Daily Review 15/08/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 15th, 2017 - 126 comments
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126 comments on “Daily Review 15/08/2017 ”

  1. Ad 1

    My bet Chris Hopkins doesn’t get in to a Labour cabinet.

    Forcing Ardern to defend you against the Australian government means he’s spent all his political capital in one shot.

  2. Muttonbird 2

    Anyone else think Barnaby’s namesake, Steven Joyce is behind this?


    This National government and the several phases of Liberals in Australia have worked very hard on destroying the NZ-AUS relationship. I wouldn’t put it past the Nats to destroy it a little more in an attempt to stop Jacinda.

  3. Anne 3

    Listen to and look at this first class bitch from across the Tasman! Makes Paula Bennett seem like a pussy cat. Jacinda Ardern has called her out for making a false claim. She has called the Australian Ambassador into her office for an urgent meeting. A diplomatic incident in the making?

    Jacinda has got to do more. She must stand up to Julie Bishop and demand an apology. Nothing less will suffice.


    Edit: Just seen Ad above. It’s not the first time Hipkins has spoken out of turn.

    • Ad 3.1

      Or Ardern could just shout-out to every kiwi voter in Aussie:

      Let’s stick it to them.

    • Exkiwiforces 3.2

      This is why you don’t want to piss off our Julie (or Bob Katter or Jackie Lambie) as she goes off like belt fed mortar and if this dickhead Hipkins has acted in a unethical (underarm way) way I hope Jacinda Ardern kick’s him where it bloody hurts.

      As I said to my folks via email lastnight while its been piss funny over here with every pollie ducking for cover atm. (I don’t think the guys from yes minster couldn’t write a script for this and its a bloody shame John Clarke is no longer here as he would be having a field day) but, Today-

      as Expats like me are copping a lot off flak ATM from this dickhead Hipkins and if he has acted in a unethical (underarm way) way, he better hope I don’t have to come home very soon or else he will get more than kick where it bloody hurts from me that’s for sure!

      I usually have skin thicker than a snapping handbag (Salt water Crocodile) , it getting real nasty.

      • One Anonymous Bloke 3.2.1

        Can’t they sic the GCSB onto him or something?

        Nasty subversive Hipkins, monkeywrenching noble Australian racist laws like that. It’s not like pointed humour ever led to people thinking about stuff, eh.

        Nah, what am I saying! Hipkins is more likely to be the patsy in some Dirty Politics scam.

      • Muttonbird 3.2.2

        Boohoo, cobber. You live and die by the place you chose to live. What gives you the right to even comment on NZ issues when you don’t live here, don’t pay taxes here, and contribute absolutely nothing!

        • Exkiwiforces

          I still pay my taxes from my investments, i’m still on the roll, I still visit from time to time to catch up with friends and see my parents. I work alongside Kiwis and expats.

          Must be a green voter are we?

          BTW, i’m probably more red than you are! Below is my great great grandfather


          • Muttonbird

            So why are you defending Julie Bishop?

            Word of advice: don’t go for the Greens on this forum the way you have gone for Labour. It won’t end well for you.

            You’re a typical fleewee. Hope you enjoy being Australian.

            • Exkiwiforces

              Firstly i was stirring the pot in regards to Julie, as hell would have to freeze before I even think of supporting those muppets.
              Secondly I’m probably more of NZF voter than a Labour voter now as Labour hasn’t won me back yet.
              Thirdly I left New Zealand under a National government back 98 like a lot people I know as we saw no future under the neo liberal bullshit that was National then and now as Labour back then was little unknown when you look at its pass record.
              Finally I almost came back home after a hell year that was 2006 with work, apart from 3wks hunting and visiting in NZ as I spent nearly 9 to 10mths doing back to back operations. With a plan to enter parliament, but I was talked out of it (from either end of the ditch) and with the benefit of hindsight I should’ve had a cracking it after a chance meeting with a couple of people some yrs afterwards (Its funny who you bump into in my line of work overseas) as the plan I had might’ve work and some smart ass Tory may have lost their seat?

        • lurgee

          Boohoo, cobber. You live and die by the place you chose to live. What gives you the right to even comment on NZ issues when you don’t live here, don’t pay taxes here, and contribute absolutely nothing!

          Are you really saying you only want ‘contributing’, resident New Zealanders to have an opinion? Sounds a bit Trumpy.

