Greetings E Tū Union

Written By: - Date published: 1:57 pm, October 7th, 2015 - 40 comments
Categories: Unions, workers' rights - Tags:

E Tū Union has been formally launched.  Congratulations to all involved.

The website is here.

Faceook page is here.

Twitter is here.

And a special congratulations to Standard Author Helen Kelly who is the union’s first life member.

40 comments on “Greetings E Tū Union ”

  1. jimekus 1

    Et Tu Brute

  2. Ad 2

    Go Stephanie!
    And the team!
    Go Union!

  3. The Labour movement must now have a full on recruitment move .A joint campaign by the LP. the Greens and the whole of the Union movement ,Because the TTP will slowly bur surely crush the Unions and any working class movement that they will be concerned about. History has show that business people hate signs of solidarity from working people .Just look at Chris Trotters book “No Left Turn.” and all the history of working people .This latest so called just a start .Wake Up working people the Tories are in full flight. And lets stop fighting among ourselves plus lets tell the Tories that write their propaganda on this paper to use their blogs.

    • Et Tu Brute 3.1

      However the TPP has an entire section on labour. All countries agree to”namely freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; elimination of forced labour; abolition of child labour and a prohibition on the worst forms of child labour; and elimination of discrimination in employment. They also agree to have laws governing minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health. ”

      Now these are fairly basic rights but in some TPP countries these will revolutionize the working class – such as with Vietnam now having to have freedom of association and collective bargaining.

      These will now be guaranteed under law in all TPP countries and breaches of these basic rights could be prosecuted under their complaints procedure.

      This is something the left has missed while complaining about other elements of the deal.

  4. Atiawa 4

    Now is the time for a campaign to reinstate compulsory unionism.

    Just as rules & laws are required to help ensure we are protected when driving a car, workers require protection in their place of work that allows their voice to be heard without fear or reprimand from a vengeful employer.

    • tracey 4.1

      Or find a way to break through the misinformation so people will “get” that they are, mostly, better off in a union.

      Watch the rhetoric and selective release of TPP material by this government… it’s that kind of PR machine the unions are up against

      • Atiawa 4.1.1

        We are becoming too concerned about what others will think and do.

        The facts speak for themselves. Since 1991 and the Employment Contracts Act working people have lost their bargaining power and their collective voice. Society has become the poorer because of that loss. Max Rashbrooke’s book – Inequality – A NZ Crisis, is enlightening.
        If there was ever a time in our most recent history for working people to have a well disciplined and focused union movement capable of moving the direction of government and business through collective power, it is now. There is no other world wide movement capable of going close to being able to mobilise working people in the manner that unions can. Thats why right wing governments dilute their power.
        The world needs strong unions.

        • tracey

          no argument from ne but the LP seems embarrassed to be associated with unions in public

          • Atiawa

            The Labour party is not the union movement, although it was formed by working people to promote their political & social aspirations. Annette King attended & spoke in support of yesterdays launch of E tu. That was an event reported on msm as a news item and I’m sure Andrew Little would have attended if he wasn’t enjoying a well earned & needed family holiday.
            Besides, if the union movement isn’t prepared to campaign for the return of compulsory unionism it’s unlikely to excite the Labour party into reforming current industrial laws to make it happen.
            The movement has nothing to lose by promoting the benefits of working people being organised to act in their collective interests. What are they afraid of? Losing the argument, losing their current membership, losing credibility ( with whom?).
            There are many powerful forces & voices that will rail against compulsion. But it’s obvious that the alternative ain’t working!

  5. Tarquin 5

    Rolls of the tongue beautifully. If political correctness was an olypic sport you’d have a gold medal winner here. Seriously though, a name that says who you are and what you stand for would be a better idea?

  6. rob 6

    while i am all for the union, in fact was compulsory when i started work and still should be. is this the new name of the union? doesn’t seem unified IMO. not knocking it, but doesn’t seem to reflect a movement.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 6.1

      What’s un-unified about it? Please please come up with something better than the fact it isn’t written in your first language.

      • DoublePlusGood 6.1.1

        Well, it’s a better name for a professional basketball players union…

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          The name should be specific to the job descriptions represented?

          Which one?

  7. Unless this lot actually faces reality their going to be as unsuccessful as the others. Labour is a bunch of ignorant traitors (With the exception of Helen Clark who, while a traitor, is far from ignorant) , National’s been bought by foreign corporate interests and all our MSM is owned by those who own the parties

  8. millsy 8

    Not really keen on the name….

  9. Tarquin 9

    I liked the old Federation of Labour logo with the strong arm on it. Everyone new who they were and what they stood for. Apparently the arm was drawn the wrong way around – not 100% if that is true or not.

  10. rob 10

    i understand the stand up thanx aob but doesn’t come across well to me thank you. just my opinion and will still be a member if i can find some full-time work but again doesn’t come across as unified to me!

    • One Anonymous Bloke 10.1

      Anyone for whom the name is an insurmountable obstacle would be a liability in any workplace anyway.

  11. Anno1701 11

    We’re the first ones to starve, we’re the first ones to die
    The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
    And we’re always the last when the cream is shared out
    For the worker is working when the fat cat’s about

  12. rob 12

    oab. seems the problem might be more attitude like yours, who don’t like opinion! just saying. your one eye view screams the squirts. I’ve stood up for more worker’s rights in the past than you will Eva no. pull your head in.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 12.1

      You’re the one who says there’s a problem, sweety. Looks like my last remark touched a nerve.

      • weka 12.1.1

        Why not find out what the problem is?

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Rob won’t say, other than the name “doesn’t seem unified” and doesn’t “reflect a movement” and “doesn’t come across well” in some unspecified ways.

          Apparently it’s important enough to go off at me like a wind-up toy, just not important enough to clarify.

  13. Nessalt 13

    launched in wellington. The town with the lowest proportion of privately employed people. obviously a thinking union.

  14. Tiger Mountain 14

    what a combination of apparent ignoramuses and arseholes have commented here,
    if you have nothing semi intelligent or somewhat related to E tū to say why bother?

    my view is that combining the two unions is a good idea that will take a few months to achieve in all respects, but will likely assist in attracting new members and developing a more campaigning approach

    the title is short, is a word not an acronym, does not need the word “union” and the graphic effect has several interesting narratives attached, all the best to the members of E tū

  15. tracey 15

    Here’s the logo for those who are struggling to understand it and are only thinking of Latin (which is spelt differently) and not thinking of the Maori meaning

    e tu
    stand up