Open mike 28/05/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, May 28th, 2024 - 77 comments
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77 comments on “Open mike 28/05/2024 ”

  1. bwaghorn 1

    The rent subsidie needs to be stopped, nothing has ruined the nz housing situation like scewing the the market by allowing landlords to charge more than the market can sustain

    • PsyclingLeft.Always 1.1

      The Accomodation Supplement AKA the landlords benefit

      NZ$2.34 billion to 364,000 renters and mortgage holders.

      And of course this jerk…

      Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says he will pay back his accommodation allowance.

      He was receiving the payment which is $52,000 over the course of a year to live in his own mortgage-free apartment in Wellington – one of seven properties he owns.

      After much disapproval Luxury Luxon will now not accept his extra Benefit.

    • SPC 1.2

      Capped maximum payments mean recipients depend on their income and not the supplement to cushion rent rises, keeping government spending on the supplement to around 0.5% of the gross domestic product.

      Research from the United Kingdom found reducing housing allowances does not lower rents, but may cause overcrowding.

      Whereas maintaining the supply of accommodation allowances in the United States helps low-income households stay in their homes despite rent increases.

      If one wanted to intervene in the market to do some good

      1. a rent increase freeze (existing property)
      2. link migrant labour inflow with provision of new housing.
      3. restore an inability of the landlord to claim mortgage interest as a cost against rent income for existing housing (to direct property investment towards new supply)
      4. have a 5% stamp duty on houses over $2M to fund emergency housing
      5. maintain a growth model for Kainga Ora

      • PsyclingLeft.Always 1.2.1

        Your 5 points make sense. (are NActFirst open to sense?!)

        There is this….things getting worse.

        Rents at an all time high, Trade Me index shows

        Properties in the website's rental index have risen by an average of $50 in the last year, bringing the national median rental price to $650.

        $650… thats a big chunk of pay for worker/beneficiary? And the way that NActFirst are tightening things up…its going to be a hard time for renters.

        “Cost of living crisis: Families opt for Kiwisaver cashouts, cut back on food”

      • AB 1.2.2

        NACT will not do any of those 5 things – they are all contrary to the interests of their core supporters. Those 5 things will keep rents down, house prices down and wages up.

        Whereas NACT is intentionally engineering the opposite, wages down, rents up and house prices up. The long-term goal is consolidation of home ownership into fewer and fewer hands.

        In line with this strategy, expect attacks on financially vulnerable retired home-owners in order to make those houses available for purchase by the landlord class, rather than inheritance by the next generation. Skyrocketing Council rates due to central government not funding infrastructure, appears to be the first vector for this attack.

        Be assured, NACT supporters/donors want to own absolutely everything, and believe they deserve to.

        • Traveller

          NACT will not do any of those 5 things – they are all contrary to the interests of their core supporters. Those 5 things will keep rents down, house prices down and wages up.

          You might be surprised to know that:

          1. From 2008 through 2017, the median weekly rent in NZ increased by just 4% per year. From 2017 through 2023, the average rise was 6%.
          2. During the last labour government NZ had the largest wealth transfer to property owners in decades.
          3. Real wages grew under the last National led government but fell under the last Labour government.

          [You have been a very active and prolific shill here on TS. Some of your comments are bordering on (diversion) trolling. For example, this response of yours does not address the comment by AB about the plans and intentions of the coalition government. It is a diversion.

          Regarding your lazy use of the chart by on median rent in NZ based on lodged bonds, I consider this misleading because the numbers inflate [pun intended] the comparison. When using data from Stats NZ (e.g., the actual rents for housing increased by an average per year of 2.8 and 3.6% over the periods Dec-2008 – Dec-2017 and Dec-2017 – Dec-2023, respectively. These data feed directly into the calculation of the CPI. Calling this ‘surprising’ reflects your rhetoric of a shill.

          I have zero interest in wasting my or anybody else’s time here on discussing (litigating) this with you. My point is that you’re shilling and diversion trolling with loads of data, links, and quotes that make it look genuine when it is not. This is your warning – Incognito]

          • SPC


            1980's $25,000 to 96,000 1st

            1990's $96,000 to 155,000 4th

            2000's $155,000 to 351,000 2nd

            2010's $350,000 to 715,000 3rd


            The 25% gain in 2021 (Orr not restraining buy up by investors by maintaining the deposit criteria when mortgages were cheap and banks were awash with money) is now being wound back with costly finance that will hold down prices despite a housing shortage. Much of the 2020’s gain has already occurred.

            • Traveller

              Your figures don't reflect my comment at all.

              1. I referred to the period of the last labour government. Your data stops mid-way through that period, and so excludes 2021.

              2. My data was a comparison of house prices to inflation, in other words the real increase in value to property owners.

              3. The data I used has a statistical base line (1992).

              Here is my full comment from

              In 2002, median house prices were 23% above the inflation adjusted base (with a base year of 1992). (New Zealand median house prices (in NZ $) (1992=100) ( From there the gap began to open. In 2010, median house prices were 50% above the inflation adjusted base. In 2015 the gap was 64%, 2020 76% and in 2023 101%. From 2017 through 2023, median house prices rose by $225,000, when the inflation adjustment was only $60,098.

              • SPC

                They place it in context.

                Orr's 2021 policy disaster was an aberration, it is not a reflection of Labour's government.

                All property booms end with high interest rates.

                • Traveller

                  Orrs policy was in part driven by the dual mandate. That absolutely was a reflection on the Labour government.

                  But the other issue is that 2021 was not just a blip. Median house prices rose 53% between the end of 2017 and the end of 2020, which was more than they had risen in the 9 years of the last national government (49%).

                  • SPC

                    Meh where does the saying house prices double every 10 years come from?

                    We had population growth in the 2000's. Thus subsequent speculation.

                    Then Bollards high OCR and the coming of National.

                    A GFC and earthquake.

                    A recovery given low interest rates was inevitable. As was it becoming speculative.

                    Rinse and repeat – the impact of 2021 on top will be property at 2020 values (when adjusted for inflation) by the end of 202*.

                    And it wont be pretty given rising population demand for property (migrants in, citizens out over to Oz).

                    Then interest rates will fall and property will go up – so by 2030 …

                    • Traveller

                      House prices rose 53% in just 3 years, when they'd only risen 49% in the previous 9 years! That's not a coincidence. Interest rates were low through much of National's time in government, yet prices were far more stable.

                    • SPC

                      I give up. Shill away.

          • Incognito

            Mod note

            • Traveller

              Clearly you didn't follow the response to AB. B said Those 5 things will keep rents down, house prices down and wages up. My response was to directly demonstrate that that claim defies the history of the last national led government. It is not a diversion, it is a direct challenge to what was an unverified assumption.

              As to your claim about the rental data, I note that this is the first time you have engaged with me on this, and you do so as a moderator. Your response links to a spreadsheet containing 53,000 rows of unsorted data. How is that good faith debate? Why not just enter the discussion as a commenter?

