Karma Cameleon

Written By: - Date published: 2:40 pm, January 21st, 2019 - 120 comments
Categories: blogs, class war, Deep stuff, Dirty Politics, internet, making shit up, Politics, you couldn't make this shit up - Tags: ,

There’s a post up on Whaleoil detailing the health status of Cameron Slater.

In short, he’s had a stroke and is pretty buggered.

The rumours have been going around since late last year and it turns out he had two medical events in October, one of them particularly debilitating.

The WO post records that Slater is fighting back, though he is unable to concentrate for long periods and has paralysis in one arm.

Obviously, he’s not contributing to WO, though his minions keep on plugging.

The Whale Oil post also ends with a plea for financial help to cover legal bills bought on “as a result of having to defend himself from the lawfare of his enemies.”

I have a sneaking suspicion that Cam’s “enemies” include The Standard in some form or other. It should also be noted that his legal problems are mostly of his own making.

Having said that, I wish Cameron Slater all the best in his recovery. It’s a terrible thing to happen to anyone, let alone someone as relatively young as him.

For right and/or wrong, the Whale Oil blog has played a significant part in  the political discourse in NZ. It may have represented all that was nasty about the NZ right, but it’d be churlish not feel some sympathy for it’s founder when he’s down on his luck.

However, karma gets a mention in this post’s title, because if there really is a balancing in this world, Cameron Slater has just his chakras realigned in a cosmically brutal way.

Given his many years of sneering at the weakest in our society it’s hard not to wonder if the penny has dropped for him.

At the very least, I hope he reflects on the public health system that saved his life, the taxpayer funded benefits he’ll no doubt be accessing as he recuperates, and the charity he now needs that he despised when it was given to others.

What goes around, comes around.


Slater, back in the days when John Key took his calls.


If you are minded to help Cam’s bills get paid, the details are below:  

Account Number: 12-3084-0009523-50 




120 comments on “Karma Cameleon ”

  1. Brutus Iscariot 1


    (and i’m not talking about Slater)

    [Just to clarify, Brutus didn’t actually read the post before commenting. He replied inside a minute of my publishing the piece, so his wrath was clearly generated by the title alone. I guess it was either too witty for him or he’s a not a big fan of Boy George. Either way, sad as. TRP]

    • mickysavage 1.1

      I have known about this for a couple of months and have kept this private. The number of times that Slater has attacked my friends, family members and me are numerous. I join TRP in wishing Cameron a speedy recovery. And hope that he comes back with a different world view.

    • lprent 1.2

      Those rumors have been going around since November. For obvious reasons we haven’t referred to them here.

      Just to give context to my following remarks, my mother died of a stroke early last year. She had a stroke on boxing day 2017 (the day after her 79th birthday) followed by several other major strokes (and probably a few minor ones) over the next few weeks. The last one was a killer as she visibly lost her memory before lapsing into a coma and eventual death.

      That isn’t a condition that I’d wish on anyone. It attacks directly into the brain and affects almost randomly through the delicate structure of the brain and its control on the body.

      However my sympathy is rather curtailed when it is Cameron. After all this is the person who in 2012, after I had a heart attack, expressed the opinion in a comment on his site that it was a pity I hadn’t died. One of his kind supporters considerately sent me a link to his best wishes. But that is Cam Slater, the battler for the underdog just so long as it was him. Which what I read out of the ‘lawfare’ comment.

      I’d suggest that if he wants the ‘lawfare’ to disappear out of his life, then he should just stop fighting to prevent the plaintiffs going to trial and accept that it is going to court.

      For anyone who has followed the major civil cases against him, it is hard to not come to conclusion that he was guilty of factual defamation that was deliberately designed to damage the reputation and livelihood of those targeted.

      Moreover in my opinion it is highly likely that the campaigns and the misinformation and lying in them was not accidental, but were probably paid for. In a large part, in both of the cases that are causing Cameron Slater’s legal issues, establishing that is the reason that the plaintiffs have taken the cases against him and his associates.

      Since the cause of fact-free smearing is not something that we would want to encourage in NZ blogs or media, I’d hope that the plaintiffs would continue the cases on against Cameron Slater and co-defendants. It is essential to rub in the lesson for would-be imitators that it is something that they shouldn’t try to repeat.

