Daily review 18/03/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, March 18th, 2019 - 60 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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60 comments on “Daily review 18/03/2019 ”

  1. Anne 1

    The stature of NZ Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern has entered the stratosphere. She is unique:


  2. Matiri 2

    The contrast between Jacinda Ardern’s empathy and presence, and Simon Bridges this morning on Radio NZ, plus reports of Paula Bennett as Police Minister watering down the recommendations on gun reform is very telling. Glad we have this government dealing with this horrific issue!!

  3. Dennis Frank 3

    Simon Dallow reported on One News just now that an 18 year old guy has been charged with inciting violence in Christchurch. Mention was made of him inciting extreme violence online, and posting a photo of one of the mosques with the caption `target acquired’.

    This looks like proof of an online proof of an online support system for the shooter – and possible proof of involvement of a Christchurch alt-right cell, as suggested the other day by Paul Buchanan.

    • Dennis Frank 3.1

      In his Herald commentary Hosking joins Trotter in promoting the lone wolf theory. Inasmuch as reports on the shooting as it happened informed us that hundreds of online supporters were cheering him on during his live stream, it seems these two have adopted an untenable position.

      However the Herald elsewhere clarified that the other three arrested at the time were not implicated. Merely carrying firearms. Probably regular viewers of tv crime shows.

      • McFlock 3.1.1

        no, apparently one was volunteering to “help” the police and someone else was picking their kid up from school with the gun as protection.

        More than one typre of gun nut around that day.

        He might have been the pointy end of the pyramid, but it might be an education to find out how he funded trips around the world, a flat, and a firearms collection when he “obsessively” worked out.

        • Psycho Milt

          Yes – where was this cunt’s money coming from? Time to make use of that unpleasantly intrusive anti-terrorism legislation.

          • RedLogix

            Yes it’s a question investigators must be considering; reportedly he didn’t have a job and there was no obvious family money we know about.

            It will be interesting to find out where this trail leads.

        • mpledger

          Apparently his father died a few years ago and he got an inheraitence. But how was he living in a state house (IIRC)?

      • JP 3.1.2

        Trotter’s lone wolf stuff is because he’s feeling guilty as hell for the whole free speech coalition around Southern and Molyneaux.

        He was told exactly who these people are, what they say and what they promote.

  4. marty mars 4

    I’ve had a quiet day today reading lots of thoughts and opinions of people. Been great to read non older paler maler views (sorry TS dudes) so i thought I’d put a couple of links up from different voices. They’re angry, emotional, real and deep and will hopefully create a wider tapestry of views for us all.



    • Thanks, marty. I read the overland piece earlier in the day. Good stuff.

    • I feel love 4.2

      The Vice article is a tough, sobering read.

      • marty mars 4.2.1

        Yes – I have read harrowing accounts of race and religion hatred towards our Muslim brothers and sisters today. I think, up to now, I haven’t really understood their pain and alienation in our country. I feel very sad and upset by that and I determined that I will make amends by listening more, supporting more and acting more.

    • joe90 4.3

      WaPo op-ed.

      By Khaled Diab
      Khaled Diab is a journalist and writer. He is the author of “Islam for the Politically Incorrect” and “Intimate Enemies.”
      March 16

      If a terrorist were to claim that their attack was intended to “add momentum to the pendulum swings of history, further destabilizing and polarizing Western society,” you might be excused in thinking the perpetrator was an Islamic extremist. But these are the words of a white supremacist and crusader.


      These two hateful ideologies — white supremacy and radical Islamism — may regard themselves as polar opposites, but their worldviews resemble the other. Both are paranoid, exhibit a toxic blend of superiority and inferiority toward the other, are scornful of less extreme members of their own communities, and are nostalgic for an imagined past of cultural dominance.


      A contempt for “Western” modernity is another trait shared by Islamists and the Christian far right. “The Europeans worked assiduously in trying to immerse (the world) in materialism, with their corrupting traits and murderous germs, to overwhelm those Muslim lands that their hands stretched out to,” believed al-Banna. Unintentionally echoing the founding father of political Islam, Tarrant is convinced that the West has become a “society of rampant nihilism, consumerism and individualism.”


