Daily review 14/06/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 14th, 2019 - 28 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:


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28 comments on “Daily review 14/06/2019 ”

    • Muttonbird 1.1

      It may not have been something the post-Key New Zealand Police wanted to investigate further but it certainly was something a huge majority of Kiwis thought was unethical and wrong.

      National are finding this out right now as their ship sinks even further into the mire of their own making.

      • Chris T 1.1.1

        Labour could always launch a civil suit

        • Muttonbird

          I think National have been in court enough lately. 😅

        • Rapunzel

          Nah that would just be a waste of time and money, the court of public opinion will do perfectly.

        • ankerawshark

          Chris T, I think Labour are too busy cleaning up the mess left after nine years of National. Seriously I do. Besides Jacindas approach is clearly telling her team to get on with the job e.g. when the Jami Lee Ross saga unfolded.

        • ianmac

          Funny you should say that Chris. Simon mocked Winston who was outlining why the hack was illegal, and Simon asked what is he going to do about it?

          How about Mr McCready bringing a civil case funded by public donations? Are we up for it given that case law has yet to be tested?

  1. Ad 2

    The worst thing about having such a weak National Party is that Ardern etc face no pressure at all to improve. Result is mediocrity.

    This country desperate needs a functioning Opposition.

    • Muttonbird 2.1

      I like what you're doing there.

      This was a common, mocking lament by right wingers and so-called centrists during the ho-hum tyranny of the John Key government.

      It was quite insulting then, so it's good to see you're not afraid to put the boot in, now it is on the other foot!

    • ankerawshark 2.2

      Ad 'result is mediocrity" . In your opinion that is. I am overwhelming happy with the govt and suspect they can/will do more when they are re-elected without NZ first, should it go that way

      • RedLogix 2.2.1

        Ad isn't saying this govt is bad, but without the blowtorch of an effective opposition they will lack the impetus to keep lifting their game. And then run out of ideas and energy sometime in their second term.

        • Pat

          The 'opposition' is not going to press for policy it opposes….and history would indicate that any policy that National strenuously opposes is likely to be beneficial

    • RedLogix 2.3

      Agreed. That's aligns with a lot of my argument here in recent years; but expressed much more concisely. 🙂

      We certainly don't have to agree with conservatives, but we do need to negotiate with them effectively. And that means understanding their value system and treating them as we would wish to be treated ourselves.

      • xanthe 2.3.1

        I am with you on this , the failure of the opposition to engage in anything more than semantic games and gotcha's is serious and does make labours and Jacindas task more difficult in the long term to the detriment of all. make no mistake labour is not perfect and still has some serious dead wood to prune they need an effective opposition challenging their position

    • Sabine 2.4

      well, you are then going to have an issue here, cause the No mates and No idea and No Plan party is not gonna get better.

      As for ideas, Labour might run out sometime…….however National has not had an original thougth nor idea in a very very long time. In fact they all sound like Jenny Shipley…….cuts to benefits and poor and low income people, cuts to services and tax cuts for rich people. 🙂

    • marty mars 2.5

      only pressure causes improvement? oh dear what a ninny you are ad – that thinking is common with which groups in society again? lol

    • ankerawshark 2.6

      I think the Opposition comes from various groups putting pressure on the govt to do more. Like the social housing trusts, the Salvation Army, the teachers striking and holding out for a better deal, same with nurses. The Climate activists too, giving the govt the message they need to do more. And the govt is listening. So its hardly like the govt are ploughing ahead without listening to and responding to feedback.

      But the National opposition are woeful and are showing themselves up for who they really are. Petty and trying to play you got you over irrelevancies. No policies as such, criticizing Kiwibuild, when all they did was sit on their fat arses………..

    • McFlock 2.7

      I think it's a bit early to be calling the government mediocre, but leave it a term or two and you might be right.

      But far more than a competent opposition (they'll get there eventually), the parties need to be planning for parliamentary-generational change now, to avoid getting tired and stale.

      And I will say that having the opposition on recruit-level hardness gives the newer MPs the opportunity to learn the ropes and the experienced ones time to really show them how it's done. Like the Harlem Globetrotters – the outcome isn't in doubt, but the skills displayed give the spectators some ideas as well as entertainment.

    • roblogic 2.8

      Maybe it's a sign that the Government is nicely neoliberal enough and they should be doing a hell of a lot more social spending and regulation to make the Nats and groups like the Property Investors Association squeal

  2. CHCoff 3

    ' The worst thing about having such a weak National Party is that Ardern etc face no pressure at all to improve. Result is mediocrity. '

    For the next few terms of Govt, all that really needs to be said is the ‘National’ economic/social plan for the NZ public of brimming off shore owned for profit corporate prisons and any social statistical trend from Key's period you want to pick, i'm sure there's a good selection to cut through all the bubble economic 'success' nonsense of the worst rorting in NZ history.

  3. BM 4

    This place is a dull and boring echo chamber now.

    It’s dead, it’s pointless so hasta la vista, lefties.

    • bwaghorn 4.1

      You'll be back .

      ( say it in your best Arnie)

      • Stuart Munro. 4.1.1

        Parliament does not exist for the titillation of gotcha journalists, nor the standard to entertain trolls.

  4. Anne 5

    Friday night humour (photo) :


    I feel a bit like this sometimes.

  5. CHCoff 6

    Another fudge, she could have Mcvey'ed the Brexit, the way the US president Trumped the US democracy (which among other things incudes record breaking voter participations), except for the British she came dead last with the Torys.


    At some point on this trajectory there's going to be fudge riot/revolution over all this.

  6. McFlock 7

    So a puritan has cut the phallus off a carving in a forest walkway.

    It does have serious aspects regarding colonialism and its legacy, but the video is willy funny. The vandal compared the carving to Michaelangelo's David, saying David was in a museum rather than in public (dare one say thrust into sight of sightseers), but also spent a bit of effort talking about how the penis on the NZ carving was disproportionately large, whereas on David it was much more accurate.

    Says him. Most anal-yses of David I've seen say it is a biologically-accurate representation of a purple-helmeted warrior in full, fear-induced, retreat mode. As in David just walking in the fields would have been swinging some sausage, like the chappie in the woods. And the wood that the woodchopper would chop from the woodchappie isn't exactly unheard of. Respectable, indeed, but hardly fantastical.

    But the woodchopper seems to disagree. Shan't speculate why 👿

  7. Ola Bini: Arrested for developing secure platforms and being a friend of Assange: chilling news for IT workers with any interest in democratic freedoms.

    Dotcom, Assange, Bini, Hager,… it can happen to anyone that annoys the corrupt Empire
