Open mike 19/09/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 19th, 2024 - 49 comments
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49 comments on “Open mike 19/09/2024 ”

  1. Ngungukai 1

    NZ headed for a Triple Dip Recession – well this is what happens when you give massive Tax Cuts to the Wealthy and the Average Joe gets F**k All, I work in the retail fresh fruit and vegetable trade and your Average Joe does not have any surplus cash to put fresh fruit and vegetables on the table after they have paid the rent. Re Tax Cuts I get an extra $15.00 per week on a salary of $50k, not enough to put much extra fruit and vegetables on the table. Meanwhile our PM Christopher Luxton gets an additional $18k per annum, equivalent to $346.00 per week if I am correct. It ain't Rocket Science why we have poverty in NZ and the lower socio-economic groups are struggling. This poverty is also a factor driving Crime here in NZ, however most of the Poly's here in NZ have their heads in the sand like Ostrich's.

    • tWig 1.1

      Not only $18K extra, but he can continue to take off mortgage interest payments of any investment properties he owns off his tax. With a property investment portfolio of $7mi, that's quite a bit of moolah.

    • Koromeke 1.2

      Speaking of "when you give massive Tax Cuts to the Wealthy", the gummint saw fit to give "charity" status to billion dollar corporations, which means they don't pay a cent in tax. Two of these corporations are Ngai Tahu and Tainui. We also see these corporations extorting other business that need to re-apply for resource consent and have to pay the Taniwha tens of millions to billions of dollars for the privilege. Guess who ultimately pays for these excesses? Those that can least afford it as the costs are passed on, not absorbed by the business being extorted.

  2. Jenny 2

    9 dead, hundreds wounded after another wave of device explosions in Lebanon

    Israel's defence minister declares 'a new phase in the war'

    The Associated Press · Posted: Sep 18, 2024 11:13 AM EDT | Last Updated: 14 minutes ago

    Walkie-talkies and solar equipment exploded in Beirut and multiple parts of Lebanon on Wednesday in an apparent second wave of attacks targeting electronic devices,……

    Solar powered devices?

    When even the solar powered light in our garden could be a weapon, should we be worried?

    How big a threat to us are our battery powered devices?

    Can my laptop be hacked to make the lithium battery overheat, and burn my house down?

    In a war between China and the US will our devices be on the front line?

    Is anyone in the media investigating this problem?

    If Hezbollah or Hamas had launched these attacks every resource available to our society would be invested in giving us the answer.

    Afterall we already know how dangerous these devices can be, even with out evil intent.

    With unintended spontaneous cockpit fires and E bike explosions.

    Lithium battery fires in aircraft › lithium-battery-fires-in-air…

    There is a growing number of lithium battery fires on aircraft. These incidents range from localized and limited fires to large, uncontrollable in-flight fires…..

    Is this how World War III will start?

  3. Tiger Mountain 3

    Thanks to the Israeli Butchers exploding pagers and two way radios, a huge issue has appeared for the tech and device industry and by obvious implication for users and the authorities.

    International supply lines are involved in the production of devices, lines that can now be seen able to be breached for nefarious purposes. Will air carriers get the shakes about mobiles on board? Will any number of businesses look sideways at mobiles on their premises…will mobile users (say Palestine solidarity supporters) themselves become wary…

    • mpledger 3.1

      After todays attacks it doesn't seem like it's sabotage of equipment. It's just too many different types of devices – it's just seems like too wide-ranging a supply line to infiltrate.

      • lprent 3.1.1

        In my opinion, it is most likely that they have changed some firmware code controlling battery controllers.

        Battery controllers for rechargeable batteries are finicky things, pretty complex code lumps of code to control charging, discharging, and temperature responses. It isn’t that hard to remove safeguards if you read the programming manuals. The last manual I read on a battery controller for Lithium ion batteries was about 200 pages of dense settings.

        I have blown up one Lithium ion batteries by accident during charging when I have been writing settings for a battery controller.

        I don’t imagine that it is that hard to force a fast discharge causing a high temperatures. Probably targeting one of the families of battery controllers firmware. And modern batteries have extremely high energy densities.

        All that would be required is to write code to talk to a controller, get it installed in a pager over the radio as a update, auto-install it, and then provide a online trigger to initiate it.

        • joe90

          In my opinion, it is most likely that they have changed some firmware code controlling battery controllers.

          Odds that the culprits inserted modified batteries into the supply chain?

          What do we know about Wednesday’s walkie-talkie explosions?

