With all the charm of Slough

Written By: - Date published: 10:53 am, January 15th, 2008 - 62 comments
Categories: humour, john key - Tags: ,


Paul from The Fundy Post has done a rather humorous review of John Key’s holiday home in Success Court, Omaha Beach, as featured in the Herald on Sunday. Suffice to say he’s not impressed:

It is difficult to know where to begin. Here is a house (described somewhat disingenuously by the Herald as a “bach”) which has the appearance of a miniature office building. Rather than its present location at Omaha Beach, its design suits it to a business park on the outskirts of the city, conveniently near major transport hubs. The reader should note the extravagant and charmless cornice, apparently supported by massive piers, as well as the floor-to-ceiling windows in tinted glass. The reader should note these and resolve never to have a home with these features; unless, that is, he should wish to have regular visits from photocopier salesmen, for surely they will flock to his door.

Should one be visiting Mr Key in his holiday home, whether to attempt to sell office products or for social reasons, it would be very bad form to tap one of those seemingly weighty piers. It would chime like a bell. The piers must be hollow, since the wooden deck which apparently supports and surrounds them could not bear the weight of so much masonry. Wits might observe that this is a hollow house for a hollow man.

Sound convincing? That’s probably because Paul’s just been accepted as a PhD candidate at the University of Auckland on the subject of ‘the influence of architectural historians on architectural culture in New Zealand’. Well done old chap.

You can read the whole review here.

62 comments on “With all the charm of Slough ”

  1. Camryn 1

    Well, sorry John, but there goes my vote! I’ll be damned if I’ll tolerate a Prime Minister who has a different taste in architecture from even one architect!

  2. Sam Dixon 2

    Camryn – is a humour-ectomy painful? It’s a bit of humour taking down a peg or two a man who places himself very highly, nothing offensive or bigoted (in contrast to the ‘humour’ we see so often at other blogs).

    captcha: ‘Unheralded’ – just like a lot of Auckland households I know of since that paper became a National mouthpiece

  3. Sam Dixon 3

    I love this from later in the post

    “Fortunately, one can see little of the interior through the tinted glass. One suspects that it would contain a white leather lounge suite, on which Mr Key would relax with half a glass of Chablis while listening to Air Supply’s Greatest Hits on the Bang and Olufson”

    Although, I suspect Mr Key would be listening to his favourite band, Coldplay. A pirated copy, no doubt.

  4. Santi 4

    Sam Dixon from sunny Napier, you write with the charm of an envious and jealous socialist.

    Appalling taste in architecture is no excuse, but your diatribe is uncalled for.

  5. Kimble 5

    I thought it was the rich pricks who were supposed to be the snobs.

  6. Sam Dixon 6

    what diatribe?

    I’m impressed that you know I’m from Napier, as has been published with my name in letters to the Herald; impressed because I didn’t realise you got beyond the cartoons.

  7. James Kearney 7

    Kimble- John Key’s house is a form of snobbery. It’s that Botany Downs breed of snobbery that makes the people who live in those tacky, tasteless houses feel superior while the rest of us have a good laugh at their expense. Seriously, what was he thinking?

  8. Phil 8

    In comparison to Trelise Coopers pseudo-fortress (it looks like the ruins of a Spanish amoury from Mexico) and that bizzare temple looking structure of the Richwhite’s, I’d say Jonkeys isn’t at all bad.

    And what’s wrong with floor to ceiling windows? I would have thought their benefits in terms of natural light and warmth (and lower electricity consumption) would have been a big hit with you guys.

  9. rjs131 9

    I wonder if he paid market rates for the tiling, or whether Taito Philip Field managed to source him a good deal?

  10. James Kearney 10

    Na he rehired some of those 500 workers he laid off as head of Merryl Lynch, then campaigned against their minimum wage rise.

  11. outofbed 11

    And pray whats wrong with Slough?
    Don’t listen to Ricky Gevais and Sir John, It is a lovely place nestling as it does in the shadow of Windsor castle its also very handy for the Airport and it has lots of roundabouts which can’t be bad

  12. Minister of Kulture 12

    John Key’s tastes, all on the record:

    Favourite film: Johnny English
    Favourite music: Easy Listening
    Favourite book: Green Eggs and Ham (although a few months ago he said that he “hadn’t read a book all year”).

  13. Kimble 13

    “John Key’s house is a form of snobbery.”

    No. He owns a house he likes. He is not being condescending or disdainful of others. He is not saying he is better than anyone else.

    Whereas what you are doing is a bare faced snobbery.

    Snob: One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.

    Lets see. Who is being a snob? John Key by buying a house he likes, or you lot for calling his type of house tacky and tasteless?

    Whats next?

    “omighod, i cant believe he is wearing THOSE shoes!”

    “Did he buy that shirt at the warehouse, or what?!?”

    Like it or not, but YOU are being the snob.

  14. How classy. Yet more envy from the pinkos.

    “Rather than its present location at Omaha Beach, its design suits it to a business park on the outskirts of the city, conveniently near major transport hubs.”

    In one sentence, the “reviewer” shows that he’s never actually visited Omaha. Key’s home is unexceptional at Success Court.

    The piers must be hollow, since the wooden deck which apparently supports and surrounds them could not bear the weight of so much masonry.

    And here the writer shows nil understanding of architecture, building, or engineering. The wooden deck does not “apparently” support and surround the masonry. Nobody looking at that structure would assume that it is built on top of a wooden deck.

    Finally we have Tane asserting Paul’s credentials as a PhD candidate on the “influence of architectural historians on architectural culture”. That isn’t an architecture degree. It’s a history degree. That’s like calling Michael Cullen an “economist”.

    The Standard would appear to be happy only if John Key spent $2.95 million on a property 17 years ago, to see it drop to $200k today. Apparently making smart property investments is a reason not to elect him.

  15. James Kearney 15

    Snobbery implies looking down on people of a lower class who either through lack of money or education are not able to afford or appreciate more sophisticated things.

    Laughing at a rich guy with appalling bad taste isn’t snobbering, it’s hilarious and a great deal of fun.

    Have a laugh Kimble, you’re letting everyone know that it’s getting to you.