              [As I said, I have no intention wasting my time on a fruitless discussion in bad faith, which is your MO. I’m surprised that with all your skills you couldn’t work out the link, which you can find on this webpage: Anyway, you clearly didn’t read the Mod note properly or simply don’t care. Take a week off – Incognito]

      • bwaghorn 1.2.3

        Freezes don't work , no subsidizing, the government should build rent to own , and of course stop pandering to mom and pop landlords , ( fuck ya national)

        • SPC

          Why not?

          • Belladonna

            When they come off they result in an immediate hike in rent – as landlords make up for the cost increases they've had to absorb. As we saw after the one instituted by Labour during Covid.


            They also encourage landlords to boot out sitting tenants, do some work on the place (adding value so the rent freeze no longer applies), and then re-rent.

            On their own, rent freezes are a really bad idea. At best a temporary bandaid over an issue.

            The 'better' solution from a socialist perspective is rent control. It also has unintended consequences, but they're not as severe as rent freezes. The biggest issue is landlords removing property from the rental pool – and moving to AirBnB style short term accommodation.

            Of course, the best solution is continuing to build at speed and at scale – to provide more housing, and therefore more choice for tenants. Historically an oversupply (or even near capacity supply) of housing reduces rents.

            We saw this following the Christchurch rebuild – when there was an excess supply of rental properties (both new builds, and families relocating out of ChCh)


            • SPC

              Unless a government can afford to increase AS, there is little alternative to a rent freeze or rent control (rent fixed to comparative value housing at the time of freeze – where a do up occurs) until market supply is increased.

              Is there any alternative given – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948?

              The issue is how incentivise landlords (only claim mortgage interest as a cost on new builds) to transfer investment to new builds and how to fund funding emergency housing (stamp duty) and a Kainga Ora build up (wealth tax).

              And get employers responsible for housing migrant workers (lest everywhere become become like Queenstown).

              • Belladonna

                Well. Labour tried it. And it failed badly.
                I somehow don't think that the coalition will be incentivized to have another go.

                You seem to have forgotten that landlord mortgage costs have increased markedly as well – and seem to be on an upwards trajectory. If they can't afford to keep the rental, they'll turn it into an Air BnB – or sell up. And before you rejoice over the 'sell up' – every house sold to an owner/occupier results in one fewer rental.

                Nor do I think that additional taxes are at all likely under this government – and Labour fought shy of them in the last campaign – so it seems they'd be unlikely under a left(ish) government either.

                Moves to reduce the cost of building – would be a far better move. Incentivizing councils (by letting them keep the GST), reducing the red tape, reducing the cost of building materials, etc. The government could come to the party by allowing private builds on government owned land (government retains ownership of the land – and only the house is owned/onsold).

                Queenstown seems to be an anomaly. Where the high population is pretty much only for catering for tourists. Rules over provision of housing, would result in substantially higher prices in things like restaurants, etc. And mean that it becomes a destination only for the extremely wealthy. I don't know whether or not that's a good idea. Pretty tough on the rest of the ordinary people who live there, though.
                How do you think that would work in something like aged care? Where the care workers are overwhelmingly migrants. They don't want to 'live in' (they have their own families). And adding that cost would likely drive the marginal ones into selling up (it's certainly already happening in Auckland). Leaving the wealthy the only ones able to afford aged care. Again, not exactly the situation we'd want.

    • Cricklewood 1.3

      Yep, its a massive wealth transfer scheme thats benifited property owners, landlords but most of all the banks.

  2. newsense 2

    Labour leader Chris Hipkins says Winston Peters is using his leverage to keep the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Mfat) from the full force of public sector cuts.

  3. newsense 3

    Labour leader Chris Hipkins says Winston Peters is using his leverage to keep the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Mfat) from the full force of public sector cuts.

    I mean good, right? This comes across like Hipkins is pursuing Peters for doing a good job and that Hipkins wants to cut MFAT jobs further.

    FFS Chris. Why are you saying this apart from reminding us that only a vote for Winston can protect the public service? The rest of you are a razor gang? That’s the message we’re getting here.

  4. Adrian 4

    The point Chippie is making I think is that Winston is the ( most ) rogue element in the CoC and that Luxon knows the whole house of cards and cardsharps is only one small gust away from falling down and he, Luxon, can’t do a thing about it. It’s clever to sow more doubt about the fragility.

    • Belladonna 5.1

      Seriously doubt that people made redundant are going to turn their noses up at a job, just because they don't like the philosophy. Risking losing your home rapidly realigns your priorities.

  5. SPC 6

    Audrey Young has been looking at how one Pay Equity case – five year agreement 2017-2022 got neutralised in a period of high pay (entry level back towards the MW) and then when a new agreement was blocked (the old new criteria trick – to save the Health Ministry money*) is now in ruins dependent on the good will of a National Party minister * who says they are for pay equity ….

    The only way pay equity agreements will work, is if the higher pay is structured to continue automatically (such as linked to average or median wage levels).

  6. SPC 7

    The Daily Blog got hacked the week of the budget.

    Wonder if it will be like 159 Willis Street in 1984.

  7. SPC 8

    The Israel FM, a fish out of water in Europe.

    First, lack of knowledge of the Moslem to Christian transition of rule in Spain for Jewish people.

    Second, then trying to guilt a socialist government by mentioning the said Christian Inquisition) era.

  8. weka 9

    Hoping there is someone here who understands employment law.

    Te Pāti Māori are calling for a day of action on Thurs. On their SM they used the term 'strike'.

    Luxon has said it's illegal. But I can't see how someone taking a day or half day of work is illegal. It might put their job at risk but that's a different thing. If they're not striking in their work place, how is it any different than taking time off to attend SS4C or any other kind of protest?

    • weka 9.2

      Labour MP Cushla Tangaere-Manuel pointing out that it's not TPM organising, it's Iwi and hapū.

    • Belladonna 9.3

      Unless you're granted leave, you can't just take a day off work, because you want one. It has to be negotiated in advance with your employer.

      A formal strike (legal under NZ laws) protects the workers from being fired or otherwise penalized (apart from not being paid) for not being at work. But a formal strike does need to be called in the proper way (and can only be about the conditions of your job) – in that sense, if they are calling this a 'strike', it would be an illegal one.

      I suspect, in any case, that most of the attendees won't be 'workers' in that sense. They'll be students, unemployed, beneficiaries, academics, unionists (maybe some public servants – this is less likely with looming job cuts). People who don't have penalties for not being on the job at 8.30, and who won't be losing a day's pay.

      • SPC 9.3.1

        There is an omicron outbreak.

        • Belladonna

          If you are caught on camera or social media at a protest, when you've called in sick – your employer would have every legal right to sanction you.

