Open mike 11/07/2014

Written By: - Date published: 6:50 am, July 11th, 2014 - 172 comments
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172 comments on “Open mike 11/07/2014 ”

  1. swordfish 1

    2014 (Jan-June) Poll results set-out here…

    (unfortunately, given a severe lack of spare time, my blog is turning into a never-ending series of stats – albeit highly colourful stats – rather than the in-depth analysis I’d originally intended. In fact, I’m reduced to writing blogs about half-finished posts ! If only one could be paid to do this stuff full-time – a la those two wonderful old thespians – a Mr Farrar and a Mr Slater).

    • Te Reo Putake 1.1

      Nice work, swordfish. Really easy to follow. Is there any reason why you don’t have a slot for the combined Government support parties? Even if the combined vote is irrelevant to their actual individual results, it would be interesting to see their results reflected.

    • Pasupial 1.2

      Thanks so much for all the time that you (and Puddleglum too) have been putting into revealing the poll information not reducible to a MSM headline. The polling companies seem to get ever more elusive with their methodology, but you always seem to know how to find the numbers behind the facade. Keep up the good work!

      • swordfish 1.2.1

        Cheers, for that TRP and Pasupial.

        TRP: Partly because there wasn’t much room in the table. But also because I’ve generally relied on stats from the Wikipedia page (Opinion Polling for the New Zealand General Election 2014) and a couple of months ago I found that whoever put the stats on that page (presumably more than one person ?) made a few mistakes with the figures for some of the minor parties. So, I then had to go methodically through as many on-line Poll reports that I could get my hands on in order to check all of the stats.

        Fortunately, all of the results (on wiki) for the two major parties and the Greens were correct. But, just occasionally, the Wikipedia stats were incorrect for both NZF and for some of the minor parties of the Right. I haven’t quite finished the process. But when I do, I’ll stick the poll-by-poll results for the minor parties (both of the Right and IMP) at the bottom of the table. So, it means a bit of a delay on the minor parties, but no point in putting inaccurate data up. Defeats the whole purpose.

    • David H 1.3

      “If only one could be paid to do this stuff full-time – a la those two wonderful old thespians – a Mr Farrar and a Mr Slater)”

      But you too can have all the riches that slimeball and fatman have. All you have to do is disavow all that is right and good, and fix your lips firmly to TricKey’s Arse.

      • Gosman 1.3.1

        Do you have evidence that David Farrar receives funding from sources linked to John Key and/or the National party to blog? Otherwise it would be like someone making an allegation that people who post articles here are paid to do so by Labour/Unions/Some left wing group. That would not go down very well at all with the moderators I suspect.

        • David H

 If you

          So Gasman. Someone has shelled out some serious bucks to widen the drivel coming from wailoil.

          And Farrar has a list of Freebies that would make your eyes water.

          So hows about you learn to use Google for a change?

          • Gosman

            You regard the list of freebies as something that would make your eyes water do you? In which case you have very sensitive eyes I would suggest. They seem quite innocuous in my opinion mostly consisting of small items like free tickets or hospitality. Personally I think he is being entirely open and honest about things which is to be applauded. This is as opposed to Mr Bradbury of The Daily Blog who was doing work for various political parties without an upfront disclosure.

            • lprent

              Complete host server costs? Just to give you an idea, that typically costs a lot at the volumes of data that these high volume sites get through. Last month we did more than 800GB outgoing.

              Trips to Singapore, Japan, Austrailia and China?

              That was from casual glance at it. Seems like tens of thousands of dollars to me.

              About the only things I get are the odd comp tickets for some of the things that we advertise. Generally I just hand them to whoever wants to go or don’t use them at all.

              I rather think that you might have a distorted sense of values. But that has been obvious for a while.

        • Te Reo Putake

          “Do you have evidence that David Farrar receives funding from sources linked to John Key and/or the National party to blog?”

          Nobody said that.

          However Farrar generates his primary income from polling paid for by the Tories (and others). He doesn’t actually do the polling himself, he has minions to do that for him. This income and the work of his staff frees up his time to blog. So, indirectly, National do pay for him to blog.

          • Hayden

            Judging by their web site they’re not looking too hard for new business either.

          • Gosman

            He owns and runs a polling company. How much of the work for that polling company comes from the National party is unclear. You seem to think it is substantial. However on what basis you think that it is significant proportion is not made clear.

            • lprent

              I suspect that most of his dollar business comes from National and Parliamentary Services. I also suspect that most of the rest comes from other government departments. Some of it used to come from fellow travelling parties like Act. But that appears to have dried up now.

              Certainly, when people are reporting poll calls from Curia, political massaging from National or government departments appears to be the bulk of what they get asked about.

              I’d say that it is a pretty good bet that he gets most of his business from his political contacts in National. He is welcome to sue me if he chooses for saying that. I’d love to do the discovery motions.

              • Lanthanide

                Surely you mean political messaging? Not sure I’d want any of the cabinet near me…

            • North

              Ha Ha Gosman. You allow the foot in the door. Which is very significant. If unwittingly, you’re on the back foot quite alot lately. Doesn’t augur well for you and TheGodKey what ?

        • Murray Olsen

          I get a weekly cheque from Moscow, although there must have been a problem with the mail. It hasn’t turned up since Gorbachev stood down.
          Where do you get your cheque from, Gooseman?

    • Morrissey 1.4

      It looks really good, Swordfish. Congratulations.

      • swordfish 1.4.1

        Cheers, Moz.

        Keep the Israel/Palestine stuff coming.

        According to the internationally-respected Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, Israeli forces have killed more than 3000 innocent Palestinians (ie not involved in any hostilities) since 2000. A disproportionate number are children. But what do they matter compared to three Israeli teenagers whose names are now known to every consumer of the American/Western MSM ?

        Not that I want to sound callous about the appalling deaths of these teens but…a sense of perspective would be nice from our dear, beloved media….perhaps even just a modicum of, you know,… context.

        I was just thinking the other day, I was a couple of months away from turning 3 when Israel first invaded the Occupied Territories. I’m now just a few weeks away from hitting the big Half Century. That means Palestinians my age have essentially lived their entire lives under this nightmare scenario. Their best years are over and they never had a chance. Grossly restricted in their movements, witnessing the murder of family and friends, always under extreme physical threat from Israeli military, living with poverty and, in Gaza, bordering at times on starvation. How fucking outrageous, how absolutely fucking outrageous that this dire situation has been allowed to go on for so long !

        And, as always, the victims receive the blame.

        • Morrissey

          Swordfish, I advise you to watch the speech given this morning by Ron Prosor, the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, at the Security Council.

