The Good Oil: Blast the Right

Written By: - Date published: 11:28 am, November 7th, 2009 - 2 comments
Categories: activism, interweb, political education - Tags: , ,

blast the right

God knows you’ll never hear this sort of stuff from the transnational corporate duopolies that are our erstwhile msm, so many thanks to one of our readers who kindly put me on to this excellent US grassroots site by Jerold Block. It’s a repository of podcasts that basically just contain countless well put counter-arguments to the vacuous pap that generally passes for rightwing neo-liberal arguments that are meant to justify their naked self-interest and disregard for humanity.

Some of it’s US-specific, but considering neo-libs aren’t famous for their creativity and most of ours steal their justifications from Fox News and the Republicans anyway, most of Block’s rebuttals transfer to our political conversations very nicely.

OK so it’s true that anyone who can spell should be able to drive a bus through your average right-wingers’ proto-arguments, but it’s nice to rest the eyes for a change and listen to these essays as podcasts. They’re rational, well argued, and presented with a little gentle humour – you know, the kind that drives neo-libs crazy because they’re incapable of it. The current feature focuses on the myth of ‘trickle down’ (ie. Golden Shower for the Poor) economics.

Go ahead and have a listen. Then kick some meathead rightwinger arse.

Hattip: Harpoon

2 comments on “The Good Oil: Blast the Right ”

  1. RedLogix 1

    Jack is a remarkably lonely voice in US politics. As a few others have said recently, class conciousness has been almost completely crushed out of the American working classes.

    Much the same has happened here.

    And you rightly say, his gentle humour (very similar to greenman 3610) is highly effective. Something to learn from.

  2. Harpoon 2

    Thanks for the hat tip.

    Jerold (or Jack Clark, the moniker he uses on the podcast) is an entertaining and thought-provoking podacster. I particularly enjoy his little tip-sessions on how to persuade your friendly right-winger at the water cooler about just certain aspects of their thinking. Jack has also written an excellent piece on why right-wing politics and Christianity can’t mix — especially for those Christians who belief in what Jesus said.

    I would encourage anyone with an MP3 player to subscribe and listen.