      This disdain for many aspects of modernity translates into an overwhelming yearning for a supposedly more glorious and pure past and a nostalgia for bygone imperial greatness when the world was at their command — for the days of European empire or Islamic caliphates.


      • marty mars 4.3.1

        Thanks mate

        • greywarshark

          The thinking and the feelings that may be behind the swirl of social media and blogging from upset and angry men and women – is it like this in their minds?

          From Joe90’s link: This disdain for many aspects of modernity translates into an overwhelming yearning for a supposedly more glorious and pure past and a nostalgia for bygone imperial greatness when the world was at their command — for the days of European empire or Islamic caliphates.

          Is there a nostalgia for past colonial might of Britain behind Brexit? Is it nostalgia and wishful thinking and an inability to face the world that you actually helped create, driving the extreme resentment? Disruption in others’ lives and land has been caused by unwise attacks and invasion, by or enhanced by outsiders, causing infrastructural, societal and agricultural damage that causes people to be uprooted and flee into your own domain by people who are now outsiders in your country?

          Is it resentment from the grunts in the armed forces who haven’t got much out of the maneouvres and fighting, perhaps damage to their bodies and minds that is not recompensed; in the end their personal lives, and their local and nationwide economy has become poorer.

          Not what you expected after all the fighting and strain on personal life and health, and then the refugees from the war you have just fought and been damaged in, they come to live in your town and end up with more help than you have received, and the other men in the town aren’t given the same opportunities and help. How do you feel seeing them prosper with deep commitment to each other? Has your society got deep commitment to you and giving you similar opportunities to flourish? You feel that you are now an annoyance to your authorities, a burden, not respected, not appreciated for putting yourselves in the way of harm, under orders and direction. Then you and your cohort seem to be consigned to being second-rate people at home.

          Is that a line of thinking that would fire up and keep hot, the anomic males, in a society where employment statistics are so all encompassing that they start at one hour of paid employment a week. That may be useful for stable comparisons for the Stats Department, but measuring full-time numbers at one job of 40 hours would indicate the real situation. (If someone can give me the line of clicks I have to make to get that for the nation and for each region per quarter, and annually, I would appreciate it.)

  5. Dennis Frank 5

    This report of the gunshop owner’s campaign against the cops also includes a link to the ActionStation petition: https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/18-03-2019/gun-city-owner-defends-sale-of-murder-weapons-as-ardern-pledges-reforms/

    “Some dealers get around the law by importing parts that are interchangeable between MSSAs and ‘A category’ rifles. “This enables domestic assembly and the assembler to later purchase parts such as a large-capacity magazine or pistol grip without a licence, and to turn the assembled ‘A category’ semi-automatic into a MSSA,” the police told the minister.”

  6. Stuart Munro. 6

    Quote of the century – (referring to the attack on Anning)

    “It’s like Nazi Germany but with chickens!” First Dog on the Moon.

    • Dennis Frank 6.1

      Dude has attitude: “The Queensland independent senator laughed off threats from Scott Morrison, saying: “I hope it’s not too painful. What’s he going to do? Flog me with his lace hanky?”

      • WeTheBleeple 6.1.1

        Hmm, an admirer of Fraser. Apologist for Tarrant the other day. Questioner of the Islam texts yesterday and WTF ever was the shite you tried pull in open mike only hours ago something like racist complaints aren’t real cos Islam isn’t a race cos some judges said so.

        Lawyer smarts aye. So reasonable and inquiring aren’t you.

        You made a call on the Quran after reading 1 verse of it in Tarrants manifesto – WTF is wrong with you?

        At best you are extremely ignorant. I’m leaning towards sociopathic game playing POS.

        • WeTheBleeple

          I aint joking Dennis. What have you got to say for yourself regarding:

          Sympathising with Tarrant

          Admiring Fraser

          Taking one verse from the context of a terrorists ramblings and thinking you’ve got a point to make about the victims religion

          Finding judgment to align with your warped view Islamophobia isn’t racism thus isn’t a crime – and using this as a ‘told you so’ moment here on TS

          Being a general POS who plays the victim card for being sworn at while spouting nasty divisive shit.

          Like I’ve said all along. The sociopaths hide in plain sight. Their favorite past time is stirring up shit.

          You have quoted the terrorist, Fraser, the judges, anyone else you admire in all this?

