Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
11:10 am, September 29th, 2007 - 1 comment
Categories: blogs -
Tags: blogs
We’ve just been introduced to a blog we think you might like to meet too: Kiwiblogblog
Kiwiblog is a New Zealand blogging phenomenon. It’s hard to say why. It’s certainly not the most well-written blog in the Kiwi blogosphere. David’s posting style is a little too reflective of its author: short, unpretty, rushed posts that borrow heavily on the thinking of others. The posts are also not that insightful. For all his vaunted Wellington connections DPF’s blogging is remarkably light on genuine insight. Oh, occasionally he picks up on parliamentary scuttlebutt – but his partisan credentials and unwavering loyalty to the National Party mean he hears little scandal from the left and is probably unwilling to publish rumours from the right.
Rightly or wrongly, Kiwiblog certainly pulls the punters. There’s is an active participating base of well over 600 contributors and it draws in a much larger viewing audience. Perhaps the blog does well because of the passionate thread commentary. Although many conservatives deride Kiwiblog as being a “Troll farm” because of the tendency for a few intelligent liberals to challenge the cacophony of boorish stupidity oozing out of the blog’s more extreme characters.
In this blog, we hope to discuss both David’s posting and some of the characters that pop up in the threads.
Check out Kiwiblogblog!