      This is also the reason that over the last few years, why I spent a excessive amount of my time and about $40k defending against a Cameron Slater’s ‘advocate’ mate, Dermot Nottingham. who tried the tactic of private prosecution ‘lawfare’ in bringing a bogus and similarly fact-free case against me, Pete George, APN and the ODT.

      This included an appearance by one Cameron Slater as an prosecution ‘expert’ witness on blogs. He was so inept at the task that his main effect seemed to have been to accidentally convince the judge that there was no case against me. The case was dismissed against myself and APN within minutes of rising to offer a defense.

      Dermont Nottingham in his prosecution had failed to establish that APN owned the NZ Herald at the time of publication of their article (they didn’t) or that I had anything to do with post on the The Standard or, indeed, that I even had anything at all to do with The Standard. I suspect that having Cameron Slater involving Dermot Nottingham for similar ineffectual legal tactics is probably one of the main reasons that Cameron Slater has legal problems now.

      Incidentally Dermot Nottingham is currently serving a year in home detention on seven convictions with a bracelet. In another case taken by the crown, he was convicted of personally using the blog of which he was the admin to violate court orders on major criminal trials and perform various types of harassment on a number of others.

      I also assisted another victim of Dermot Nottingham’s lawfare in using the $47k of court orders awarded to me to help bankrupt him last year.

      In short, I’m not an advocate for people to stop cases against Cameron Slater and his associates.

      Nor for people to send him money for legal expenses. If you want to help someone out, then I’d suggest that you contact Pete George (or he can leave an account here).

      While Pete George also had significiant expenses and time involved in defending against Cameron’s mate exercising ‘lawfare’ against him, he didn’t even have the satisfaction of a trial. And Pete George was at least fighting against ‘lawfare’ rather than being involved in supporting it.

    • Rapunzel 1.3

      This motivated me to donate – elsewhere, like the local foodbank.

  2. Gabby 2

    (were you introducing yourself?)

  3. Anne 3

    Beat me to it Gabby.

    Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person. … In some cases projection can result in false accusations.

    Cam Slater tried to ruin people’s lives and sometimes only for monetary gain. Then he acted the role of victim when he was caught out. Having once been the target of someone similar in nature to him, I am familiar with the potential to cause serious damage to the unfortunate victims. He gets no sympathy from me.

    • Anne 3.1

      He is apparently blaming his “enemies” for the strokes… conveniently forgetting it was his own behaviour that turned them into enemies in the first place.

      • Visubversa 3.1.1

        Bit like Penny Bright blaming Auckland Council for her cancer.

        • Anne

          Penny Bright’s behaviour was based on a genuinely held principle. She didn’t set out to hurt people. Yes, the stress she must have gone through probably did contribute to her cancer.

          Quite a different set of circumstances to that of Slater.

          • Visubversa

            Penny chose to spend the best part of 20 years out of the workforce, as an advocate for a “principle” that had no legal basis that she was ever able to prove. Yes, I am sure it was stressful, but it was her choice. She had a skilled trade, but chose to be a full time political agitator.

            • Anne

              I never said otherwise. In fact I agree with you. Nevertheless Penny Bright saw it as a matter of principle. I didn’t agree with her. l don’t think many people did.

              My point was, that I don’t see any similarity in the two cases as one was based on vitriol and deceit while the other was a sincere belief.

      • Michelle 3.1.2

        His stroke is about his bad health he is over weight but despite him being nasty to people we want to show some kindness and wish him all the best and a speedy recovery. Sometimes people do change they become kinder and less judgmental , they start to see things differently when they have something sad like this happen to them.

    • Pablo 3.2

      Absolutely right Anne.

      Think of it this way: Slater and Trump share the same traits, which explains the former’s love of the latter. They are both sociopathic bullies and a blight on our common existence. Their departure from public life cannot come too soon.

      One can feel sorry for his kids–including the one that he never mentions (not so much that self-loathing bigot wife of his), but in the end he has reaped what he sowed. I say that because his lifestyle as a vegan-hating self-proclaimed red meat killing and eating machine and his constant search for lop-sided fights against weaker opponents clearly contributed to his predicament today. So, IMO, our sympathy for his plight needs to be tempered by the sober understanding of what, exactly, he is as a person and as a public figure.

      Just as I will not lament the departure of Trump from the scene–hopefully in handcuffs– so too I cannot cry crocodile tears for a person who made his name by trying to destroy that of others. I can only hope that this life moment changes him–although the tone of the announcement on his blog suggests that is, unsurprisingly, not the case.

