Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
11:01 am, September 5th, 2017 - 23 comments
Categories: accountability, democracy under attack, economy, national, Steven Joyce, useless -
Tags: democracy under attack, lies, steven joyce, the big lie
The Nats are not backing down from their $11.7bn lie. The media need to call it loudly for the big lie that it is. This is now a test for NZ’s democracy.
Bill English not backing away from attack on Labour's finances – says Labour needs to show the country where the money is
— Katie Bradford (@katieabradford) September 4, 2017
This is getting outrageous. https://t.co/XYLY2P01FU
— Russell Brown (@publicaddress) September 4, 2017
Ardern: National tried to deliberately 'mislead the public' https://t.co/e21VW51EeR pic.twitter.com/VHSS2bfLMe
— nzherald (@nzherald) September 4, 2017
Joyce needs to go – Either a liar or someone who can’t read a fiscal plan. Either way, unfit to be a finance minister.
Joyce has seemed a bit fishy for yonks – perhaps he would relate to a piscal flan.
The power of our 21 first century multi media communication device is unstoppable so if you want to save our WORLD use it and txt email tweet face book whatever tool you use and tell the WORLD about this site and our fight to save our WORLD and our country’s environment
In my view the kings of our world have been playing snakes and ladders with our human race for far to long and its us the common people that suffer not the kings that sit in there safe palaces on the sideline and destroy the people and the environment.
Yes we are all human we are all one race not what the kings want us divided so were easy to con and MANIPULATE .
But we have this tool that we can let these people no that we no that they have been conning us for century’s using Race and Religions as a factor to divide us as it is easier to rule a divided COUNTRYs and the world when it’s divided.
Now let’s unite with all of our human brothers and sisters and the the kings of OUR WORLD and tell these neo liberals kings that we no WAR IS FUCKEN STUPID.
And that not looking after our WORLDs environments is Fucked stupid and let these kings of the WORLD no we are not STUPID.
Now back to snakes and ladders the way I see it the kings of the left are the ladders they listen to our scientist and care for all are proud and Don’t cheat to get and keep in power and we climb up these kings backs our race advances most people are happy .
And the snakes are the neo liberals kings that DON’T listen to our scientist they cheat and lie and steal and won’t let anything stop them from holding power these kings stay in power for longer because of these bad human traits and cause so much shit WARS and fuck our environment .
So our race slips down into oblivion this has happen many times thought out our history.
Our WORLD has the resources for now and the technology for every Human to live a habitable happy life we just have to tell the kings that we want to shear the WORLDs resources with our human nabours and all the wildlife of our WORLD.
And let the neo liberals kings no that we DON’T want them to have power and we will make laws to stop there bad human behaviour from Ducking up our race and the world
Remember this?
Updated version
Thanks mate
Straight out of ‘the bigger the lie’ play book.
Labour needs to follow this through and expose the Natz for doing what they do every election by sowing doubt about Labour’s financial competency.
What is BERL going to do about this – it’s their credibility that is being rubbished here by Humpty Joyce. They need to come out strongly and admonish National about this and insist on an apology or sue them for defamation – if that can be done.
Nothing surprises me with this sitting Government and their dirty politics. God, we still have enough time for them to wreak more havoc, it beggars belief what else have they up their sleeve.
BERL rep interviewed on RNZ this am. Hopefully he will get snippets on TV1 and 3 tonight.
Making devious plans with National’s finance minister made answering
the first question re: honesty in politics difficult for Bill English.
Did you notice?
I think that our reporters are kept so busy that they do not have time to think deeply hence identifying dirty politics is delayed too long !
[Katie Bradford go back and study B.English dealing with honesty ]
I would be worried if Joyce was talking about $4 billion….but the fact that Joyce is talking about $12 billion is simply not credible…..yet he is really sticking to his guns…either his ego can’t handle being found out or there is the nagging doubt that he is right. It’s got to be the ego.
Talk about a defining issue in an election campaign!!
Joyce is pretty good at Zooligy by all acounts.
Yep he has a degree in the study of animal behaviour. Maybe that’s why he went into politics. đ
How is this a test of democracy, as if democracy was at peril. It is simply two political parties putting their point of view. The statements will be tested and analysed.
In fact it is democracy in action where two major parties are putting their case. The voters will decide.
That you do not get that lies make it hard for the voters to make good decisions speaks volumes.
IF Joyce genuinely believes, and English backed him, that there is a $11bn gap, then we are in peril for sure. They are both wrong. Proven to be wrong. HUGELY, categorically wrong and keep repeating it.
Given your machiavellian response I am relieved you are no longer a Law Commissioner. Hope you had a good holiday (you are welcome).
Truth and untruth are not equal Wayne – you’re not entitled to your own facts.
So Wayne who are the real people pulling the wool over our EYES and running our government cemmon you can tell us
I’d like to nominate Stephen Joyce for the Joseph P. Goebbles Memorial Award for the biggest lie of 2017, so far.
Joyce is a slick salesman. Give him credit for selling his party.
But he’s not – he’s lying about Labour as a distraction from the wretched mess his government has made for nine interminable years.
national claim to be superior economic managers yet their own finance minister cant interpret a budget and we trust our tax money to nact.
gross incompetence from Steven Joyce and bill English nether are fit to be in office