          • SPC

            Baa baa black face in a sun hat at the Basin.

            • Belladonna

              So hardly a 'strike' then, if you're afraid to tell everyone why you are there and what you are protesting for.

              • SPC

                It is not a strike, it is a day off work to protest.

                And it is obvious they will be at a protest and let the government know why they are there.

                And it is not something anyone should lose their job over.

                • Belladonna

                  Well, if it's not a strike, don't call it one (and therefore generate all this confusion).

                  If your employer can manage without you, then of course you can take annual leave. If they can't (especially at such short notice), you're required to work. If you don't turn up for work as scheduled, then your employer can take action. What that action may be will depend on your previous record, and the difficulties you put the organization in.

                  What you do in your holiday time, is up to you. What you do when you are supposed to be at work, is very much your employers affair.

                  Again, I doubt there will be many actual 'workers' at this day of action.

      • weka 9.3.2

        Unless you're granted leave, you can't just take a day off work, because you want one. It has to be negotiated in advance with your employer.

        Actually you can. But you might get fired. It's not illegal to not go to work.

        A formal strike (legal under NZ laws) protects the workers from being fired or otherwise penalized (apart from not being paid) for not being at work. But a formal strike does need to be called in the proper way (and can only be about the conditions of your job) – in that sense, if they are calling this a 'strike', it would be an illegal one.

        are you sure about that last bit? Is School Strike 4 Climate an illegal strike under the ERA?

        • weka

          there might be something that says a general strike is illegal, but I couldn't find it on google.

        • Belladonna

          The "School Strike 4 climate" isn't illegal. But nor is it legally a strike.
          [The argument about whether the kids under 16 should have been in school (a legislative requirement) – is somewhat moot with the current absentee rates.]

          There are no 'workers' involved (or at least none, that are calling it strike action under the ERA).
          It would be illegal for workers to claim it was a strike (and therefore enjoy the legislative protections under strike action).

          Just calling something a strike, doesn't make it legally one.

          • weka

            Just calling something a strike, doesn't make it legally one.

            So Luxon was wrong?

            • Belladonna

              So was TPM for calling it a strike.

              • weka

                yes, but not as defined in the ERA as far as I can tell. Rather, like SS4C. I'm still not clear on what the law says about a general strike. But it's not the main focus of their call, so it's hard to see how any of that would apply.

        • Belladonna

          Actually you can. But you might get fired. It's not illegal to not go to work.

          You may indeed get fired. And the reason for that is that you've broken employment law. If you are contracted to work certain hours, you don't get to just decide which ones you feel like turning up for.

          Are you going to end up in the criminal courts? Of course not. Will you find difficulty in getting another job? Almost certainly.

          • weka

            the entire thread is about whether the day of action on Thurs is a strike (in ERA terms). Whether action is taken against individuals for not going to work one day is a different matter, and nothing to do with striking (as far as I can tell, but it's weird that there'd no clear answer on this).

            • Traveller

              Hi Weka. I am not a lawyer, but I do have experience around employment matters. Here's my 2 cents worth.

              if someone takes time off work on Thurs to attend the protest, is that striking or not?

              No. In a strike, there is an accepted relationship between a group of employees and their employer(s). To be a strike, the action must be part of a combination, agreement, common understanding, or joint action made or done by the employees. Strikes and lockouts » Employment New Zealand.

              Did TPM break the law in calling for this action?

              I'm not sure if they are breaking the law, but TPM have a problem in that they are apparently calling for people to "walk off the job" to attend the protest (Protests: Te Pāti Māori co-leaders back calls for strike action around NZ on Budget Day – NZ Herald). If they mean that literally, as in in the form of a strike, then that would appear to be a call to break the law. "Strikes and lockouts can be used as a tool by parties to collective bargaining or for health and safety reasons." Strikes and lockouts » Employment New Zealand

              So Luxon was wrong?

              Luxon is reported as saying – "told reporters today calls for people to strike were wrong and illegal as there were rules in place around when and how strike action could take place." Protests: Te Pāti Māori co-leaders back calls for strike action around NZ on Budget Day – NZ Herald. I'm not sure 'calling' for a strike is illegal, but it appears to be a call to break the law.

              All that aside, TPM are just doing what they do, which is stir up division to remain relevant. In 2013 they received 87,844 votes (E9 Statistics – Overall Results (, just 3% of the votes cast. There 904,000 Maori in NZ, so even removing people under voting age, TPM represent a tiny minority.

              • James Thrace

                Employment lawyer here

                unless the employees and employer are engaged in bargaining for a collective agreement, it is an illegal strike if people are pushing their employer to do or change something in the workplace, and the workers withhold their labour in order to force that change outside of the bargaining process.

                the key element is that there has to be a withholding of labour by the worker with a link to the desired action/s required of the employer by the worker.

                in this instance, the “general strike” is not directed by the workers toward their employer, but is directed at the government.

                therefore, unless the employer can prove that the employees withholding of labour to attend the “strike” against this government was directed toward a desired outcome or concession by the employer, then Luxon is utterly gormless.

                this is about as much of a “strike” as elephants are purple.

      • adam 9.3.3

        Rather than being spinless feckless slaves, protest.

        If a law is unjust, break it.

        Funny how so many on the right go, "the law you must follow it", even if it is to your own long term determent.

        • Belladonna

          If a law is unjust, break it.

          The attitude of all those conducting ram raids, assaults on shop owners, and mindless violence against school kids.

          • mac1

            I'm not sure that the mindset of ramraiders, assaulters and the mindlessly violent is a protest against an unjust law.

            But hopefully I am none of these, so what do I know?

          • adam

            The attitude of all those conducting ram raids, assaults on shop owners, and mindless violence against school kids.

            So laws against violence are unjust now in your world Belladonna? Do your really have no moral compass which can tell the difference between a just and unjust law. Or is it working class folk are all criminals and thugs as you imply?

            Please, unjust laws have always existed. It is the duty of those who actually have a moral compass to challenge them. Rather than fools and tools who support unjust laws unthinkingly.

            • Belladonna

              Your definition of a just and an unjust law (and therefore one you feel free to break) appears to be entirely self-centric. What you define as unjust.
              Exactly the same attitude as criminals – who feel that they can break any law they please.

              If you truly believe a law is 'unjust' there are legal methods to challenge it.

              Note: the last centre-left government didn't change the laws around strikes – so your belief appears to be even further left, and therefore concentrated among an even smaller group of the population.

              • adam

                I love the whole make up a point that was never said, to knock it down type of discussion, how very SIS of you. Check in the mail?

                "Last center left government", that's a rude joke right there, and totally delusional. Only a liberal would think the economics of the last government was anything but far right. No government of the last 40 odd years has been anything but.

                As for laws, be honest with yourself. You lack the moral courage to stand up to what is wrong. That's OK. But don't lash out at those with the moral courage to stand up to what is a series of unjust laws these Tory idiots are pushing onto everyone.