        • Pingau

          Thanks WTB – Dennis’s comments were bothering me too for the same reasons you express so well.

        • greywarshark

          I think Dennis Frank is trying to be objective. But it comes over as unconcerned, even accepting. And the idea of taking bits out of the holy bibles of any religion because they seem to encourage violence is pointless to put forward. I read Dennis saying this the other day, and consider it both unwise to express at the present, and not useful as a suggestion for any time. It would arouse much anger and claims of interference in the religion and not deal with the problem. The beliefs in peoples’ minds are what need to be exposed to the air and discussed. I

          Then there is the role modelling from parents and others in the person’s life. And what faction do they identify with, and is it a positive one? Is there a lack of a reasoned pathway for future life, and a lack of reasoned discussion on how to make a satisfactory life with what you have and could work towards, using your own talents.

          This is what is needed, not merely redacting words out of an important, sacred document. Counselling the person when young to help them understand themselves and their talents. This would be a start to the person forming a plan for their future, knowing their strong and weak points, and being able to grow those talents and make a living from them, being appreciated as a worthwhile person. This would not lead to a pathway for that individual shooting at people in deep resentment and anger.

          • WeTheBleeple

            Dennis is not objective. He’s still doing it and he’ll keep doing it as the feedback of a bunch of people means nothing to the sound of his own word heavy nonsense and vile stirring.

            Take the rosy glasses off, watch the pattern repeat.

            Always playing the victim, simultaneously always on attack. And not that clever it’s mostly gibberish. Lefties vs righties, but he’s in the center. The problem with all of you is…

            Look closer. Gibberish with a pin in it. Who he scratches doesn’t matter, as long as he does it. Gets to be victim again, takes the gibberish he’s made up of why that is to the next blog.

            Rinse and repeat.

      • Gabby 6.1.2

        Analling’s a right wanker sure enough franky.

    • Anne 6.2

      The teenager who smashed the egg on his head has been formerly nominated for Australian of the Year.

      • Stuart Munro. 6.2.1

        I’m glad he did it, but in classical heroism terms Abdul Aziz is pretty hard to beat – attacks armed mass murderer with a credit card reader and beats him so badly he runs off like a yellow dog – give that man a VC! And honorary membership of our armed forces if that’s a prerequisite – he was defending New Zealand – our people are our country.

        • gsays

          your call for a VC is hard to ignore Stuart.
          seems highly appropriate.

          • Stuart Munro.

            I think military folk might say it would have to be the George Cross, but I don’t think VCs would be ashamed of Aziz’s company – rather the reverse.

            • gsays

              i can understand why military folk may feel that.
              there is an arguement to be had that when these awards were enacted, the was no notion of a ‘civilian’ on a murderous spree with military planning, gear and objectives.

              Aziz’s courage can be said to eclipse military bravery as it was a very one sided encounter, in that he was essentially unarmed.

      • Ankerrawshark 6.2.2

        Bravo re egg boy becoming Australian of the year

        • ianmac

          The egg boy says that the money collected for him, will go to the Christchurch Fund. Pretty good for a 17 year old.

    • aj 6.3

      FDOTM – a wonderful take down of Andrew Bolt.

  7. SPC 7

    Is it possible to deport David Moffat?

    It would be a great way to say that, despite the UN Compact, nations can still have a no ass….. rule.

  8. Sacha 8

    Another result. Whaleoik abandons final appeal against Blomfield: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/111379428/whale-oil-blogger-cameron-slater-abandons-appeal-against-defamation-court-ruling

    “The court is yet to decide how much money Slater will have to pay Blomfield in damages.”

  9. joe90 9

    RIP Mr Surf Guitar.

  10. Dennis Frank 10

    “Peter Dutton has accused the Greens of being “just as bad” as extreme right-wing nationalist senator Fraser Anning, claiming both are seeking to extract political advantage from the Christchurch terror attack. On Monday the home affairs minister equated the Greens holding him accountable for stoking anti-Islamic sentiment with Anning’s comments blaming the attack on Muslim immigration.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/18/peter-dutton-claims-greens-just-as-bad-as-fraser-anning-on-christchurch-attack

    “Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi responded that it was “vile” to say the comments were in any way equivalent, while Labor leader in the Senate Penny Wong accused him of “normalising hate speech. Since the attack on Friday the Greens have gone on the front foot with leader Richard Di Natale renewing calls for a parliamentary code of conduct to stamp out hate speech and Faruqi, the first Muslim senator in Australia, criticising conservative politicians for stoking hatred. “It is politicians like Peter Dutton who have actually contributed to creating an atmosphere where hate is allowed to incubate in our society,” Faruqi told Radio National. “They can’t shrug off their responsibility.”