  16. James Kearney 16

    * Should say ‘snobbery’

  17. James Kearney 17

    Apparently making smart property investments is a reason not to elect him.

    Of course that’s not a reason to elect him.

  18. Phil 18

    “Did he buy that shirt at the warehouse, or what?!?”

    You’re right on that one Kimble – it’s a crap shirt.

  19. Sam Dixon 19

    Perhaps if Mr Key would release some policy, rather than trying to get elected on his political persona, he would be critiqued on his policies, rather than his political persona.

  20. Camryn 20

    Sam – I have no sense of humour? I think not. Perhaps we just have a different sense of humour? I think so, because every time this site tries to write something ‘funny’ about John Key, it smacks of some kind of creepy venting of inner frustrations. I think that good humour is when you make fun of someone you DO like, rather than when you grasp at straws to ridicule someone you DON’T like.

  21. Matthew Pilott 21

    And they say ‘pinkos’ don’t have a sense of humour… Sigh…

    Welcome back IP, O harbinger of Great Hilarity and Merriment 😉

  22. James Kearney 22

    The right sure are touchy about any criticism of John Key’s image. It’s almost like you guys know that’s all he has going for him.

  23. Matthew Pilott 23

    And at least it’s a bit more tasteful than “Luke – I am your Lesbian Father”, even though that sh*t was cool with the Natz until the media made a stink about it…

  24. Jum 24

    Kimble wrote

    “Snob: One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.”

    Thank you Kimble – you have just described your good friend Michele Cabiling. That must be the humour that Camryn was talking about.

  25. Santi 25

    This heard of lefties, which at times resemble a pack of hyenas, take pleasure lashing out at John Key with the envy of their wonderful socialist creed.

    Get a life, earn your own money and then cast an opinion.

  26. Kimble 26

    “Snobbery implies looking down on people of a lower class ”

    Snobbery has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with an assumption of superiority, which is on fine display here.

    And Sam, that is a pretty pathetic excuse for being shallow. Still, I dont suppose you can expect shallow people to come up with deep excuses.

  27. Jum 27

    Santi – don’t be silly

    How can you earn money that’s already yours?

    If I remember correctly, weren’t you the hyena who told me that I was ‘vanquished’ and should leave the site, after you wrongly thought that Michele had chewed me up and spat me out, with her quotes and her insults?

    A – vanquished – a word that conjures up a picture of chivalry – that cannot be used in the same sentence as Michele, but chivalry can be used in the case of some knights who live in Michele’s academic world and took her to task for her immature and ill thought out posts. Whether they were doing it for lil ol me doesn’t matter.

  28. Robinsod 28

    John can’t help the fact he has no taste as he has no mind of his own. He’ll have been told by someone (probably someone he hired) that that’s what multi-millionaire currency speculator’s house should look like. Just as he’s told what to say and do by his image advisers and the backers of the party. I often see John in my travels and I have never seen him without someone minding him, nor have I ever seen him strike up a conversation or substantial social interaction without prompting – he relies on carefully orchestrated set pieces and on others coming to him.

  29. Matthew Pilott 29

    Santi, assumes that we are all jobless and penniless, living off the state.

    Get a life, earn your own money and then cast an opinion.

    This is a common lament from bigots who are unable to imagine that people could like a leftist government even if they had a decent income, because they thought society as a whole would be better off.

  30. Brownie 30

    This has to be the funniest thread on the Standard so far. Repartee abounds.

  31. Kimble 31

    “I have never seen him without someone minding him, nor have I ever seen him strike up a conversation or substantial social interaction without prompting ”

    So what you are saying is that you are stalking him.

    Seriously though, you guys are so full of hate for Key, for no other reason than he is the leader of the party opposed to yours. You are INVENTING reasons to dislike him.

    It is like you are obsessed!

    For fucks sake! This is a post about the appearance of his holiday house. How pathetic is that?

  32. Minister of Kulture 32

    What’s to hate? The guy’s hilarious!

    The emptiest politician in the Western world. Bar none. If you disagree, suggest an alternative contender for this coveted title. I’m racking my brains here, can’t think of one. Rudd the lightweight is Abe Lincoln by comparison. Cameron has wit, at least.

    Key? There. Is. Nothing. There.

  33. James Kearney 33

    Kimble it’s a joke and a very well written piece of work at that. Just relax a little mate.

  34. Matthew Pilott 34

    Minister of Kulture, I object!!!

    John Kerry was pretty gosh darn bad. What is it with these JK’s??

    Kimble, do you write four posts (and counting) on every post you consider pathetic?

    I’d hate to see you on a non-political blog, such as one on quilt work. “Quiltwork? QUILTWORK? For Fucks sake! There’s a Labour government out there destroying the social fabric of society and you’re talking about goddamn CROSSSTICH! What the hell is wrong with you people????!!!!” 8)

  35. Ruth 35

    I suppose on some intellectual level an argument about John Key’s holiday house could be considered interesting. And I suppose there is some sort of forum where discussion and debate on the issue would be considered appealing. But my immediate response is simple:

    I don’t give a shit.

    What you are offering has nothing to do with analysis – either political or historical – of John Key or the National Party.

    You just want to brand Key, and by extension, all Natianl supporters, as people with no taste, elitists etc.

    Note to you: it’s way down on NZers list of things to care about. My daily worries revolve around far more fundamental issues. And what I really need out of someone – and I don’t give a shit which of the two Medias gives it to me – is clear, complete, intelligent and unbiased analysis of the issues and the policy alternatives for dealing with those issues.

    Of course, it could just be that my expectations aren’t realistic. Spending lots of time and energy on grappling with complex real-world issues can be an unrewarding business, as many bloggers have discovered.

  36. Robinsod 36

    Ruth, if you don’t give a shit ignore this thread and post on one you do give a shit about. Neither the standard or it’s commenters exist to satisfy your every intellectual need.

  37. Santi 37

    “What you are offering has nothing to do with analysis – either political or historical…”

    Ruth, please don’t be naive enough to expect analysis from the likes of Michael Porton and minions. They are here to belittle, disseminate innuendo, and make fun of their political enemies. It’s their duty as houndogs of the Left.

