Written By:
Marty G - Date published:
10:41 am, November 12th, 2009 - 5 comments
Categories: ACC, national/act government, spin -
Tags: john judge
A very well-produced youtube vid on National’s distortions over ACC
The clever thing National has done is set up ACC as the agent of its own demise. With Business Roundtable member John Judge in charge ACC has become a propaganda wing for National’s anti-ACC rubbish.
Judge and Nick Smith have created a false air of crisis. They have lied about the numbers. Judge’s newspaper ads seem to have been calculated to enrage the public against ACC.
This is the only way National can ultimately succeed in its agenda to privatise ACC. Right now, ACC is simply far too popular to mess with (62% of people trust ACC and have confidence in it, 82% of clients are satisfied). National’s aim is to change that, and Judge is their primary weapon. If he can walk away in a couple of year’s time with ACC’s reputation in ruins and private insurers profiting he will consider his job well done.
The only problem I have with that video is that it doesn’t show how much the bikers are paying toward their insurance claims. Of course, that’s more than the video was trying to do.
There is a huge boost in levies to pre fund the pre 1999 costs. This will be phased out in 2014.
So in 2015, will there be a big drop in levies ( for cars and motorbikes), or will there be the private insurers carrot, in which they get to to drop some levies and get the credit but keep some of the money for their profits.
The privatisation will come after 2012
A big jack up as they multiply % to get dubious numbers, but DONT supply the base figures
Check at the bottom Levy consultation for Motorists
and then pdf on page 29
heavy motorcycles ( 600cc+)
Frequency of Accidents A= 331%
Culpability of Accident B = 58%
Cost per claim C = 369%
Total is A x B x C , yes they multiply the % to get 708%
They dont give the base numbers but use a relativity factor compared to cars 100%.
ACC is not insurance its a compension scheme. It was never designed to have the seperate accounts as it has today. It was designed to use all the resourses at its disposal.
bikers ACC levy at present $252.69, a car $168 the 12 mill is only from rego, not counting fuel. or the levies they pay via their PAYE which any thing they do as a citizen including riding your motorcycle. Technically the rego levy should only be a top up. If I have a crash I am not going to make a sport claim am I so all my levies should be counted
I have never made an ACC claim in 25 years, All I have been doing is subsidising those that have…
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it. The fully-funded counselling I have been having for the past two years has made an incredibly positive difference to my life. I am no longer a drain on the health system, I am working, I pay all my taxes, my new spending power contributes to our economy, my husband no longer takes so much paid domestic leave and I have the confidence to participate in community activities. Most importantly, I am not dead. There is no way I could have paid for this counselling on my own. By subsidising those who need to make claims, you are making a real difference to the lives of your fellow New Zealanders. The public hears only about the bludgers and the whiners, not the success stories. Once again, thank you. This has nothing to do with motorcycle levies, but I just wanted to say that.