      • This is why you don’t want to piss off our Julie…

        The only person she has to be pissed off with is herself and the person who held dual citizenship. They should have done their bloody homework as at least one of them would have known that their father was a Kiwi and many countries, especially Commonwealth countries, have as law that if your father was of that country then you get to be a citizen even if you weren’t born their. I wouldn’t be surprised if Australia had the same bloody law.

        Was it a proper parliamentary question? Probably not. just look up the relevant law in legislation.govt.nz.
        Did Hipkins mention anybody by name? Nope.

        It is something that both sides need to know. Politicians here to help NZ citizens and politicians there so that shit like this doesn’t happen.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 3.3

      Her response was strong. Bad time to waste energy on something irrelevant.

    • greywarshark 3.4

      What a bunch of pussies the reporters are. She talked on and on repeating herself and walked off with a smirk and a wiggle. They should have been interrupting her after the second sentence.

  4. Pat 4

    Julie Bishop?….isnt she the foreign minister in the government of John Key’s bestie?….say it aint so…..bro.

  5. DoublePlusGood 5

    Should really just call Julie Bishop a greasy scumbag for trying to interfere in the upcoming New Zealand election, and encourage all the Aussie based kiwis to get out and vote if they want to see someone properly fight for New Zealanders in Australia.

    • Ed 5.1

      Dirty Politics Series 4 Episode 3

      Episode 1 Take out Andrew Little
      Episode 2 Take out Metiria and end the discussion of poverty as an election issue

    • katipo 5.2

      Seems to be a distraction by Bishop and a hypocritical one at that, ironically the more rabid and extreme their accusations the more support will go to both Oz-Labor & NZ-Labour as across the ditch they have had enough of sanctimonious Turnbull & Co and over on this side of the ditch a lot of folk have had a gutsfull of how Oz-NZers rights are being eroded.

  6. bwaghorn 6

    just on news hub No Wage Growth predicted for the next 4 Years , hows that for a bright future

  7. ScottGN 7

    I must say I found it quite interesting that TV1 news lead with the boil water notice in Dunedin rather than the trans-Tasman dramas.

    • Ed 7.1

      Were you hoping for Dirty Politics Series 4 Episode 3?

      • ScottGN 7.1.1

        I wasn’t hoping for anything.
        Just a bit surprised that TV1 went for the proper news story (thousands of people on a boil water notice in our 5th largest city – more of the brighter future?) rather than the big drama of the day.

        • Gabby

          Well one’s a storm in a teacup about Kiwi Barney and Julee Tanty Queen, and the other is about an actual health threat.

  8. BM 8

    Hard work being in charge a political party, it’s asshats to the left of me fuckwits to the right, here I am getting covered in clown shit.

  9. ScottGN 10

    ABC News is reporting that another Liberal MP, the Member for Gilmore, NSW may be a dual AUS/UK citizen. A by-election there could be far more problematic for Turnbull than Joyce’s seat, the margin was only 1500 at the last election.

  10. BM 11

    Out of curiosity I decided to google

    Can trump start a nuclear war

    And came access this article


    Pretty fucking terrifying as the whole system relies on a having a rational president in charge.

    There are no checks and balances every thing is set up for an instantaneous response so if Trump the unhinged decides for whatever reason he’s going to nuke that fucker there is nothing that can be done to stop him, missiles are going to fly.

    The fate of the world rests in the hands of a 70-year man who’s a raging deluded narcissist and has what looks like the early onset of Alzheimer’s,

    Prepare for the worst.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 11.1

      He just wants to be loved and is surrounded by deep state factions plotting his demise and/or destruction of his legacy.

      We gonna be fine.

    • weka 11.2

      Fucks sake man, where have you been for the past nine months? Because I’ve been hoping that in that time that the security dudes with the guns in the war room have used that time to figure out whose side they’re on when it comes down to it, and I’m not talking about Republican vs Democrat.

      • BM 11.2.1

        Because I’ve been hoping that in that time that the security dudes with the guns in the war room have used that time to figure out whose side they’re on when it comes down to it, and I’m not talking about Republican vs Democrat.

        Not sure if joking, but anyway it doesn’t work that like.
        From the article

        As mentioned earlier, the president is the sole decision-maker. But he must consult two people to make that decision.

        He must talk with the Pentagon’s deputy director of operations in charge of the National Military Command Center, or “war room,” the heart of the Pentagon from where all US military operations are directed. The current deputy director is Lt. Gen. John Dolan. The president must also speak with the commander of US Strategic Command, currently Gen. John Hyten.

        The length of the conversation depends on the president. It also doesn’t have to be held in the White House’s Situation Room; it can happen anywhere over a secured phone line.