    Porton (aka robinsond) is well known around the blogs for having the intellectual stature of a pygmy (with apologies to the pygmies)

  38. burt 38


    What you are offering has nothing to do with analysis – either political or historical…

    They are not allowed to because of the EFB, so instead they post ridiculous crap like this. To think they support the party that had ended their right to post political commentary and not all they have is denigration and waffle like this thread.


  39. Robinsod 39

    Jeez santi, an here’s me thinkin I was smarter than you. No hold on, I am smarter than you – shit I bet that burns.

    Burt you dumbarse, the last two threads were all about political commentary. I knew you were obtuse but to actually come out and make such a statement in the face of clear fact is truly impressive even for you my little drunkard.

  40. burt 40


    Nice, dumbarse and little drunkard… Hey you are improving – no fuck-off this time and no mention of Ritalin.

    re your comment to Santi – I think the only person you are smarter than is Tane, I don’t think even you would post a thread like this one, but still you defend it.

    Guess it’s all part of being a Labour supporter, you spend your life defending the indefensible and it becomes a habit.

  41. burt 41


    The last two threads:

    An attack on Shadbolt, little more than the Herald reworded with a few denigrations thrown in… I don’t call that political commentary.

    A new left wing blog, a little bit of advertising for fellow comrades who also like self serving govt that have no respect for the laws they impose on others.

    Help me out oh great smart one… where is the commentary in that?

    Oh going back three threads… Blantant horse shit about billboards – denigration and nonsense completely skirting the underlying issues.

    I’m still missing the analysis bit… Help me oh smart one!

  42. burt 42


    You could have made this thread much more concise by posting as follows;


    John Key is a rich prick, he has a holiday home I couldn’t afford so I’ll denigrate it. All rick pricks are bastards and have zero taste in architecture – why do I say this – because I can’t afford a house like than and I’m compelled by the policies of envy to denigrate him.


  43. Phil 43


    If anyone is approaching “elitist” around here, surely it must be those of a Labour persuasion… after all, they are in popularity free-fall while National becomes the party of choice to the great unwashed masses!

  44. Robinsod 44

    Jeez Burt you really are struggling to make sense of the big ol’ world aren’t you? I should’ve said the last two Irish Bill threads but as you’ve addressed them I obviously don’t need to. If you seriously consider an analysis of the National Party’s strategy for the coming election year and piece questioning the funding for an overtly political campaign by a prominent local body politician as not being political commentary then you’ve got nothing to worry about vis-a-vis the EFB ‘cos by your definitions nothing falls under that nomenclature.

    I would suggest Burt that you probably need to re-read those articles and think again. But before you do so I would also suggest you take your ritalin so you maintain the attention-span to do so properly.

  45. burt 45


    Making sense of the big ol’ world presents little challenge to me – the standard is another matter entirely. I’m not sure if it’s the way the denigration is framed or the denigration itself – it just seems so pointless, so myopically Labour good – National Bad. There appears to be no purpose other than expose how partisan some people can be and how much some people like govt that tramples all over constitutional issues in a partisan manner for their own political gain.

    Since you were to scared to say what you do and made up shit about being a practicing psychiatrist when asked what you did that made you much smarter than me – perhaps you could explain it a bit more to me.

  46. Robinsod 46

    Burt – That’s a nice shot at misdirection, By what “I do” I was making reference to my commenting on blogs and the fact that I own your arse every time we do this (speaking of pointless) – you gave me the chance to make an easy joke at your expense. So I did.

    But back on topic, you say: There appears to be no purpose other than expose how partisan some people can be and how much some people like govt that tramples all over constitutional issues in a partisan manner for their own political gain.

    By partisan I assume you mean the fact that the standard continually uncovers the spin behind so called neutral commentators and by trample etc I assume you mean “Labour bad, labour bad, labour bad…” ‘cos bro, we’re living under your dreaded EFB and I don’t see much has changed. I can only assume you’re sore you’ve been taken for a ride by the fear-mongering right and you’re still in the denial stage – come to terms with the fact you’ve been suckered by Farrar and his cronies Burt, it’s only once you admit you have a problem that you can start solving it.

    Come to think of it that’s probably what they told you about the drinking too…

  47. burt 47


    and the fact that I own your arse every time we do this

    Last time we did this one of us was congratulated for exposing how feeble the other was. How did being called feeble make you own my ass Robinsod?

    I’ll give you a clue Robinsod, that picture of a crazy guy in your bathroom. It isn’t a picture – it’s a mirror.

  48. Kimble 48

    “Kimble it’s a joke…” JK

    “John can’t help the fact he has no taste as he has no mind of his own.”

    “The emptiest politician in the Western world.”

    Laughing at someones taste in homes is just plain snobbery.

    You guys think because you aren’t one of the ‘rich pricks’ that you can’t be arrogant, snobbish wankers? That holds as much water as the argument that black people cant be racist.

  49. burt 49


    That rather humorous review of John Key’s holiday home thread seems to have been deleted from fundypost , any idea why?

  50. Tane 50

    No, it’s still there. Have another look.

  51. I am honoured. My posts never get this sort of response on my blog.

  52. andy 52

    John key is anti business:

    ‘National leader John Key has called for limits on commercial crab pots at popular beaches over the summer, saying they act as “human berley” by attracting sharks to swimming areas.’


    we live in strange times when Jim Anderton is more business friendly than the leader of the National party.

  53. Jum 53

    Paul Litterick

    What I want to know seriously, is, since Key seems to have several houses in New Zealand, according to an article about him, who cleans them all. Does Bronagh?

    Please strike me down with a duster if she cleans them all, but I’m of the opinion that someone else does that for her. Maybe it’s the kids.

    But with a lot of houses, with (a)cleaner/s that would cost a lot, if I was Key I would want the labour a lot cheaper than it is now, so I would probably want to change the employment contracts act to make it a bit easier on my bank balance.

    I don’t know what Clark does with her (is it?) 5 houses, rent or have cleaners, but I would rather have her employment contracts act fairness than his. It also seems to prove that a reasonable salary can buy houses with the right savings schemes and Kiwi Saver seems to fit the bill.