          The walkie-talkies that exploded had new batteries that had arrived in a recent shipment and had been distributed to a narrower range of Hezbollah members than the pagers, people familiar with the matter said. Hezbollah members said some of the explosions on Wednesday were stronger than those in the pager attack. Lebanon’s health ministry said nine people were killed and more than 300 were wounded in Wednesday’s explosions.


          • joe90

            This would make any and every device a potential bomb.


            B.A.C. did take on ordinary clients, for which it produced a range of ordinary pagers. But the only client that really mattered was Hezbollah, and its pagers were far from ordinary. Produced separately, they contained batteries laced with the explosive PETN, according to the three intelligence officers.


            • lprent

              Produced separately, they contained batteries laced with the explosive PETN, according to the three intelligence officers.

              Urrgh. The worst possible case. Explode and that will thermally overload the battery which would also burn of explode. I'd guess that they would trigger through a signal from the radio device passed to the battery controller. You'd just have to hook up one of the many extra lines to the controller.

              The batteries are also hermetically sealed against leakage from the battery cells. So you wouldn't get a explosive smell trace. The seal is also designed to expand because that is what lithium batteries do as they deteriorate – that would help to make the explosion more violent from containment.

        • Mountain Tui

          My brain kind of switches off as soon as I read a manual but I do like how people have skills like this. Not for what happened here, but it's interesting.

          War is just very sad all round and unbearable in many regards. We are the 1% when compared to so many countries and I wish we spent more time appreciating it – rather than being gaslit into poverty and culture wars by some in power.

    • Mike the Lefty 3.2

      If I were in Lebanon I wouldn't want to be carrying around a cellphone in my pocket right now or getting near a television or computer.

      I feel that the Israelis have something else planned and I'm sure it won't be pleasant.

      But it does raise the question: what else can be tampered with to cause injury and destruction? and what if Putin and Kim Jung Un got hold of the means to do this?

      • tsmithfield 3.2.1

        I am sure it is a preemptive strike, either to disrupt Hazbollah plans if they were about to do something, or to prepare for an Israeli invasion, as Ad points out below.

        Either way, looking beyond the nastiness of it, it is a very effective strategy in either scenario.

  4. Jenny 4

    Tiger Mountain @3

    19 September 2024 at 7:44 am

    …..International supply lines are involved in the production of devices, lines that can now be seen able to be breached for nefarious purposes….

    Will there be any international investigation into how and where these supply lines were breached?

    Will any effort be made to identify the operatives who carried out this so called "sensitive operation"?

    Will anyone be held accountable?

    Like so many other Zionist atrocities before it, will Israel's impunity see this latest atrocity being deliberately and systematically swept under the carpet?

    Will the news cycle move on?|

    Despite the dire implications of this new form of warfare will this shocking event go uninvestigated?

    Where were, and how were, the supply line breaches made?

    Is it possible for Russia to call on its Chinese ally to help it launch a similar attack against Ukraine?

    Production of mobile phones China 2012-2022

    Statista › … › Telecommunications

    15 Nov 2023 — In 2022, the production volume of mobile phones in China amounted to almost 1.6 billion units. China was the largest smartphone producer worldwide.

  5. Tiger Mountain 5

    Well, American top security people are very tight lipped at the moment as to implicating Israel, I’m just following media channel reports so far, but it appears a batch of Taiwanese pagers were sent to a possibly bogus Hungarian company set up by Mossad to do the explosive installs.

    Will anyone be held accountable–yes, but not the Israeli butchers!

    • joe90 5.1

      I'm reading it as a an Israeli controlled front did the deal to supply devices manufactured and sold by a Hungarian company called BAC Consulting, which had a license to use the Taiwanese brand on the pagers.

        • Tiger Mountain

          Thanks for the informative link Matiri.

        • Anne

          To add to the mystery here's another story from a former Israeli operative with the 'secret Israeli weapons division’ describing the preparation:

          “… we know that those pagers came out of a factory in Hungary, but it might be that those pagers left the factory in their original condition. But then maybe the customs diverted it, a delay for a couple of days because of customs issues, and then the [operations team] took care of [inserting the booby trapped devices]. It might be that the European company is an innocent company”.”

          Fascinating article.

          • Jenny

            Anne @

            19 September 2024 at 11:47 am

            To add to the mystery here's another story from a former Israeli operative…..

            “… we know that those pagers came out of a factory in Hungary, but it might be that those pagers left the factory in their original condition. But then maybe the customs diverted it,….”

            Fascinating article.


            Sounds, a little more like misdirection to me.

            If this wasn't a misdirection, which country's customs service is this anonymous spook alluding to?

            Hungary? Lebanon?