    • JC 11.3

      BM, Odd how you considered it Timely to shift topic/thread!!…

      Perhaps you might want to consider keeping your curiosity to yourself!! Or somewhere else!


      • Muttonbird 11.3.1

        He’s a shadow of himself. Usually on point in attempting to crush the voice of social conscience in NZ, BM is now used goods reduced to twittering about Trump.

    • Venezia 12.1

      So it was Fairfax journalists asking Peter Dunne and NOT Chris Hipkins who kicked it off.

  11. joe90 13

    The apparatus of the state used to intimidate/stifle dissenters.

    The Department of Justice has requested information on visitors to a website used to organize protests against President Trump, the Los Angeles-based Dreamhost said in a blog post published on Monday.

    Dreamhost, a web hosting provider, said that it has been working with the Department of Justice for several months on the request, which believes goes too far under the Constitution.


  12. weka 14

    Can someone please catch me up on the Aussie thing?

    You can’t be an MP if you have dual citizenship? A couple of Green MPs had to stand down recently? This week Chris Hipkins asks in the NZ parliament about NZers with Australian citizenship, and this prompts journos to be asking about other MPs? I don’t get it, wouldn’t everyone be looking at this already after the Green MPs had to resign? Or am I missing something there?

    • Exkiwiforces 14.1

      To answer your first question weka. You must be an Australian citizen to stand for both seats of parliament. Section 44 goes all the way to Federation of Commonwealth States of Australia 1901 and its becoming a bit of horses ass of a law ATM.

      A lot of people where I work (and probably most of Australia) thought this was piss funny until that Hipkins put his two bobs worth in and now its got real nasty.

    • joe90 14.2

      You can’t be a federal representative.

      Two Greens senators have resigned. One government minister has had to step down from his portfolio. There are serious questions being raised over a One Nation senator and another government MP, and a reported 20 more hurriedly checking their paperwork. Section 44 of the Australian constitution is smashing through the federal parliament like a wrecking ball, as parliamentarians sweat over their citizenship and whether they — knowingly or not — hold some foreign citizenship status.

      But why can’t you be an MP if you’re a dual citizen? The section of the constitution in question, 44(i), states:

      Any person who: is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power… shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.




    • ScottGN 14.3

      By some outdated law in Australia you can’t be a Member of the Federal Parliament and a dual citizen of some other country.
      For a nation of immigrants, go figure. Maybe they should only let their first peoples sit in the parliament in Canberra.
      Up until recently nobody really paid much attention to this arcane bit of electoral law it seems. Anyway it turns out that none less than the Deputy PM has succumbed on account of being a dreadful NZer.
      This leaves Mr Turnbull in a parlous state since he managed to lose a few seats at the last election and doesn’t have any MPs to spare. The prospect of another election which the Coalition would almost certainly lose was enough to send Julie-baby into a fit today.
      Her main target was the Labor leader Bill Shorten but it seems she was happy to do our government here a favour and throw a hand grenade into our election by implicating NZ Labour in the devious plot to reveal Barnaby Joyce’s dreadful lineage.

      • weka 14.3.1

        Ta. I commented above, about not understanding why after the original Green senators the media hadn’t looked at all politicians’ citizenship. And wtf was Hipkins doing?

        • ScottGN

          They seem to have been quite lax in Australia with regard to this law. It’s rather bitten them all on the bum.
          Hipkins was shit-stirring, terrible of him really, but that’s what Opposition MPs do, isn’t it?

          • Exkiwiforces


            Oz Labour started this current shit fight when there were questions about Bob Day in the Senate and since then a been a gift that keeps on giving.

            Yes we are lax/ causal about Section 44 and I don’t think Oz Labour thought it would get so out hand as it has and I said Carolyn it may end up biting Labour in the ass after all with 7 of it members now maybe in question as well.

        • lprent

          He probably got asked what the citizenship status of a kid born to a kiwi parents offshore was. It took me 2 minutes from here

          I assumed
          1. not born in nZ
          2. Not Samoan
          3. One parent a NZ Citizen when born
          4. That parent was a citizen by birth

          You are a New Zealand citizen by descent

          This isn’t exactly rocket science. Any moron can look this up – and evidently Julie Bishop is more of a moron than I’d realised.

        • lprent

          He probably got asked what the citizenship status of a kid born to a kiwi parents offshore was. It took me 2 minutes from here

          I assumed
          1. not born in nZ
          2. Not Samoan
          3. One parent a NZ Citizen when born
          4. That parent was a citizen by birth

          You are a New Zealand citizen by descent

          This isn’t exactly rocket science. Any moron can look this up – and evidently Julie Bishop is more of a moron than I’d realised.