  54. Michele Cabiling 54

    Matthew Pillock wrote:

    “This [earn your own money] is a common lament from bigots who are unable to imagine that people could like a leftist government even if they had a decent income, because they thought society as a whole would be better off.”

    So anyone who agrees with you is “open-minded.” Anyone who doesn’t is “judgemental” or a “bigot.” A standard leftard reductionist argument.

    In a free society, you are at liberty to spend as much of your own money as you like and in the manner of your choosing to make society “better off.”

    Just don’t presume to spend mine.

  55. Michele Cabiling 55

    More personal abuse from Jum above.

    To respond on the same level, she’s just jealous I’m cute and smart, and she’s … well … the opposite of those things.

  56. Kimble 56

    “John key is anti business”

    BAHAHAHAHHAHA! So you decide that he is all about business, and when he shows he isnt you decide he is being hypocritical?!?

  57. Robinsod 57

    Michele – you are certainly not cute, no-one is goodlooking enough to make up for the ugliness of your personality. And your so-called “smarts” are just the dogged repetition of poorly thought through arguments. I’ve asked twice now how you manage to spend so much time constructing your inconsistent diatribes when you are so busy and successful and yet you haven’t answered. Why is that, Michele?

  58. Matthew Pilott 58

    So anyone who agrees with you is “open-minded.” Anyone who doesn’t is “judgemental” or a “bigot.” A standard leftard reductionist argument.

    Michele, you’re slipping, even by your standards. Where did these “open-minded” and “judgemental” comments (in speech marks, giving them the apperance of a quote) come from, save your fertile imagination?

    It’s not a reductionist argument, you’re just unable to see my point, either through lack of intelligence or objectivity – which is it?

    Kimble, where did andy say that Key “is all about business”? Perhaps you need to stop thinking of the Standard as a single monolithic entity.

  59. Ruth 59

    This thread reminds me of the words of a blogger I used to read. He called himself an ‘ex architect’. His words were

    “You have never heard bullshit until you have heard an architect talk about his work. He thinks he is doing God’s work”.

    John Key or Helen Clark could live in a cave for all I care.

    Middle class nonsense, the lot of it.

  60. Phil 60

    Yes Jum, I would certainly agree that the the ‘reasonable’ salary of PM and/or leader of the opposition are indeed enough to buy a house. (five of them, even).

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    Cancer Minister Casey Costello is in trouble again over her secret, magically appearing tobacco policy document. The Ombudsman has already found that she acted contrary to law in refusing requests for it; now she has been referred to the Chief Archivist over a possible breach of the Public Records Act ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    2 days ago
  • NZ’s lack of a capital gains tax means the richest here pay vastly less than elsewhere

    The lack of a capital gains tax means the richest Kiwis are sitting pretty compared to taxpayers overseas. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāKia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, September 19:New Zealand’s richest ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • Verrall to Levy: “Health NZ NDAs are North Korean – Get rid of it.”

    Open article. Note the video of the Health Select Committee excerpts starts at 1:22 In watching the Health Select Committee yesterday, it became clear to me why Margie Apa remains Health NZ CEO.During Levy’s testimony, Apa sat like a rock next to her boss. She nodded supportively, scribbled notes to ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    2 days ago
  • The Show Must Go On

    Empty spaces, what are we living for?Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and onDoes anybody know what we are looking for?Another hero, another mindless crimeBehind the curtain, in the pantomimeHold the lineDoes anybody want to take it anymore?The show must go onSongwriters: Brian May / Freddie Mercury ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    2 days ago
  • Managing on-street parking for local benefit

    This guest post by Malcolm McCracken originally appeared on his blog Better Things Are Possible, and is republished here by kind permission. The case for Parking Benefit Districts: managing on-street parking for local benefit Parking is often the centre of debate in our cities; particularly on-street car parks, who gets ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    2 days ago
  • Doubling down?

    This is a re-post from And Then There's Physics I wrote a post a little while ago commenting on a Sabine Hossenfelder video suggesting that she was now worried about climate change because the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) could be much higher than most estimates have suggested. I wasn’t too taken with Sabine’s arguments, and there were others ...
    2 days ago
  • Too much haste & waste in Simeon Brown’s need for speed

    Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāLong story short, the Government’s myopia of only choosing transport policies that reduce travel times means we’re missing out on the health benefits of more cycling and walking, along with the health cost savings from fewer accidents, less pollution and mentally healthier ways of getting ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • What seemed so simple is now so complex

    The Health NZ rescue that seemed so simple back in July was presented to a Select Committee yesterday as a complex challenge that could take some years to sort out. In July, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon said Health NZ was on track to record a deficit of $1.4 billion for ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    2 days ago
  • The utterances of Shane Jones

    Let us consider the utterances of Shane Jones.Let us consider the derogatory terms of abuseNow is not the time for Green Wombles, it's black and white decision making.We will stand with the energy industry and ensure they are not monstered by Green Termites nibbling away at our economic capital.The Green ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    3 days ago
  • Ukrainian militia receives defective shipment of pagers that just send and receive messages

    There’s been a major setback for one Ukrainian-backed militia on the Russian border, after the group ordered a large shipment of pagers to use as improvised explosive devices. The plan was to litter the pagers throughout abandoned homes and buildings in hopes of wounding Russian soldiers. But upon arrival of ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    3 days ago
  • A constitutional shitshow

    Last month, we learned that the government was half-arsing its anti-gang legislation, adding a significant, pre-planned, BORA-abusing amendment at the committee stage, avoiding all the usual scrutiny processes. But it gets worse. Because having done it once, they're now planning to recall the bill in order to add another such ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    3 days ago
  • Political Round Up

    Note: An earlier version of this article noted Levy was a “party time Health NZ commissioner” - this has been updated - forgive my Freudian slip.Dr Lester Levy is charging $320,000 a year to be a part time Health NZ commissioner. Rachel Thomas reports that Levy is still teaching 2 ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    3 days ago
  • Postcard from Sydney: Southwest and City Metro extension