          He has the style and look and delivery of a comedian, which makes his performance only more chilling.

          • North

            Morrissey et al et tous le monde indeed……you may be aware of it already but this link is essential, essential viewing. While horrific. Narrated by an American Jewish woman.

            Absolutely exhilarating to see the huge level of support for Palestinians on Facebook !

        • Draco T Bastard

          According to the internationally-respected Israeli human rights group, B’Tselem, Israeli forces have killed more than 3000 innocent Palestinians (ie not involved in any hostilities) since 2000.

          I remember as article* I read several years back that was showing media bias in regards to Israel. It showed that over a time period 131 Israelis had been killed and that these had been reported on front pages all around the world in shock and anger. In comparison, over the same time period over 4000 Palestinians had been killed by Israel and yet they barely even got a mention in the media.

    • Really interesting work on the ‘Preferred PM’ breakdowns, swordfish. Thanks for the clarity and the effort.

      It’s interesting that John Key’s support as preferred PM is overwhelmingly from those who intend to vote for National. That is indirect evidence (if any more were needed) that a good chunk of support for National is primarily support for Key.

      For comparative purposes, it would be good to see similar breakdown’s of party support for Clark as preferred PM during 1999-2008 – especially with the change in leaders of the National Party during that period.

  2. One Anonymous Bloke 2

    Ideology trumps good sense.

    …a spokeswoman for Finance Minister Bill English said the decision was “consistent with the Government’s belief that paid employment was the best way to lift the most vulnerable families”.

    If he had evidence he’d say so, but no, belief is all he needs. Pass me a bucket.

    • bad12 2.1

      From the same article, well worth a read to see just ‘who’ are the real beneficiaries of both ‘Working for Families’ and ‘Paid Parental Leave’, and, just ‘who’ misses out,

      This article, concise and precise, is simply the 101 of structural child poverty in New Zealand, the steps to this modern form of structural child poverty, a direct result of Government action/inaction since the latter 90’s, are not chronologically measured, but, read slowly its encompassed in the article,

      Greens co-leader Metiria Turei yesterday said the Government’s move, ”Is one of the most astonishing examples of Government punishing children simply for being poor that I’ve ever seen”,

      What the article exposes:

      Even the Social Development Ministry proposed to the Government that beneficiary dependent children should be included in the Parental Tax Credit,(part of Working for Families),

      The majority of those taking up the majority of Paid Parental Leave entitlements are of course in the middle/upper middle class, Meanwhile, Pacific and Maori workers are least likely to take up paid parental leave because their ’employment arrangements’ prohibit them from accessing the scheme,

      Lots more information need be gathered and published surrounding the above, and, whatever ’employment arrangements’ there are, no matter what the fuck they are,that prevent Maori and Pacific workers being able to take Paid Parental Leave, need be outlawed by Legislation,

      i can only hope that Metiria, befor She gets nga korokoro tucked under the Cabinet table remembers what is quoted in this article and from here on the floor of the Standard, there will be plenty of reminders…

      • karol 2.1.1

        Good points. yes, very good quote from Turei – and we will remind her (constantly) if she gets a place in government.

    • greywarbler 2.2

      @OAB 2 I have been reading about the new ‘benefits’ – from 2012. And came on a similar to the quote from Bill English.

      New Zealand’s welfare system is changing to one that better recognises and supports people’s work potential. It focuses on what people can do to achieve a better future for them and their families.

      I have heard about a widow whose dying husband spent most of their savings before dying, and left debts. She gets no help from the government, in fact they have demanded that she pay back some money she is considered to owe.

      She has found work, hard to get enough hours, doesn’t get enough from her two jobs one of which is that useful work for the poor, cleaning, and just manages to exist. Gets up at 5 am and goes to bed at 9pm, may have to work in the weekend.

      In her own time she has little time or money for relaxation. She maintains her house and property and spends time supporting her children and grandchildren, and assisting her aged mother. She tries to keep family ties strong, which is so important according to politicians. But not important enough for the government to give her any financial support while she lives her life which is of an excellent, responsible, exemplary citizen.

      Changes to the benefit system in 2012 meant most for adults went under three headings only. Job Seeker Support, Sole Parent Support, Supported Living Payment.
      There is another heading underneath –
      Partners of people receiving Jobseeker Support and Supported Living Payment –
      which refers to Job Seeker Carers and Supported Living Carers as if they had the same responsibilities which is obviously unreasonable as Supported Living is about those who are unwell or disabled (includes the old Invalids Benefit and Sickness Benefit etc)

      Supported Living covers both the people with some problem that affects their working ability, and those caring for them. Again there is no recognition of the important work of the carer, and how much work and responsibility is actually involved. This is from the soc welf site.

      Supported Living Payment
      The Supported Living Payment is for people who are permanently and severely restricted in their capacity to work because of a health condition or disability.

      Supported Living Payment also includes carers of people needing hospital-level (or equivalent) care. Previously these people would have received the Domestic Purposes Benefit – Care of Sick or Infirm.
      People on this benefit may have work preparation obligations and can be asked to do specific activities to prepare for work where they’re able…..

      Partners of people receiving Jobseeker Support and Supported Living Payment
      Partners of these beneficiaries have obligations to:
      look for full-time work if they don’t have children or their youngest child is 14 or older
      look for part-time work if they have a child aged five to 13 years
      prepare for work if they have children younger than five.

    • David H 2.3

      @OAB Makes one wonder what’s next under this bunch of ne’er do wells.'er-do-well

      Certification to prove you can afford to have children complete with accountants letter and a note from Treasury.

    • Jenny 2.4

      If he had evidence he’d say so, but no, belief is all he needs. Pass me a bucket.

      Faith based science brought to you by the climate change deniers.

      Faith based biology brought to you by the evolution deniers

      We now have faith based politics brought to you by National poverty deniers.

      When the facts just won’t do.

      (better hand that bucket around)

  3. “..The Spam Factory’s Dirty Secret..”

    “..First Hormel gutted the union.

    Then it sped up the line.

    And when the pig-brain machine made workers sick –

    • they got canned..”


    • yeshe 3.1

      love, love, love mother jones, but not sure this vegetarian heart can read that story … kudos to you for doing so and posting .. thx phillip.

      • phillip ure 3.1.1’s pretty grim..

        ..but then so is where all ‘bacon’ comes from…’pretty grim’… the truth be known..

        • yeshe

          it is grim indeed. the truth is known by most, but just ignored … some more inconvenient truth.

