Open mike 16/12/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, December 16th, 2015 - 63 comments
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63 comments on “Open mike 16/12/2015 ”

  1. Paul 1

    Last night AC/DC were ‘Back in Black’.

    Today the government is back in the red.

    Useless, corrupt, duplicitous.

  2. Ad 2

    For those of you eagerly awaiting the arrival of Star Wars, just a little hint of how seriously some people take it.

    The Zion Church in Berlin is hosting a special service on Sunday to coincide with the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There’ll be Return of the Jedi clips, an organist interpreting the score, and heaps and heaps of Christian-Star Wars metaphors … and probably lots of good Freudian stuff about God, the Father, the Son, and all the other gendered freight that Christianity has bestowed upon the entire franchise. (Apparently the entire amount of dialogue spoken in the film by any female character totals three minutes).

    Hopefully one of Auckland’s North Shore mega-churches will do the same and really screw with people’s minds.

    Not interested? I find your lack of faith disturbing. 😉

  3. Penny Bright 4


    There was a Radio Live poll on Duncan Garner’s show for Auckland Mayor yesterday, and I polled a clear third with (at one point 17% – maybe now 16%).

    Phil Goff polled 1st with 40%.
    Victoria Crone 2nd with 33%.

    I now look forward, on mainstream media, to being given a fair and proper opportunity to put forward my VERY clear policies to obtain the ‘fiscal prudence / responsibility’ to which Phil Goff and Victoria Crone are making vague reference.

    Penny Bright

    Credible and serious 2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate.

    • James 4.1

      If you have to sign off a post with “Credible and serious 2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate”. – you probably arn’t.

    • Puckish Rogue 4.2

      Well I voted for you as a joke and I live in Christchurch so I wouldn’t be getting your hopes up any time soon

    • Visubversa 4.3

      Apart from the 7 years full time anti corruption campaign with zero results, and previous experience as a redundant welding tutor and room renter – any qualifications for the Mayoralty Penny?

      • Penny Bright 4.3.1

        Helped to stop the proposed Wellington ‘Supercity’.

        Have been campaigning for the last 5 years for NZ to ratify the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).

        NZ did (finally) ratify UNCAC – on 1 December 2015.

        Within 24 hours – as it happens – of an ‘Open Letter’ I emailed locally, nationally and internationally, exposing (amongst other things) – the FACT that New Zealand had STILL not yet ratified the UN Convention Against Corruption.

        In my view, the ratification of UNCAC is not just another meaningless piece of paper.

        Now that UNCAC has been ratified – the next step is ‘implementation’.

        There is a lot of, in my view, a lot which is potentially VERY helpful in the UNCAC in the fight against corruption in NZ.

        Have a google and have a read for yourselves, and see what YOU think 🙂

        Penny Bright

        2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate.

    • Chooky 4.4

      GO PENNY BRIGHT!…may the FORCE be with you!…and you overtake both Victoria Crone and Phil Goff

      ….You would make a magnificent Mayor …and corruption fighter!

      You could take Auckland back to the 1960s or 1970s..before the rot set in

  4. Manuka AOR 5

    A very good article by Bryce Edwards in the Herald, on the Struggle for Political Integrity.

    “The integrity of governance of any society is dependent on numerous pillars that hold up democracy. Akin to an old roman temple, important institutions such as the Official Information Act, public servants and watchdogs act as the foundations of a corruption-free society.

    “But in 2015 it became apparent that some of the pillars of New Zealand’s governing arrangements have eroded, making democracy less stable. There have been apparent failings in the OIA regime, transparency of Government ministers and departments, murky deals struck and clampdowns on attempts to get accountability. ”

  5. Morrissey 6

    TV3 breakfast television has been watchable for a few days:
    That’s because Paul Henry is away, replaced by Alison Mau.

    PAUL HENRY, TV3, Wednesday 16 December 2015, 8:10 a.m.