    This is a guest post from Sydney reader Nik Clement After 2 years in Auckland I moved back to Sydney just over a year ago. While in Auckland, I went to the opening of Puhinui station and used it a fair bit, living in Manukau Central and being able ...
    Greater AucklandBy Guest Post
    3 days ago
  • Tolling revolt brewing in National heartland

    Kia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, September 18:Locals gathered in Woodville last night to protest at the National-ACT-NZ First Government’s decision to toll the new road linking the Manawatu and Hawkes Bay, saying ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • The doom spiral

    This is a re-post from The Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler In his last post, Zeke discussed incredible warmth of 2023 and 2024 and its implications for future warming. A few readers looked at it and freaked out: This is terrifying and This update really put me in a ...
    3 days ago
  • Government directs Te Puni Kōkiri to conduct Māori Language Week in English

    The coalition government has issued a directive to Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Māori Development, instructing them that – in the interests of clear communication – they are to conduct this year’s Māori Language Week primarily or exclusively in English. The directive is in line with the Government’s policy ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    4 days ago
  • Government celebrates fact that New Zealand’s healthcare is so good people are queuing up for it a...

    At yesterday’s post-cabinet press conference, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, flanked by his Health Minister Shane Reti and someone we can’t independently verify was a real sign language interpreter, announced that he had some positive news for the country. “Alright team, I’m just going to hand over to uh, Dr. Shane, ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    4 days ago
  • Heartwarming: Thoughtful driver uses indicator to tell you what they’ve just done

    It’s 4:10pm in the morning, and you’re in the middle lane heading north on the great southern motorway of our nation’s capital, Auckland. There are no cars directly in front of you, but quite a few in the lane to your left. Suddenly, without warning, a black ute enters your ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    4 days ago
  • NPC teams will now be allowed to actually use the Ranfurly Shield in play

    Following decades of controversy, the governing body of New Zealand rugby, New Zealand Rugby, has ruled that the team currently holding the Ranfurly Shield may once again use it in play during the National Provincial Championship (NPC). The ruling restores the utility of a prize that for many years was ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    4 days ago
  • Climbing out of the hamster wheel

    I arrived home with a head full of fresh ideas about mindfulness and curbing impulsive aspects in my character.On the second night home I grabbed a piece of ginger and began swiftly slicing it on our industrial strength mandolin, the one I have learned through painful experience to treat with ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    4 days ago
  • More Notes From Stinky Town

    Good morning, folks. Another wee note from a chilly Rotorua morning that looks much clearer than yesterday. As I write, the pink glow in the east is slowly growing, and soon, the palest of blue skies should become a bit more royal.A couple of people mentioned yesterday that I should ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    4 days ago
  • Make it make sense: why axe valuable local projects?

    Last week, Matt looked at how the government wants to pour a huge chunk of civic infrastructure funding for a generation  into one mega-road up North, at huge cost and huge opportunity cost. A smaller but no less important feature of the National Land Transport Plan devised by Minister of Transport ...
    4 days ago
  • Driving blind at higher speeds

    An open letter by experts about plans to raise speed limits warns the “tragic consequence will be more New Zealanders losing their lives or suffering severe injury, along with a substantial burden on the nation's healthcare and rehabilitation services”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāKia ora. Long stories short, here’s ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    4 days ago
  • 2024’s unusually persistent warmth

    This is a re-post from The Climate Brink My inaugural post on The Climate Brink 18 months ago looked at the year 2024, and found that it was likely to be the warmest year on record on the back of a (than forecast) El Nino event. I suggested “there is a real chance ...
    4 days ago
  • National plan for 2000 more Kiwis a year in prison

    Open for allYesterday, Luxon congratulated his government on a job well done with emergency housing numbers, but advocates have been saying it‘s likely many are on the streets and sleeping in cars.Q&A featured some of the folks this weekend - homeless and in cars. Yes.The government’s also confirmed they stopped ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    4 days ago
  • I Found a Note in a Tree

    Hi,On most days I try to go on a walk through nature to clear my head from the horrors of life. Because as much as I like people, I also think it’s incredibly important to get very far away from them. To be reminded that there are also birds, lizards, ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    4 days ago
  • Jacqui Van Der Kaay: Politicians need to lift their game

    Declining trust in New Zealand politicians should be a warning to them to lift their game. Results from the New Zealand Election Study for the 2023 election show that the level of trust in politicians has once again declined. Perhaps it is not surprising that the results, shared as part ...
    Democracy ProjectBy bryce.edwards
    5 days ago
  • Police say they won’t respond to bomb threats anymore as ‘it’s never anything’

    Police Commissioner Andrew Coster says that New Zealand’s police force will no longer respond to bomb threats, in an attempt to cut costs and redirect police resources to less boring activities. Coster said that threat response and bomb disposal was a “fairly obvious” area for downsizing, as bomb threats are ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    5 days ago
  • A dysfunctional watchdog

    The reality of any right depends on how well it is enforced. But as The Post points out this morning, our right to official information isn't being enforced very well at all: More than a quarter of complaints about access to official information languish for more than a year, ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    5 days ago
  • Climate Change: The threat of a good example

    Since taking office, the climate-denier National government has gutted agricultural emissions pricing, ended the clean car discount, repealed water quality standards which would have reduced agricultural emissions, gutted the clean car standard, killed the GIDI scheme, and reversed efforts to reduce pollution subsidies in the ETS - basically every significant ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    5 days ago
  • Vegas Baby

    Good morning, lovely people. Don’t worry. This isn’t really a newsletter, just a quick note. I’m sitting in our lounge, looking out over a gloomy sky. Although being Rotorua, the view is periodically interrupted by steam bursting from pipes and dispersing—like an Eastern European industrial hellscape during the Cold War.Drinking ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    5 days ago
  • Why Entrust Needs New Leadership

    I am part of a new team running in the Entrust election in October. Entrust is a community electricity trust representing a significant part of Auckland, set up to serve the community. It is governed by five trustees are elected every three years in an election the trust itself oversees. ...
    Greater AucklandBy Patrick Reynolds
    5 days ago
  • London Bridge is falling down