  4. Ron 4

    I am waiting to see what Labour’s policy is on Broadcasting. This is a really important area that affects other areas like Education, yet I cannot find any discussion on this policy at all. It may still be in pipe line but considering how important accurate dissemination of news, and education of the people via radio and television. New Zealand needs clearly defined roles for all broadcast media and we could do well to consider the BBC charter as a good place to start. The aims below could be a starting place. Ignoring item (f) re digital TV but the rest of (f) especially getting digital radio is an absolute must.
    Coupled with this should be an examination of the whole radio/tv business especially with the commercial radio market basically in the hands of two companies. Radio is a marvelous medium that should be removed from these large companies and allow smaller groups to have access to the airwaves. Possibly the two companies in question could be restricted to only having one genre type nationwide network eg one talk or one music. This would encourage more disparate groups access to radio.

    The Public Purposes of the BBC are as follows—
    (a) sustaining citizenship and civil society;
    (b) promoting education and learning;
    (c) stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
    (d) representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
    2(e) bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK;
    (f) in promoting its other purposes, helping to deliver to the public the benefit of
    emerging communications technologies and services and, in addition, taking a
    leading role in the switchover to digital television

    • Gosman 4.1

      How is the UK in anyway a better or more informed society overall as a result of the BBC? Do they have higher voter turn outs? Are they less inclined to extremist political parties? Do they have more liberal social policies? Are they better educated overall?

      • freedom 4.1.1

        Gosman, they make Doctor Who, what greater reason for their continued existence do you need? 🙂

        • Gosman

          HBO makes Game of Thrones. I could equally argue that is an argument for independent private sector media production. Also the BBC decided to cancel Doctor Who back in the 1990’s so it isn’t as if they always make decisions which you might like.

          • Daveosaurus

            George Martin makes Game of Thrones. HBO just repackage it for the illiterate masses.

      • framu 4.1.2

        you do realise that there are many things that can get in the way of a stated purpose that change the outcome?

        yeah you do – your just being your usual self

        ron never mentioned how successful the BBC was – just what their public purpose is defined as

        • Gosman

          Tell me then why British society doesn’t seem to be better informed or more politically engaged than NZ given the BBC has this stated public purpose which you think is worthwhile?

          • Populuxe1

            And the pachyderm in the atrium is because no one watches it except for the entertainment

          • Populuxe1

            And the pachyderm in the atrium is because no one watches it except for the entertainment

        • Gosman

          Please explain then why people in the UK are not more politically engaged and active than people in NZ given the public broadcasting set up there is so much better than ours?

      • Puddleglum 4.1.3

        Hi Gosman,

        How is the UK in anyway a better or more informed society overall as a result of the BBC?

        First, I don’t think Ron argued that point. He(?) simply said that we would do well to have a look at the principles underlying the BBC charter.

        Second – horses and water. If there’s no ‘water’ you can’t even take horses to it, never mind getting them to drink it. (Here I’m assuming that the BBC does have good informational content – a close analysis of its news coverage may not back that up, of course.)

        Third, ‘no’ the UK does not have better education statistics for the population than New Zealand (in general). They are also lower in the (controversial) PISA tests than is New Zealand.

        But are you implying that the lower rate of participation, etc. in education in the UK than New Zealand is due to the TVNZ charter being scrapped and a charter being retained for the BBC. If not, then what is the point you are trying to make about the usefulness of a public broadcasting charter?

    • greywarbler 4.2


  5. “We’ve got a lot of things going on. He works very, very hard and we want to make sure he is in good physical shape. He’s a pretty healthy individual but everyone needs a chance to recharge.”

    yep go to your holiday home to recharge key – the last 10 weeks of the campaign will be torrid and you’d better watch out that your dirty tricks team don’t backfire on you. Big slide on a slippery slope for you key – watch out for friction burns!

    • Tiger Mountain 6.1

      Everybody needs a little time away

      Even lovers need a holiday
      Far away from each other

      After all that we’ve been through
      I will make it up to you
      I promise to…

      F*****g vote you back to Hawaii for good.

      • Gosman 6.1.1

        How would you do that given it is highly improbably he will lose his electorate and that National will likely be by far the biggest political party in NZ regardless of if it has enough support to form the next government or not?

        • bad12

          Yes Gosman, by accident you have hit the particular nail on the head that appears to be driving Slippery the Prime Minister to distraction at the moment,

          Does He want to be the leader of the biggest Opposition party in New Zealand Government history under the auspices of MMP with or without sharing a Bench with Colon the Conservative…

        • Te Reo Putake

          Gossie, when he loses the election, he’ll resign as an MP more or less immediately.

          • Gosman

            Possibly or possibly not. That is not to state he will move to Hawaii though.

            • framu

              how about balance of probability?

              god your predictable in your tiresome hair splitting to prove 5/8ths of fuck all

            • Murray Olsen

              Why wouldn’t he? Everything he loves and admires is found in the US and A. He really doesn’t like Aotearoa, or most Kiwis. I can’t see him hanging around in Parnell without his armed bodyguards. Someone might call him names, and he’d just hate that.

          • Lanthanide

            I think there’s a chance that if it’s a very close election result, or something that can be construed by the public as a ‘technicality’ like National being the biggest party and having a slim majority, but the final count of votes alters the algorithm sufficiently for National to lose their majority, that Key could stay on and cause massive headaches for the new government, potentially leading to an early election, or National’s re-election in 2017 under Key.

            • Zorr

              Part of the problem with that scenario (in my belief) is that National have been hiding a lot from the public eye. Why would Labour continue to afford them that cover if they take the reins of power?

              • Gosman

                Your view seems to becompletely based on your own politicially biased views. However it does highlight how ineffectual the opposition is at the moment if it is in fact true as they have not even raised anything as substantial as you think exists.

      • greywarbler 6.1.2

        @Tiger Mountain6.1
        LOL Very apt.

        I want Labour to sing that to me actually, pleadingly, on their knees.

    • karol 6.2

      FFS! A cabinet member’s job is in question, a Kiwi is still waiting to here if her alleged attempted rapist is being returned to NZ, and the PM goes on holiday to the US and is incommunicado.

      • Bearded Git 6.2.1

        Yep Karol. In the Herald today 41% say McCully should resign versus 54% he should stay.

        Adjusting that the Herald readership to the overall population I would guess it’s at least 54-41 in the other direction, and that is with the MSM doing their best to bury the story. He has got to go.

        On the other hand Key is now carrying 2 ministers as passengers/easy targets, McCully and Collins, which will be useful in the campaign.

        Labour should be making noise about Key’s so-called higher standards-cue hollow laughter.

        • Bearded Git

          …and to continue even this incredibly biased Armstrong article seems to conclude near the end that McCully is in trouble.

        • Lanthanide

          “Labour should be making noise about Key’s so-called higher standards-cue hollow laughter.”

