Sunday weirdness

Written By: - Date published: 1:38 pm, July 12th, 2009 - 57 comments
Categories: blogs - Tags:

Cameron Slater has had a big media day today with the Herald on Sunday pointing out his role in the cyber-bullying of some young woman called Pearl Going and the Sunday Star Times doing a feature on the odd fellow.

I don’t generally read Slater’s blog so I’d missed the business with Going but a quick look at his front page today pretty much brought me up to speed. It seems he has been cyber-stalking her, going as far as to contact overseas universities to find out details about her university education. Now she’s got the cops and the media involved.

Let’s get this clear then, a 40 year old unemployed freak has spent over a year stalking and bullying a 24 year old woman he’s never met for no reason at all. WTF?

Given he’s one of the National party’s two main bloggers this is not a good look.

And it seems National realises that as well. In the Sunday Star Times story John Key’s main handler, Kevin Taylor, desperately tries to distance the party from Slater claiming he has only met him once. That strikes me as rather odd as Key and Slater seem to know each other quite well and where Key goes, Taylor goes. Never mind.

One wee gem out of the SST story is the fact that it confirms that DPF is on National’s payroll and is in constant contact with English and Key. I assume this information was given to the journo by Slater.

57 comments on “Sunday weirdness ”

  1. Ag 1

    To be honest, it appears that this woman is a serial fabricator.

    • Zetetic 1.1

      True or not, doesn’t mean she deserves to have a 40 year old set up a hate site about her, and be a continued target of his harrassment.

  2. millsy 2

    Its time that we stoop up to that hate monger and sent him back to the shit hole from whence he came.

    His contempt for women, gays, workers, the poor, gays, Maori, the sick, handicapped, the downtrodden is digusting and goes against everything this country is all about.

    The guy would gladly turn off a sick woman’s oxygen machine and take (sexual?) pleasure in watching her die, and then threaten to beat up her sons. That is disgusting.

    And his latest act in targeting an innocent woman with a smear campaign tops it off. People like him managed to win office in Europe during the 1930’s.

    • Androphobia Annie 2.1

      IrishBill: Dad, you are on a lifetime ban. Don’t break it again.

    • The insurance company paying his claim for being unable to work due to illness will be very interested in him working ‘for free’.
      Any work at all means the payments should end
      That would be a nice irony if instead he ends up as unemployed, but not eligible for a benefit as his domestic partner has some income

  3. Zetetic 3

    We actually got an email about this from someone close to the young woman earlier this week but I didn’t know quite how to apporach it. A bit outside our normal ambit.

    Anyway, I read the mail and checked out the website. It’s vile stuff. The kind of hate site you hear of schoolkids making about each other. The email writer said “So yes I know the Going Family and the only thing this girl is guilty
    of is pissing Bridget Saunders off and refusing to be bullied by
    Cameron Slater.”

    I don’t know or particularly care about the rights or wrongs of this young woman’s actions. Whether this young woman has told some lies or not, slater\s behaviour is just far far over the bounds of acceptable behaviour, verging on criminal harrassment.

    I’ts great news that he has been exposed.

  4. IrishBill 4

    Ag, Yeah I thought that might be the case but I don’t understand how that makes her a target. As far as I can see she’s not done anyone any harm, especially Slater, as as such should just be left to grow up a bit, not e bullied by some nasty buffoon who has never met her.

    • Ag 4.1

      From what I understand, she appears to be the sort of person who is quite happy to misrepresent themselves on a grand scale to garner attention. I have little sympathy for such persons. That being said, being cyber stalked by Cameron the Hutt is probably too much.

  5. So Bored 5

    The article shows Blubber Boy as what he is, a total wally. You would feel sorry for him as a long term depressive and a failed businessman who lives off insurance….if he did not take such obvious delight and pleasure in attacking others. Scum

  6. Zetetic 6

    ha! looking at the pic in the sunday star times. ‘I’m trying to look tough – so take it inthe gym, scowl, and push my fists behind my arms to make it look like i’ve got biceps.

  7. millsy 7

    Hes just an ugly prick.

    • Anita 7.1

      Does stooping to his level make him look better to you?

      • millsy 7.1.1

        We have to fight fire with fire, Miss Anita. If we roll over, the likes of Slater, Rankin, Laws, McVicar, McCroskie, George, Farrar, BarnsleyBill, Dad4Justice, Insolent Prick will gain acendancy, and the world will be a far worse place.

        • Anita

          What ever did happen to Insolent Prick anyway?

          • IrishBill

            As I understand it he was outed by the ‘sod and then vanished. Then the ‘sod vanished, then billy vanished too. It’s a funny old thing this blogging stuff.

  8. Love that perm. If he gets more exposure, maybe it’ll catch on. Seriously, could he be the fashion equivalent of those people who aren’t smart enough to know how dumb they are?

  9. Zetetic 9

    I just don’t get why he’s so tied into the the socialite world in Auckland. Why would he be interested? Just an obsession, part of the mental instablity I guess.