    In the UK, London is the latest of council groups to signal potential bankruptcy.That’s after Birmingham, Britain’s second largest city, went bankrupt in June, resulting in reduced sanitation services, libraries cut, and dimmed streetlights.Some in the city described things as “Dickens” like.Please, Sir, Can I have some more?For families with ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    5 days ago
  • Govt may kick elderly out of hospitals

    The Government is considering how to shunt elderly people out of hospitals, and also how to cut their access to other support. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāKia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Monday, ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • Getting the nephs off the couch

    The so-called “Prince of the Provinces”, Shane Jones, went home last Friday. Perhaps not quite literally home, more like 20 kilometres down the road from his house on the outskirts of Kerikeri. With its airport, its rapidly growing (mostly retired) population, and a commercial centre with all the big retail ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    5 days ago
  • De moralibus orcorum: Sargon of Akkad, Rings of Power, Evil, and George R.R. Martin

    I have noted before that The Rings of Power has attracted its unfortunate share of culture war obsessives. Essentially, for a certain type of individual, railing on about the Wokery of Modern Media is a means of making themselves a online livelihood. Clicks and views and advertising revenue, and all ...
    6 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #37

    A listing of 31 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, September 8, 2024 thru Sat, September 14, 2024. Story of the week From time to time we like to make our Story of the Week all about us— and ...
    6 days ago
  • Salvation For Us All

    Yesterday, I ruminated about the effects of being a political follower.And, within politics, David Seymour was smart enough on Friday to divert attention from “race blind” policies [what about gender blind I thought - thinking of maternity wards] and cutting school lunches by throwing meat to the media. Teachers were ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    6 days ago
  • A warm embrace

    Far, far away from here lives our King. Some of his subjects can be quite the forelock tuggers, but plenty of us are not like that, and why don't I wheel out my favourite old story once more about Kiwi soldiers in the North African desert?Field Marshal Montgomery takes offence ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • Literal clowns are running the place, we must put a timeout on this stupidity… right Aotearoa?

    These people are inept on every level. They’re inept to the detriment of our internal politics, cohesion and increasingly our international reputation. And they are reveling in the fact they are getting away with it. We cannot even have “respectful debate” with a government that clearly rejects the very ...
    exhALANtBy exhalantblog
    7 days ago
  • Fact brief – Does manmade CO2 have any detectable fingerprint?

    Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with John Mason. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Does manmade CO2 have any ...
    7 days ago
  • Judge Not.

    Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:1-2FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY men and women professing the Christian faith would appear to have imperilled their immortal souls. ...
    7 days ago
  • Managed Democracy: Letting The People Decide, But Only When They Can Be Relied Upon To Give the Righ...

    Uh-uh! Not So Fast, Citizens! The power to initiate systemic change remains where it has always been in New Zealand’s representative democracy – in Parliament. To order a binding referendum, the House of Representatives must first to be persuaded that, on the question proposed, sharing its decision-making power with the people ...
    7 days ago
  • Looking For Labour’s Vital Signs.

    Flatlining: With no evidence of a genuine policy disruptor at work in Labour’s ranks, New Zealand’s wealthiest citizens can sleep easy.PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN has walked a picket-line. Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has threatened “price-gauging” grocery retailers with price control. The Democratic Party’s 2024 platform situates it well to the left of Sir ...
    7 days ago
  • Forty Years Of Remembering To Forget.

    The Beginning of the End: Rogernomics became the short-hand descriptor for all the radical changes that swept away New Zealand’s social-democratic economy and society between 1984 and 1990. In the bitterest of ironies, those changes were introduced by the very same party which had entrenched New Zealand social-democracy 50 years earlier. ...
    7 days ago
  • Kōrero Mai – Speak to Me.

    Good morning all you lovely people. 🙂I woke up this morning, and it felt a bit like the last day of school. You might recall from earlier in the week that I’m heading home to Rotorua to see an old friend who doesn’t have much time. A sad journey, but ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Winning ways

    Hello! Here comes the Saturday edition of More Than A Feilding, catching you up on anything you may have missed. Street architecture adjustment, KolkataShare Read more ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago
  • 48 seconds on a plan that would reverberate for a million years

    Despite fears that Trump presidency would be disastrous for progress on climate change, the topic barely rated a mention in the Presidential debate. Photo: Getty ImagesLong stories short, here’s the top six news items of note in climate news for Aotearoa-NZ this week, and a discussion above between Bernard Hickey ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Using blunt instruments and magical thinking to ignore evidence of harm

    The abrupt cancellations and suspensions of Government spending also caused private sector hiring, spending, and investment to freeze up for the first six months of the year. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāThis week we learned:The new National/ACT/NZ First Coalition Government ignored advice from Treasury that it didn’t have to ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Is This A Dagger Which I See Before Me: A Review and Analysis of The Rings of Power Episode 5 (Seaso...

    Another week of The Rings of Power, season two, and another confirmation that things are definitely coming together for the show. The fifth Episode of season one represented the nadir of the series. Now? Amid the firmer footing of 2024, Episode Five represents further a further step towards excellent Tolkien ...
    1 week ago
  • In Open Seas; A Book

    The background to In Open Seas: How the New Zealand Labour Government Went Wrong:2017-2023Not in Narrow Seas: The Economic History of Aotearoa New Zealand, published in 2020, proved more successful than either I or the publisher (VUP, now Te Herenga Waka University Press) expected. I had expected that it would ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    1 week ago
  • The Hoon around the week to Sept 13

    The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts and talking about the week’s news with:The Kākā’s climate correspondent on the latest climate science on rising temperatures and the climate implications of the US Presidential elections; and special guests Janet ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Do or do not. There is no try

    1. Upon receiving evidence that school lunches were doing a marvellous job of improving outcomes for students, David Seymour did what?a. Declared we need much more of this sort of good news and poured extra resources and funding into them b. Emailed Atlas network to ask what to do next c. Cut ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago
  • Dangerous ground

    The Waitangi Tribunal has reported back on National's proposed changes to gut the Marine and Coastal Area Act and steal the foreshore and seabed for its greedy fishing-industry donors, and declared it to be another huge violation of ti Tiriti: The Waitangi Tribunal has found government changes to the ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Climate Change: National wants to cheat on Paris