          They’ve promised a positive campaign, so too late for that.

          • Puddleglum

            Of course, one of their positive promises could be a transparent accountability for members of Cabinet: A set of explicit criteria and protocols determining when and how Ministers would end up being asked to resign.

            They could highlight that without attacking Key’s erratic and, on average, low standards of accountability for his Cabinet. Everyone else would join the dots.

        • Colonial Viper

          Adjusting that the Herald readership to the overall population I would guess it’s at least 54-41 in the other direction, and that is with the MSM doing their best to bury the story. He has got to go.

          The only population who matters are blue voters in East Coast Bays. And I suggest that they remain just fine with McCully.

      • adam 6.2.2

        Come on Karol, John Key not going to do anything for a women now is he. I mean the whole national party are still upset that women had a modicum of power under the last government, they hell bent to put them back into their place. Look at the way that pack of flies react any time a women brings up an issue relating to women in the house – the men don’t get that sort of treatment. I couldn’t even finish watching how the Nats treated Jan Logie when she brought this issue up, it was a bloody disgrace and the speaker sat their grinning like a school boy. Misogyny is defiantly a part of the make up of the Nats.

        • Gosman

          Yet they seem to have gone out of their way to protect their woman Ministers when they get in to trouble.

          • Molly

            You display a naive innocence regarding the adoption of power cultures by the otherwise dispossessed.

            When you point to the female Ministers in Government that have been protected – it is apparent to most that they have adopted the existing culture to the point that their gender has not introduced another perspective at all.

            They are not protected because they are competent or effective or incorruptible, they are protected because they have been indoctrinated very well.

            • Gosman

              Yes because all woman have some different perspective than men and therefore if they don’t share this perspective they must havew adopted the ‘male’ point of view. Please keep pushing that as it makes you look slighly unhinged as well as incredibly arrogant and presumptious to speak on behal of all woman.

              • Molly

                No, but you brought up the fact that they protected their woman ministers.

                I replied that their gender had nothing to do with it, National protects their indoctrinated ones – (McCully the most recent example).

                You were the one who chose gender as a defence for National.

                PS. Power structures work in a variety of ways: not always in gender, race or obviously apparent. It often shows in management, and other organisational structures.

                • Gosman

                  No, you stated the following

                  “…it is apparent to most that they have adopted the existing culture to the point that their gender has not introduced another perspective at all.”

                  To any rational person reading that would suggets the views they hold are basically non-female in basis. That implies that females have a general viewpoint on the world different to non-females. That is the arrogant nonsense I am meaning.

                  • Molly

                    Well Gosman. Had to include some reference to gender in response to your own gendered comment – very difficult to do without pointing out the obvious.

                    Tried to indicate that being “woman” had nothing to do with the “protection” offered. Even selected adjectives that to my mind indicated that protection was not warranted: ie “competent or effective or incorruptible”.

                    Perhaps, you should have refrained from your first response referring to “woman Ministers”.

                    I’m pretty certain from this discussion that won’t be a concession you will make.

                    • adam

                      Molly, Gosman acts like a misogynist because he can’t accept that the left and or god forbid a women might have a point. He is part of the new holy right who use fox(tm) tactics to undermine any position with a truth in it. Gosman, again you spin is a spin, and your lies and distraction are seen through, have a nice day supporting a party of misogynists, I’m sure you fit right in.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Tried to indicate that being “woman” had nothing to do with the “protection” offered.

                      This is true. The NATs don’t offer you “protection” because of your gender. They offer you “protection” if you are an asset to the blue team, and not a liability. Gender has very little to do with it. I also suspect that most NZ men – and women – have no issue with this.

                  • i think what molly is saying..gossie..

           that they are all ideology-driven heartless-shits…

           or women..

                    ..gender is totally irrelevant..

           is their overweening common shittiness that defines them..

      • grumpy 6.2.3

        …and several Swedish complainants are also waiting while their attacker is holed up in some South American embassy. How do you feel about that, bearing in mind that his actions were actual, not attempted sexual assaults?

        • karol

          Gee, Grumpy, does Key also have a role in the outcome of the Assange complaint? His power is far greater than I had thought.

          • grumpy

            So no outrage there, it’s all about Key eh? Thanks for the clarification.

            • karol

              Grumpy, a diversion to another (also important) topic, then complaining when I don’t engage with that other important topic at this point…. IS a diversion.

              Or maybe I should berate you for not offering you view on the latest report from the sallies at this point – also about how single mothers are treated….etc.

              And yes, the topic under discussion is about John Key – it began with a reference to an article about him.

            • Jester

              I’m surprised that Labour invited Bill Shorten considering the recent Victorian police investigation relating to an incident 1986.

              • grumpy

                Thanks, I had forgotten about that. Maybe he would have done better to have just punched the wall?

        • Molly

          I disagree with your implication that by holding our own elected officials to account in NZ – we are hypocritical for not having the same focus on another country’s judicial system – and failure thereof.

          It is an endlessly pointless distraction.

        • Draco T Bastard

          And they could easily have had their day in court as the country did offer to try Assange in their country under Swedish rules and Sweden said no. Which really does seem to indicate that the whole lot was just an attempt at entrapment of Assange by Sweden for the US.

      • greywarbler 6.2.4

        Alert. Alert. Remove yourself from poisonous atmosphere NOW. Go to your marshalling spot in Hawaii and wait until the air clears and you are summoned back. Do not look back – in case you are turned into a pillar of salt!

    • Molly 6.3

      Seems like a strange misstep for Audrey Young – unless she is so far removed from reality that she doesn’t see.

      Especially including the photo and caption: “Aerial of the Ho’olei luxury condo development in Wailea, Maui. J&B Key Family Trust purchased a unit in April 2008 for $3.25 million.”

      On the same day that media conversations about tax avoidance are taking place, the caption relating the purchase of a holiday combo by John Key’s personal family trust may strike a sour note with those who do not use such entities.

      • karol 6.3.1

        It may not have been Young who inserted the pic and caption – maybe the work of an editor?

        • Molly

          That makes more sense. Audrey is such an unabashed cheerleader, it seems strange she would have done this. Maybe subversives are at work at the Herald…

          • marty mars

            I liked that she called it – “thought to be at his bolt-hole on the Hawaiian island of Maui.” – so apt and descriptive.

          • marty mars

            I liked that she called it – “thought to be at his bolt-hole on the Hawaiian island of Maui.” – so apt and descriptive.

            • phillip ure

              i wonder how far away the nearest legal pot-shop is..?

              ..and how does key put up with the anarchy/chaos of being in a place with no pot-prohibition..?