  10. Mr Whale is a case in which exposure will simply encourage further grandstanding. For all that, I do wonder how the values espoused by the National Party lie with the quality of thinking and expression employed by Mr Whale. Presumably, like some of the more unsavoury US actions on the international stage, deniability is everything!

    • Rex Widerstrom 10.1

      I have absolutely no idea of the links (if any) between Slater and the National hierarchy. However I have done a bit of time round politics and know, through both observation and personal experience that all sorts of people come out of the woodwork and proclaim their undying devotion to your cause.

      Often their dedication is directly proportional to the degree to which you wish they’d go away (and, ideally, support your opponents).

      But telling them to leave can have all sorts of unpredictable effects and lead to some sort of faecal cataclysm that it’d take you forever to clean up. So you just leave them there, hoping they implode rather than explode and that their antics won’t damage you to any great extent. Sometimes, of course, you make the wrong call.

      Bit like Labour and Chris Trotter, really 😀 *ducks*

      • ghostwhowalks 10.1.1

        Come on hes part of their message machine, like Kiwiblog.
        Talking points are sent out, of course his are more red meat than others, but heh its’ broad church’ and they would rather have him in the tent pissing out.

        Years back he admitted joining with Brownshirt Brownlee who turfed some poor soul down the stairs for speaking out at Election meeting for then PM Shipley. The police declined to prosecute Brownlee but the individual won a private judgement.

      • Robert Winter 10.1.2

        But I believe that National wants it both ways. There are senior National figures who are not averse to using unsavoury commentary when it suits them, but how much better to have a deniable front organisation. A chat her, a nod there, a leak every now and then, but nothing formal, Moreover, and this is, I think, the important point, National sees Messrs Kiwi and Whale as urban shock troops. bringing its message to the blogging generation. Mr Whale’s commentaries will not disturb backblock conservative National supporters, for they are unlikely to see them. But in the increasingly important urban world, these blogs serve to present National in a ‘modern’ , guise.

        As for Mr Trotter, your opening premise, by extension – that Mr Trotter proclaims undying devotion to Labour – would, I think, cause him palpitations.

  11. millsy 11

    why are all the comments on here out of order?

  12. Bill 12

    Unable to work and receiving 75%of his former salary?

    Next time the wee prick has a go at sickness beneficiaries or anyone else living off taxpayers money somebody should remind him that he is living off other peoples’ insurance premiums…which will be far more $ and c per person going to him than the $ and c per tax payer going to a beneficiary.

    I don’t think he’ll get it though, ’cause as he says….

    “You’ve got to have independent means,” he confirms

  13. Tom Semmens 13

    For a Tory blue blood, Cameron Slater lacks any breeding whatsoever.

  14. Quoth the Raven 14

    One point caught my eye in the SST article In the past year, it has broken a number of stories that have been followed, often unattributed, by news outlets, notably Winston Peters’ lingering post-election grip on his ministerial vehicle.
    The same point was raised in this article: Because The Mainstream Press Never Copies Stories From Bloggers Without Credit…
    It seems its common practice for the MSM to take content from bloggers, but when happens the other way round, in which case it is nearly always attributed, they think the bloggers should pay and have been trying figure out ways to do so. The MSM has no credibility.

  15. We actually got an email about this from someone close to the young woman earlier this week but I didn\’t know quite how to apporach it. A bit outside our normal ambit.

    Just leave it. She’s a little odd too. There’s a Pearl Going fan blog I rather suspect she writes herself. But really, who cares? None of it justifies Slater’s fatwah on her.

    At best it’s hilarious (Slater really has no sense of irony) and at worst a bit creepy.

    • Mary 15.1

      Actually it just goes to show how wrong you all are. To suggest Pearl Going would start a fan site herself is pretty funny given she can not stand been called a socialite. Here is a young girl who for the last year some freakish old man she has not met stalked her. Pearl Going actually has a job and if you ask people who actually know her they will tell you she is one hard worker. From memory she has not been in the social pages since November last year.

      Your take on this makes me angry because at least 5 people not Pearl Going recieved death threats regarding her from an individual that admitted via txt and facebook messages that they were going to disfigure her, smash her teeth out and kill her. I was one of these people and like the others we all went to the Police together and laid complaints. The individual has been identified as a collaborator with Cameron Slater for that website. This young woman is also someone who has only met Pearl Going twice and has leeched on for attention. This is a really serious situation and HoS has made light of it.

      Slater then seeking attention posted it on his blog and instructed others to call the HoS to drive attention to it. Pearl Going had nothing to do with that piece and really just wants to be left to live her life in peace. Why is it Cameron Slater can harass her past a point that is criminal threaten her life, emotional well being etc?

      If I remember correctly Slater denied the first site been him and if we are going to be smart Russell read the first post on PGIAF where they admit to been the same person? The Police did not shut us down blah blah blah – I am sorry but yes the Police did shut the last site down and Slater only admitted it because he thought they already knew.

