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- Date published:
10:37 am, April 26th, 2019 - 34 comments
Categories: act, conservative party, Donald Trump, jacinda ardern, labour, Media, national, twitter, United Nations, us politics, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: david moffett
The right is desperately looking for a new minor support party.
We live in an MMP system. The most popular party does not necessarily win even when it gets really upset and does not understand why it could get more votes than that second most popular party but because of a couple of minor parties have no stomach for it to remain as ruler.
I mean a puppet party that gets gifted the seat of Epsom by very rich people who know how the system works is one thing.
But according to the right parties that get over 5% of the popular vote are somehow taboo. The suggestion they should have a say in who forms the next Government has left National cold, mainly because they think that parties that do not support National should not have a say.
The New Conservative Party was thought to be one of National’s best chances. There was also the Blue Greens but they have sunk without a trace. Or rather they never rose and continue to show no trace of being viable. Kiwis can spot a puppet party a mile off.
But yesterday, on Anzac day there was the announcement of a new New Conservative party. The only problem is that it is clearly a split off from the existing New Conservative party. Because a former board member and twitterer extrordinaire David Moffett aka the Moff is behind this new venture.
His twitter game is a thing to behold. Unfortunately he has deleted his account although there are still traces of his twitter activity like this tweet posted two days before the Christchurch Mosque massacre.
In a case of extraordinary bad timing it started the day after.
The Moff has published this call to arms which includes these gems:
However, Communists and Socialists are not dumb (with the notable exception of our PM, Jacinda Ardern). In fact, they are as cunning as shit house rats. They have obviously decided to make allies of the rich and famous in powerful and successful countries like the USA, Germany, France, The UK, Canada, Australia and NZ. They have worked out that by controlling Governments in these countries with the help of the likes of Soros, The Global Mass Media, the corrupt UN and Western Politicians they can impose their insidious beliefs on the rest of the world.
Make no mistake, this is their first move to impose a World Government on humanity. A World Government where a few thousand chosen few will impose their will, poverty and brutality to control every aspect of our lives.
So the George Soros Black Helicopter UN backed attempt at world domination is a thing. And who would have thought it but Rupert Murdoch must be in on it all!
Then there was this attempt to explain our Parliamentary democracy.
Two of the tenets of a democracy are closely related to the basic tenets of Parliamentary Procedure. One, the will of the majority is supposed to rule. In a group of 100, if 51 decide to order chocolate ice-cream, the order should be for chocolate ice-cream. Two, the voice of the minority must always be heard. Just because the majority wanted to order chocolate ice-cream does not mean the 49 who wanted strawberry cannot be heard.
But making intelligent decisions based on what the majority wants will only happen when all the people make their voices heard. Sitting at home, making excuses and complaining after decisions have been made don’t cut it.
See. It is all about chocolate ice cream! When will the strawberry ice cream preferrers stand up for their rights?
But wait there was more.
I hear people saying things like, “It doesn’t make any difference what I say, they will do what they want anyway,” and “I can’t make any difference because I am only one person,” and “I don’t really care one way or the other,” and “What’s the use of fighting because I’m just going to lose.” (Glen Schuckers)
We saw that with the rise of Hitler in the 1930’s, but it wasn’t the people that shook themselves out of their apathy, it was great Leadership. We have a great World leader doing that in America today. His name is Donald Trump. But for him we would be deep in it already. Love him or hate him he is working 24/7 to fight off the twin evils of Communism and Socialism.
So, the short answer for New Zealand is, we need a great and charismatic leader to wake up the population to this impending disaster.
Putting to one side the question of whether Trump would have opposed Hitler the question is, who is the New Zealand equivalent of Trump?
I wonder if he has a MAGA hat. It could mean make Aotearoa great again as long as he does not have something against te reo.
There is also the compulsory introductory video which a wag has had a go at.
I hope that the Moff succeeds in getting 3 or so % of the right wing conservative vote. But no more.
The whole thing reminds me of this scene from Life of Brian:
After reading this in the post:
The Moff has published this call to arms which includes these gems:
However, Communists and Socialists are not dumb… They have obviously decided to make allies of the rich and famous in powerful and successful countries NZ…They have worked out that by controlling Governments in these countries…they can impose their insidious beliefs on the rest of the world.
Make no mistake, this is their first move to impose a World Government on humanity. A World Government where a few thousand chosen few will impose their will, poverty and brutality to control every aspect of our lives.
there might be a place here for this piece about the Sri Lankan bombers.
They include disaffected wealthy people with apparently murderous leanings. What happened to my ideas that bombers were drawn from the disaffected lower classes? It seems that every class has its hates to kill or die for and can't wait for the next world war.
Two brothers lived there with their families: 38-year-old Inshaf Ibrahim, a copper factory owner, and Ilham, 36. Their father, Mohamed Yusuf Ibrahim, one of the most successful businesspeople in the island nation’s Muslim community, made a fortune exporting spices. The two brothers were also involved in the jewellery trade. They were both among the attackers.
this is their first move to impose a World Government on humanity.
Yet some form of global governance is inevitable. For our survival as a species if nothing else. The important question is … what kind of government?
The answer to crappy government is not no government.
‘But Agenda 21’ splutter the fear-filled nutbags. ‘Socialism will oppress my weiner!’