            • Belladonna

              Also the imagery associated with the TPM call to action – is deeply disturbing. Presenting guns….

              It looks like a call to violent insurrection.


              If that is not the intention – then TPM have been very poorly advised by their media coms people. If it is only intended to attract attention – then they cannot complain that the 'wrong' attention is being attracted.

              This would be cause for deep concern if it were issued by any other party (ACT's McKee has been derided here for her support of gun owners – imagine how TS would react to an ACT video with the same imagery)

              • adam

                OH dear, I love people who live here and know no history. The pistols are a representation of the all the shit that led to the treaty. You know, the orgy of death and destruction that was the Musket Wars.

                Why do we have to suffer a piss weak moral panic form the ill informed?

                Your choice is to suffer fools who want an orgy of death and destruction or stand up against it.

  9. SPC 10

    DTI meet LTV – get to know each other, like a banker does – cartel and windfall profits.

  10. SPC 11

    National growing our future by cutting back on the potential for R and D work

    They want science teachers to teach science, and the future of science appears to be offshore.

    Government science agency Callaghan Innovation was also proposing a "strategic reset" to focus on projects that make money – which could result in some of its more than 400 employees losing their jobs.

    "A whole lot of science jobs are being lost – both in the public sector… but also within Crown research institutes which have not been specifically required to do those cuts, they are still now starting to cut people," Save Science Coalition spokesperson Lucy Stewart told AM.

    A nation impacted by weather and surrounded by sea and with major water infrastructure issues (including health of waterways)

    Morgan reiterated the institute needed to cut costs "without compromising the delivery of NIWA's core purpose as a climate, freshwater and ocean science provider".

    Nonetheless, the Save Science Coalition said such cuts would result in New Zealand losing "institutional knowledge".

    "We have a science system now where there is nobody… safe, there is nobody whose funding is secure," Dr Stewart said. "It is really hard to be world-leading when every day, you're… getting up and thinking, 'How am I going to secure funding to just keep doing my work?'"

    And then there is the environment in general (the habitat separate from its exploitation for profit).

    In addition to proposed cuts at NIWA, the Ministry for the Environment asked for voluntary redundancies last month – with "the impact of the savings exercise on our work programme and jobs" to come after this week's Budget, the department's business transformation and services deputy secretary Laura Dixon said.

    What will those going into school inherit, if this government gets multiple terms?

  11. SPC 12

    One game, two proposals

    Proposal 1 from Central Commissariat Corporate Capital Command and Proposal 2 from the working class – the clubs of the provincial unions.

    And appropriately on the same day as the budget from the CofC.

  12. adam 13

    Why are we letting the french military beat the indigenous population back into line?

    You know the french, those folks who engage in terrorism.

    The french, who have colonies, I thought it was the 21st century.

    Indigenous rights, oh wait white settle culture – of course we going to do nothing.

    • SPC 13.1

      Only when given permission to warn us, we are without protection without the letters after A, UKUS

