Open mike 20/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 20th, 2024 - 1 comment
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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One comment on “Open mike 20/10/2024 ”

  1. Mike the Lefty 1

    It was interesting to hear Andrew Bayly being truly put on the grill by Checkpoint's Lisa Owen yesterday.

    She put it to him that he was a bully because bullies usually seek to downplay their behaviour as "being lighthearted", as Bayly clearly did in this case. He denied this of course but Owen was right – that is exactly what bullies do, I know – I have been a similar target in the distant past and that is also how my oppressor justified himself.

    The only credit I would give to Bayly in all this was that he actually had the guts to appear live on the radio and submit to the questioning knowing he was going to be grilled. Most others would have bailed.

    I seem to recall that Bayly has been in trouble before about his behaviour towards people he sees more lowly than him (which is probably anyone who isn't rich and/or a farmer).

    He trades in on his no-nonsense tough guy rural bloke image who doesn't put up with any s…t. Probably has a dartboard with Jacinda Adern's picture on it at home.

    Just a typical National Party rural rich prick, nothing more nothing less. Insulting your inferiors is probably seen in the National Party as business as usual and will all be forgotten in another week.

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