      You all go on about how vile he is well here is a young woman he has driven almost to the point of death. Nobody unstable or ‘odd’ handles that invasion and scrutiny if they are not a very srtong balanced individual.

      None of you know her yet you all think ok I can judge her. What if I told you Pearl Going barely leaves her house these days because of this lunatics stalking, she no longer feels safe to go out at night. What if I told you she was a really lovely young woman with an amazing story to tell? Look at the content on that website and ask yourself is it fair?

      So yeah go guys leave it lets just let this asshole kill her – More to blog about right?

      I have another question if you were Pearl Going with the media determined to paint you as something you are not ‘ a socialite’.

      Here is your opportunity to shut a mentally disturbed at his own admission down. Have you ever thought of contacting Pearl Going Russell? What if its all really wrong and there is one hell of a story that will never get told because none of you buggers can be trusted?

      • Falafulu Fisi 15.1.1

        Mary, I can act as a protector for that lovely Ms Going, whichever social scene in town that she wants to go to. I think she is gorgeous. I’ll do this in exchange for free entry for me to hard to get in popular venues that she goes to. I have tried to get into these clubs in towns (such as Spy Bar), but get turned away & told that specific club is membership only. So, it is a two-way thing. Ms Going gets a bodyguard, and Falafulu will have a chance to get into those restricted clubs & perhaps party.

        Whaddya reckon?

  16. 16

    The Slater spread in the SST I think might be the start of the SSTs new monthly report “Highlighting FIlth” where they explore right wing bloggers. Though, just a theory.

  17. How exactly did I get dragged into this?

    • millsy 17.1

      Youre a hate monger, just like Slater, Rankin, Laws, et al.

      • Inventory2 17.1.1

        millsy – that’s pretty ironic when your first contribution to this thread included

        “Its time that we stoop up to that hate monger and sent him back to the shit hole from whence he came.”

        Pot; meet kettle 😉

  18. Just leave it. She’s a little odd too. There’s a Pearl Going fan blog I rather suspect she writes herself. But really, who cares? None of it justifies Slater’s fatwah on her.

    Strange, searching Kiwiblog shows that DPF’s also written about her recently, weighing in on Slaters side. Of course he’s more temperate than Slater but it’s a weird look for National’s two attack bloggers – both men in the 40s – to be gunning for some irrelevent 24 year old socialite.

  19. Tom Semmens 19

    “…but it’s a weird look for National’s two attack bloggers both men in the 40s to be gunning for some irrelevent 24 year old socialite…”

    I would say it is a simple case of a somewhat embarrassing public parading of the male menopause.

    P.S. My anti-spam word is “GOINGS” *queue twilight zone theme*

  20. Pearl Going wouldn’t be the last person who’s only degree was a .B.S

  21. Ruth 21

    As far as I can see she’s not done anyone any harm, especially Slater, as as such should just be left to grow up a bit, not e bullied by some nasty buffoon who has never met her.

    Well exactly. I would venture to say 90% of NZ don’t know who she is, and they care even less.

    I’m disappointed Farrar has sided with Slater here.

  22. handle 22

    When someone else is getting all the attention then being a bitch is a normal response for the spoiled brats of the eastern suburbs. Poodle-haired blubber-boy included.

    You have to wonder what kind of woman would marry such a petty, vicious narcissist.

    • snaphappy 22.1

      You almost have to feel sorry for the wee man but then you come to your senses.

  23. Evidence-Based Practice 23

    I can’t understand why the National Party is so happy to be associated with someone so creepy.

  24. TC 24

    “Poodle-haired blubber-boy ” “lacks any breeding” “Hes just an ugly prick” “sent him back to the shit hole from whence he came.”

    Seems like no-one in here understands hypocrisy… oh that’s right, it’s OK because he does it too…

    I sense the green-eyed monster lurking.

  25. TC 25

    good to see the left not compromising on their normal levels of censorship here…

  26. randal 26

    actually I had a real problem trying to decide which was the dumbell in the piksha.
    there were so many of them and even the sneer wasn’t enough to make identification certain.

  27. handle 27

    TC, is the politics of envy really all you’ve got?
    Mmmm, if only I had those bulging biceps and that sparkling wit.

  28. Mark M 29

    horrible man Cameron Slater , but to describe him as one of Nationals bloggers is as fair as describing the employees of this blog site as Labour stooges.

  29. Swampy 30

    Good distraction from, Whale Oil being the person who outed Neelam Choudtry and her role in the Labour Party campaign against Richard Worth.

  30. BLiP 31

    Ah, yes – the good ole, tried and true, right wing strategy: blame the victim. “Silly woman, serves her right going about the place looking so beautiful, lets put her name in the headlines, and the name of all the rape victims – teach them a lesson about interfering in the business of us blokes”.

    What a top chap your mate Blubber Boy really is.

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