10,000 across the country meet to push back against government policies (PHOTOS)

Written By: - Date published: 7:00 am, October 24th, 2024 - 9 comments
Categories: Unions - Tags: , ,

We are Stronger Together

Thank you to all who shared photos and the experience, as well as to the union organisers.

It’s not easy to put together a protest and for so many to show up on a work day.

9 comments on “10,000 across the country meet to push back against government policies (PHOTOS) ”

  1. Patricia Bremner 1

    May this be the beginning of many protests and rallies.

  2. adam 2

    Whangarei had a very good turn out.

  3. James Simpson 3

    Couple of hundred in Garden Place in Hamilton. I was a bit gutted with the low turnout

  4. Darien Fenton 4

    Thank you for the pics. It was a marvellous day. Biggest downer was Brooke van Velden in Parliament answering a q from Camilla Belich on CTU's view that this is the most anti union government we have seen in decades, where she went on a rant about Vax mandates and showed her complete ignorance about the role of unions. Bet she and her mates will enjoying Labour Day come Monday however.

  5. Mike the Lefty 5

    Contrast this parliamentary occupation with another one a year and a half ago. No snarling, no throwing bricks and s…t at police – but passionate in their opposition to a government that seems bent on their subjugation – rather than investing conspiracy theories.

    • Hunter Thompson II 5.1

      “No throwing bricks …”
      Nor were there people wearing tin foil hats to ward off government gamma rays that would control their brains.

      I have always felt that Labour made a grave error in sitting back and watching the protest camp in Parliament grounds fester and grow. They should have shut it down right away.

      Instead, weeks went by and then we got a riot. When the police were finally sent in to move the protesters away, what if a police officer had been killed or suffered a serious brain injury? Would the PM have apologised?

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