              ..i wonder why journalists never join those dots..when they question him..?

              ..being there on the he is…

              .y’know..!..asking him ‘what’s it like?’..

              ..and just how exactly hawaii has fallen apart since ending prohibition..?

    • yeshe 6.4

      @marty: here’s hoping enough teflon has worn off so they are really big friction burns !! I saw a pic on TV3 website the other day where Shonkey’s shoulders were covered with dandruff … thought it might be first signs of teflon crumbling ! Bad pic indeed, but couldn’t make myself link to it .. ‘orrible it was.

  6. Jrobin 7

    “Speaking For Ourselves”, great to see Auckland City Mission giving a voice to the poor. The issues raised here reveal the lies contained in English’s pretence that it is a choice not to work that causes poverty. Unpaid fines and criminal convictions can create negative cycles and claustrophobic situations for people. Drug convictions which are for quite trivial offences can create long periods of unemployment which put off prospective employers. A more honest and understanding attitude towards unpaid fines and minor offences could enable these people to pull themselves out of poverty. Hypocrisy In relation to drugs versus alcohol make a nonsense of these attitudes towards convictions.
    . Having spent a couple of years on the DPB gave me personally, a window into the lives of the poor even though I still had lots of family support. Many middle class people have no idea the prejudicial attitudes that many show towards women who are on DPB. This is another hidden form of sexism. The women get the blame when marriages break down and there is a punishing attitude by many. Being talked to as if you are a ‘slut’ just because you are on DPB was one of the experiences I will not forget. Nor will I forget trying to decide whether to buy toilet paper or bread. Now that I am back in work and financially secure I try to treat all women I encounter on benefits with the respect they deserve for surviving and keeping things together in this situation. Kia kaha to all women on DPB, you are doing a great job as mothers and you need more understanding and less judgment.

    • karol 7.1

      Thanks, Jrobin.

      I saw a bit on Firstline this morning about the City Mission report.

      They made good points about how beneficiaries are treated. I was a bit concerned that the TV3 report on it focused on cutting down the number of agencies beneficiaries need to deal with, rather than the performance of WINZ.

      A text, non-formatted version of the report is here.

    • Plus 1

      The report is insightful

      The year-long project has found many poor families feel “trapped” in unemployment by the cost of study, lack of transport, poor health, past criminal records, the time demands of dealing with multiple agencies, and by low-paid casualised work which is less secure than a benefit.

      But they also have ideas on how to overcome these barriers, such as restoring training allowances for sole parents, free health care and subsidised dental care for low-income families, publicising the right for ex-criminals to “wipe the slate clean” for minor offences after seven crime-free years, more personalised social services, higher minimum wages and tougher monitoring of casual work contracts.

      Well worth a read.

    • Plus 1

      The report is insightful

      The year-long project has found many poor families feel “trapped” in unemployment by the cost of study, lack of transport, poor health, past criminal records, the time demands of dealing with multiple agencies, and by low-paid casualised work which is less secure than a benefit.

      But they also have ideas on how to overcome these barriers, such as restoring training allowances for sole parents, free health care and subsidised dental care for low-income families, publicising the right for ex-criminals to “wipe the slate clean” for minor offences after seven crime-free years, more personalised social services, higher minimum wages and tougher monitoring of casual work contracts.

      Well worth a read.

      • bad12 7.3.1

        Ah lets tinker around the edges all the while bowing in supplication to the ”work will set us free” ism,

        Meanwhile in the real world where no-one really gives a fuck about structural poverty ”business as usual” will rule the roost,

        When and only when we address this structural poverty by the only logical means possible, dragging the top tiers of income down to the middle ground of income while we at the same time drag the bottom of the income heap back up, also to that middle ground of income, will anything in the realm of ”Equality” begin to occur in this country,

        At the point where everyone, including the most destitute of beneficiaries, is in receipt of the minimum,(living), wage then ‘work’ can be found for them tailored to suit the individuals needs…

  7. bad12 8

    The DomPost editor takes a swipe at tax avoidance,

    Editorial: tax avoidance breaches social contract,

    ”Perhaps with time this backlash against tax avoiders will become wide spread, like the campaign against smoking”,

    ”Tax avoiders might come to be treated as pariahs, just as smokers are, in fact, of course, the tax avoider is far worse than the smoker”,

    ”The smoker is an addict and is a genuine victim of big tobacco, tax avoiders are anti-social creeps who have no-one to blame for their sins but themselves”, unquote.

    The message here, to the Dompost editor would have to be ”well sure”, BUT, the operative word in this editorial would seem to be, in my opinion, CAMPAIGN,

    It would take a sustained ‘campaign’ from, well from the likes of the capitals daily newspaper, which spent a whole lot of journalistic time investigating, exposing, and ‘campaigning’ to highlight the 5-7 billion dollars annually which is the estimate of tax avoidance/evasion in this countries economy year in year out,

    So how bout it Mr Editor, lets have the ‘campaign’…

    • bad12 8.1

      Note: perhaps this comment would have been better pinned under comment (2) above, the link from that comment which exposes some ugly structural child poverty is intrinsically linked to the tax avoidance/evasion that the DominionPost’s editorial talks of…

  8. dimebag russell 9

    gotta watch out for a flood of “YOUTH” projects under the “PRIME MINISTERS” rubric this election season.
    This morning its youth mental health.
    why has it taken so long?

  9. Jrobin 10

    On a less serious note, I ask readers “where is Jonky?”

    1). Getting a facial peel and spa to lose weight and tone up his double chin?

    2) Away on a secret tryst with Paul Henry (who is also on holiday)?

    3) Attending a refresher course on Mind Control from the CIA and NSA?

    Any other suggestions?

    • happynz 10.1

      1). Hair plugs
      2). He’s going to a hukilau ‘cos lau lau is the kau kau at the old luau

      • Tiger Mountain 10.1.1

        the minders will be whipping his pudgy little countenance into shape as best they can,
        • theatrical grade hairpiece
        • learning his attack lines from Crosby Textor
        • off the piss during the day
        • better mastering in ear technology so he can answer any curly questions
        • learning about the history of Hawaiian land grabs for moneybags baches (just kidding on that one)

    • James 10.2

      Funny that nobody seems to give a hoot where Cunliffe is going. Im wondering if people will actually notice when he is gone.

      “A spokesman for David Cunliffe said the Labour leader, after launching an Information and Communications Technology policy in Auckland this morning, would be taking a break.”

      Him taking a holiday could be the best thing for labour.

      • Bearded Git 10.2.1

        Will you still be saying this when Cunliffe minces Key up in the election debates James?

        Key might be better off staying in Hawaii.

