Information from the uninformed

Written By: - Date published: 7:01 am, November 12th, 2009 - 3 comments
Categories: Media - Tags: ,

Thing that got me about Bill English’s propaganda ad was how god awful the original script was. Can you imagine the Deputy Prime Minister, the Southern Man of New Zealand politics, and former professional punching bag saying “It’s time to give the snip snap to the zip zap plastic fantastic?”

Just gets worse. Here’s questions from their web ads. These are supposed to form the basis of this informative debate on the economy:

“Do you feel guilty looking for a job when you already have one?”

No, why would I? What the hell does that have to do with the economy?

“Spend, save, or invest: how are you helping the economy?”

Isn’t the economy meant to work for us not the other way around? Does doing any of these mutually exclusive things help the economy? Both spending my money and saving it are good? By the way, saving and investing are basically the same thing. Defer consumption now in return for the right to greater consumption in the future, so someone else can consume now and that means .. ahh, nevermind

“Did you survive the recession?”

No. As we’re talking right now, I’m dead.

“What can we do to avoid another recession?”

Not turn to TVNZ7 for economic advice?

3 comments on “Information from the uninformed ”

  1. I’ve gotta say, even though I’m not historically your biggest fan: this post is awesome.

    It’s amazing how the towering stupidity of TVNZ can unite everyone from all along the political spectrum.

  2. Herodotus 2

    As has been said many times here, TV in NZ is just some young very presentable fluffy faces searching to become an identy. It is all entertainment and as much substance as living entirely on McD’s. Great for a treat but not a stable diet. But if they public want only Junk food what can be done?
    Look at how well 1970’s docs from the BBC & Sir D Attenborough of Civilisation & The Assent of Man still stand up, also the calibre of the presenters. We should be pushing great thinkers as Dr Jacob Bronowski.

  3. Jono 3

    “zip zap”* and “plastic fantastic” are 20 year old cultural references, but I thought teevee Creatives were all young, thrusting hipsters?

    *surely its just a “zip” now?