Daily review 29/11/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 29th, 2023 - 35 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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35 comments on “Daily review 29/11/2023 ”

  1. observer 1

    I am the monarch, do not presume to question me …

    "Keeping with his approach to campaigning, Christopher Luxon has wandered away from post cab as press gallery reporters continued to yell questions at him … it’s in stark contrast to the approach taken by the likes of John Key, Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins who would routinely spend an hour-plus fronting questions."

    As it happened: Christopher Luxon’s first post-cabinet press conference as PM | The Spinoff

    Remember when the Right complained that it was so very unfair, Ardern spent too much time at the podium, talking to reporters and answering questions? Of course you do. It was their obsession.

    Luxon now has the same opportunity … and runs away.

    • alwyn 1.1

      "the Right complained".

      Can you give some evidence for this claim? I can remember people complaining that she wouldn't take questions from some reporters and favoured those who gave her good stories but I don't recollect the story you tell.

      Do you have any evidence?

      • Grey Area 1.1.1

        Too tired to bother. But I remember the opposition complaining she was benefitting from daily Covid briefings. Do you not remember?

        • alwyn

          Yes, now I do.

          I was only thinking of her normal Press briefings, not the ones during the Covid lockdowns when Parliament was not in session and she was the only voice in town.

          The complaints were that every Opposition MP had been muzzled.

      • Louis 1.1.2

        "I can remember people complaining that she wouldn't take questions from some reporters and favoured those who gave her good stories"

        Do you have any evidence?

        • alwyn

          She refused to be questioned by Mike Hosking on his program, didn't she?

          And the Covid appearances where "Jessica then Tova" was regularly on display with most other reporters never getting a chance'

          • Robert Guyton

            "She refused to be questioned by Mike Hosking on his program, didn't she?"

            She refused couldn't be arsed to be questioned by Mike Hosking on his program, didn't she?


          • observer

            And the Covid appearances where "Jessica then Tova" was regularly on display with most other reporters never getting a chance'

            Absolutely false. But you don't need to take my word for it.

            If you want to check, it's easy to do. Put dates into Google (e.g. 2020), search for Ardern's Covid press conferences and find dozens of videos from YouTube, etc. They are still there.

            Watch any one you choose. Listen to the reporters asking questions.

            You will see that you are wrong. Which is why you won't do it.

            You need the lie, so you will not check the lie. (You will however find plenty of right-wing blogs and social media promoting the lie. As you have done here).

          • KJT

            Refused to appear on Hoskings typical regurgitation of his own misinformed reckons, without giving Jacinda Adern, time to speak.

            Perfectly understandable.

          • Louis

            Your opinion doesn't back up your claim, alwyn. If you had watched Adern's post cab pressers, you would know everyone got a chance to ask a question.

    • fender 1.2

      Too busy sorry, too much ambition for NZ, got to do a legislative ram raid cos that's the change our massive majority demands/

    • Grey Area 1.3

      Not Luxon's style. He used to run an airline you know, and underlings did the real work. If he stayed longer he actually might have to think on his feet (not his strong suit) and actually answer questions rather repeat his talking points.

      • Anne 1.3.1

        According to a senior Air NZ pilot I know it was the previous CEO, Rob Fyfe who did all the work. Luxon followed him and took the credit. So typical.

    • Louis 1.4

      Luxon sounds like he is still on the campaign trail.

  2. Ed 2

    The damage this government will do to many people in this country is troubling.

    This looks like quite a list of harsh policies.

  3. riffer 3

    Eldest son works in IT for a polytech and has been spending considerable time doing backend stuff related to the Te Pukenga merger. We discussed the announced plans of undoing the merger by Christmas. Suffice to say he is both dubious as to the possibility, efficacy and potential cost savings of such a move. He is so looking forward to tomorrow morning's standup.

    I'd wager they'll still be trying to undo it come next election time.


  4. Ed 4

    Steve Abel nails it on twitter.

    Luxon says he’s “Hitting the country with a lot more intensity” – repealing clean car discount and natural and built environment act, smoke free laws, fair pay agreements, and bringing back oil and gas drilling. Hitting us with cruelty, ill health, and climate disasters.

    • Grey Area 4.1

      Never in the history of New Zealand politics has so much harm been done to so many in such a short time by people with so little talent.

      Apologies, real Winston.

    • Dennis Frank 4.2

      A succinct compilation from Steve there, but does he take it any further? I don't do Twitter (X now but Google says the old site is still running behind the new one Musk got up). First poll will give us a clue to public balancing of Green & mercenary values so any advocacy from Steve will get related to how it measures Green resistance relative to the traditional honeymoon effect.