        • Puckish Rogue

          Cunliffe only does well when hes reading off a prepared script, as soon as he starts to adlib or is challenged he goes to pieces whereas John Key has dealt to Clark, Goff, Shearer (well he probably would have) and Campbell

          You might want to temper your enthusiasm

          • freedom

            except all the mantras Key will chant in the debates have been shown up as bullpucky

            All hail the mighty surplus: the public has caught on that National’s numbers are pure spin

            Accountability and transparency: well….we have repeatedly seen the truth of that lie

            A brighter future: ………tumbleweeds sure are heavy this year …………………………….

            170,000 more jobs: 42k more unemployed than when they came to power in 2008

            Key’s only option is going to be bashing bennies and even that line is looking a little tired

            My favourite line at the moment has to be his June 2014 statement

            It is not about me, it is about the Party

            • said on the very weekend they launched #TeamKey
            • Gosman

              Where have the public caught on the numbers around the surplus are pure spin? Do you have evidence from an opinion poll or something similar or is this another of the left’s gut fellings that you expect people to just accept?

              • freedom

                Mostly in the MSM comments, including an increasingly regular reference of and linking to the Debt Clock.
                Not empirical evidence but a message probably read more than most polls.

                (excuse the slow reply, seem to be having posting difficulties )

          • lprent

            Did pretty well answering questions this morning.

            In fact I can’t think when he has muffed anything. He has had stuff pulled out of context by dumbarse media and idiots like you. But that is because you are a shallow fool, and the media love making shallow headlines.

            • Bearded Git

              To quote just one example he sounded insincere, bored not to say a little zombified when answering questions on the alleged Malaysian rape case. This counts as muffing something in my book.

              Then there is blip’s famous and ever-lengthening list of Key’s lies-surely these are stuff ups, or doesn’t count if the MSM doesn’t pick it up?

              • Puckish Rogue

                If it doesn’t affect how people vote and considering Keys popularity v Cunliffes unpopularity it doesn’t appear to be then no it doesn’t count

              • Puckish Rogue

                If it doesn’t affect how people vote and considering Keys popularity v Cunliffes unpopularity it doesn’t appear to be then no it doesn’t count.

                • Rodel

                  If it doesn’t affect how people vote and considering Cunliffe’ spopularity v Key’s unpopularity it doesn’t appear to be then no it doesn’t count.

                • Rodel

                  If it doesn’t affect how people vote and considering Cunliffe’ spopularity v Key’s unpopularity it doesn’t appear to be then no it doesn’t count.

  10. freedom 11


  11. freedom 12


  12. freedom 13

    excuse the duplicate post above, not getting any edit function in Chrome (although this comment had edit function appear… weird)
    Firefox seems all good though, both for posting and for edit function.

    Thanks for all the hard work Lprent. A few days without The Standard really did feel like my little world was missing something important 🙂

    • bad12 13.1

      On Firefox, it took two goes to make the ‘edit function’ work, first time i did the edit and it just sat there with ‘saving’ showing,

      Reversed back to ‘Open Mike’ hit edit again, and, the already edited copy came up, hit ‘save’ again and second time it worked fine…

    • lprent 13.2

      Yeah. Something up with the javascript coming through. Will look at that later in the day.

      • freedom 13.2.1

        recent gremlins: using FF

        -sometimes going to “duplicate comment detected’ after posting, instead of loading the new page
        -‘connection reset’ shown up a few times ? address is in address bar, then on refresh page loads fine
        -edit function is sporadic it its appearance
        -chronic shortage of donuts .. but that is a pantry problem 🙁

    • lprent 13.3

      Ok. I have now removed the only other change (a caching feature) outside of the database that I changed

    • lprent 13.4

      Ok. I have now removed the only other change (a caching feature) outside of the database that I changed

  13. Sort of interesting

    Fr Padraig O’Baoill, who is based in Gweedore, County Donegal, told his flock in a weekly parish Irish-language newsletter that the exercise is “unsavoury”.

    “As followers of Jesus Christ, we shouldn’t be taking part in any activities that are in conflict with our faith,” he told the parish, which is under the Diocese of Raphoe and located in the Irish-speaking Gaeltacht area of the country.

    “Therefore don’t take any part in yoga classes, tai chi or reiki. Do not endanger your souls for the sake of such unsavoury activities,” he added.

    Seems like quite a lot of activities may be considered in conflict with their faith and therefore unsavoury

    I wonder if anyone can phonetically show me how to pronounce this friars name.

    • Molly 14.1

      We used to have a friend we referred to as “Po-rick”, but you made me wonder.

      Here’s Frank McCourt’s version.

      • marty mars 14.1.1

        Thanks Molly

        So interesting that Padraig can be pronounced “”paw + rik”” – and in english Patrick – I so love learning new information.

    • greywarbler 14.2

      @marty mars
      The Roman Catholic comment could have made a great anchor point for a Father Ted episode. I have heard a similar negative attitude to yoga from a Methodist minister.

      That is the second time this week I have heard talk about Methodism and referred to it myself. Chris Trotter referred to David Parker’s Methodist like propensity in his policy, in a disapproving way in an article this week on Bowalley Road.

      • marty mars 14.2.1

        I thought of Father Ted too – I really liked that – very subversive.

        I don’t know anything about the Methodists – I’ll have to google them. Edit, have now, very interesting…

  14. Tiger Mountain 15

    I have had a guts-full of Zionism, it is one of the few political stenches that has not dissipated over the years. Please check out the info graphics linked if you are wondering why people are increasingly seriously using “apartheid” in relation to Israel.

    • Morrissey 15.1

      Tiger Mountain, please be careful with the language you use. It is not “Zionism” that killed more than 80 Gaza residents in the last three days, it is the Israeli government, armed and diplomatically protected by the United States.

      Yes, it is true that many of the people in the Israeli government are Zionists—militant Zionists. But many good, decent people are Zionists, in that they believe in the profound wisdom and richness of Jewish culture. Noam Chomsky describes himself as a Zionist.

      The problem with the killers and the monstrous politicians who send them to rain down death and destruction on Gaza and the Occupied West Bank is not that they are Zionists. The problem is that they are criminals and scofflaws, who know they can do anything with impunity.

      Anyone who watched Mr Ron Prosor’s bizarre speech at the United Nations early this morning, as I did, knows that these fanatics are driven not by “Zionism” but by pure contempt for, and criminal hatred of their victims.–Israel-Palestinians/#.U78jTeD7JFQ

      • Tiger Mountain 15.1.1

        After careful consideration Morrisey I have still had enough of Zionism. Just as I have no truck with any other religion for three main reasons–amongst others;
        1. Relentlessly anti woman
        2. Indoctrinate kids before they are mature enough to develop an independent world view
        3. Operate on a manufactured non materialist philosophy that retards personal, scientific and societal development

        If there is a section of ‘nice’ Zionists, Catholics, Anglicans, Muslims or even Buddhists they still don’t necessarily add up to a positive force for humanity.