    In 2016, the then-National government signed the Paris Agreement, committing Aotearoa to a 30 (later 50) percent reduction in emissions by 2030. When questioned about how they intended to meet that target with their complete absence of effective climate policy, they made a lot of noise about how it was ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Treasury warned Govt lower debt limits meant less ‘productivity-enhancing investment’

    Treasury’s advice to Cabinet was that the new Government could actually prudently carry net core Crown debt of up to 50% of GDP. But Luxon and Willis instead chose to portray the Government’s finances as in such a mess they had no choice but to carve 6.5% to 7.5% off ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago

  • Tourism on the table for Pacific Ministers’ meet-up

    Tourism and Hospitality Minister Matt Doocey will meet with Trade and Tourism Minister of Australia Don Farrell and Fiji Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica in Rotorua this weekend for a trilateral tourism discussion. “Like in New Zealand, tourism plays a significant role in Australia and Fiji’s economy, contributing massively to ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    21 hours ago
  • Young people report on family and sexual violence

    The Te Puna Aonui Expert Advisory Group for Children and Young People has presented its report today on improving family and sexual violence outcomes for young people, to the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, Karen Chhour.  The presentation at the Auckland event was an opportunity for ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    21 hours ago
  • $18 million being invested in the victims of crime

    The Government is putting more than $18 million towards improving the experience of the criminal justice system for victims, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith and Minister for Children Karen Chhour say. “No one should experience crime, but for those who through no fault of their own become victims, they need to ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    21 hours ago
  • Landmark phonics check in te reo Māori

    For the first time, schools can use a purpose-built tool to check how a child is progressing in reading through te reo Māori. “Around 45 schools are trialling a New Zealand first te reo Māori phonics check, known as Hihira Weteoro. It will help kaiako (teachers) focus on what ākonga ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    22 hours ago
  • New sea walls safeguard Ōpōtiki’s transformation

    Two new breakwater walls at Pākihikura (Ōpōtiki) Harbour will provide boats with safe harbour access to support the continued growth of aquaculture in Bay of Plenty, Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters and Regional Development Minister Shane Jones say. The Ministers and leaders from Tē Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea and other ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 day ago
  • Kitmap to improve access to science infrastructure

    Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced an online platform to optimise the use of New Zealand’s science and technology research infrastructure and to link the public and private sector. “This country is home to world-class science, technology, and engineering expertise. Kitmap is set to empower Kiwi innovators, ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 day ago
  • Driving the uptake of low emission heavy vehicles

    The Government has launched the Low Emissions Heavy Vehicle Fund (LEHVF) to promote innovation and offset the cost of hundreds of heavy vehicles powered by clean technologies, Energy Minister Simeon Brown and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts say. “Boosting economic growth and productivity is a key part of the Government’s plan ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 day ago
  • Speech on replacing the Resource Management Act

    Replacing the RMA Hon Chris Bishop: Good morning, it is great to be with you. Can I first acknowledge the Resource Management Law Association for hosting us here today. Can I also acknowledge my Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Simon Court, who is on stage with me. He has assisted me in establishing the ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 day ago
  • Replacement for the Resource Management Act takes shape

    Two new laws will be developed to replace the Resource Management Act (RMA), with the enjoyment of property rights as their guiding principle, RMA Reform Minister Chris Bishop and Parliamentary Under-Secretary Simon Court say. “The RMA was passed with good intentions in 1991 but has proved a failure in practice. ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    1 day ago
  • Tough laws pass to make gang life uncomfortable

    Legislation passed through Parliament today will provide police and the courts with additional tools to crack down on gangs that peddle misery and intimidation throughout New Zealand, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “From November 21, gang insignia will be banned in all public places, courts will be able to issue non-consorting orders, and ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • New levy rates set to ensure continued funding of FENZ

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government has agreed to the rates for the redesigned levy that will fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) from July 2026.  “Earlier this year FENZ consulted publicly on a 5.2 percent increase to the levy. I was not convinced that ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Police allocate Officers to Beat and Gang Units

    The Coalition Government welcomes Police’s announcement today to deploy more police on the beat and staff to Gang Disruption Units.  An additional 70 officers will be allocated to Community Beat Teams across towns and regional centres.  This builds on the deployment of beat officers in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch CBDs ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Consultation begins on significant updates to the biosecurity system

    Proposals to strengthen the country’s vital biosecurity system, including higher fines for passengers bringing in undeclared high-risk goods, greater flexibility around importing requirements, and fairer cost sharing for biosecurity responses have been released today for public consultation. Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says “The future is about resilience and the 30-year-old ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Wānaka community to benefit from new overnight health service

    Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says an Overnight Acute Care Service opening in October will provide people in Wānaka and the surrounding area with the assurance of quality overnight care closer to home.  “When I was in Wānaka earlier this year, I announced funding for an overnight health service – ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Preventing potholes with data-driven technology

    The Government is rolling out data collection vans across the country to better understand the condition of our road network to prevent potholes from forming in the first place, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  “Increasing productivity to help rebuild our economy is a key priority for the Government and increasing ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • GDP data shows effect of high interest rates

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data for the quarter to June 2024 reinforces how an extended period of high interest rates has meant tough times for families, businesses, and communities, but recent indications show the economy is starting to bounce back, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Stats NZ data released today ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • NZ to host first Fiji, Australia trilateral trade Ministers’ meeting in Rotorua

    Trade Minister Todd McClay will host Fijian Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica and Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell for trilateral trade talks in Rotorua this weekend. “Fiji is one of the largest economies in the Pacific and is a respected partner for Australia and New Zealand,” Mr McClay says. Australia and New Zealand ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • NZ hosts Annual CER Trade Ministers’ meeting in Rotorua

    Trade Minister Todd McClay will meet with Australian Trade Minister Don Farrell for the annual Closer Economic Relations (CER) Trade Ministers’ meeting in Rotorua this weekend.  “CER is our most comprehensive agreement covering trade, labour mobility, harmonisation of standards and political cooperation. It underpins an important trading relationship worth $32 ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Government proposing changes to jury trials

    The Government is seeking the public’s feedback on two major changes to jury trials in order to improve court timeliness, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “The first proposal would increase the offence threshold at which a defendant can decide to have their case heard by a jury. “The second is ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Business key to regional economic dialogue

