Open mike 22/12/2022

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, December 22nd, 2022 - 36 comments
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36 comments on “Open mike 22/12/2022 ”

  1. PsyclingLeft.Always 1

    An advertisement seeking baristas, kitchen and hospitality staff and cleaners over the two weeks from December 28 has been attracting widespread attention.–no-experience-necessary

    IMO : Personally…not a fan of Mcdonalds (or the other fast foods in general)….however, they are at least stepping up. Qtown ( aka greed capital NZ) is notorious as being one of the most expensive places to live…for those on the bottom rungs….IE hospo, cleaners etc etc; Hey, they need a LIFE too ! And…where the fuck do they live ? Is that Someone Elses Problem ?

    So…I wonder what the other Qtown places will say/do? The old "we need immigrants. Cheap ones too" ? I reckon. that’ll be the whine from now……

    • DB Brown 1.1

      I have a mate required accommodation around New Years for himself and a few other performers. They got a dogbox for $1500 for the night.

      There's a reason the working class are rare on the ground there.

      • PsyclingLeft.Always 1.1.1

        Hospo employers, in particular, are wanting to ramp up for summer, McNaughton says, ‘‘but I don’t know how they’re going to do it apart from putting tents on people’s lawns, really’’.

        Yep. Been decades in the talk zone…but no real action or AFFORDABLE housing…let alone rentals. As : Greed…. and all its associated shit just black holes any chance for change. IMO for ever. And the whine for cheap immigrant labour will carry on likewise. As if thats any solution. : (

    • Graeme 1.2

      $28 – 30.00 / hour has been the going rate for hospo for a couple of months, just this one ended up in a job advert.

      A friend's niece came over for the uni holidays and walked into her first choice cafe and asked for a job, once the owner picked herself up off the floor she had the kid on an immediate trial and hired by lunchtime. Yeah, and on $28/hr and loving it.

      Rental accommodation is hard here, it's always been hard and will always be hard. Many, many more people want to live here than there's places to live, so the price goes up. Would you work for $15/hr when you could work for $30 at the place next door, same with rentals, why would a landlord rent for $500/week when there's someone standing there who will pay $800 or $1000.

      Right now things a little bit different to 'normal' (if you can say that Queenstown ever has a normal) in that there's virtually no international backpackers who would had previously filled the hospo jobs. This may, or may not, be a temporary thing as most of the backpacker accomodation has been taken out by covid disruptions and may not be economic in Queenstown any more.

      This summer will be pivotal for a lot of businesses in town, if they don't make it work they will be gone with the consequential personal losses to owners, suppliers and staff. If Josh Emett can't make it work here things are more than a bit tough, and there will be a lot of very precarious situations around the town. Emmett would have been one of the better ones to have been able to voluntarily liquidate. Personally I know of one who is totally fucked, they are putting one foot in front of the other until either a creditor winds them up, or they can sell / find someone to take it over.

      • Cricklewood 1.2.1

        That article re Josh Emmett was misleading at best he hadn't been involved in that restaurant group for quite a long time having sold his share.

        The actual restaurants he's involved with now are still very successful. Onslow and Oyster inn.

        • Graeme

          Still 2/3 owner according to the same article, sure hasn't been a director since 6/20.

          Companies Office records show Go To Collection is 66.67% owned by Emett and Caulton’s company Mayfare. Other shareholders include the Edgar family company SIL Long Term Holdings, and Sir Stephen Tindall’s K One W One, each with 8.33%.

          The company’s directors are Caulton, Andrew Glenn, and Emma Hill. Emett stood down as a director in June 2020.

          They were two very busy restaurants pre covid. Not any more.

  2. arkie 2

    Not content with reducing obligations to ‘as low as possible’, DairyNZ wants to remove the ‘backstop’ that incentivises action before 2025, to be replaced with nothing::

    DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel said the changes were a step in the right direction, with the new plan much more closely in line with what the sector was wanting.

    But some areas still needed more work, he said.

    He wanted what was called the ‘processor-level backstop’ dropped. In that scenario, if a pricing system is not in place by 2025, emissions will be tallied up by processors such as Fonterra – which then splits the cost among farmers.

    Despite the government changing tack and now pledging to set the levy price as low as possible, Federated Farmers said it was still too focused on using the price of methane as a “stick” to achieve reduction targets.

