Open mike 19/03/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, March 19th, 2016 - 45 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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45 comments on “Open mike 19/03/2016 ”

  1. Planet Earth 1

    Did somebody say unions? I wonder if Matt McCarten is relaxed about Unite Support Services unpaid and overdue taxes? That’s assessed taxes by the way, not “potential” taxes legally avoided.

    [Stop trolling. First and last warning. Stick to the subject matter of the post – MS]

    [lprent: Moved to OpenMike as being off topic. ]

    • Richard McGrath 1.1

      Good grief. I would have thought the situation with Unite was at least partly relevant, although in their case it probably wasn’t avoidance.

      [lprent: Because the post was about

      1. ‘Taxpayers union’
      2. Overseas corporations
      3. Taxes

      If you want to make your own rules then create your own blog and your own audience. If you try it here… Well read the self-martyrdom offences in the policy. Do you have any rational questions – possibly ones related to rule making procedures on privately held blogs?

      Please note that I have less interest in litigating the meaning of what we put in our policy than I do in the creative process of writing pithy and highly offensive notes as I ban someone. ]

  2. ScottGN 2

    YouGov poll backs up the recent ICM Guardian poll and says that squabbling over Europe is hurting the government.

  3. saveNZ 3

    Don’t normally bother to link to herald but this caught my eye

    Cancer drug giant’s tax bill less than PM’s

    Why does the government sign a deal so that Big Pharma need more corporate welfare and tax discounts, and longer patents so that big Pharma receive more profits, under TPPA?

    More robbing the poor to pay more to the rich!

    Bet that’s not mentioned on the tax payer funder Roadshow.

    • Smilin 3.1

      Its great eh the way rich think about tax .
      They are controlling the game merely by their presence and able to lie about paying tax to the govt because the govt is in the same game of lying to the country
      Then we really have a democratic economics problem
      They are both crooks
      Key is the epitome of this ,he was made by this system first highlighted by Bruce Jesson in “Behind the Mirrored Glass”way back in the 80s ,nothing has been done because all these crooks have and will continue to run the system
      Roger Douglas Bob Jones Ron Brierly and the weasel of Telecom and the Mother of all economic fuck ups, Bolger, Shipley the list goes on , the founding fathers and mothers of this corrupt system in NZ.
      Now we have this system of the multinationals and they about to snuff out our sovereignty in the TPPA and NZ will become like Britain with huge pressure caused by a govt whose only way of staying ahead of the rort is to up immigration of those whose bank accounts can swell the tax take that will continue to be bled out of us to the overseas corporate blood suckers supported by this govt
      The solution NZ First because they are the only ones who have had the balls to call it out
      It a “Highway to Hell” to quote ACDC

  4. saveNZ 4

    A refreshing read as well, what’s happened to Granny??
    Dawit Arshak enjoys the freedom and safety of his life in New Zealand.

    “I love that people have the right to talk, to express themselves. I can be against John Key, and he won’t be after me.”

    +++(Unless you are Nicky Hager, Bradley Ambrose and Dotcom and more…)+++

  5. The Chairman 5

    Key dancing on immigration numbers on the Nation.

  6. John Shears 6

    Keyed in Matthew Hooton and this is what I got,

    Tricledrown: Comment:Message from Andrew Little about TPPA
    Date published: 4:19 pm, January 29th, 2016
    Hooton that’s not ratified in … as a result. Bang on Mathew your full of shit.

    So he has not been seen on TS since Jan 29th or am I missing something? don’t get me wrong I am not missing his biased and provocative comments just curious.

  7. ianmac 7

    Great cartoon on how the Government/IRD chase the little cheats and turn a blind eye to the Big ones. A picture is worth a…

    • tc 7.1

      Takes serious resources to pursue the big boys, clip those back and that’s about all they can chase.

      Do this across com com, sfo, electoral commission and a host of other bodies that are intended to level the playing field and umpire proceedings that’s what you get left with, anything but a level field.

  8. Chooky 8

    For a chilling insider story on how corporate power in USA is upheld by corruption, depravity and worse …key into utube ‘Kay Griggs’ interviews.

    Kay Griggs is a whistleblower of the stature of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden…and even Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    • Tim 8.1

      The insane ramblings of a diseased mind, chilling to you. Just funny and sad to most normal people..