          The real problem isn’t that his father was born in NZ. It is the strange law that the aussies have about the way that they treat anyone in parliament who is a child of an immigrant. I’d point out that the large number of cousins in Aussie who would all be over the age of 50 now and who have lived there their entire life would also be unable to enter parliament. How fucked up is that?

          • Exkiwiforces

            Matt Caravan had to step aside as the minister for northern Australia as his mother put him down as Italian citizen at the age of 28 and she forgot to tell until after the 2 greens from senate step down. In fact the poor bloke wasn’t born there and hasn’t been for a holiday.

            That why its so piss funny about the whole thing until today

          • JC

            Not to take away from your point Lynne. or the thread…

            But just to add that the large number of cousins in Aussie who would all be over the age of 50 now and who have lived there their entire life would also be ineligible for citizenship. and/or those benefits… How fucked up is that?

            • alwyn

              “How fucked up is that”.
              The only fucked up thing about this is your statement.
              It is completely wrong.
              If they have lived there all there life and are over 50, as you claim, then provided they haven’t got a serious criminal; record they can apply for citizenship tomorrow, and they’ll get it.
              Why don’t you look at what the actual law is, and in particular what it means if they were in Australia on 26 February 2001. Then you can discuss the matter. What you have said here is total rubbish.

            • lprent

              They tend to be aussie citizens because they were all there prior to 2001. So they collected aussie passports and atrocious accents.

              But I doubt that any of them have renounced the kiwi citizenship either.

              For that matter a couple of my grandparents generation from various wings of the family were entitled to aussie citizenship as their parents hopped over this side of the tasman early last century.

              I think I have one 2nd cousin who moved there a few years ago to do a doctorate and seems to be pretty settled in Melbourne. I must ask her what she is planning to do.

              • alwyn

                I’m not certain whether it was actually correct but I remember reading an article a year or so ago which claimed that anyone from New Zealand who had even passed through an Australian airport prior to the 2001 date could avoid all the problems.

                The only visa then available to New Zealand citizens was the permanent resident one. That was what you got when you entered Australia, even it was only for a couple of hours.
                The article argued that since you had had a permanent resident visa you could simply ask that it be reactivated, and that they would have to do it. Then you could start down the path to citizenship.

                So, if anyone passed through Australia on the way to Europe in the 1980’s, and now want to raise the IQ on both sides of the Tasman by moving across the ditch that is the way to do it. The 2001 law doesn’t apply to you.

                I don’t remember where I read this, or whether it was true but a lawyer might to able to confirm or deny it.

          • weka

            ok, so the whole trying to have a go a NZLP is just some stupid flailing around shit when they weren’t doing their job properly, it’s nothing to do with NZ at all.

            • Draco T Bastard

              That’s about it. It looks to me that it’s the Australian Liberal party trying to evade their own personal responsibility.

              • Anne

                And Hipkin’s provided them with a perfect scapegoat. We’ll blame it on the Kiwi Labour Party.

                • Muttonbird

                  No one likes the Aussie Liberals (apart from Exaussieforces) and their anti-marriage equality and anti-Kiwi buzz.

                  Labour looks strong on this while National have rolled on their side to have their tummy rubbed again as they have done for the last three terms.

        • Exkiwiforces

          I think the fourth estate have been caught up in the Same Sex Marriage thing and the silly politics by Labour and the followers of the Mad Monk over SSM. But there has been some rumours about who was next to be caught up with Section 44 and now know who.

          • weka

            Haven’t been following Oz pol tbh, but I would have thought that after the two Green senators stepped down that there would have been a general call to parliamentarians to sort out their status. Was everyone hoping it would just go away?

            • Exkiwiforces

              Yes, you would’ve thought after the two greens senators that these smug arrogant clowns in the upper and lower houses in Oz would’ve done a family background check? Hell even some idiot try to trip old Henchie under section 44, he like an old school member of the fourth estate knew he had to renounce his NZ citizenship before standing for the upper house in the last federal election.

              Even some MSM got their kinkers in a twist over fat boy missiles and starting jumping and down with “we must get a ABM system to protect Australia from North Korea”

      • By some outdated law in Australia you can’t be a Member of the Federal Parliament and a dual citizen of some other country.

        I wouldn’t call that an outdated law.

        IMO, nobody should be able to hold dual citizenship as it raises too much conflict of interest – see Thiel. He’s in the US working in their Administration and against the best interests of NZ by default. That makes him a traitor BTW.