    Imagine you’re back at school. You have a really substandard, nasty, teacher who terrorizes everyone with his sarcasm and his provocative, threatening language. In his classroom everyone feels oppressed, and resentful, but he’s a bully and no one has the heart or the spine to confront him. Imagine the relief when the nasty, substandard, hated teacher is away for a few days and he’s replaced by an intelligent, kindly, competent woman teacher….

    That’s pretty much what it has been like this week on TV3’s morning dog PAUL HENRY. The regular host, Paul AKA “Death to Ratings” Henry, has had to take time off for some reason, and has been replaced by Alison Mau. The difference in tone and intellectual level is striking.

    Take this morning’s “Panel” segment after the 8 o’clock news for example. The guests, Amanda Gillies and Simon Pound, were not badgered about insulting trivialities, and were treated as adults. Talking about the ridiculous decision to close the Los Angeles public schools after a hoax ISIL terror threat, Simon Pound reminded us that Los Angeles children are under far more danger from white home-grown Christian terrorists than they are from any Islamic terrorists.

    This level of insight is forbidden by Henry, who would not have tolerated such common sense. Here’s a reminder of what Henry has to offer on the subject…..

  6. Paul 7

    Fanboy, flag lover and climate denier Leighton Smith interviews his idol John Key on talk hate station ZB.
    Warning. Listening to this may be bad for your health.

  7. Ffloyd 8

    I don’t get this Jonah Lomu thing.

    Beneficiaries are apparently in their state of poverty due to their POOR CHOICES and desire Not to Work!!

    Jonah Loma made some POOR CHOICES and left his young family with no money to live on.

    This apparently is to be regarded with sadness and sorrow that such a *great athlete* was reduced to poverty.

    Therefore our esteemed!! PM thinks maybe there should be a Charity Match with all the Big Stars (think Richie) to raise money to support and educate Lomu’s boys.

    There apparently has already been paid out 90k for the Memorial. Whose money was that?

    So bene’s get slammed and shamed and Lomu is to be pitied and his family supported. Nothing against Lomu but this doesn’t seem right.

    • I have felt the same disquiet.

      Key – “On the other hand… I don’t know the underlying issues, but what I do know is there’s two young boys and what I do know is that there’s not just no money, there may be a couple of debts.”

      Lomu had done “an awful lot of fundraising work for charity”, and while he may have mismanaged his money, that did not mean his family did not deserve support.”

      I think the key for key is he had money and lost it rather than he never had money in the first place.

    • Puckish Rogue 8.2

      I agree, as long as its only corporates paying in its all good but it won’t be

    • Anne 8.3

      I think the key for Key is he had money and lost it rather than he never had money in the first place.

      Well, that makes it okay then. As long as he had lots of money once then spent it on luxuries like fancy cars that’s alright. It’s the ones who never had any money in the first place who made the wrong choices and are undeserving.

    • veutoviper 8.4

      Nothing against Lomu but this doesn’t seem right.

      David Fisher at the Herald has been delving into the family finances and filed three stories yesterday.

      First this one, early yesterday – note the references to Nadene.

      And then this really revealing one late afternoon, followed by an interview with Trevor McKewen. Seems father-in-law may not have helped Jonu’s financial situation.

    • gsays 8.5

      hi ffloyd,
      speaking of poor choices, investers in scf made poor choices but they didnt bear the fruit of those decisions.
      by being an invester it implies they had some spare coin and therefore able to ride out the upset.

    • Hami Shearlie 8.6

      Very sick puppy is Key IMHO – why don’t the Lomu clan trot down to WINZ like others have to? Why are those kids so special? And why did Auckland ratepayers have to fork out $90,000 for Lomu’s funeral?? No-one asked me if I would like to contribute to that! And why is John Key so very very concerned about those Lomu kids but totally devoid of concern for the hundreds of thousands of other kiwi kids living in poverty whose parents have NOT been profligate with money, unlike Lomu? Just when you think you couldn’t loathe Key more, something like this happens, and then the same day, he accuses beneficiary parents of taking drugs and claims that’s why they and their children are living in poverty? Could there be a more empty or revolting vessel than Key?