    Local businesses and industries need to be front and centre in conversations about how regions plan to grow their economies, Regional Development Shane Jones says. The nationwide series of summits aims to facilitate conversations about regional economic growth and opportunities to drive productivity, prosperity and resilience through the Coalition Government’s Regional ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • More funding for Growing Up in New Zealand study

    The Government is investing $16.8 million over the next four years to extend the Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) Longitudinal Study. GUiNZ is New Zealand’s largest longitudinal study of child health and wellbeing and has followed the lives of more than 6000 children born in 2009 and 2010, and ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Tough targets for charter schools will raise achievement

    Associate Education Minister David Seymour says that Charter Schools will face a combination of minimum performance thresholds and stretch targets for achievement, attendance and financial sustainability. “Charter schools will be given greater freedom to respond to diverse student needs in innovative ways, but they will be held to a much ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • NZ votes for Middle East resolution at UN

    New Zealand has voted for a United Nations resolution on Israel’s presence in occupied Palestinian Territory with some caveats, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.    “New Zealand’s yes vote is fundamentally a signal of our strong support for international law and the need for a two-state solution,” Mr Peters says.    “The Israel-Palestine ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Honouring the legacy of New Zealand’s suffragists

    Suffrage Day is an opportunity to reaffirm New Zealand’s commitment to ensuring we continue to be a world leader in gender equality, Minister for Women Nicola Grigg says. “On 19 September, 131 years ago, New Zealand became the first nation in the world where women gained the right to vote. ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    2 days ago
  • Foreign Minister to travel to New York, French Polynesia

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters is travelling to New York next week to attend the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, followed by a visit to French Polynesia. “In the context of the myriad regional and global crises, our engagements in New York will demonstrate New Zealand’s strong support for ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Thanking social workers on their national day

    “Today, on Aotearoa New Zealand Social Workers’ Day, I would like to recognise the tremendous effort social workers make not just today, but every day,” Children’s Minister and Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour says. “I thank all those working on the front line for ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Minister of State for Trade heads to Laos for ASEAN meetings

    Minister of State for Trade Nicola Grigg will travel to Laos this week to attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Ministers’ Meetings in Vientiane.   “The Government is committed to strengthening our relationship with ASEAN,” Ms Grigg says. “With next year marking 50 years since New Zealand became ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Members appointed to retail crime MAG

    The Government has appointed four members to the Ministerial Advisory Group for victims of retail crime, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith and Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee say. “I am delighted to appoint Michael Hill’s national retail manager Michael Bell to the group, as well as Waikato community advocate and business ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Speech to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation AGM and Conference 2024

    It’s my pleasure to be here to join the opening of the NZNO AGM and Conference for 2024.  First, I’d like to thank NZNO Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku, NZNO President, Anne Daniels, and Chief Execuitve Paul Gaulter for inviting me to speak today.  Thank you also to all the NZNO members ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    3 days ago
  • Improvements for New Zealand authors

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says changes to the Public Lending Right [PLR] scheme will help benefit both the National Library and authors who have books available in New Zealand libraries. “I am amending the regulations so that eligible authors will no longer have to reapply every year ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • Minister commends Police for gang operation

    Police Minister Mark Mitchell congratulates Police for the outstanding result of their most recent operation, targeting the Comancheros. “That Police have been able to round up the majority of the Comancheros leadership, and many of their patched members and prospects, shows not only the capability of Police, but also shows ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • New appointments to the EPA board

    Environment Minister Penny Simmonds has announced a major refresh of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) board with four new appointments and one reappointment.   The new board members are Barry O’Neil, Jennifer Scoular, Alison Stewart and Nancy Tuaine, who have been appointed for a three-year term ending in August 2027.  “I would ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • Enabling rural recovery works in Hawke’s Bay

    Cabinet has approved an Order in Council to enable severe weather recovery works to continue in the Hawke’s Bay, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds and Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery Mark Mitchell say. “Cyclone Gabrielle and the other severe weather events in early 2023 caused significant loss and damage to ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • FamilyBoost childcare payment registrations open

    From today, low-to-middle-income families with young children can register for the new FamilyBoost payment, to help them meet early childhood education (ECE) costs. The scheme was introduced as part of the Government’s tax relief plan to help Kiwis who are doing it tough. “FamilyBoost is one of the ways we ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    4 days ago
  • Prioritising victims with tougher sentences

    The Government has today agreed to introduce sentencing reforms to Parliament this week that will ensure criminals face real consequences for crime and victims are prioritised, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. "In recent years, there has been a concerning trend where the courts have imposed fewer and shorter prison sentences ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    5 days ago
  • Targets data confirms rise in violent crime

    The first quarterly report on progress against the nine public service targets show promising results in some areas and the scale of the challenge in others, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says. “Our Government reinstated targets to focus our public sector on driving better results for New Zealanders in health, education, ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    5 days ago
  • Asia Foundation Board appointments announced

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the appointments of Hone McGregor, Professor David Capie, and John Boswell to the Board of the Asia New Zealand Foundation.  Bede Corry, Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has also been appointed as an ex-officio member. The new trustees join Dame Fran Wilde (Chair), ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    5 days ago
  • Endeavour Fund projects for economic growth

    New Zealand’s largest contestable science fund is investing in 72 new projects to address challenges, develop new technology and support communities, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins says. “This Endeavour Fund round being funded is focused on economic growth and commercial outputs,” Ms Collins says. “It involves funding of more ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    5 days ago
  • Social Services Providers Whakamanawa National Conference 16 September 2024

    Thank you for the introduction and the invitation to speak to you here today. I am honoured to be here in my capacity as Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, and Minister for Children. Thank you for creating a space where we can all listen and learn, ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    5 days ago
  • Parihaka infrastructure upgrades funded

    The Government will provide a $5.8 million grant to improve water infrastructure at Parihaka in Taranaki, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka say. “This grant from the Regional Infrastructure Fund will have a multitude of benefits for this hugely significant cultural site, including keeping local ...
    BeehiveBy beehive.govt.nz
    5 days ago

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