        Aotea Square tomorrow Sat, at 2pm support the Palestinians rally, public solidarity is at least one thing New Zealanders can do. Various boycott suggestions are circulating too.

        • Morrissey

          Fair comment, my friend. In the protest tomorrow, which I cannot be at, unfortunately, please stress that Israel continues to violate international law, and daily commits war crimes. It’s not the ideology of Zionism that you’re protesting against, it’s the criminal ACTIONS of the Israeli regime, and its U.S. backer.

  15. Morrissey 16

    Case Number: 1089
    Council Meeting APRIL 2007

    On 7 July 2006 the National Business Review’s fortnightly Media Watch column, contributed by David Cohen, included criticism of the work and views of Jon Stephenson, a journalist specialising in international news and comment. Stephenson complained to the Press Council about the column, citing the Press Council’s principle that “publications should be guided at all times by accuracy, fairness and balance, and should not deliberately mislead or misinform readers by commission or omission.” He also complained that the column, and its publication, was motivated by malice. His complaint is upheld, at least in part.

    Cohen began by traversing recent developments in international reporting in the New Zealand media, especially print journalism. In his view, and despite some concerns, local newspapers were improving their coverage of “offshore situations”. He pointed to moving international pieces to more prominent positions, new and talented commentators and editorial decisions to send reporters to cover breaking stories in the Pacific.

    Cohen then outlined a different view about the adequacy of local coverage of international affairs, apparently held by Jon Stephenson. He referred to an interview on National Radio, and quoted Stephenson as stressing the need for the media to provide commentary from a New Zealand perspective, rather than simply printing articles sourced from overseas.

    Cohen questioned whether it was necessary to have information about some areas, such as Iraq, collected and delivered by New Zealanders and whether a New Zealand perspective on Iraq actually made much sense at all. Cohen then made some negative comments about Stephenson’s journalism, though praising him for bravery in going to “hotspots” such as Baghdad and for hard work.

    The Complaint
    Stephenson argued that the claims Cohen made about his professional work were deceptive, inaccurate, dishonest and unfair or unbalanced. He took particular exception to Cohen referring to him as “the self-described award-winning freelance foreign correspondent” and pointed out that the use of the term “self-described” could mean someone who is boastful of their achievements and/or someone who had not actually won any awards.

    He suggested that Cohen had “deliberately misrepresented” his views by quoting selectively from the RadioNZ Mediawatch programme.

    He was highly offended by Cohen’s comment that Stephenson “has been on a number of sponsored trips to various international hotspots, most notably Baghdad”. Stephenson thought that Cohen was hinting that his views on better foreign affairs coverage by NZ media were linked to self interest i.e. more work or free trips. He denied the implication…..

    Read more….

  16. Bearded Git 17

    This article from Zero Hedge is interesting. My guess is that hot Chinese money is boosting house prices in Auckland big-time in the same way as the Chinese are parking their cash in the US-see article.

  17. Bearded Git 18

    Toby Manhire excellent as ever on the (alleged) Billingsley rape and women’s rights.

    McCully should go.

    • ianmac 18.1

      Yes Bearded One. Toby covered all the bases so well. I wonder why the Government is not setting the agenda? Instead they seem to be trying to escape the discussion. Thanks to DC for helping to involve the population.

    • ianmac 18.2

      Yes Bearded One. Toby covered all the bases so well. I wonder why the Government is not setting the agenda? Instead they seem to be trying to escape the discussion. Thanks to DC for helping to involve the population.

  18. “..One alcoholic drink a day could raise risk of heart disease – study finds..

    ..Study contradicts claims that low to moderate consumption of alcohol has a protective effect..”

    (cont..) to be only use cannabis as yr social-lubricant..

    • the above is particularly relevant to all of those boomer-soaks..

      ..who open their evening bottle of red..with all the urgencies of a withdrawing-junkie fumbling with a packet of smack….

      ..(you know who you are..!..)

      ..those boomer-soaks who have perpetuated that ‘good-for-you!’-myth..since forever.. mask what is clearly a substance-abuse problem..

      ..and it’s friday all the more reason to ‘start earlier’..

      ..with their health-tonic…

  19. greywarbler 20

    Feeback. Am getting duplicate comment notice on first submitting. On each occasion I have gone back and pressed submit again – just to confirm – and have had the same notice. Then have gone to Home to bring up the comment which shows up okay.
    I’m on Firefox and a slow computer.

  20. greywarbler 21

    Feedback. Am getting duplicate comment notice on first submitting. On each occasion I have gone back and pressed submit again – just to confirm – and have had the same notice. Then have gone to Home to bring up the comment which shows up okay.
    I’m on Firefox and a slow computer.

    Note I only pressed once for that one and have edited ‘feedback’.
    Will see what happens now.

  21. dimebag russell 22

    thinking about violence.
    the national game is all about dominance up front, and sly slippers.
    every second house has a ferocious mutt totally useless for any thing but biting people, and the television and movies are awash with bloodshed.
    and the country is oversubscribed with surreptitious fight clubs and dogfighting.
    peaceful we are not.
    everybody is talking out of both sides of their mouths at once.
    nothing is ever done while all these rugged individuals assert their freedom.
    what a joke.

    • that is cool..

      ..and how about that whoar..?

      ..carrying this story way back on the 9th…

      ..always first with the

  22. aerobubble 25

    Campbell Live takeup the anti-Bike crusade!

    According the Campbell live, kids cannot ride on the pavement. In fact though Hamilton Counil has built actual ramps for cyclists to ride on the pavement, green coat of paint as well, that its illegal according to Campbell live to ride on pavements.

    Look, its simple, NZ roading is non-low standard, that’s in part why we get more accidents. Where cyclists do die is often where councils haven’t thought about cyclists. That reminds me of the footpath death of a women, on a pathway cyclists can ride on, who died because the slope was so steep!

    So just saying, why is there this effort to define cycles as just another vehicle? Cycles are far more stable than old people (who use the foot path), cycles can be match a runner (who can legally run on a footpath), cyclists should they dismount (are legally allowed on the footpath), kids with skateboards are much more dangerous, or worse, roller skaters. Posties ride on the footpath!
    Cyclists are pedestrians, but because there are so many of them its necessary to extend the footpath into the road in some places, but the clear fact is no imbecile should be on TV telling five year olds that they have to ride on the road. That’s just dumbnut.