      • Anne 3.2.1

        A bit late (tied myself up on another post) but thank-you for your support Pablo. 🙂

      • OnceWasTim 3.2.2

        “So, IMO, our sympathy for his plight needs to be tempered by the sober understanding of what, exactly, he is as a person and as a public figure.”

        Ain’t that the truth. There’s only so much emotional capital your Joe Average is capable of – which is why people tire of hearing about the plight of the Rohingya, or indeed the Biafrans before them. Probably also why they suddenly ‘come together’ in times of need after some disaster.
        I prefer to spend mine on the likes of the poor indigent homeless refugees in lil ‘ole NuZull and offshore before some jumped up arsehole whose ideology created the problem in the first place gets a look in. (DITTO btw on some self-obsessed mini Parker claiming atonement for past sins – apply a little more Natural Glo mate, and try again)

        Whilst I wish him no harm and a speedy recovery, let’s hope the ills that have befallen him make him realise he’s part of the human race. But until he does …….. yea/nah/next.

        By the way, do you know if he took advantage of any of the declining public social services he’s so keen to privatise. A public hospital maybe? or an ambulance service (still dependent on charity)?

  4. Gabby 4

    By his own code, the time to kick a fellow is when he’s down. Anything else would disappoint him.

  5. G Harris 5

    I have zero fucks to give about slater.


    You have to love it.

    • Michael who failed Civics 5.1

      Agreed. As a rule I display compassion towards people who suffer misfortune. However, there is always an exception to any rule. In this case, Slater is that exception.

  6. Robert Guyton 6

    As Jim said:
    “Be Nice!
    He’s paralysed down his right side.
    He’s a Lefty now.”

    and as TRP said:
    “I wish Cameron Slater all the best in his recovery. It’s a terrible thing to happen to anyone, let alone someone as relatively young as him.”

    • Bewilderd 6.1

      I agree he was nasty political operative but beyond that he is a fellow human being so people should be nice To throw the hate when he is down really brings you to his level, similarly who are we to throw the first stone, introspective delusion and all that I would however agree LPrent probably has some justification to severely dislike the guy

      • Anne 6.1.1

        You – and others – have clearly not been on the receiving end of an individual like Cameron Slater. They often manage to achieve a status of which they are not deserving, and they use that status to personally and professionally destroy innocent people’s lives. And when things turn to custard for them, they turn around and blame their former victims.

        As I mentioned @ 3, it has happened to me and plenty of others. It is indeed karma, and sympathy and kindness should be confined to the very many people who deserve it and not wasted on those who don’t.

        • Bewilderd

          Hate the sin love the sinner Ann, Hate is a very destructive emotion

          • Anne

            It’s not hate. It’s revenge. Revenge is what drives victims to seek justice for the crimes (physical or psychological) that are conducted against them. So, next time someone is punished for raping and torturing an innocent person, I expect you to come here and accuse that victim of hatred.

            • BWK

              Some of them absolutely will be filled with hatred. And you know what? It does them absolutely no good at all. Neither does it do anyone here any good to bear up a grudge in this case.

            • Bewilderd

              Revenge is also a very destructive emotion as every major religious tenant and philosophy to live a good life tells us

              • Anne

                Yes, revenge can be a destructive force. Especially when the victim takes the matter into their own hands with an equally vengeful response. But those who seek the assistance of the police or other legal channels are approaching the matter in an appropriate and acceptable way.

                Religious tenets/doctrines have no bearing on correctly channeled revenge. What you are implying is: people who have been seriously hurt physically and/or mentally have no moral right to seek justice against their perpetrator(s). Piffle.

                • Paul G. Buchanan

                  Revenge is a a many-sided emotion.

                  In the hands of untethered delusional individuals it is bad. In the hands of those seeking righteous vengeance, it is a useful tool. The post Pearl Harbor reaction in the US was as much fuelled by revenge as it was by larger geopolitical concerns. That led to a fierceness of commitment to the war that was only reinforced by revelations of Japanese atrocities across the Western Pacific. To this was added the Australian and NZ desire to avenge the savagery meted out to their citizens by the Japanese during the war. That combination of righteous vengeance was an indomitable force that the Japanese did not reckon with.

