:

    …Its not widely known that key works for GS,”

    LOL – Not so good on the comprehension are you buddy, no wonder you can’t understand your own circular failings!

    Maybe take it up with Starlight, who made the original comment that JK is a GS Gang member. I was only saying it’s not widely known…

    Pants up!

    • Gosman 6.1

      The way you worded the comment implies that you think it is a possibility. If you didn’t I would have expected you to actually put something along the lines of ‘ It is not true that it is widely known that John Key was an employee of GS because he never worked for them’

      The rest of your post also supports the view that you think John Key and GS are closely linked.

      “…, and I would imagine that its the fact that he is highest level banking insider, ML/FED Global FX Committee Alum, which means he is party to the agenda, and has not one shred of excuse for any missunderstanding over the GFC”

      Nowhere in that statement is there any suggestion that you don’t believe he works for GS. In fact the implication is that he is doing their bidding because he was high up in investment banking.

      That is a conspiracy theory on par with thinking Obama is a secret Muslim.

      • Lanthanide 6.1.1

        I agree with your reading of muzza’s comment, Gosman.

      • muzza 6.1.2

        “The way you worded the comment implies that you think it is a possibility. If you didn’t I would have expected you to actually put something along the lines of ‘ It is not true that it is widely known that John Key was an employee of GS because he never worked for them’”

        “Of course it’s a possibility, how would you or I know categorically that its not! You are drawing a very long bow here though Gos, even by your standards. Your stated expectation of what you think I should have said, only serves to show your shortcomings!”

        (Gos)The rest of your post also supports the view that you think John Key and GS are closely linked.

        “Gosman, you know as well as even a novice that the world of top level banking is inbred, Key worked for ML and he also served the FED, so yes they are closely linked, thanks for pointing that out”

        “Gos…, and I would imagine that its the fact that he is highest level banking insider, ML/FED Global FX Committee Alum, which means he is party to the agenda, and has not one shred of excuse for any missunderstanding over the GFC”

        The way you worded the comment implies that you think it is a possibility. If you didn’t I would have expected you to actually put something along the lines of ‘ It is not true that it is widely known that John Key was an employee of GS because he never worked for them’

        “The rest of your post also supports the view that you think John Key and GS are closely linked.

        Nowhere in that statement is there any suggestion that you don’t believe he works for GS. In fact the implication is that he is doing their bidding because he was high up in investment banking. Why would I have to prove something I never said Gosman, come on mate, you’re better than that eh ;). JK is a banking brother, who worked at the highest levels of global banking, why would I try to disprove something I have never stated I believed!

        That is a conspiracy theory on par with thinking Obama is a secret Muslim.
        No idea Gos, but I would say that with endless resources at your disposal even a circular bumbler like you could hide certain things if you really wanted to. Trying to say you know for certain one way or the other, when you don’t is silly. Hence why you have tried to put words in my mouth, and failed

        • Gosman

          We have at least two people reading your comment that take the view that you were supportive of the view that John Key was an employee of GS. But even if you didn’t mean it your choice of words were certainly misleading. Let me give you an example involving you. It is not widely known that muzza is a kiddie fiddler. Now if I posted that in any serious manner I would rightly expect you to get quite irate and request that it be withdrawn from any site that it was posted on here. I would doubly expect you to get even angrier if I followed it up with a brief allusion to you posting on the internet where kiddie fiddlers are known to hang out. If you can’t ‘join the dots’, (as you put it in that post), then I can’t help you I’m sorry.

          • muzza

            Gosman – “as to does thinking John Key is an employee of Goldman Sachs (a views expressed here by a muzza for example)”

            Muzza – Gosman have I ever claimed that Key worked for Goldman Sachs – Practice what you preach and provide hard evidence

            Gosman – Specifically the bit where you state the following

            “its not widely known that key works for GS”

            Muzza – LOL – Not so good on the comprehension are you buddy, no wonder you can’t understand your own circular failings!
            Maybe take it up with Starlight, who made the original comment that JK is a GS Gang member. I was only saying it’s not widely known…
            Pants up!

            Gosman – We have at least two people reading & interpreting comments one way, then one of those people trying to tell the writer what he meant….FIFY

            Try a little harder G – Its this circular garbage I will be avoiding again from now on!

          • Bored

            And so Gos goes for a minor point scoring in an exercise that is the blogging equivalent of a bishops debate on how many saints can dance on the point of a needle. So tedious, a real yawn.

            Muzza, stop encouraging this idiot. All that happens is Gos introduces us to his new imaginary GE tree species in the hope that we miss seeing the wood.