    • greywarbler 25.1

      I do want to point out at the risk of being very unpopular, that cyclists when riding their bikes on a footpath are NOT pedestrians. They are more likely to be moving fast along a footpath (Note : Footpath) than runners and often they are more silent than runners. If I am on a footpath and get knocked into by a bike, I am more likely to fall over and break something rather than the person who knocks me and can still ride away.

      I think that bikes should be licensed annually, with a small fee that goes with attending a course that talks about safe riding, being aware of traffic, what new features have been added, how best to go around roundabouts etc. and also sells bells and everyone should have a sound stick attached to the bike that is whipped by the wheel making a regular noise when ridden that most people can hear.

      Also another thought = cyclists should not be criticised for turning left on red lights, or running a red light, if safe. Their special problems should be allowed for, and motorists receive regular driving updates along with their licences. A 70 year old driver swerved in front of a young woman in Christchurch months ago. At that age anybody should be a very good careful driver or be off the road. There needs to be refresher courses, for everyone. Bad habits can become, well, habitual.

      Better thought and some courtesy, which does not seem to be taught to drivers these days, would make the road and the footpath safer for all.

    • ianmac 25.2

      aero: On Campbell Live they had a segment showing kids being taught the safety on bikes.
      I am a great bike enthusiast. Support kids biking or better by walking to school.
      BUT those kids were too young to bike on the road safely. Concepts of time/distance/carspeed not for young kids. 10years + probably OK.
      The essential is for kids to indicate then put their hands back on the handlebars before turning. Madness to try and turn while one hand out. Wobble wobble fall.

      • greywarbler 25.2.1

        I had a great comment on bikes, but it got away. I hoped it would turn up but no.
        I will write it again some time. I thought it made good points but time has flown.

  23. Chooky 26

    Another reason why New Zealand needs more Research and Development to diversify away from the dairy industry….see ‘Milk without the Moo’…. in ‘New Scientist’ 28 June, 2014

    …. in this article in ‘New Scientist’, biotech company Muufi is aiming to produce a cow free milk…”we are crafting animal-free milk from the bottom up…”..using six key milk proteins”…(far easier to make than cultured meat)…via biochemical engineering…” ‘New Harvest’, an international non-profit organisation, which aims to end factory farming through advances in science and technology” …is also involved in this venture. ..(leaving out lactose and cholesterol and bacteria…product will need not pasteurisation or refrigeration)

    …Looks like competition is looming fast for the dairy industry!

    • u cd have mentioned it is paywalled..chook..

      ..this isn’t..

      • Chooky 26.1.1

        well phillip i was hoping you would be interested enough to subscribe to ‘New Scientist’

        ….this is no backyard or garage amateur job …these companies mean BIG Biotech Business…which will threaten the NZ dairy industry

        …another reason for the Labour/Green /NZF/ManaInt coalition putting lots of R @D capital into biotech …and maybe encourage Fonterra into it as well

        • phillip ure

          meat and dairy are sunset-industries..

          ..and it won’t be because of everyone going vegan..

 will be because of the arrival of similar/better(?) cruelty-free products…

          ..that will be cheaper to produce…

          ..and will usher in the death of the meat/dairy-industries..

 farmers will get their shit together..

          ..and change from running animal concentration camps..

 growing/producing real-food..

          ..(james cameron is providing a model for them to follow..

          ..with his buying up of dairy-farms..

          ..and converting them to grow real food..)

          ..the winners of this bio-tech race will make a lot of money..

          ..they know the potency/market-potential of this cruelty-free/cheaper to produce alternative..

          ..that will taste/cook the same way..

          ..there will no longer be any addiction-excuses for supporting this barbaric treatment of living/sentient beings…

          ..and it will be the dumb concentration-camp owner who doesn’t see this future..

  24. Jenny 28

    Do You Believe In Climate Change?

    Hilarious responses by National’s support parties

    Chris McKenzie – Maori Party 00:25

    “Absolutely believe in climate change. And you know, you’ve got to be a fool if you don’t. The effects are all around us.”

    Peter Dunne – Peter Dunne 12:45

    “I think, anyone who doesn’t believe in climate change is a fool

    Jamie White – ACT Party 08:45

    “That’s a silly question”

    What’s the cost of doing nothing?

    Jamie White “I don’t know what you mean by doing nothing.”

    “People are doing things. All sorts of activities are going on.”

    Colin Craig – Conservative Party: 16:18

    Do you, believe in climate change?

    “Yes I do. I think the climate has always been changing and will continue to always change. And I don’t think we needed 21st Century science to tell us that climate is changing.”

    What sort of effect do you think we will see in New Zealand as a result of climate change shall we say in 40 years? 17:00

    Colin Craig “Look. Again, climate has been changing and will continue to change. I think that if we look back historically we can see that seasons vary that, we can see that we have cold years we have hot years sea levels rise sea levels fall…”

    It may have just been a matter of Being There. Like Mr Chauncy Gardener there has been some sort of miscommunication with the interviewer and they are talking at cross purposes here.

    Um? Could it really be the daily tides and the annual seasons, that Colin Craig is talking about?

    • ianmac 28.1

      How very true is the wisdom of nature. Heh!

      • Jenny 28.1.1

        Colin Craig Chauncy Gardner’s real life doppelganger.

        I suppose he is more endearing (in a creepy kind of way) than the frenetic blithering idiot from ACT.

  25. dimebag russell 29

    Q: why are the nutbars afraid of abortion?
    A: it might be made retroactive!
    (apologies to Joan Rivers)

  26. Draco T Bastard 30

    Reason why National pushed bill through parliament under urgency?

    Newly released documents show keeping on the good side of Washington was one reason the Government decided to share financial information with the United States authorities.

    Yeah, to keep on the “good side of Washington” rather than it being a good law (which it isn’t).

    • Murray Olsen 30.1

      Just keeping “in the backside of Washington”, the natural habitat of Key and his regime. Why the hell should we pay to make IRD systems compatible with the seppos? Bloody Washington should be paying the salaries of the NAct caucus, instead of getting representation for free.

      I hope the next government has the guts to repeal this.

  27. joe90 31


    Mike Boyer, 30, was canned Tuesday after waiting 20 hours to buy pot and immediately going home to smoke. He was called up for urine analysis after he was spotted on TV buying the pot. Boyer told The News he ‘regrets nothing.’

  28. North 32


    Absolutley esssential compelling viewing – gut turning indeed.

    Narrator a Jewish American woman.

  29. North 33


    Absolutley compelling, shocking viewing.

    Presented by a Jewish American woman.