                  Being able to act on a deeply held sense of revenge–utu, if you prefer–was cathartic for the soldiers involved. It made them fight harder, longer and without reservation or qualms, and to willingly die doing so. It is what allowed them, and one might argue their leaders, to prevail. Because their sense of revenge was also that of the nations that they represented on the battlefield. That is a formidable element of will, which is the ultimate determinant of victory in battle.

                  This is all tangental to the issue of Mr. Slater’s illness. No one played a direct hand in his stroke so no one exacted vengeance upon him. His troubles are of his own making.

              • ropata

                The New Testament expresses the thought: “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” That is also what karma means

                “a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution” – Qur’an (originally from the Code of Hammurabi, shared with Judaism)

                Every religion has stressed the doctrine of moral responsibility. The Moslems speak of Kismet as representing one’s individual portion or lot in life. The ancient Greeks had their Nemesis or goddess of retributive justice

                Some traditions recognise that forgiveness is a “higher” way but it does not obviate the necessary rule of law and legitimate justice

              • Draco T Bastard

                They say the same thing about greed but we still run our society on it.

        • BWK

          I don’t believe in karma. It gives some people some desire to invoke is because they hate him. Hatred is not a great thing you or anyone else should aspire to in your lives. I object to the karma reference in this post.

          • Anne

            I don’t believe in karma in the spiritual sense of the word. But nowadays it has become a useful word to use when a person commits and unlawful or vindictive act and it comes back to bite them in some way. That is precisely what happened to Cameron Slater. He undermined and slandered people and when they took him to court and won he was physically affected by the stress it created for him.

            Just because some of us see it as a form of justice does not mean we hate him or bear a grudge against him. That is just an assumption on your part and imo a wrong one.

            • OnceWasTim

              +1 @ Anne.
              Problem is there are a shitload of people who’ve allowed their “spirit’ to be commodified – and that’s if they ever understood, or FELT what it is or was in the first place.
              A lumbering great piece of blubber with something that resembles a brain, and who thought it OK to pile shit on others, but who now appeals for sympathy having succumbed to similar circumstance, is not likely to ever get with the programme.

          • McFlock

            But even short of “hate”, karma as appropriated invokes a certain sense of cosmic justice.

            I don’t know about that.

            I just know that anyone who can pity him for his illness is a better person than me. There’s no wry grin or pleasure in his hardship – and I’ve felt that about some jerks I’ve known who experienced hardship. But I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and I just don’t really care either way. I should pity him for being the way he is even before his illness, but he’s beyond my limits of caring.

            • OnceWasTim

              The diff between sympathy and empathy.
              I feel sorrow for his whanau – however wide they consider themselves to be.
              Doesn’t alter the fact the guy is a hypocritical cunt, as are most of the folk feigning concern about all the nastiness that goes with this news.
              There’s no way though that you’ll get me to feel any sort of pity for an arsehole that’s sought to demonise people he considers lesser beings when times were good, but who now screams mummy mummy when it all goes tits up. (And then there’s that thing that appeared with him on Face TV not so long ago – she/he/it must be seriously grieving)
              Should we expect an article in the Wimmins Weekly soon do you think? where Cam-the-MAN claims to have had an epiphany?

              • McFlock

                Meh. I don’t really care.

                It reminds me a bit of writer’s block: “ooo, let me write 1000 words on Slater” [stares at blank page for three hours]

                • OnceWasTim

                  Well I agree , to some extent.
                  My interest is really that this example, and others in the media today (the ‘Roastbuster’ for e.g. ) just demonstrate how all that cult of individualism, the cult of personality, and of ‘personal responsibility’ and the self-entitled demonstrates what 30 or more years of neo-liberalism has done.
                  The deserving and the undeserving.
                  Neo-liberalism never was JUST an economic agenda, if only because it sought to commodify all and everything in the name of ‘the market the market’ – supposedly the natural leveler. How’s all that panned out?
                  It always was going to be divisive in so many ways.
                  All that “with rights come responsibility” stuff – which of course is not untrue – except that the supposedly ‘good corporate citizen’, the self-entitled, etc often seem to think those “responsibilities” are for everyone else of a lesser rank in the foodchain.
                  And now we wonder why there’s been the rise of the right and every other extreme, and why certain demographics have become disengaged with politics or what democratic government supposedly stood for.

                  …….. anyway /endrant

    • Peter 6.2

      O dear how sad never mind.