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    The first widespread survey of consumers and voters since the Budget on May 30 shows a collapse in confidence. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The belt-tightening and tax-cutting Budget delivered on May 30 has not delivered the boost to confidence in the economy the National-ACT-NZ First Government might have ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • The end for the Air Force 757s
    The Air Force 757 that broke down with the Prime Minister on board in Port Moresby on Sunday is considered so unreliable that it carries a substantial stock of spare parts when it travels overseas. And the plane also carries an Air Force maintenance team on board ready to make ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    2 days ago
  • At a glance – Was 1934 the hottest year on record?
    On February 14, 2023 we announced our Rebuttal Update Project. This included an ask for feedback about the added "At a glance" section in the updated basic rebuttal versions. This weekly blog post series highlights this new section of one of the updated basic rebuttal versions and serves as a ...
    2 days ago
  • It's not New Zealand they've never heard of, it's him
    Sometimes you’ll just be so dog-tired, you can only keep yourself awake with a short stab of self-inflicted pain.A quick bite of the lip, for instance.Maybe a slight bite on the tongue or a dig of the nails.But what if you’re needing something a bit more painful?The solution is as ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    2 days ago
  • Some “scrutiny” II
    Last month I blogged about the Ministry of Justice's Open Government Partnership commitment to strengthen scrutiny of Official Information Act exemption clauses in legislation", and how their existing efforts did not give much reason for confidence. As part of that, I mentioned that I had asked the Ministry for its ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    2 days ago
  • Gordon Campbell on why the Biden “peace plan” for Gaza is doomed
    After months and months of blocking every attempt by the UN and everyone else to achieve a Gaza ceasefire, US President Joe Biden is now marketing his own three-stage “peace plan” to end the conflict. Like every other contribution by the US since October 7, the Biden initiative is hobbled ...
    WerewolfBy lyndon
    3 days ago
  • Raised crossings: hearing the voice of vulnerable pedestrians
    This is a guest post by Vivian Naylor, who is the Barrier Free Advisor and Educator at CCS Disability Action, Northern Region, the largest disability support and advocacy organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand. She also advises on AT’s Public Transport and Capital Projects Accessibility Groups. Vivian has been advocating and ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    3 days ago
  • Leaving on a Jet Plane
    So kiss me and smile for meTell me that you'll wait for meHold me like you'll never let me go'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet planeDon't know when I'll be back againOh babe, I hate to go“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    3 days ago
  • Bernard's mid-winter pick 'n' mix for Tuesday, June 18
    The election promises of ‘better economic management’ are now ringing hollow, as NZ appears to be falling into a deeper recession, while other economies are turning the corner. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The economy and the housing market are slumping back into a deep recession this winter, contrasting ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • Scrutiny week off to rocky start
    Parliament’s new “Scrutiny” process, which is supposed to allow Select Committees to interrogate Ministers and officials in much more depth, has got off to a rocky start. Yesterday was the first day of “Scrutiny Week” which is supposed to see the Government grilled on how it spends taxpayers’ money and ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    3 days ago
  • The choice could not be more stark’: How Trump and Biden compare on climate change
    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Barbara Grady Illustration by Samantha Harrington. Photo credits: Justin Lane-Pool/Getty Images, Win McNamee/Getty Images, European Space Agency. In an empty wind-swept field in Richmond, California, next to the county landfill, a company called RavenSr has plotted out land and won ...
    3 days ago
  • Differentiating between democracy and republic
    Although NZ readers may not be that interested in the subject and in lieu of US Fathers Day missives (not celebrated in NZ), I thought I would lay out some brief thoughts on a political subject being debated in the … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    3 days ago
  • Bernard's mid-winter pick 'n' mix for Monday, June 17
    TL;DR: Chris Bishop talks up the use of value capture, congestion charging, PPPs, water meters, tolling and rebating GST on building materials to councils to ramp up infrastructure investment in the absence of the Government simply borrowing more to provide the capital.Meanwhile, Christopher Luxon wants to double the number of ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    4 days ago
  • You do have the power to change things
    When I was invited to come aboard and help with Greater Auckland a few months ago (thanks to Patrick!), it was suggested it might be a good idea to write some sort of autobiographical post by way of an introduction. This post isn’t quite that – although I’m sure I’lll ...
    Greater AucklandBy Connor Sharp
    4 days ago
  • Turning Away – Who Cares If We Don't?
    On the turning awayFrom the pale and downtroddenAnd the words they say which we won't understandDon't accept that, what's happeningIs just a case of other's sufferingOr you'll find that you're joining inThe turning awayToday’s guest kōrero is from Author Catherine Lea. So without further ado, over to Catherine…I’m so honoured ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    4 days ago
  • Dissecting Tickled
    Hi,Tickled was one of the craziest things that ever happened to me (and I feel like a lot of crazy things have happened to me).So ahead of the Webworm popup and Tickled screening in New Zealand on July 13, I thought I’d write about how we made that film and ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    4 days ago
  • New Zealand Webworm Popup + Tickled!
    Hi,I’m doing a Webworm merch popup followed by a Tickled screening in Auckland, New Zealand on July 13th — and I’d love you to come. I got the urge to do this while writing this Webworm piece breaking down how we made Tickled, and talking to all the people who ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    4 days ago
  • What China wants from NZ business
    One simple statistic said it all: China Premier Li Qiang asked Fonterra CEO Miles Hurrell what percentage of the company’s overall sales were made in China. “Thirty per cent,” said Hurrell. In other words, New Zealand’s largest company is more or less dependent on the Chinese market. But Hurrell is ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    4 days ago
  • Review: The Worm Ouroboros, by E.R. Eddison (1922)
    One occasionally runs into the question of what J.R.R. Tolkien would have thought of George R.R. Martin. For years, I had a go-to online answer: we could use a stand-in. Tolkien’s thoughts on E.R. Eddison – that he appreciated the invented world, but thought the invented names were silly, and ...
    4 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #24
    A listing of 35 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, June 9, 2024 thru Sat, June 15, 2024. Story of the week A glance at this week's inventory of what experts tell us is extreme weather mayhem juiced by ...
    4 days ago
  • Sunday Morning Chat
    After a busy week it’s a good day to relax. Clear blues skies here in Tamaki Makaurau, very peaceful but for my dogs sleeping heavily. In the absence of a full newsletter I thought I’d send out a brief update and share a couple of posts that popped up in ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    5 days ago
  • The Book of Henry
