Interesting times…

Written By: - Date published: 8:20 pm, January 15th, 2008 - 22 comments
Categories: blogs - Tags:

It seems the cats at newzblog have decided to bring our old mate Robinsod on board as a blogger and his first shot is at Farrar and Whale. I’ve spent more than a few nights on the booze with ‘Sod and the guy’s pretty smart and has definitely been around the traps but I’ve gotta say he can be a bit of a loose unit at the best of times. I guess we’ll have to wait and see just how he goes as a blogger. They’ve got guts at newzblog, that’s for sure.

22 comments on “Interesting times… ”

  1. Billy 1

    He’s obviously taken up my suggestion, and accepted the great challenge of checking James Sleep’s spelling and grammar (or, “grammer” as he endearingly calls it – don’t you just want to hug the wee mite?).

  2. Tane 2

    They’re certainly brave souls over at NewZblog. There’s a reason we didn’t let ‘sod write for us here at The Standard.

  3. Robinsod 3

    Cheers Bill (I think).

    Fuck you Tane. Nah, just joking – I’ve got a whole series of “Whatever happened to..”s. I think it’ll run quite well.

    Hey Billy what the fuck’s that comma doing after your “or”? Are you illiterate or something?

  4. Santi 4

    Michael Porton, aka robinsond, smart?

    You ought to be kidding. The guy is thicker than Horomia and Tizard combined. Not the brightest lightbulb known around the blogs.

    Pitiful attempt by James Sleep and his adolescent gang.

  5. Tane 5

    Santi I’ve just read through your last forty comments on this blog and not a single one of them makes a constructive point. Can you find me a single instance in the last month where you’ve actually made a decent contribution and refrained from abusing people?

  6. Robinsod 6

    Hey santi – show me something stupid I’ve said.

  7. Tane 7

    I’ve just deleted most of this thread as it was potentially defamatory.

    Please try to control yourselves.

  8. Billy 8


    No fair. I seem to recall I said something very nice about you. It may never happen again.

    ‘sod made a dick of himself. Hardly a reason to delete the thread. Against whom was it “potentially defamatory”?

  9. Billy 9

    “Hey santi – show me something stupid I’ve said.”

    Well I could have…

  10. Tane 10

    Yeah, I have to admit it did hurt to delete you praising me, but I guess it shows I was being even-handed!

    I decided to delete the thread because accusations of illegal and immoral behaviour were made against Robinsod that were not true, and given his name is in the public arena I thought it was wise to err on the side of caution.

    As you know this blog is pretty liberal with its comments, but defamation is something we take pretty seriously. There’s no partisan favour being shown here either – you’ll remember I did the same thing for Whaleoil a while back when he was accused of something similar.

  11. Robinsod 11

    Billy – I did not make a dick of myself. In fact can you just give it a break? You’re one of the few rightwing commenters here that I can have a laugh with – please don’t just become another dogged (and dogging) rightwing troll – I’m not sure I’ve got the capacity to be even more disillusioned…

  12. Billy 12

    Yes. I can.

  13. Robinsod 13

    Thanks bro.

  14. Ahhh Tane, my beautiful attack on D4J. It’s gone.

    Ahh well, Monday will bring some fun things on NewZblog!

  15. Santi 16

    “Hey santi – show me something stupid I’ve said.”

    What about: “Burt you drunken old prick. I see you’re still not taking your ritalin and you’re still obsessed with bolding random statements.”

    Enought of this nonsense “Einstein” Michael Porton!

  16. Tane 17

    Santi you still haven’t given me an example of something constructive you’ve said in the last month. If people treat you as a troll, that’s probably because you are.

  17. Jum 18


    What’s happening on National’s site. I tried to read David Carter’s comments and ended up with a picture of Nick Smith’s sign. What does this mean? Do I have to ask Nick’s permission to read David’s comments? Does David not have any comments? Are his comments secret?

  18. the sprout 19

    the more the better, good luck robinsod – love your work.

  19. Brownie 20

    Sod – may not like the content but definatly 10 out of 10 for style. Am looking forward to future posts!

  20. burt 21


    Billy – I did not make a dick of myself.

    You really do need a reality check…

  21. burt 22


    Hey santi – show me something stupid I’ve said.

    On another thread you said this:

    Or alternatively I could find out who you are (I’m getting pretty good at this) and let folk know.

    Followed later by:

    OK Burt – use the old trick of making a veiled threat and then backing out of it if you want but that just shows everyone here what a total coward you are. …. As far as outing you goes Burt – I have no intention of doing so…

    Looking pretty stupid to me, you slammed yourself as a coward in that comment.