  7. ken 7

    I’m sure Cam won’t be bludging any of our tax dollars for his rehab………

    • Bewildered 7.1

      Do you pay net tax Ken, if not you can rest he won’t be bludging off you

      • ken 7.1.1

        “net tax”? LOL!
        I pay provisional, income, GST, fuel, rates, etc etc….If it wasn’t for people like me, our society would fall flat on it’s face.

        I don’t buy many nets though.

        • Bewildered

          Your part of the nz 1 percent then, your part of the problem

          • ken

            You think only 1% of NZers pay tax?
            I don’t know about “part of the problem”, but you seem to have a problem.

    • her 7.2

      Cam’s now found out about his National Party buddies getting rid of the sickness benefit.

      Now we are all job seekers and he will have to hop off to job interviews on his good leg if he wants that stipend.

  8. Tamati Tautuhi 8

    Knowing one of these Health Professionals personally, they wouldn’t have taken this action lightly, however Slater has acted against the character of these people and has been involved in character assassination along with his buddy Carrick Graham.

    A sad situation however Graham & Slater have not been particularly nice to a lot of people.

  9. R.P Mcmurphy 9

    what goes around comes around.

  10. Observer Tokoroa 10

    National on Trial – again

    David Farrar and John Key will be deeply sad over the loss of Mr Slater’s
    faithful portrail of what we call the National Party.

    Their Damnable Party has undergone a nasty stroke or two recently.

    It will be the task of the Courts themselves to clear the stench of Mr Key’s friend Slater; and Company. No one else need interfere.

    • Tamati Tautuhi 10.1

      Kiwiblog and Whale Oil stir up some pretty nasty vitriol, which a lot of people take on board and run with.

      As Farrar says “formenting happy mischief” ?

      Stirring up hatred towards certain groups and individuals is their modus operandii.

  11. Psych nurse 11

    But he was JLR,s spokesperson after his mental health crisis from october 21 onwards.
    Does not stack up.

    • While Slater was involved in the JLR debacle, the last mention of him that I can find in that connection was on October 24. The current National party leader said at that time that he’d rung Slater a few days earlier. I presume that means the stroke occurred in, or around, the last week of October.

  12. mosa 12

    Slater and his colleges and i include Key in that group deliberately and clinically destroyed a lot of good people for no other reason but for political and financial gain.
    Key was the worst because he hid his involvement and we have Nicky Hagar to thank for exposing these vicious , evil people and the destruction they caused.
    I don’t feel sorry for him at all just contempt.

    • Tamati Tautuhi 12.1

      David Shearer and David Cunliffe are two names that come to mind ?

      Slate, Farrar and Key did a hatchet job on both of them IMHO.

  13. Observer Tokoroa 13

    Far far Far away

    I did not expect that David Farrar would receive a bad press – when it came to the sickness of the National Party.

    After all, he now has a cherished Child. You would think he would lift his horizon a bit – and take New Zealand out of the hands of people such as John Key – and Cam Slater.

    But after nine years of National mayhem – I suppose any old thing will do for David.

    Brand National is Brand Mayhem – repeated. He has no perspective; no horizon; no thought. He just sucks.

  14. Infused 14

    I dont think any sane righties give a ahit tbh. He was a toxic pos

  15. Ian 15

    You hippocrits are just jealous . The whale oil brand is alive and well. Meat to die for ……….Real meat, not that soy shit.

  16. ropata 16

    (FYI TRP it’s “chameleon” you might wanna tweak the heading of this post)

    Sympathy to Slater and his family, here’s a wonderful TED talk on stroke

  17. james 17

    I dont know Slater, but not a huge fan by any means.

    I disagree with him on a lot of things.

    But I would never wish this on anybody (Or a Heart Attack like Lprent had).

    People that see this as justice, or get some satisfaction from it are poor examples of humans.

    Those people who think like that can never be part of the “caring left” when they only care for people they like.

    Remember – most of us (and our families) have not led perfect lives and have annoyed, or hurt others. They may hold a poor view of you as well – would you like people getting a smug satisfaction about your family members having a stroke.

    • Grant 17.1

      Should we have cared for poor old Stalin lying in his own muck when he had his stroke as well Jimmy?

    • Robert Guyton 17.2

      Nobody’s wished this on him, James.
      Can you understand why some people don’t feel obliged to offer their sympathy to Slater?