    Now in the land of Angus beef and the mighty ABsWhere the steaks were juicy and the rivers did run foulIt would often be said,This meal is terrible,andNo, for real this is legit the worst thing I've ever eatenBut this was an thing said only to others at the table,not ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    5 days ago
  • Fact Brief – Is ocean acidification from human activities enough to impact marine ecosystems?
    Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park in collaboration with members from the Skeptical Science team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Is ocean acidification from human ...
    5 days ago
  • Happiness is a Warm Gun
    She's not a girl who misses muchDo do do do do do, oh yeahShe's well-acquainted with the touch of the velvet handLike a lizard on a window paneI wouldn’t associate ACT with warmth, other than a certain fabled, notoriously hot, destination where surely they’re heading and many would like them ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    5 days ago
  • Still doing a good 20
    Hello! Here comes the Saturday edition of More Than A Feilding, catching you up on the past somewhat interrupted week. Still on the move!Share Read more ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • Coalition of the Unwilling?
    What does Budget 2024 tell us about the current government? Muddle on?Coalition governments are not new. About 50 percent of the time since the first MMP election, there has been a minority government, usually with allied parties holding ministerial portfolios outside cabinets. For 10 percent of the time there was ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    6 days ago
  • Of red flags and warning signs in comments on social media
    Somewhat surprisingly for what is regarded as a network of professionals, climate science misinformation is getting shared on LinkedIn, joining other channels where this is happening. Several of our recent posts published on LinkedIn have attracted the ire of various commenters who apparently are in denial about human-caused climate change. Based ...
    6 days ago
  • All good, still
    1. On what subject is Paul Henry even remotely worth giving the time of day?a. The state of our nationb. The state of the ACT partyc. How to freak out potential buyers of your gin palace by baking the remains of your deceased parent into its fittings2. Now that New ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • The looting is the point
    Last time National was in power, they looted the state, privatising public assets and signing hugely wasteful public-private partnership (PPP) contracts which saw foreign consortiums provide substandard infrastructure while gouging us for profits. You only have to look at the ongoing fiasco of Transmission Gully to see how it was ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    6 days ago
  • The Illusion of Power: How Local Government Bureaucrats Overawe Democratically-Elected Councillors..
    The Democratic Façade Of Local Government: Our district and city councillors are democratically elected to govern their communities on one very strict condition – that they never, ever, under any circumstances, attempt to do so.A DISINTEGRATION OF LOYALTIES on the Wellington City Council has left Mayor Tory Whanau without a ...
    7 days ago
  • Lowlights & Bright Spots
    I can feel the lowlights coming over meI can feel the lowlights, from the state I’m inI can see the light now even thought it’s dimA little glow on the horizonAnother week of lowlights from our government, with the odd bright spot and a glow on the horizon. The light ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    7 days ago
  • Weekly Roundup 14-June-2024
    Another week, another roundup of things that caught our eye on our favourite topics of transport, housing and how to make cities a little bit greater. This Week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Connor wrote about Kāinga Ora’s role as an urban development agency Tuesday’s guest post by ...
    Greater AucklandBy Greater Auckland
    7 days ago
  • The Hoon around the week to June 14
    Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The podcast above of the weekly ‘hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers features co-hosts and talking with:The Kākā’s climate correspondent about the National-ACT-NZ First Government’s moves this week to take farming out of the ETS and encourage more mining and oil and ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    7 days ago
  • Climate policy axed in broad daylight, while taxpayer liabilities grow in the dark
    In 2019, Shane Jones addressed the “50 Shades of Green” protest at Parliament: Now he is part of a government giving those farmers a pass on becoming part of the ETS, as well as threatening to lock in offshore oil exploration and mining for decades. Photo: Lynn GrievesonTL;DR: Here’s the ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    7 days ago
  • Rage Bait!
    Hi,Today’s newsletter is all about how easy it is to get sucked into “rage bait” online, and how easy it is to get played.But first I wanted to share something that elicited the exact opposite of rage in me — something that made me feel incredibly proud, whilst also making ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    7 days ago
  • Bernard's Dawn Chorus and pick 'n' mix for Friday, June 14
    Seymour said lower speed limits “drained the joy from life as people were forced to follow rules they knew made no sense.” File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: My six things to note in Aotearoa-NZ’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, June 14 were:The National/ACT/NZ First ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    7 days ago
  • Friendly but frank talks with China Premier
    It sounded like the best word to describe yesterday’s talks between Chinese Premier Li Qiang and his heavyweight delegation of Ministers and officials and Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and New Zealand Ministers and officials was “frank.” But it was the kind of frankness that friends can indulge in. It ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    7 days ago
  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #24 2024
    Open access notables Wildfire smoke impacts lake ecosystems, Farruggia et al., Global Change Biology: We introduce the concept of the lake smoke-day, or the number of days any given lake is exposed to smoke in any given fire season, and quantify the total lake smoke-day exposure in North America from 2019 ...
    1 week ago
  • Join us for the weekly Hoon on YouTube Live
    Photo by Mathias Elle on UnsplashIt’s that new day of the week (Thursday rather than Friday) when we have our ‘hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with special guests:5.00 ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Geoffrey Miller: China’s message to New Zealand – don’t put it all at risk
    Don’t put it all at risk. That’s likely to be the take-home message for New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon in his meetings with Li Qiang, the Chinese Premier. Li’s visit to Wellington this week is the highest-ranking visit by a Chinese official since 2017. The trip down under – ...
    Democracy ProjectBy Geoffrey Miller
    1 week ago
  • The Real Thing
    I know the feelingIt is the real thingThe essence of the soulThe perfect momentThat golden momentI know you feel it tooI know the feelingIt is the real thingYou can't refuse the embraceNo?Sometimes we face the things we most dislike. A phobia or fear that must be confronted so it doesn’t ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Gordon Campbell on how moderates empower the political right
    Struth, what a week. Having made sure the rural sector won’t have to pay any time soon for its pollution, PM Christopher Luxon yesterday chose Fieldays 2024 to launch a parliamentary inquiry into rural banking services, to see how the banks have been treating farmers faced with high interest rates. ...
    1 week ago
  • Bernard's Dawn Chorus and pick 'n' mix for Thursday, June 13