            Were the customs officers allegedly involved, bribed or coerced by Mosad, and no other customs employees in their dempartment noticed?
            The other alternative, the customs officers were ordered to divert these pagers by their government employer?
            And nobody in the government bureaucracy's chain of command, who may have been a little bit uncomfortable at this order, got wind of this operation and leaked it?

            Smells like bullshit to me.
            Just a little too convenient, and a way bit far fetched.

            We have one name: Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono

            From the link supplied by Matiri:

            "….the single owner of BAC is named as Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono. The company's most recent annual accounts, signed in May of this year, record a balance sheet of slightly more than $320."


            Fancy that. A not for profit electronics company that only makes pagers.

            Can we expect that a certain 'Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono', is being sought by interpol for questioning, with her description at every airport?

            Probably not.

            Israel's impunity makes sure that Western authorities including police and security forces will look the other way.

            • Jenny

              Who is Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono?

              An A4 sheet on a glass door, sounds the definition of a front company.

              British-educated businesswoman Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono

              British-educated businesswoman Cristiana Barsony-Arcidiacono (Facebook)

              From the Independent 12 hours ago:

              British-educated businesswoman denies making Hezbollah explosive pagers which killed at least 12 people

              Alexander Butler 12 hours ago

              …..her company’s website – which went offline on Wednesday morning – her work was described as “bridging technology and innovation from Asia”. The firm’s address was registered to a residential-looking two-storey building in Budapest, with its name posted on the glass door on an A4 sheet.


            • Anne

              I consider that a handful of ex Mossad and related agency officers know a damn sight more than you or I how Mossad operates. That was the intent of the item I linked to. Nothing more nor less.

              You on the other hand have chosen to interpret it as a pro-Mossad piece rather than an educative and factual piece of writing which was both informative and revealing.

              • Jenny

                "……a handful of ex Mossad and related agency officers know a damn sight more than you or I how Mossad operates…." Anne

                I am sure they do. I am also pretty sure that they are very unlikely to tell they operate.

                "You on the other hand have chosen to interpret it as a pro-Mossad piece" Anne

                No, I just think that their version is unlikely, And I said why.
                I think it is unlikely that Customs officers were bribed or coerced to divert a shipment of pagers without it being noticed by someone else. Even more so, if they were ordered to do so by their superiors.

                I might add that more and more and evidence is leading back to BAC, rather than border Customs of some unamed country.

                However, I would be interested to look at anythiing Mossad comes up with, that they wan to to add, to back up their vierson, that it was Customs.

                Which Customs? Of which Country? would be a good start.

  6. koina 6

    The next 9/11 is coming.

    Its not a matter of if.

    Its just a matter of when.

    • Ad 6.1

      … 23 years and counting.

      Maybe the anti-terror security architecture we all rely on is working.

      • koina 6.1.1

        23 years?

        Hitler festered about the Jews from 1915 and took action 25 years later in 1940.

        There are now millions of Muslim Hitlers out there planning revenge.

        The Jews became the most hated people in the world before the Nazis

        with the support of all Western European Christian lowered the boom.

        6 million Jews were not so smart between 1940 and 1944.

        The Jews are on the way to becoming the most hated people in the world again.

        Its gonna be 1940-1944 deja Jew all over again."

        6 Muslims with two knives brought down the entire USA defence system. at 9/11.

        Who will protects the millions of USA travellers when they are over seas?

        In the last month a couple of old blokes have beaten the USA security system

        just abut knocking out Trump.

        Another big one is coming.

        Will be great viewing

        • Tiger Mountain

          You are on thin ice with that kind of comment…

        • PsyclingLeft.Always

          Hitler festered about the Jews from 1915 and took action 25 years later in 1940.

          There are now millions of Muslim Hitlers out there planning revenge.

          6 million Jews were not so smart between 1940 and 1944.

          Its gonna be 1940-1944 deja Jew all over again."

          Another big one is coming.

          Will be great viewing

          Oh really? What hateful things to say. No place for nazi fans here !

        • Ad

          Disgusting comment

        • hetzer

          Koina, plenty of vids on youtube on Treblinka, Auschwitz, Ravensbruck etc for your "great viewing" . Your post is abhorrent.

    • SPC 6.2

      Is that it … is it a curious bird … more questions than answers …

      9/11 was to provoke the PNAC to action, because they needed regime change to create the vacuum for Islamic State (but Iran backed Shia rule Iraq and Syria now – what a defeat for both al Qaeda and PNAC).

      Today the divide is between those who want Israeli permanent rule of the WB and defeat of Israel. Will both lose, if there is a two state peace?