His "About Me"
It's all about him alright:
I am passionate about Business, Sport and Politics. I love the excitement of doing deals and fixing problems but most of all, I really get a kick out of making a difference.
I have a great track record of making a difference in Business and Sport and recently I have entered the Political arena in New Zealand.
Politics around the world is broken and I believe I have something to offer in that dynamic and fast changing environment.
In reality there is a common thread between Business, Sport and Politics and I will be exploring this in greater detail through my blogs.
What a moron – and a Trump lover to boot. Why did I guess as much?
Reminds me somehow of liquefaction rising in the cracks of the broken pavement.
Moffett is easy to mock as a joke, and obviously his party will get nowhere, but remember that this guy is still in the media as a "respectable" commentator on platforms like Radio Sport, where he gets a free pass. He will have an audience.
Although he is probably going to be in legal trouble soon, if he keeps posing in front of All Black trademarks in an attempt to leverage his previous working life. The NZRU might like a word.
If he gets 3% and takes it off National, I will buy him any flavor of ice-cream he wants.
I'm sensing James' pecker is more up than ever as a result of this news.
Given he was born in the UK and migrated to Oz, he would be unable to stand for parliament and only eligble to vote, donate and be in party administration.
Live here for 5 years and get citizenship – easy enough.
Being Australian the only thing he would need citizenship for would be to stand for parliament, I doubt he has applied.
His wikipedia page identifies him as living in Sydney. If so he might not even be able to vote, and would lose his ability to donate if there were changes in party funding law.
There are a few jobs out there which are citizen-only, but generally I agree.
He'd probably be better off trying to get a job in NZ's "civil service" in a senior management roll. He could show 'us mere colonials' the way (going forwid).
Better still, Local Gummint, or a DHB perhaps.
Alternatively, he could do us all a favour and fuck off
No OWT – he won't do no favours. His job is to be a burr on the sides of the herd; he's a real tick.
OK, you might be right. I was just thinking of his mental well-being and emotional safety, and that best he should be among mates.
How about chemical castration as an option then? It'd still allow him to be 'passionate' about what he does, just in a way that was less about stroking his ego (and cock for that matter). And he could still say "look at moi look at moi".
I'm sure his little woifey would be on board with all that too do you think ?
Well… I'll certainly be voting for the New Venezuela Party.
I don’t care about Moff and his party either but why would you poke a stick at whatever % vote he might get when you have a single figures % party stopping the policy of the major party in our current mmp Government. By what I’m reading most of the commenters here must be really happy with what you’re being dished up with at the moment. Or is it a must have a Labour Government with minor parties no matter how useless they are. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. And don’t start with the nine years thing.
Much happier than what the Maori Party and Disunited Future sold their souls for, yes.
David Moffett always makes me wonder what sort of culture they have at the New Zealand Rugby Union
Wonder no more, by laying out his hand it's pretty obvious to me he's a paid shill who loves his work. Where's the money coming from ?
The NZRU thinks it's doing the best for Rugby in NZ and deserves public funding, especially when it f's up ! Sounds very similar in culture to a RWNJ party who wants to rule over the plebs.
he is a dreamer and he will get cleaned out by some of our politicians and we already have enough foreigners here telling us what to do he can f of back to where he came from and tell his own people what to do
Moffat comes across as a very thick 15 y.old.
As do most of the funded soapbox commentators pushing agendas.
It's the fact they're never challenged which makes them come across authoritative as most teenagers feel when unchallenged.
A half decent journo would pull him to pieces by sticking to the simple facts of where we are, who put us here (who’s making up the rules) and the ever growing inequality with each cycle.
I used to wonder how these cretins got air time, but have figured out the media put up these cretins as click bait. richardson, the little scruff, his airhead wife, etc are there to get a reaction. the sensible amongst us use the off switch…
theyre dying advertising platforms still effective at delivering memes which the sheeple lap up as ‘intelligent’ commentary. Murdoch’s proven to be losing buckets on them but they aren’t there to make money anymore…..old media the web has seen off.
The right, having squandered their support by sustained misgovernance, are now in the kind of position many renters now find themselves in:
"We don't have enough!"
"Maybe if we split it into several bits it would go further…"
Moffett as Bannon.
Folau as Trump.
Apart from more recent controversies, a major mugger of what was one of the best functioning sports code socio-eco value systems in the world is maybe not an ideal candidate, oh wait…
You’re right, it looks like a parody. His last sentence, which is not quoted in the OP, is a real worry even though it was written five days before the Mosque shootings. He should be on the watch-list …
he assumes everyone wants ice cream of one sort or another….fail.
Well, folk like him exist, and folk like him vote. And thats why we have the 5% thresh hold for entry into our Parliament. Its called protecting our democracy.
For all those who want the thresh hold reduced (the greens are the latest to embrace this folly) please remember that a 4% thresh hold would have blessed the NZ Parliament with the Christian Coalition in 2006 and its able leader, Graham Capill
You mean the 1996 election? Capill was in jail in 2006. I s'pose that fact gives him the criminal conviction needed for cred in the ACT party, tho.
And, well, yes, watching Bolger and then Shipley try to manage that coalition would alone have been worth making the threshold 4%. Just for the lolz.
You are correct, it was 1996. My apologies.
It certainly would have been a trainwreck of a coallition if we had a 3% or 4% thresh hold back then.
I see it as a warning for all New Zealanders who want to reduce below the 5%