      • mary_a 8.6.1

        @ Hami Shearlie – Agree with your sentiments.

        All this goes to demonstrate FJK is as shallow as most of us have known all along!

        He’s rotten to his filthy core!

        BTW, love your very cute dog pic 🙂

      • maui 8.6.2

        +2, there is a dark chasm that people at the bottom of the ladder fall into. Self interested kiwis have locked them down there, keep on prodding them between the bars and taunt them with abuse. It’s sick.

      • Anne 8.6.3

        … why don’t the Lomu clan trot down to WINZ like others have to?

        My thoughts too Hami Shearlie. Many of us have gone through bad times and we needed help to meet our living costs. The hat could have been quietly passed around to those who can afford it, but of course that way would mean JK would miss out on a good photo op. and a look at me everybody. Aren’t I a kind and generous person. It sickens me.

        Bear in mind, Jonah Lomu was a John Key fanboy who was only too happy to be politically used by the National Party during the election campaign.

    • mary_a 8.7

      @ Ffloyd (8) – you got it right there. Been thinking the same, particularly as Jonah’s wife had the begging bowl out, in less than 24 hours after he had died!

      There’s a big smelly dirty rat involved somewhere, judging by the reports coming out now. And I don’t believe it’s all Jonah’s fault either.

      Wife Nadene was his manager. Now I wonder what it was she actually managed!

      • Hami Shearlie 8.7.1

        Well, from what I have been able to ascertain , what his third wife “managed” was to leave her husband of ten months, inveigle Lomu into leaving his wife Fiona (who was the one who got him through his transplant op AND arranged all his business affairs so he would have advertising jobs etc to help him financially once he became ill.)
        And then, his third wife got him involved with her father’s dodgy business dealings, and finally, as soon as he had left this earth, set up a give a little page and let people believe the money they would be giving was going to fulfil Jonah’s dreams, implying it was going to charities he supported – only later to finally have to admit, that it was she who was going to pocket the lot! And the timing, with her husband not yet cold. A normal person who is in shock and grieving would hardly be cold, calm and collected enough to dream that little ploy up!
        Old Jonah’s finances sure took some very “quirky” turns once he got involved with Ms Nadene “Quirk”!
        It’s rather noteworthy that this charity being set up excludes Ms Quirk entirely. What do all those people know about her that we don’t??

  8. Puckish Rogue 10

    This seems fair and I’m sure everyone will feel the same

  9. veutoviper 12

    This a perfect picture for a caption contest!

    Sorry, I cannot figure out how to copy just the photo itself.

    But two wonderful strands:

    What is Key doing to Collins’ hair? Is this a variation on ponytail pulling?

    What on earth is Woodhouse thinking as he watches?

    • Anne 12.1

      He’s whispering into her dainty shell-like ear… you f***k about like you did last time and I’ll finish you for good.

      • ianmac 12.1.1

        “Thank goodness Judith you were willing to play the distraction role to save us from explaining the Dirty Tricks. I will make it up to you for your most loyal act. The Party is so grateful.”

  10. gsays 13

    driving to work thru the manawatu gorge, behind two trucks going 55 kph.
    coming towards us is a slow stream of traffic with 5 truck and trailer units (each bearing the yellow H card, meaning 50 tonne trucks), 25 cars and another 6 trucks.

    meanwhile over the river a train meanders thru with over 12 soft side wagons, several wagons loaded with building timber and lots of empty wagons.

    i thought about how powerful the trucking lobbyists must be to keep these dangerous, polluting beasts all over our roads, while being massively subsidized by the rest of us.

    then realized that the supermarket lobby would have a strong bearing on these behemoths staying on the roads.
    after all we must get these out of season, overseas fruit and veges to our stores.

    who else has a vested interest in the trucks dominating our highways.
    the big building chains?

    surely folk could do without overnight from auckland?

    are there that many votes lost in trimming trucking and investing in rail?