  7. Jimmy 7

    Some good news for Aucklanders with an electricity account, the Entrust dividend of $350 is being paid over the next few days. If you receive it by direct credit, it may be in your bank a/c now. Some people have it credited to their electricity a/c.

    Entrust dividend: Who’s in line for the $350 payout – NZ Herald

    • We also note that the Entrust Election is always held at the same time the dividend is paid out.

      • Ad 7.1.1

        An Entrust I want would use the dividend to buy back the 25% of shares in the NZ sharemarket …

        … then hand the while thing as a CCO to Auckland Council. And ACC rates would go down.

        • Visubversa

          I want them to spend more $$$ undergrounding power lines instead of carving out big "V for Vector" cuts in the middle of the street trees to maintain the required clearances for the power lines. It is a tragedy that they did not piggyback off the other works being done on Hendon Ave with the new housing developments there. The street trees are great and an important part of the streetscape.

    • tc 7.2

      Pity about the network having $12m foregone infrastructure investment for ticket clippers who do absolutely zero toward the security of electricity supply get reelected.

  8. tsmithfield 8

    It looks to me that the exploding communication devices amongst Hezbollah operatives is a preemptive strike.

    From what I have read, Hezbollah received the pagers about five months ago. Perhaps the Israelis set this up so they could disrupt Hezbollah's plans if they were about to do something major.

    This type of action is within the Israeli MO. For example in the Six Day War the Israelis undertook a preemptive strike against the Egyption air force and took out most of their planes befoe they even got off the ground.

    • Ad 8.1

      You don't make the move of blinding your enemy unless you're preparing for war.

      Israel's 98th Division is now on the border, and is believed to include thousands of troops, including paratrooper infantry units and artillery and elite commando forces specially trained for operations behind enemy lines.

      7 October will be the 1-year anniversary. Under 3 weeks from now.

    • SPC 8.2

      The Israelis got intell a year before the Oct 7 attack. Those above said it was too ambitious for Hamas to realise. 6 months before they got intell of Hamas training for the attack. Again it was dismissed.

      The biggest intelligence and IDF failure in their history.

      The attack came 50 years after 1973 (Yom Kippur war – they knew an attack was coming – but the Americans said if they acted first they would not be supplied with arms).

      An attack 50 years later fits the black September timing of attacks at "harvest time" because of the nature of the Jewish calendar (Sept/Oct harvest month – and there is historic significance to Oct 7 as well, in 2023 the first sabbath day after sukkoth – ending on the Friday Oct 6).

      For mine, this is a pre-empting of any Hezbollah attack on Oct 7 2024, or Sukkoth later in the month.

      Bravado 101, a warning that any war will involve stuff Iran has not warned them about. Iran itself, not being a safe place for pro Hamas Arabs to visit.

      As our local fan of all things Rainbow (Dec 2016 UNSC decision hate speech against McCully) puts it.

      Hezbollah is recognised as a terrorist entity by over 60 countries including the EU, UK, US, the Arab League, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

      They get tech to spy on their citizens.

      People sometimes forget that many Arabs (and Turks) see Iran as having a hegemon ambition, exploiting Israel to pose as leader of the Moslem world. The Arab League (and Turkey) position is now a two state outcome, Iran is the outlier.

  9. Adrian 9

    There got to be more than what matches the eye here. Hamas have apparently had them for 5 months but it stretches the imagination that no one has changed a battery or tried to fix one and gone ‘ hang on, what’s this ‘ , 5 months and thousands of devices.. makes no sense. Also the sabotaging of household battery walls is just shitfuckery of the highest order.

    • lprent 9.1

      …but it stretches the imagination that no one has changed a battery or tried to fix one and gone ‘ hang on, what’s this ‘ , 5 months and thousands of devices.. makes no sense.

      It was probably code that sets the settings on the battery controller chip (or any power controller chip). Those things come in families and they get used in a wide variety of devices. Almost every device that stores and releases power uses controller chips or boards to make sure that the power in charged or discharged at a safe rate and that their energy store doesn’t overheat.

      In lithium-ion type batteries, every one that you plug into a device has a battery controller of a particular type or type family inside the battery casing. It carries the settings allowing safe charging, discharging, and temperatures. You can typically reprogram those settings from code in the device itself.

      It is usual to update code on most remote devices via comms. I’ve written a lot of code using internet, wifi, bluetooth, satellite, radio, ethernet, usb, jtag and just straight serial to update devices. Pretty hard to find a nasty even if you actually have the source code and compile it yourself. That is why remote updates or installation need a secure review / build / supply chain.

    • David 9.2

      It’s certainly a massive security breach for Hezbullah and Hamas, I could imagine a handful of devices being swapped for ones with the explosive device, but numbers are in the thousands. Now today we are hearing about other communications devices exploding.