    • Infused 17.3

      Theres that and those who just dont give a fuck because of how much of a dickhead he was to everyone who wasnt on his side

    • ropata 17.4

      A bit of schadenfreude is to be expected. I don’t believe in karma either, in general “shit just happens” without a reason. The question is how do we deal with it. I choose Life.

    • Jay 17.5

      Many of the comments and the article itself are disgraceful, and if there is such a thing as karma, then a few might now have cause to look over their shoulders. It ain’t lucky to gloat about the misfortune of others, and to do so publically makes it far worse. A person’s hatred of somebody is often in proportion of their fear of that person, so you know somebody has really gotten under your skin when you feel it’s ok to publish your glee and satisfaction about a terrible misfortune such as this one striking them down. And let’s not forget that this bloke has family who love him and who will also be suffering. How much more dignified would an article wishing him all the best and only that have been? Instead this only vindicates much of what he and others have said about “the nasty left”. Just shameful.

  18. R.P Mcmurphy 18

    and asking for money on this site is totally out of the realms of decency.

  19. Hunny 19

    I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. He told a number of people that he hoped I’d die – at a time that I was actually very sick in hospital – and later set out to destroy me.

    He failed (as he always does) but it didn’t mean that his attacks didn’t do damage.

    He won’t take the time to reflect, let alone learn or grow. He can’t even recognise that his obesity was the greatest contributing factor to his stroke, so he’ll never comprehend that the reason people hate him is that he’s an asshole.

    • Anne 19.1

      He failed (as he always does) but it didn’t mean that his attacks didn’t do damage.

      Precisely Hunny. The psychological damage can be long lasting. Some people never recover properly from the type of behaviour Slater indulged in.

  20. AB 20

    Someone would have to be a little more evil than Slater, and have lots more power to act on it, for me to wish ill-health on them.
    But it’s definitely a sliding scale, which is interesting in itself. I imagine each of us tips the other way at a slightly different point in the scale.

  21. Chris T 21

    I have seen this place (Well certain posters) slip to a new low.

    Congratulations on whatever buzz you get over someones illness,

  22. ianmac 22

    I can despise Slater’s nasty actions.
    I can feel for him and his family for the severe loss of quality brought on by strokes.

  23. sumsuch 23

    I wish him the best as a fellow NZer/human. There always was a human side to him despite the foul pollution of his views — set back by the fifth estate, Nicky Hager.

    Unlike here where opponents are welcome, David Farrar didn’t let me join Kiwiblog . Going down the unreflective tribalism course, which we know from WW2 ends disastrously. Winning at all costs ends in total defeat. The rich and strong have no case.

  24. Tiger Mountain 24

    Having dealt with stroke sufferers much of my life due to the roll of the dice-from nursing a parent in my late teens, to partners mum dying early of one, to my best friend having to rebuild his life post stroke, I can confirm they are no fun.

    And I can confirm Cameron Slater’s activities the last few years have been no fun either for those battling the NZ National party “two track” strategy, that he actively helped develop as their default setting-effectively spinning one line publicly, while doing questionable and illegal stuff behind the scenes.

    Can empathy be applied to someone whose adult life has seemingly consisted of publicly behaving in the exact opposite manner? Beats me, maybe super zen types out there could work up some sympathy for Mr Slater, it is certainly a test of their humanity for a number of people!

  25. Tamati Tautuhi 25

    The National Party have used Slater and Farrar as their go to attack dogs to damage political, professional and commercial opponents ?

  26. Tamati Tautuhi 26

    “Formenting Happy Mischief ??? “

  27. Sanctuary 27

    A quick trip to the comment section of Kiwiblog shows the political problem for the right now. Once, all the full power right wing retards were to be found on Slater’s site, and he was the useful idiot who post all the really stinking raw meat that led him to the courts.

    Farrar would just pick up his stuff, re-word it into respectability so Stacey kirk and Tracey Watkins and Barry Soper and co could report on it and wham! the right wing echo chamber was complete with the smears and themes it wanted in the MSM.

    Now, all the absolute f**king batshit crazy types have realised they have got no audience on the Slater side no more, and they’ve gone full ham over at kiwiblog – and since Farrar seems to have gone even further to the MAGA right himself (he does nothing but peddle culture war bullshit press releases from National party back benchers these days) you’ve now got his site trying to do the heavy smear machine lifting, but it isn’t working because his comments are fully zerged by the sort of crazy numpties that scared the MSM peeps off from admitting they used to read failoil for story ideas.