    This is a further example of how deeply unserious these advocacy organisations are about ever doing anything regarding climate change mitigation. If we want change there must be mechanisms to ensure it, relying on industry to self-regulate has been a utter disaster for the planet. Carrot or stick, something must be done; Labour seems to have opted for the wet bus ticket, and we will all suffer for it.

  3. PsyclingLeft.Always 3

    Green MP and former Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage will not be standing at next year’s election.

    Worn down/out? Other? I wonder who will step up? Hopefully someone Dynamic and Energising. IMO

    • The retirement (at the next election) of Sage and Logie gives the Greens the opportunity to refresh their front bench, and give a very critical look at the potential new candidates likely to get into Parliament.

      I know this is driven by the membership – to a far greater extent than with other parties. It will be interesting to see their list for 2023.

    • Hunter Thompson II 3.2

      And (hopefully) we get someone who has a sound understanding of, and respect for, New Zealand's constitutional principles.

      Principles such as limiting the use of entrenchment provisions in Acts of Parliament so as to exclude policy matters.

  4. An early Christmas present for the traumatized family being targeted by OT in their relentless campaign to remove 'Moana' (a healthy, happy little girl in a long-term foster placement) for the 'crime' that the foster parents are not Maori.

    The Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeal.

    Hopefully this is the end of the sorry saga – and the family can retire to decent obscurity and get on with providing a happy home for Moana.

    Sadly – I think that the ideology-driven cohort fostering this challenge won't be deterred – and will take this to the Court of Appeal.

    • Anne 4.1

      So, the well being and happiness of the little girl is the last thing to be considered? Why am I not surprised.

      She has a brother who lives in Wellington. There is no reason why a line of communication cannot be established so that the children can keep in touch with each other. It could also be arranged they get to see each other. I mean such arrangements exist among children whose parents are separated.

      No, there is the closed mind among the sociopathic at OT who want to retain control over the children at all cost.

    • Anker 4.2

      Excellent news Belladonna.

      The "ideology driven cohort". Indeed. I wish they would stop and self reflect and acknowledge that. after a horrific start, Moana is in the best place for her.

    • swordfish 4.3


      Ohhh, careful now … you'll raise the ire of the Critical Race Theory brigade … as you may know, these ruthless, self-righteous dogmatists wield "racism" smears like a full set of weaponry to enforce a very dubious suite of policies & close down any resulting critique.

      You'll be cast as Adolf’s reckless younger sibling by the fake “moralists” before you know it. Don’t support their crude deluded dogma ? … they’ll channel all their energy into making you a social pariah.

  5. Sacha 5

    Long may the scathing takes continue. Where would we be without twitter..

    • weston 5.1

      " Where would we be without twitter " ?etc

      golly youre a brave chap saying stuff like that around here Sacha !! They,re all off to 'masterdon ' are'nt they ?!!

      Pretty dumb tweet tho imo the patriot missile system comes with a lot of inherent problems such as a large team of fairly highly trained operators needed for each emplacement and a world wide shortage of the missiles themselves apparently.

      Its not going to be a quick fix for Ukraines woes but i guess the 'optics 'will look good and will serve American desires to 'escalate 'rather well since presumably the nationalists will think they will then be able to strike deep within Russia or at least continue to hit Donetsk from a safe distance which atm the Himars are doing but probably not for very much longer !

  6. Robert Guyton 6

    "It’s stating the obvious, but it’s worth restating for the record: a large number of these occupiers were tragically unwell. But a smaller number were exploiting the gullible and the stupid for their own financial gain or personal glorification. The challenge for politics in 2023 is to ensure that these grifters cannot hijack the next election."

    The dark side haunting New Zealand’s politics in 2022 must not hijack the next election

    Morgan Godfery

  7. Temp ORary 7

    The Fiji election continues to spiral into pre-civil war territory. I would be happier if the military would repeat their statement of non-interference, they have been a bit quiet of late:

    "Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama is still prime minister, please get that right. All the ministers … continue as ministers until the next government is appointed," Sayed-Khaiyum said at a media conference…

    He referred to comments made by outgoing Sodelpa general secretary Lenaitasi Duru that there were anomalies in the voting process.

    In a letter to the President of Fiji, Duru asked for the deferral of the sitting of parliament…

    Earlier that day, Duru told the media, he facilitated the secret ballot counting process and witnessed irregularities.

