Written By:
weka -
Date published: 9:56 am, April 15th, 2024 -
Categories: child welfare, health
Tags: cass review, child gender transition, gender dysphoria, gender identity, GIDS, medical scandal, tavistock
The final report is a carefully worded document designed particularly for the systems of power in charge of child health, wellbeing and safeguarding: health systems and their managers, medical practitioners and their professional bodies, MPs and government departments, and NGOs.
It’s also a damning indictment of the poorly evidence medical experiment that has been done on gender non-conforming children in the past decade. It’s likely to be the biggest medical scandal many of us will see.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 6:05 am, November 25th, 2022 -
Categories: Ethics, gender, health
Tags: gender identity ideology, gender transition, Laura Lopez, transgender, transgender healthcare
Laura López decided to explore and analyse the available evidence on medical transition in New Zealand.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 6:05 am, August 26th, 2022 -
Categories: child welfare, gender, health
Tags: CATA, cata conference posts, gender identity ideology, Harriet
Will the Act catch counsellors or parents who don’t offer automatic affirmation for a young person who declares a gender identity?
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 6:05 am, August 12th, 2022 -
Categories: child welfare, health
Tags: CATA, cata conference posts, gender, gender identity, Harriet, stella o'malley
The Child and Adolescent Therapists Association hosted a conference recently on children, adolescents and gender identity.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 6:05 am, August 4th, 2022 -
Categories: child welfare, gender, health
Tags: CATA, cata conference posts, child gender transition, gender identity, Harriet, trans health
Is there a connection between the closure of the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service in the UK, and a conference being held 12,000 miles away in Nelson, Aotearoa?
Written By:
weka -
Date published: 1:13 pm, July 29th, 2022 -
Categories: gender critical feminism
Tags: cass review, gender identity ideology, keira bell, tavistock
The NHS is shutting down its gender identity clinic for children after a damning review found that it failed vulnerable under-18s.
Written By:
weka -
Date published: 11:24 am, April 24th, 2022 -
Categories: feminism, gender, gender critical feminism, health
Tags: cass review, detrans, keira bell, transgender trend
This is a medical scandal affecting children and teens, and the left is still largely in denial of it.
Written By:
notices and features -
Date published: 6:10 am, October 13th, 2021 -
Categories: gender, gender critical feminism
Tags: femaleness, Molly, Stephanie Davies-Arai, transgender
What can you do when what you say is not what is being heard? This Guest Post by Standardista Molly explores different beliefs about femaleness and transness, and how we talk about these.
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