            • Gosman

              muzza made my point quite well by becoming involved with this debate. If you remember Bored this was all about the left having wacky conspiracy theorists just as the right do. muzza decided to become all pedantic, (not I initially), by trying to argue he didn’t state exactly that John Key was an employee of GS. This is irrelevant to the point I was making as it was the general impression of John Key being ‘controlled’ by the International Banking cabal which was the point and one he basically agreed with. You have a problem with this then take it up with muzza.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Um, muzza, that comment is unreadable – please learn basic HTML formatting.

          • muzza

            DTB – not too easy on the eye agreed! By the time I saw the mess, the edit window had expired.

            • just saying

              Took me ages to get the hang of the formatting, but it ends up being quicker as well as clearer.

  7. DH 8

    So much for cutting spending….

    “State house agency spends big on travel”

    The corpulent managers blithely carry on gorging themselves on the taxpayer tit while frontline staff carry the costcutting can. That’s a state house wasted there.

  8. bad12 9

    The definition of Wellingtons Courtney Place at 2.00am on a Saturday morning= An open plan whorehouse where the amateurs and the professionals mingle and no one can tell the difference,

    Why did we insert that particular piece of enlightenment into the debate at this point???,

    oh no real reason just the age old justification, because we can, National Party acolytes will well understand such a justification as its the intellectual basis upon which most of that organizations Legislation is built,

    Who tho ”believes” in fairy tales???, specially those told to some tame interviewer by our Prime Minister,

    Slippery had ”the dream” from the age of 10 that He wanted to be the prime Minister of New Zealand, for f***ks sake its a wonder that His pants don’t self combust every time He opens His mouth,

    Yeah right Slippery we all really believe that at a time of life when the average kid hasn’t even started dreaming of getting laid yet YOU just wanted to be the PM…

    • Colonial Viper 9.1

      Yeah right Slippery we all really believe that at a time of life when the average kid hasn’t even started dreaming of getting laid yet YOU just wanted to be the PM…

      If you think about this, it sure explains a lot about Shonkey.

      • bad12 9.1.1

        Depending of course ”just how we think about this”,Our view are that its simply bullshit,such softly lit complete with mood music ”back story’s are the stuff of American politics,

        If Slippery scraped a cool 50 million outta His previous career as an ”international money trader” then on any conservative estimate of the profit curve inherent in that ”business”,(for want of a better word),He made His masters 100 times that amount,

        At times that sort of high flying does things to the minds of those involved, its a young fellas game and sooner or later ”they” start showing the signs of not being able to compete in the game any longer,

        The Big Bucks Bankers tho take care of those who have done their bidding well and the ex high flyers of New York Banking can be found in lucrative little ”lower pressure” enviroments all over the planet from running sweat shops in South America,(all in the name of providing jobs for the peasants of course),to,well to one just happening to pop on over to good ole New Zealand where the local Socialists in the form of Labour were doing a sterling job of upholding the neo-capitalist status quo but that couldnt last forever…

  9. Draco T Bastard 10

    Academic spring: how an angry maths blog sparked a scientific revolution

    Although I think a better title would be How academic publishers feed from the public tit

    Despite the recession, these charges helped academic publishers operate with profit margins of 35% or more , while getting their raw materials and the work of thousands of taxpayer- and charity-funded scientists free.

    This bit is the bit that counts though as it flies in the face of the artificial restrictions that accompany capitalism:

    Expensive paywalls not only waste university funds, they say, but slow down future scientific discovery and put up barriers for interested members of the public, politicians and patients’ groups who need access to primary research in order to exercise their democratic rights.

    “To be made effective, scholarly information has to be made as widely available as possible. We’ve seen an increasing amount of evidence that shows that, if we move to an open-access world, there are benefits not just to the scientific process itself but also wider economic benefits.”

    Yep, making scientific knowledge widely available is good for the economy and democracy.

  10. Janice 11

    Have I just heard correctly? The first school built and run under PPP is to be in Hobsonville, why am I not surprised?

  11. rosy 12

    UK Chancellor was ‘shocked’ at the level of income tax avoidance by the wealthy. Finding that most pay no more than 10 percent he had to ‘do’ something.

    So he put a cap on donations to charity, reduced the tax rate by 5p and asked them nicely to pay.

    That’ll fix it.

    • Colonial Viper 12.1

      Wonder how he can be shocked when him and his private school chums all do the same thing year after year.

      • rosy 12.1.1

        I know.. but there he was thinking that people who didn’t go to Eton didn’t have the smarts to do what they were doing, when all those riding the top of the wealth curve were doing it too! Go figure…

        Note he didn’t close down the loopholes – except for charity donations. I mean, wow – they can do without that sort of thing!