    "The quorum is made of 22 members … but present at voting was 30 of which four was non-compliant and some of those they were sitting there wasn't supposed to be voting," he said…

    On Wednesday, Fiji Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho said he had received reports of vandalism, particularly stone throwing following Rabuka's coalition announcement…

    FijiFirst was quick to claim these attacks as signs of instability that the country would continue to experience if the opposition coalition formed a government…

    The first sitting of parliament is yet to be announced and Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says according to the constitution the latest the president can call it is January 2, which is 14 days after the return of the writ of election.

    Fiji First Party general secretary Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum is also the Fijian Attorney General, and widely regarded as the brains of the outfit. He doesn't seem keen to go down without a fight. Additionally married to Ela Gavoka, the daughter of the former leader of Sodelpa (until a couple of days ago before the referenced coalition vote). Duru; the former Soldelpa General Secretary, was the one who sent notice to Gavoka that he was no longer leader (having failed to secure a majority in the election, and that a new leader wasn't due to be chosen till 2024), was then ousted from his own position the next day. After the 16 to 14 ("irregular") vote to back a; coalition government led by former coupster Rabuka, rather than a; coalition government led by former coupster Bainimarama.

    Where this is going to end has a lot of people (including Fijian immigrants to Aotearoa) very nervous.

  8. tsmithfield 9

    Zelensky has just met Biden at the Whitehouse.

    After the meeting, Kylie Atwood, National Security correspondent at the State Department has tweeted:

    "Ukraine "has defied Russia’s expectations at every single turn" Pres Biden says. He adds that Zelensky is open to pursing a just peace but Putin is not, saying Putin has no intention of ending the war."

    So, it is very clear that Zelensky wants a peaceful solution to the conflict. However, the problem is Putin, not the Ukrainians.

    It is quite obvious that Putin does not want a peaceful solution considering that Putin appears to be preparing for a new offensive from Belarus and has been continuing to mass troops and equipment there over the last month. This is not the behaviour of someone interested in a peaceful solution.

    Since Putin appears to be the problem, I suggest that all of us who want peace and this conflict to end should get on board with sanctions against Russia, and should support as much diplomatic pressure being put on Russia as possible so a peaceful solution to this conflict can be found.

    • mikesh 9.1

      So, it is very clear that Zelensky wants a peaceful solution to the conflict. However, the problem is Putin, not the Ukrainians.

      The problem is that what Zelensky considers a "just" peace entails Russia giving back all the territory she has gained so far, including Crimea. Well, the guy used to be a comedian; apparently he still is.

      • tsmithfield 9.1.1

        At least he has a negotiable position. Putin not so much.

        There was a possible solution prior to Putin annexing Ukrainian territory. That would have been a land-lease arrangement that would have given both sides a good part of what they wanted.

        But Putin stuffed that possibility.

      • UncookedSelachimorpha 9.1.2

        "Russia giving back all the territory she has gained so far"

        'gained', that is a very sweet and cheerful way of putting it.

    • mikesh 9.2

      Many a true word is spoken in jest.

      Zelensky says (or was reported on tonight’s TV1 News as saying) that it's in America's interests to continue supporting Ukraine!

      True. But probably not in the sense intended.

    • joe90 10.2

      Rishi "this is a once in a generation opportunity for our country to take back control of its destiny" Sunak reckons public service pay rises aren't affordable.


      2022 was supposed to be a year of recovery. Instead, we find ourselves in December, staring into the eyes of another recession.

      The war in Ukraine has brought us here, that’s unambiguously clear. The Russian invasion unleashed a surge in the price of energy which has trampled on the spending power of households and the profits of businesses.

      But in the background, the impact of Brexit is also being felt.


      Since 2018, John Springford at the Centre for European Reform (CER) has been modelling the economic performance of a UK that remained in the EU – using data from countries like the US, Germany, New Zealand, Norway and Australia, whose performance was similar to the UK’s before Brexit.

      The difference in performance between his “doppelgänger UK economy” and the real thing is stark.

      Mr Springford’s latest update estimates that Brexit reduced Britain’s GDP by 5.5% by the second quarter of 2022.

      Put another way, between April and June economic output was £33 billion lower than it would have been had the UK voted to stay in the EU, costing the government around £12 billion in lost tax revenues.

      In the year to the end of June 2022, Mr Springford estimates the tax loss at around £40 billion.