Daily Review 14/08/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:36 pm, August 14th, 2018 - 16 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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16 comments on “Daily Review 14/08/2018 ”

  1. The Chairman 2

    Now that this story has come to light (see link below) I think the employers will find it is their actions (and not that of their former employee) that has harmed the reputation of their business.


    • adam 2.1

      They should be stripped of their pharmacist licence, they obviously can’t be trusted to look after vulnerable people, as this case shows.

    • Patricia Bremner 2.2

      Poor lady. This isn’t right, she should get legal advice.

      • Anne 2.2.1

        Trouble is Patricia Bremner it costs money – big money – and the the most vulnerable of victims are usually women (often living alone and with no access to money other than what they are able to earn) so they can’t afford legal assistance.

        Something similar once once happened to me.

        Like Nikki Denley, my outlet were my adored pets – until a couple of mysterious ‘accidents’ during my absence from home and an equally mysterious poisoning of a dog left me bereft of them.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.3

      I hope she gets to sue for wrongful dismissal and all the emotional damage that the employers did to her.

      And the employers need to banned from running a business ever again. They’re simply not up to the task.

    • Jimmy 2.4

      Absolutely agree. I hope she gets a pay out from them for wrongful dismissal.

    • mary_a 2.5

      @ The Chairman (2) … Very bad. This isn’t on! Extremely poor business practice.

      Do the pharmacy employers here think they own their staff, body and soul 24/7? Seems like it to me.

      I think Nikki might have a case for unfair dismissal. Hope she takes the ratbags to the cleaners!

  2. adam 3

    I wonder if the problem for GB and the USA is they are losing the culture wars, their popular music is now basically crap, anything good is pushed to the edges. And when it comes to expressing the darkness and despair in the world the, RF is producing artists who are just wiping the floor. Read “Day of the Oprichnik” by Vladimir Sorokin for a taste. But getting back to music. This is not for the weak of heart.

    • Sabine 3.1

      so you are saying the russian youngsters have even less hope in the future then the sacharine coated youngsters from the west?

      Oh my, so putins russia is not that awesome?

  3. Meh,… this sends me far more than urban sophisticates…

    Traditional Lakota/Dakota Sundance Songs 3/6 – YouTube
    Video for Traditional Lakota/Dakota Sundance Songs 3/6▶ 4:23

  4. Brian Tregaskin 5


    Interesting unknown facts towards end of this audio file –you will be surprised