    In April, 17,656 people left Aotearoa-NZ to live overseas, averaging 588 a day, with just over half of those likely to have gone to Australia. Photo: Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: My six things to note in Aotearoa-NZ’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, June 13 ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Our guide to having your say on the draft RLTP 2024
    Auckland’s draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2024 is open for feedback – and you only have until Monday 17 June to submit. Do it! Join the thousands of Aucklanders who are speaking up for wise strategic investment that will dig us out of traffic and give us easy and ...
    Greater AucklandBy Connor Sharp
    1 week ago
  • The China puzzle
    Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrives in Wellington today for a three-day visit to the country. The visit will take place amid uncertainty about the future of the New Zealand-China relationship. Li hosted a formal welcome and then lunch for then-Prime Minister Chris Hipkins in Beijing a year ago. The pair ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    1 week ago
  • Fossil fuels are shredding our democracy
    This is a re-post of an article from the Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler published on June 3, 2024. I have an oped in the New York Times (gift link) about this. For a long time, a common refrain about the energy transition was that renewable energy needed to become ...
    1 week ago
  • Life at 20 kilometres an hour
    We are still in France, getting from A to B.Possibly for only another week, though; Switzerland and Germany are looming now. On we pedal, towards Budapest, at about 20 km per hour.What are are mostly doing is inhaling a country, loving its ways and its food. Rolling, talking, quietly thinking. ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago
  • Hipkins is still useless
    The big problem with the last Labour government was that they were chickenshits who did nothing with the absolute majority we had given them. They governed as if they were scared of their own shadows, afraid of making decisions lest it upset someone - usually someone who would never have ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Exercising with the IDF.
    This morning I did something I seldom do, I looked at the Twitter newsfeed. Normally I take the approach of something that I’m not sure is an American urban legend, or genuinely something kids do over there. The infamous bag of dog poo on the front porch, set it on ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Helm Hammerhand Anime: First Pictures and an Old English ‘Hera’
    We have some news on the upcoming War of the Rohirrim anime. It will apparently be two and a half hours in length, with Peter Jackson as Executive Producer, and Helm’s daughter Hera will be the main character. Also, pictures: The bloke in the middle picture is Freca’s ...
    1 week ago
  • Farmers get free pass on climate AND get subsidies
    The cows will keep burping and farting and climate change will keep accelerating - but farmers can stop worrying about being included in the ETS. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: My six things to note in Aotearoa-NZ’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, June 12 were:The ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Six ideas to secure Te Huia’s Future
    This is a guest post by our friend Darren Davis. It originally appeared on his excellent blog, Adventures in Transitland, which features “musings about public transport and other cool stuff in Aotearoa/ New Zealand and around the globe.” With Te Huia now having funding secure through to 2026, now is ...
    Greater AucklandBy Darren Davis
    1 week ago
  • The methane waka sinks
    In some ways, there may be less than meets the eye to the Government announcement yesterday that the He Waka Eke Noa proposal for farmers to pay for greenhouse gas emissions has been scrapped. The spectre of farmers still having to pay at some point in the future remains. That, ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    1 week ago
  • At a glance – Does positive feedback necessarily mean runaway warming?
    On February 14, 2023 we announced our Rebuttal Update Project. This included an ask for feedback about the added "At a glance" section in the updated basic rebuttal versions. This weekly blog post series highlights this new section of one of the updated basic rebuttal versions and serves as a ...
    1 week ago
  • Climate Change: Farmers get what they wanted – for now
    Since entering office, National has unravelled practically every climate policy, leaving us with no effective way of reducing emissions or meeting our emissions budgets beyond magical thinking around the ETS. And today they've announced another step: removing agriculture entirely. At present, following the complete failure of he waka eka noa, ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Presumed Innocent?
    The blue billionaireDistraction no interactionOr movement outside these glazed over eyesThe new great divideFew fight the tide to be glorifiedBut will he be satisfied?Can we accept this without zoom?The elephant in the roomNot much happens in politics on a Monday. Bugger all in fact. Although yesterday Christopher Luxon found he ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Gordon Campbell on our doomed love affair with oil and gas
    What if New Zealand threw a fossil fuel party, and nobody came? On the weekend, Resources Minister Shane Jones sent out the invitations and strung up the balloons, but will anyone really want to invest big time in resuming oil and gas exploration in our corner of the planet? Yes, ...
    WerewolfBy lyndon
    1 week ago
  • Building better housing insights
    This is a guest post by Meredith Dale, senior urban designer and strategist at The Urban Advisory. There’s a saying that goes something like: ‘what you measure is what you value’. An RNZ article last week claimed that Auckland was ‘hurting’ because of a more affordable supply of homes, particularly townhouses ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    1 week ago
  • Putin would be proud of them
    A Prime Minister directs his public service to inquire into the actions of the opposition political party which is his harshest critic. Something from Orban's Hungary, or Putin's Russia? No, its happening right here in Aotearoa: Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced the Public Service Commission will launch an ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Resources for debunking common solar and wind myths
    This is a repost from a Yale Climate Connections article by SueEllen Campbell published on June 3, 2024. The articles listed can help you tell fact from fiction when it comes to solar and wind energy. Some statements you hear about solar and wind energy are just plain false. ...
    1 week ago
  • Juggernaut
    Politics were going on all around us yesterday, and we barely noticed, rolling along canal paths, eating baguettes. It wasn’t until my mate got to the headlines last night that we learned there had been a dismayingly strong far right result in the EU elections and Macron had called a ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago
  • Numbers Game.
    Respect Existence, Or Expect Resistance? There may well have been 50,000 pairs of feet “Marching For Nature” down Auckland’s Queen Street on Saturday afternoon, but the figure that impresses the Coalition Government is the 1,450,000 pairs of Auckland feet that were somewhere else.IN THE ERA OF DRONES and Artificial Intelligence, ...
    1 week ago
  • Media Link: AVFA on post-colonial blowback.
    Selwyn Manning and I discuss varieties of post colonial blowback and the implications its has for the rise of the Global South. Counties discussed include Palestine/Israel, France/New Caledonia, England/India, apartheid/post-apartheid South Africa and post-colonial New Zealand. It is a bit … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    1 week ago
  • Policy by panic
    Back in March, Ombudsman Peter Boshier resigned when he hit the statutory retirement age of 72, leaving the country in the awkward (and legally questionable) position of having him continue as a temporay appointee. It apparently took the entire political system by surprise - as evinced by Labour's dick move ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago

  • School attendance increases
    School attendance data released today shows an increase in the number of students regularly attending school to 61.7 per cent in term one. This compares to 59.5 per cent in term one last year and 53.6 per cent in term four. “It is encouraging to see more children getting to ...
    11 hours ago
  • Record investment in public transport services
    The Government has announced a record 41 per cent increase in indicative funding for public transport services and operations, and confirmed the rollout of the National Ticketing Solution (NTS) that will enable contactless debit and credit card payments starting this year in Auckland, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“This Government is ...
    11 hours ago
  • GDP data shows need to strengthen and grow the economy
    GDP figures for the March quarter reinforce the importance of restoring fiscal discipline to public spending and driving more economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says.  Data released today by Stats NZ shows GDP has risen 0.2 per cent for the quarter to March.   “While today’s data is technically in ...
    12 hours ago
  • Women continue to make up over 50 per cent on public sector boards
    Women’s representation on public sector boards and committees has reached 50 per cent or above for the fourth consecutive year, with women holding 53.9 per cent of public sector board roles, Acting Minister for Women Louise Upston says. “This is a fantastic achievement, but the work is not done. To ...
    15 hours ago
  • Government supporting Māori business success
    The Coalition Government is supporting Māori to boost development and the Māori economy through investment in projects that benefit the regions, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka say. “As the Regional Development Minister, I am focused on supporting Māori to succeed. The Provincial Growth Fund ...
    16 hours ago
  • Better solutions for earthquake-prone buildings
    Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk has announced that the review into better managing the risks of earthquake-prone buildings has commenced. “The terms of reference published today demonstrate the Government’s commitment to ensuring we get the balance right between public safety and costs to building owners,” Mr Penk says.  “The Government ...
    17 hours ago
  • Prime Minister wraps up visit to Japan
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has just finished a successful three-day visit to Japan, where he strengthened political relationships and boosted business links. Mr Luxon’s visit culminated in a bilateral meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio followed by a state dinner. “It was important for me to meet Prime Minister Kishida in person ...
    1 day ago
  • Major business deals signed on PM’s Japan trip
    Significant business deals have been closed during the visit of Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to Japan this week, including in the areas of space, renewable energy and investment.  “Commercial deals like this demonstrate that we don’t just export high-quality agricultural products to Japan, but also our world-class technology, expertise, and ...
    1 day ago
  • Strategic Security speech, Tokyo
    Minasan, konnichiwa, kia ora and good afternoon everyone. Thank you for the invitation to speak to you today and thank you to our friends at the Institute for International Socio-Economic Studies and NEC for making this event possible today.  It gives me great pleasure to be here today, speaking with ...
    1 day ago
  • National Infrastructure Pipeline worth over $120 billion
    The National Infrastructure Pipeline, which provides a national view of current or planned infrastructure projects, from roads, to water infrastructure, to schools, and more, has climbed above $120 billion, Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop says. “Our Government is investing a record amount in modern infrastructure that Kiwis can rely on as ...
    1 day ago
  • Making it easier to build infrastructure
    The Government is modernising the Public Works Act to make it easier to build infrastructure, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk announced today. An independent panel will undertake an eight-week review of the Act and advise on common sense changes to enable large scale public works to be built faster and ...
    2 days ago
  • NZ enhances North Korea sanctions monitoring
    New Zealand will enhance its defence contributions to monitoring violations of sanctions against North Korea, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon announced today.  The enhancement will see the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) increase its contributions to North Korea sanctions monitoring, operating out of Japan. “This increase reflects the importance New Zealand ...
    2 days ago
  • Speech to Safeguard National Health and Safety Conference
    Good afternoon everyone. It’s great to be with you all today before we wrap up Day One of the annual Safeguard National Health and Safety Conference. Thank you to the organisers and sponsors of this conference, for the chance to talk to you about the upcoming health and safety consultation. ...
    2 days ago
  • Ōtaki to north of Levin alliance agreements signed
    Transport Minister Simeon Brown has welcomed an important milestone for the Ōtaki to north of Levin Road of National Significance (RoNS), following the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) signing interim alliance agreements with two design and construction teams who will develop and ultimately build the new expressway.“The Government’s priority for transport ...
    2 days ago
  • Improvements to stopping Digital Child Exploitation
    The Department of Internal Affairs [Department] is making a significant upgrade to their Digital Child Exploitation Filtering System, which blocks access to websites known to host child sexual abuse material, says Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden.  “The Department will incorporate the up-to-date lists of websites hosting child sexual ...
    3 days ago
  • New vaccine research aims to combat prevalent bovine disease
    A vaccine to prevent an infectious disease that costs New Zealand cattle farmers more than $190 million each year could radically improve the health of our cows and boost on-farm productivity, Associate Agriculture Minister Andrew Hoggard says. The Ministry for Primary Industries is backing a project that aims to develop ...
    3 days ago
  • Making it easier to build granny flats
    The Government has today announced that it is making it easier for people to build granny flats, Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters and RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop say. “Making it easier to build granny flats will make it more affordable for families to live the way that suits them ...
    3 days ago
  • High Court Judge appointed
    Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Auckland King’s Counsel Gregory Peter Blanchard as a High Court Judge. Justice Blanchard attended the University of Auckland from 1991 to 1995, graduating with an LLB (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts (English). He was a solicitor with the firm that is now Dentons ...
    6 days ago
  • Health workforce numbers rise
    Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says new data released today shows encouraging growth in the health workforce, with a continued increase in the numbers of doctors, nurses and midwives joining Health New Zealand. “Frontline healthcare workers are the beating heart of the healthcare system. Increasing and retaining our health workforce ...
    6 days ago
  • Government to overhaul firearms laws
    Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee has today announced a comprehensive programme to reform New Zealand's outdated and complicated firearms laws. “The Arms Act has been in place for over 40 years. It has been amended several times – in a piecemeal, and sometimes rushed way. This has resulted in outdated ...
    6 days ago
  • Government delivers landmark specialist schools investment
    The coalition Government is delivering record levels of targeted investment in specialist schools so children with additional needs can thrive. As part of Budget 24, $89 million has been ringfenced to redevelop specialist facilities and increase satellite classrooms for students with high needs. This includes: $63 million in depreciation funding ...
    7 days ago
  • Major health and safety consultation begins
    A substantial consultation on work health and safety will begin today with a roadshow across the regions over the coming months, says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden.  This the first step to deliver on the commitment to reforming health and safety law and regulations, set out in ...
    7 days ago
  • Growing the potential of New Zealand’s forestry sector in partnership
    Forestry Minister Todd McClay, today announced the start of the Government’s plan to restore certainty and confidence in the forestry and wood processing sector. “This government will drive investment to unlock the industry’s economic potential for growth,” Mr McClay says. “Forestry’s success is critical to rebuilding New Zealand’s economy, boosting ...
    7 days ago
  • Government cancels forestry ETS annual service charges for 2023-24
    Annual service charges in the forestry Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) will be cancelled for 2023/24, Forestry Minister Todd McClay says. “The sector has told me the costs imposed on forestry owners by the previous government were excessive and unreasonable and I agree,” Mr McClay says. “They have said that there ...
    7 days ago
  • Speech to the LGNZ Infrastructure Symposium
    Introduction Thank you for having me here today and welcome to Wellington, the home of the Hurricanes, the next Super Rugby champions. Infrastructure – the challenge This government has inherited a series of big challenges in infrastructure. I don’t need to tell an audience as smart as this one that ...
    7 days ago
  • Government boosts Agriculture and food trade with China
    Trade and Agriculture Minister Todd McClay and Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard welcomed outcomes to boost agricultural and food trade between New Zealand and China. A number of documents were signed today at Government House that will improve the business environment between New Zealand and China, and help reduce barriers, including on infant formula ...
    1 week ago
  • NZ and China launch Services Trade Negotiations
    Trade Minister Todd McClay, and China’s Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, today announced the official launch of Negotiations on Services Trade between the two countries.  “The Government is focused on opening doors for services exporters to grow the New Zealand’s economy,” Mr McClay says.  As part of the 2022 New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Upgrade ...
    1 week ago
  • Prime Minister Luxon meets with Premier Li
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang at Government House in Wellington today.  “I was pleased to welcome Premier Li to Wellington for his first official visit, which marks 10 years since New Zealand and China established a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership,” Mr Luxon says. “The Premier and ...
    1 week ago
  • Government and business tackling gender pay gap
    The coalition Government is taking action to reduce the gender pay gap in New Zealand through the development of a voluntary calculation tool. “Gender pay gaps have impacted women for decades, which is why we need to continue to drive change in New Zealand,” Acting Minister for Women Louise Upston ...
    1 week ago
  • Funding Boost for Rural Support Trusts
    The coalition Government is boosting funding for Rural Support Trusts to provide more help to farmers and growers under pressure, Rural Communities Minister Mark Patterson announced today. “A strong and thriving agricultural sector is crucial to the New Zealand economy and one of the ways to support it is to ...
    1 week ago
  • Latest data shows size of public service decreasing
    Spending on contractors and consultants continues to fall and the size of the Public Service workforce has started to decrease after years of growth, according to the latest data released today by the Public Service Commission. Workforce data for the quarter from 31 December 23 to 31 March 24 shows ...
    1 week ago
  • Speech to the Law Association
    Thank you to the Law Association for inviting me to speak this morning. As a former president under its previous name — the Auckland District Law Society — I take particular satisfaction in seeing this organisation, and its members, in such good heart. As Attorney-General, I am grateful for these ...
    1 week ago
  • 25 years on, NZ reaffirms enduring friendship with Timor Leste
    New Zealand is committed to working closely with Timor-Leste to support its prosperity and resilience, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.   “This year is the 25th anniversary of New Zealand sending peacekeepers to Timor-Leste, who contributed to the country’s stabilisation and ultimately its independence,” Mr Peters says.    “A quarter ...
    1 week ago
  • Inquiry requested into rural banking
    Promoting robust competition in the banking sector is vital to rebuilding the economy, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says.  “New Zealanders deserve a banking sector that is as competitive as possible. Banking services play an important role in our communities and in the economy. Kiwis rely on access to lending when ...
    1 week ago
  • Ministry for Regulation targets red tape to keep farmers and growers competitive
    Regulation Minister David Seymour, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds, and Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard have today announced a regulatory sector review on the approval process for new agricultural and horticultural products.    “Red tape stops farmers and growers from getting access to products that have been approved by other OECD countries. ...
    1 week ago
  • Government to reverse blanket speed limit reductions
    The Coalition Government will reverse Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions by 1 July 2025 through a new Land Transport Rule released for public consultation today, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  The draft speed limit rule will deliver on the National-ACT coalition commitment to reverse the previous government’s blanket speed limit ...
    1 week ago
  • Chair appointments for NZSO, CNZ and NZ On Air
    Minister Paul Goldsmith is making major leadership changes within both his Arts and Media portfolios. “I am delighted to announce Carmel Walsh will be officially stepping into the role of Chair of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, having been acting Chair since April,” Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says.  “Carmel is ...
    1 week ago
  • Government focus on long-term food, fibre growth
    Food and fibre export revenue is tipped to reach $54.6 billion this year and hit a record $66.6b in 2028 as the Government focuses on getting better access to markets and cutting red tape, Agriculture Minister Todd McClay and Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane Jones say. “This achievement is testament ...
    1 week ago
  • Govt consulting on cutting red tape for exporters
    A new export exemption proposal for food businesses demonstrates the coalition Government’s commitment to reducing regulatory barriers for industry and increasing the value of New Zealand exports, which gets safe New Zealand food to more markets, says Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard.  “The coalition Government has listened to the concerns ...
    1 week ago
  • New Zealand and Philippines elevating relationship
    New Zealand and Philippines are continuing to elevate our relationship, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.   “The leaders of New Zealand and Philippines agreed in April 2024 to lift our relationship to a Comprehensive Partnership by 2026,” Mr Peters says. “Our visit to Manila this week has been an excellent ...
    1 week ago

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