  28. RedLogix 28


    This is one of those topics that if you have nothing constructive to say, nor anything of direct import to add … it’s probably best to remain silent. Nonetheless Slater’s situation probably couldn’t pass unremarked, especially as he himself couldn’t refrain from using it to attempt yet another attack.

    In that light I want to congratulate you for writing an excellent post TRP. It’s balanced and fair, and addresses the story without overstatement or cruelty. If Cam should ever read it, he may not like it, but these words were directed to him with a consideration of the common humanity he shares with all of us.

    At this point these ancient words came to mind; “Love thine enemy”, and what a exulted, terrible standard they set upon us.

    • Thanks, RL, much appreciated!

    • veutoviper 28.2

      Thank you for expressing what I was struggling to put into words, RedLogix. Hence my silence.

      This includes my thanks and admiration to you, te reo putake, for the balance you managed it bring to your post, as Red said.

      I have very little respect etc for Cam, but I am not going to revel in his misfortune of suffering a stroke or strokes. I would not wish that on anyone.

      I find it sad more than anything, And if IIRC, both he and his wife, Juana Atkins aka Spanish Bride, hit that big milestone in life where we all usually stop and take stock – their 50th birthdays on different days but close in time over the period of these strokes. There would have been little celebrating possible in the circumstances.

      I recall this as I was checking out WO over that period for any further news on JLR. I will give Cam some credit for giving some support to JLR over that period, because no matter JLR’s actions etc, everyone with mental health issues needs support.

      • Dennis Frank 28.2.1

        Yes, likewise. I hope JLR is supporting him currently, to reciprocate. Times like this our common humanity ought to come to the fore. I hope he grows older & wiser!

        I also acknowledge that TRP framed the thing appropriately. The utu motive of some seems too partisan, but I agree that karma fits the circumstances…

    • Tamati Tautuhi 28.3

      Agree + 100% TRP

  29. Brutus Iscariot 29

    I don’t recall right wing blogs or Twitter cheering Helen Kelly’s cancer diagnosis. RWNJ John Banks made a trip to Penny Bright’s death bed.

    • Gabby 29.1

      I seem to recall at least one of the bitter old kiwibuggers delighting in it. Not El Capitano Crustygruts, might’ve been BigNipis or Starfish. Nasty old gits. You’re not one or more of them are you brutie?

    • mpledger 29.2

      You need better recall.

  30. Kerry 30

    Well as anyone using the health system or on a benefit is classified as a “bludger” by slater and his ilk….I hope he is turned away from public hospitals and have any request for benefits turned down! Get your rich mates to foot the bill!!

    Karma is a bitch!

  31. Sacha 31

    Even the bog dwellers are not all exalting Slater in his hour of need: https://www.kiwiblog.co.nz/2019/01/cams_stroke.html

    (the place also seems to have attracted a commenter with the same handle as me)

  32. Sacha 32

    Some fine writing by David Fisher, actual journalist and target of Whaleoik’s ire: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12194391

    Instead, it simply seems sad. Slater had reached too far, grasped little and fallen. He had a brief moment of feeling as if he held the world in his hands.

    Then it all turned to dust. The arc his ambition has travelled is epic, its end crushing. It was enough without a stroke robbing you of dignity, freedom, mobility.

    Cameron, I hope you get well and I hope it doesn’t take long to get there. I hope you find peace on the way. Like may others, I suspect, I also hope you don’t find your keyboard again.

  33. Nelly 33

    I do not know why Whaleoil is asking for help, surely he his health insurance will cover him. After all people that do not have insurance are scum.

  34. Carma 34

    Is this the same Cameron Slater looking for sympathy when Westcoast man Judd Hall, 26, was killed in a September 2104 car crash after a brief police pursuit about whome Slater commented: “…some feral tried to evade the police, they wound up dead by smacking into some innocent homeowners house.”

  35. R Wood 35

    Slater is a nasty piece of work. Not deserving of sympathy.

  36. Treetop 36

    Slater needs to call it a day. There are other things to do in life which are more healthy for one self.

  37. Doug hood 37

    stroke recovery, is a long and winding road, requiring much love and support from those close to you. time will tell how much support he has.

  38. david 38

    Withholds news of this shitbag to protect this shitbags privacy. Fuckem When in rome…