  5. Kat 5

    Winston might be saying what he is saying, however, the media response tells me he is being set up as the fall guy for when the coalition of chaos implodes.

    If the funding of the various media was ever intentional (it wasn’t) bribery then it backfired….

    Has anyone noticed how quite it is on the ram raids and shootings front…….

    • Dennis Frank 5.1

      A lull until the gang-patch law goes through, then focus will switch to the macho showdown of implementation. Coster long gone by then, of course…

      • Kat 5.1.1

        Thats why the media are being barked at by Winston, its the old if it bleeds it leads editorial attitude taken to the very limit. Anything that requires some in depth investigation and analysis is just glossed over.

        The Wellington mayor's alcohol problem appears more newsworthy than plans to repeal the smoke free generation law the outcome of course being the tobacco industry will be funding tax cuts, which of course Luxon denies…..but his side kick Nicotine Willis has previously admitted it would………

  6. Dennis Frank 6

    Trotter reckons we're in a re-run of '75: https://pointofordernz.wordpress.com/2023/11/29/chris-trotter-whos-driving-the-right-wing-bus/

    the sudden collapse of public trust and confidence in the Labour Government in 2022-23 was experienced by the Left as a Black Swan event of perplexing severity.

    Nowhere near that bleak though, so far. Nor does there seem much prospect of that much paranoia around. No generation of young rebels growing into influencers within the establishment. And Labour created that black swan effect he's on about. Don't think he gets it yet. You can make an essay out of an historical parallel but readers in the current maturing generation probably see it their way…

    • Kat 6.1

      "You can make an essay out of an historical parallel but readers in the current maturing generation probably see it their way………

      The current maturing generation is as fractured as any before it, if not more so….could be a side effect of MMP……

  7. Ed 7

    Te Pati Māori pushing back hard.

    Government smoking policy is “systemic genocide’.


  8. gsays 8

    Just finished watching Kraftwerk at TSB Arena in Wellies.

    A great show, stunning sound, new mixes on old songs (Tour De France, Radioactivity, Robots etc) monster video screen.

    A diverse crowd, a lot of which just had to dance.

  9. Jester 9

    Wellington mayor Tory Whanau admits alcohol problem: ‘I am a flawed person’ – NZ Herald

    Take the advice of Kiri Allan, resign and go get the help you need. It will be the best thing in the long run.

    • alwyn 9.1

      I'm not sure that she needs to resign.

      I think she has a valid option of giving up drinking alcohol completely. No booze whatsoever. If she does that I think she can remain it the Mayor's job.

      If she can't stop, or lapses even once after trying to stop I think she should, for the sake of the people of Wellington, resign and get out of the job. We deserve better than a lush at the head of the Council.

      You might be more successful if you dried out. After all, George W Bush did it at just about your age, never drank alcohol again and became Governor of Texas and President.

  10. SPC 10

    So the ghost of Anita Bryant, aficionado of all things orange in Florida from since 1980, has written the National-NZF coalition policy on sex education.

    Thus the removal of a programme introduced by Tracey Martin a NZF Minister in the 2017-2020 Labour-NZF coalition government.

    So Tracey Martin is too woke for NZF and the government led by CLuxon.

    The new government's plan to remove sexuality and relationship guidelines from schools, introduced in 2020, is facing push back from some educators.

    The guidelines were introduced in 2020 by former NZ First MP and minister Tracey Martin.

    The agreement between National and New Zealand First included refocusing "the curriculum, on academic achievement and not ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines".

    They must be securing their flank from the perpetual under 1% party threat.

  11. SPC 11

    Why are people like this not held up to the contempt they deserve?

    A Wellington mega-landlord says he’s seen a “dramatic shift” in the housing market post-election.

    Matt Ryan, who owns more than 100 properties in the Wellington region, told Newstalk ZB he’s already seeing more properties selling at auction.

    He credited this to the new National/Act Government who have pledged to bring back interest tax deductibility on properties.

    “That’s a game changer. It was always an unconscionable law in my opinion. No other sector in New Zealand has been targeted where they couldn’t write off the cost of running their business and owning property and renting it is a business.”

    In the business world a business can write off its costs against revenues, but any CG it makes on a property sale is taxed as company profit.

    Why does the media report his deliberate misrepresentation, rather than report the cynical hypocrisy?

    It is one or the other, claim the cost and pay tax on the profit on sale. Or do not claim the cost against rent income.

    Allowing the cost claim encourages bidding up the price of existing property on borrowed money and that makes New Zealand poorer. The only way we are better off with more money invested in property, is if it is better quality and there is more of it.