    I’m feeling solidarity with the Oz Greens on their stance. I get that the conservatives are just trying to represent their constituents, as democracy requires of them, but their style of doing so does seem offensive. That said, I’m a centrist not a rightist.

  11. greywarshark 11

    About Oz and insults and ingrained racism against anyone of colour – Aborigines, Muslims – and anyone who wants to make change in social habits.

    Oz pollie Fraser Anning says that mother of the boy who threw an egg at him should have slapped him. I’m inclined to believe that the same prescription should have been handed out to this hoity-toity ass.

    Background: He and his wife own a number of hotels. He comes from landowner family with a number of properties. He is the great-grandson of a British pastoral squatter who went to Australia to acquire land. He and several of his sons soon expanded from one to amalgamating more properties.

    Next bit is telling:
    His family was involved in the frontier conflict as they forcibly took the land from the local Aboriginal people. In response to the spearing of cattle, the Annings would ride out with firearms, attack Aboriginal campsites and capture young boys who survived in order to use them as labour on their cattle and sheep stations.[8] The Annings at times also requested the services of the local Native Police paramilitary unit to assist in clearing “blacks” off their runs.[9] Frank Hann, another pastoralist in the region who regularly participated in extrajudicial punitive raids on Aboriginals, described in his diary in 1874 how he saw “Anning just come back from hunting blacks”.[10]…

    On 4 June 2018, Anning joined Katter’s Australian Party, becoming the party’s first senator;[20] however, he was expelled in October 2018 for his inflammatory rhetoric concerning immigration, including his mention of a “final solution” to the problem….

    On 14 August 2018, Anning delivered his maiden speech to the Senate. In it, he called for a plebiscite to reintroduce racial and religious discrimination in immigration policy, especially with regard to excluding Muslims. He criticised “cultural Marxism”, “safe schools and gender fluidity garbage” and the abuse of the external affairs power of the Australian constitution. He also spoke in support of the right of civilians to own firearms, and the Bradfield Scheme irrigation proposal.[43]

    His speech included a reference to a “final solution”, the English equivalent of the term used by the Nazi Party during preparation and execution of the Holocaust during World War II[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Anning

    He is a vile man, and comes from a family that has apparently little conscience and sense of fairness. It is interesting to know something about the person’s background to see what path they took in forming their views.

    This NZ Herald piece should be helpful in forming our ideas about political voting measures and their possible, and dangerous, outcomes.
    How Fraser Anning got into parliament with 0.00 per cent of the vote.

    They call Fraser Anning the “accidental” senator.
    Just 19 people voted for Anning at the 2016 election. Nineteen.
    He got into parliament anyway, gaining a $207,106 taxpayer-funded salary and a platform from which to spew his dangerous bile.

    • SPC 11.1

      There are not many people who can punch someone in the face in front of cameras and not be charged with assault.

      • Gabby 11.1.1

        He can’t really argue self defence. Provocation maybe. Possibly ‘haywiz jars taleddle barga’ is extenuation in Strollyer.

        • greywarshark

          You triumph at Delphic pronouncements. It’s a cunning ploy to force people to stop and think.

    • Gabby 11.2

      I think the mother should’ve slapped Analling too.

  12. KJT 12

    Heard that both Trademe, and Hunting and Fishing, have withdrawn semi auto rifles from sale.

    If that is the case, good on them.

  13. Ankerrawshark 13

    Yes kjt and stuff will no longer advertise guns. This is a good sign……..trade me no longer selling them either. Hats off to an industry I view with contempt

    • greywarshark 13.1

      To be fair Trade Me had thought about what was the right thing to do in advertising guns. One they had banned the outright blunderbusses, and second they had decided that it was reasonable to offer a trading place for legal guns amongst the public in an open environment which would encourage people to do so openly and honestly.