      If Israel were to invade southern Lebanon, It would make sense for the Israelis to control the pagers and communication equipment remotely, while intercepting messages and feeding misinformation, not destroying them.

      This is something different, it may be part of an internal civil war within Hezbollah and other Palestinian organisations. There will be other regional players involved, not including the US, China, Russia or the UK.

  10. Stephen D 10

    We all know that the US backs Israel, and takes the flak accordingly.
    So how is it that Iran gets a free pass. They’re the ones supporting, and arming Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. With Iran’s avowed intent to wipe Israel off the face of the map, is it surprising that Israel takes the fight to their proxies?

  11. gsays 11

    "We all know that the US backs Israel, and takes the flak accordingly."

    What does that "flak" look like.

    I venture the US gets off scot free.

  12. Hunter Thompson II 12

    We are told Auckland real estate values are now at 4 year low, falling below $1 million.

    No worries for real estate agents though, cos of the way their commission structure operates.

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    New Zealand’s largest contestable science fund is investing in 72 new projects to address challenges, develop new technology and support communities, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins says. “This Endeavour Fund round being funded is focused on economic growth and commercial outputs,” Ms Collins says. “It involves funding of more ...
    4 days ago
  • Social Services Providers Whakamanawa National Conference 16 September 2024

    Thank you for the introduction and the invitation to speak to you here today. I am honoured to be here in my capacity as Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, and Minister for Children. Thank you for creating a space where we can all listen and learn, ...
    4 days ago
  • Parihaka infrastructure upgrades funded

    The Government will provide a $5.8 million grant to improve water infrastructure at Parihaka in Taranaki, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka say. “This grant from the Regional Infrastructure Fund will have a multitude of benefits for this hugely significant cultural site, including keeping local ...
    4 days ago
  • Serious assaults down 22% in Auckland CBD

    Cross-government action to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in Auckland is getting traction, says Police Minister Mark Mitchell. “Our central cities should be great places to live and work, but in recent years they have become hot spots for crime and anti-social behaviour. In Auckland, businesses and residents suffered as ...
    4 days ago
  • Increased certainty for contractors coming

    Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden says upcoming changes to the Employment Relations Act will provide greater certainty for contractors and businesses. “These changes to legislation are necessary to ensure businesses and workers have more clarity from the start of their contracting arrangement. It is an ACT-National coalition ...
    4 days ago
  • Draft critical minerals list released for consultation

    A draft list of minerals deemed essential to New Zealand’s economy and strengthening its mineral resilience has been released for consultation, Resources Minister Shane Jones says. The draft Critical Minerals List identifies 35 minerals essential to economic functions, are in demand internationally, and face high risk of supply disruption domestically ...
    4 days ago
  • Government eliminates $190 million in trade barriers to boost the economy

    The Government has successfully removed trade barriers affecting nearly $190 million worth of exports to help grow the economy, Minister for Trade and Agriculture Todd McClay today announced.  “In the past year, we have resolved 14 Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), returning significant value to kiwi exporters. These efforts directly boost our ...
    5 days ago
  • Reo Māori the ‘beating heart’ of Aotearoa New Zealand

    From private business to the Paris Olympics, reo Māori is growing with the success of New Zealanders, says Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka. “I’m joining New Zealanders across the country in celebrating this year’s Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week, which has a big range ...
    6 days ago
  • Need and value at forefront of public service delivery

    New Cabinet policy directives will ensure public agencies prioritise public services on the basis of need and award Government contracts on the basis of public value, Minister for the Public Service Nicola Willis says. “Cabinet Office has today issued a circular to central government organisations setting out the Government’s expectations ...
    7 days ago
  • Minister to attend Police Ministers Council Meeting

    Police Minister Mark Mitchell will join with Australian Police Ministers and Commissioners at the Police Ministers Council meeting (PMC) today in Melbourne. “The council is an opportunity to come together to discuss a range of issues, gain valuable insights on areas of common interest, and different approaches towards law enforcement ...
    7 days ago
  • New Bill to crack down on youth vaping

    The coalition Government has introduced legislation to tackle youth vaping, Associate Health Minister Casey Costello announced today. “The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2) is aimed at preventing youth vaping.  “While vaping has contributed to a significant fall in our smoking rates, the rise in youth vaping ...
    1 week ago
  • Interest in agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review welcomed

    Regulation Minister David Seymour, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds, and Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard have welcomed interest in the agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review. The review by the Ministry for Regulation is looking at how to speed up the process to get farmers and growers access to the safe, ...
    1 week ago

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