  13. Glenn 15

    Answered my 1st political poll in my 66 years tonight. I didn’t hear which organization was running it. Things are getting interesting.

    Julie Bishop reminded me of a dominatrix dressed all in black and she looked and sounded like she was out to give someone a good beating. Hope she doesn’t go home and kick the cat.

  14. Sabine 16

    nothing to do with much but a good watch about the events in Charlottesville USofA. HBO made this free to watch, and i can only urge you to watch it.

  15. One Anonymous Bloke 17

    Re: Hipkins.

    Someone’s pretending that right wing political parties don’t collaborate and share resources the world over. (cf: Lord Mr. Ashcroft, Putin, Trump, Pinochet, Key etc etc.)

    Either that or it’s only a problem when the left does it. And/or (my pick) Hipkins is a patsy.

    • It’s only a problem when the Left do it especially if it shines a bad light on the Right-wing.

      • Whispering Kate 17.1.1

        My partner tells me that Barnaby Joyce’s father went to Australia in 1947 and at that time we, Australians and New Zealanders were British subjects. It was only in 1948 we two countries attained our own individual nationalities – New Zealanders and Australian subjects. So why are we even in this row, surely this should be a stoush between the UK and Australia. Just my thoughts for the evening. Why hasn’t this been brought up.

        • Craig H

          That’s correct. Canada was first from 1/1/1947, and we all agreed to follow at the Commonwealth Heads Of Government meeting in February 1947.

          The main issue is that citizenship by descent was automatically passed on to all children of NZ citizen fathers, which is how Joyce was caught out.

  16. ScottGN 18

    The shit that went down today is the white-heat of an election campaign. Anybody still think Jacinda ain’t up to it?

    • marty mars 18.1

      Yep it appears as if she has the x-factor. Good – ì think she’ll do her best – she is authentic – she is significant. Awesome for her and us.

  17. barry 19

    When it is “dirty” to be a New Zealander in Australia. Sad!

    • tc 19.1

      Since shonky, recently honoured by OZ as a thank you, happily stood by whilst Abbott and Turnbull removed kiwis rights and didn’t reciprocate by doing same here.

      Had they have done that the Oz media

      It’s not just here national have been screwing kiwis over by their action or inaction. Key allowed kiwis to, in some cases, be treated like Oz treat the boat people.

      Quite sickening really.

  18. mosa 20

    I am sick of our country being used as Aussies bum boy.

    Handled right this could be an opportunity for Jacinda to shine.

    It’s ok though for the Australian right to publicly back our government by encouraging kiwis living in Aussie to vote for the National party in our 2014 general election !!!

    • Muttonbird 20.1

      Fleewees living in Australia shouldn’t be entitled to vote in NZ elections, imo.

      If you leave the country to ‘further your career’ or some other bullshit then you should also relinquish your rights to vote on matters important to New Zealand.

      Have a crack when you decide to come home and contribute…

    • Jesse Mulligan: Australia is treating New Zealand like dirt | Newshub

      Jesse Mulligan nails it.

      OPINION: … ” Despite longstanding agreements which are supposed to give us special rights, New Zealanders seeking a better life in Australia have not been made to feel welcome.

      They’re not allowed to access unemployment benefits, university subsidies or disaster relief. And even though last year Aussie agreed to give us a special path to citizenship, this year they betrayed that agreement.

      So tell me again about this so-called special relationship?

      Besides that, the Aussie government is now rounding up Kiwis with criminal records and sending them back to New Zealand, even those ones who have lived in Australia since they were babies.

      Along the way, some get stuck in detention centres, essentially being put back in jail for crimes they’ve already paid for.

      Almost 1000 of them have now been sent back here and surprise, surprise – 20 percent of them have reoffended. Remember Australia is not working with the New Zealand government on this. They make a decision and then we pay for it.

      Now when Aussies arrive in New Zealand they get the full Anzac treatment, right? Permanent residency, within a few years they get access to student loans, and to benefits. Becoming a citizen costs less than 500 bucks.

      Kiwis arriving in Australia get none of that. When our politicians raise it in meetings we’re ignored and the 600,000 Kiwis living in Australia can’t do anything about it, because despite paying full taxes, they’re not allowed to vote.

      Forget the trans-Tasman friendship in 2017 – Australia is basically a bully.

      So Julie Bishop, when you say you’ll find it hard to work with New Zealand, what exactly do you mean? How much worse could it possibly get? ”…