      • Chooky 8.1.1

        your descriptors of “insane ramblings” +”diseased mind” +”funny” + “sad” = a reflection on yourself and misogyny and chauvinism imo ( which is how she was treated)

        …Kay Griggs gives huge amount of credible factual detail and names
        …let people make up their own minds and view it themselves

  9. Draco T Bastard 9

    Free-market proves that it’s incapable of holding power to account:

    Two network sources also confirmed the unprecedented control the television networks have surrendered to Trump in a series of private negotiations, allowing him to dictate specific details about placement of cameras at his event, to ensure coverage consists primarily of a single shot of his face.
    Network officials say the ratings have borne out commercial incentives to devote their campaign coverage to largely unfiltered streams of Trump talking. Trump’s presence in the race has also been good for local television stations who reap the benefits of increased spending on advertisements. CBS CEO Les Moonves quipped that Trump “may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS, that’s all I got to say.”

    Good for business apparently. Not so good for anything else.

  10. joe90 10

    America huh

    Greg Pinelo

    This is outrageous and the Sanders campiagn should repudiate it.

    Greg Pinelo

    Sanders backers saying “the Confederacy shouldn’t get to choose our President:” In Dem primaries, you’re talking about black people. Stop it

    • Kevin 10.1

      Strange place.

      The southern states will basically decide the Democrats candidate, but will have no effect on the national result in November.

  11. adam 11

    PJ Harvey Once again rocks the world with a message of hope.

  12. North 12

    God hope they’re not gonna lift the arse to presidential level.

    Sometimes I have this consciousness of witnessing a terrible history happening.

  13. Tautuhi 13

    Government and Big Business have been one big con in this country for the past 40 years, Business Round Table yeah right, nah?

  14. Mike C 14

    Fantastic to hear that Europe’s Most Wanted Man and Terrorist … has finally been caught.

  15. Penny Bright 15

    Who agrees that it is significant ‘conflict of interest’ for Auckland Council to be a member of the NZ Property Council?

    ‘Democracy for developers’?

    On 31 March 2016 the Auckland Council Governing Body will be voting on whether Auckland Council should withdraw its membership of the NZ Property Council.

    In my view, it is a serious ‘conflict of interest’ for Auckland Council to be a member of the NZ Property Council.

    (Who actually represents Auckland Council at meetings of the NZ Property Council?

    To whom do they report back?

    Where are the ‘minutes’?

    Where are the ‘boundaries’ – between ‘public’ and property developers?)

    (There is an interesting story on this matter in the current print version of the NBR).

    As an Auckland Mayoral candidate I am absolutely opposed to Auckland Council and Auckland Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) being members of private sector lobby groups such as the NZ Property Council AND the Committee for Auckland.

    Penny Bright

    • Chooky 15.1

      +100 Penny

    • maui 15.2

      Most councils are chummy with developers, its all about the money and the neverending growth model society has adopted. Long term effects on the environment and community are usually just ignored. This applies to pretty much all the subdivisions we’ve been building for the last 50 years.

  16. North 16

    Yes Yes Yes Penny !

    I don’t wish to engage in ???? about the minutiae. In principle and in proper, decent practice, it is amply clear. They cannot be so engaged. Runs the risk of people liking some other people too much and not doing their honest duty.

    Yes Yes Yes Penny !

  17. North 17

    Look at the picture. What’s going on here ? What’s someone trying to suggest what’s going on here ?

  18. North 18

    Sorry for my frequent comments……haven’t had a chance until now to have a good look at what’s going on.

  19. North 19

    I reckon we’re gonna get something fine here…..

    Retired High Court judge Rodney Hansen QC is an excellent, excellent jurist.

    Get ready for excellence of report.

  20. Ovid 20

    An explainer of what’s going on in Brazil

    • pat 20.1

      you remember Brazil…one of those BRICS that was going to drive world economic growth…..hows things in Russia, China and South Africa of late?

    • weka 20.2

      Thanks, that was very interesting.

      Two phrases for NZ,

      This ends in pizza (a Brazilian saying about scandals that fizz out).

      “I steal, but I get results” (a Brazilian man running for office where corruption is the norm. Key could use “I like, but I get results”).

  21. The Chairman 21

    Meet DRU – The newest team member to join the Domino’s family! He’s the world’s first autonomous delivery vehicle!