    • Draco T Bastard 13.1

      i thought about how powerful the trucking lobbyists must be to keep these dangerous, polluting beasts all over our roads, while being massively subsidized by the rest of us.

      Yep. It’s a concern. Government decisions need to be made upon the facts that are publicly available and not from behind closed doors to whomever is giving the biggest donations.

      We most definitely need to get rid of the truck subsidies.

      are there that many votes lost in trimming trucking and investing in rail?

      Part of the problem is the truck drivers who see that they’ll be losing their jobs rather than that they’ll be shifting from one job to another which will be safer with a more secure pay packet.

  11. Once was Tim 15

    John Key and ‘the Edge’.
    If this is the Brighter Fyoucha NuZull, it’s now my ambition, my esprayshun, my fucking heart’s desire to get the fuck out of the place as soon as possible.
    They can fucking soak in it!

  12. ianmac 16

    “A troubled Northland charter school has failed to turn itself around leaving the Education Minister no choice but to close it in March.

    Millions of dollars has been invested in Te Pumanawa o te Wairua, whose future remained uncertain after a final performance notice and a warning from Hekia Parata that the doors could still close if it failed another audit in October.”
    Well. I wonder how much of those millions will escape and how many millions of taxpayers will be refunded. (Someone has to pay for the MPs salary rise.)

    • ianmac 16.1

      They bought a farm.What happens to that?

      • Draco T Bastard 16.1.1

        Taxpayers could lose $5m after decision to axe Northland charter school contract

        Ms Parata’s office confirms $4.8 million of government funding has gone into the Whangaruru school, including $1.6 million in establishment funding, which the Nga Parirau Matauranga Charitable Trust used to purchase farmland on which the school is based.

        There are now questions about whether the Government can claim back the land or any other assets.

        Seems that they may get to keep it because of National’s determination to give away our money and our wealth.

        • ianmac

          Remember when the question of what happens to money if there is wind-up/fail. Parata avoided answering repeatedly. There is apparently nothing in the contract.

        • greywarshark

          Well what about us all starting schools? What else is National giving away?

  13. johnm 17

    The Australian fascist madness continues. They’re copying the crazy U$ lockdown on anything that does not strictly conform!

    • McFlock 17.1

      must be a plot by the lizard people.

    • greywarshark 17.2

      Icke has about 10 pages of personal intimate facts to fill out to get a visa to enter australia, similar to the last two times he has been there.He says that one question is to list all his education from birth until the present. State all his children, foster children, dead or alive, entire family etc.

      Perhaps they are planning to do a study of his biological characteristics seeing he talks a lot about being lizard people. But his actions cannot be more bizarre than many of the Australian governments anyway.

  14. Penny Bright 18

    Ok folks – what’s your view on this one?

    I have never owned, operated or managed a business in my life, and am not familiar or experienced with matters pertaining to private sector business law or ‘culture’.

    I apply for the job of Managing Director of a major corporate.

    Would YOU consider me ‘fit for duty’?

    (If you’re reading this Matthew Hooton – Im VERY interested in your considered opinion?)


    Penny Bright

    2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate.

  15. Penny Bright 19

    Just asking …. nicely 🙂

    Has Victoria Crone ever attended a single Auckland Council Governing Body or Auckland Council Committee meeting?

    How about any Auckland Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) meeting?

    How about any Auckland Local Board meeting?

    Has Victoria Crone had any experience as a ‘public servant’?

    Has Victoria Crone ever had any experience of local government law?

    If not – no disrespect – but how is she possibly ‘fit for duty’ as a potential Mayor of Auckland?


    Penny Bright

    2016 Auckland Mayoral candidate.