Written By:
Steve Pierson - Date published:
6:09 am, September 1st, 2008 - 26 comments
Categories: national, science, transport -
Tags: borrowing
John Key tells us that National hasn’t decided yet what it would spend its extra borrowing on, what projects would be PPPs, what roads would be tolled under National.
How, then, to explain this from last week’s Agenda?
RAWDON Give me an example of a toll here, give me an example of what it will cost for which road, because you will have thought this through.
MAURICE Yes we’ve thought it through
So, do they know or don’t they? And which is the more worrying answer?
If they don’t know what they are spending it on, tell me again why they are borrowing it?
Looking at the US, the model becomes clear: You borrow a mountain, pay it to your mates for a “PPP” (waddeva…) and then the taxpayers PAY for it….plus interest for your financial cronies.
All the leeches win and the taxpayer stays poor so they can’t finance the non-conservative, not-MY-crony opposition.
Clever, really.
Meanwhile Steve everyone else but you and your blog are talking about the news story of last week, today
and probably for the next few weeks.
You guys are going to use tolls, have already passed a 5c a litre fuel tax and will pass taxes on cars depending or their size.
darren, you can write about whatever you like on your blog. maybe someone will read it some day.
and who are “you guys”?
like dude who is darren rickard? I’ve never heard of him!
Steve I know “you guys” at The Labour Party read my blog and so do many others, and it is growing steadily. Thanks for your concern over that.
Id like to read more about the Glenn/Peters/Clark payola scandal on THIS blog though. Very little here about this big news story.
Cheers! 🙂
[lprent: I personally regard these stories as being distractions – nothing proved, and probably nothing there. In the meantime they do what the Nat’s would like, distract from their lack of substance. Can’t remember looking at your blog unless it came up as a link-back. ]
I’m with Steve here – who borrows money without a plan as to how to spend it. I can tell you, if I turned up at my bank wanting to borrow a heap of cash but with no clue for spending it they would likely turn me down! And I wouldn’t blame them!
By the way Darren, thanks for the link so I know I should avoid falling across your blog again. Just read your post about Clark’s position on ‘gays’. Nice bit of witch hunting with the ‘who from Labour isn’t out’ line – if we’re going there perhaps we should out those National male MPs who are secretly homosexual…and no I don’t mean Chris Finlayson (decent guy, bad party).
Watching last nights program on One Ruth Dysons Department doesnt know what its spending money on either in terms of Benefit fraud.
It showed how easy it has been to rip it off for Millions and stil lno checking proceedure have been put in place or working despite the Department said they would be after the $3.8 million dollar rip off.
On the “Whom to believe” front, don’t believe Rob (who is not r0b). He is known to cut and paste other people’s comments from other sites here under his own name (plagiarism). When called on it be replies like this: http://www.thestandard.org.nz/?p=2826#comment-83402
Whom to believe? Don’t believe Rob.
OK Steve I will ban myself here before you do.
It is a constitutional issue relating to questions of honesty over our government and its support parties.
It IS a BIG story.
You SHOULD check out my blog. You will then be able to get a sensible outlook on the events of the day.
What is with your editing of contributors writing?
There is something VERY wrong with that.
re Rob
You missed out that he’s frequently wildly inaccurate and doesn’t provide references.
Darren Rickard,
I’d like to read more about heritage fruit trees on THIS blog. Very little here about this big sustainability issue.
“You SHOULD check out my blog.”
Thanks for the emphasis there, that’s convinced me. Then again as your such a tryhard I don’t think I’ll bother.
darren. who’s talking about banning? who’s editting your comments? when someone links to the standard, it shows up on a list in the backdoor and i check out what’s written, those are the only times i’ve seen your blog.
John Key is a banker and knows full well how banking works. He was after all one of only four upon invitation advisors to Alan Greenspan who presided over the biggest bubbles and expansion of currency in history. William Engdahl wrote a great series called the Financial tsunami.
If you want to learn more of the history of the central banking system this is a good video and if you want to learn more about money creation this is a goody. Also a book titled “the creature of Jekyll island” about the conspiracy of the bankers to establish a privately owned Federal banking system.
“You SHOULD check out my blog.’
True. It is hilarious
There is an extra ‘ at the end of PB’s hilarious link. Correct link is:
Ew, I totally refuse to post on the Rickard blog in case I get cooties – but good to know there’s another bigot out there blogging Darren! For the record, how is middle NZ paying for this ‘gay homo’ and his husband? With the amount we’ve given to the taxman and the paltry amount we’ve taken back (DINKs are traditionally tax givers, not takers) over our careers middle NZ is doing quite well off us thanks!
Back on point, if Key knows how banking works then why is he borrowing without knowing why? Oh that’s right – because all National’s wealthy supporters are desperate for him to build roads and other old world infrastructure so they can make money!
Thanks for this post Steve. I’m trying to implore people to get the debate back on to policies too, especially National’s road tolling one too – over at g.blog.
Did you realise that David Farrar had devoted 34 separate threads to the alleged behaviour of one particular politician over the last week?
toad, yeah but if farrar wasn’t posting on peters, it would just be ego posts and ‘boobies!’
btw, g.blog rocks, i should find my membership details so i can write on it some time.
“toad, yeah but if farrar wasn’t posting on peters, it would just be ego posts and ‘boobies!'”
Best. Post. Ever.
Of course, by boobies I assume you mean Farrar’s own… 🙂
Be fair Steve. A rouge politician apparantly receiving backhanders from big business, the PM in on it and a major party changing the MMP dynamics by ruling out a post election deal with the party involved is pretty interesting stuff. Therefore Farrar has probably got a good case for devoting a lot of posts to it.
Considering how many posts you fired off over the “I’d love to see wages drop” thing, which by contrast was a total non event, I’d have thought you would understand.
We allready have a ‘privately’ funded toll road in NZ. that is all the funding didnt come from the government, but no private ownership but was done by the Tauranga District Council. Its their new Motorway to avoid the city and connect to the Mt Maunganui harbour bridge.
But its losing money, as the tolls dont pay the interest costs on the loan. despite virtually all the land being ‘free’ as it wasnt in private ownership but part of the harbour bed.
Its a truism , in Australia and NZ , toll roads lose money!
Dom, don’t waste too much time wondering how Darren comes to his rather bizarre ideas. I just hope it’s not costing us too much 😉
You visit Darren Rickard’s blog at your own risk. He has posted peoples IP addreses on his blog.
Quoth, I have only posted visitors from parliament that are sometimes directed by its blog, the Standard.to look at my wonderful site.
They are public property so they are public domain.