Key running scared of debate?

Written By: - Date published: 2:16 pm, September 12th, 2014 - 81 comments
Categories: election 2014, john key - Tags: ,


81 comments on “Key running scared of debate? ”

  1. ianmac 1

    Be fair to poor old tired John Key. He does not have much to say but tired old cliches. 30 minutes minus ad breaks will be say 12 minutes. Too long?

    And at the end of the day, there might be just a little of fear should Kim Dot Com come up with a little something to dent Key’s claimed invincibility. And how will Armstrong et el cope with that?
    Fear stalks the 9th floor of the Beehive. Wooooo!

    And when David as PM reaches into the records, then what?

    • McFlock 1.1

      I’f forgotten about ads.
      I figured thirty minutes would leave barely 10 minutes of “debate” from each candidate after the emceeing is done with. A couple of questions and that is it.

      FFS. The pm is an arse, a liar and a coward

      • AmaKiwi 1.1.1

        I have a suspicion Key, consciously or unconsciously, might want to lose this election so he can escape the sh*t storm that will follow whoever wins. Even if Key wins, he will be dogged in parliament with unanswerable question. He’s said if he loses he will retire. Dotcom would love the irony of Key fighting extradition from Hawaii!

        • Skinny

          Your very much on the money in your opinion. I hear that John Key showed signs that he was very disappointed in his invited guests at Nationals economic forum held in Whangarei yesterday. Apparently he spoke of the importance to sign off the treaty settlement with Northland iwi. He also talked of the deal with the Maori party. The mostly business audience didn’t get it which visibly annoyed Key. While the ever optimistic National party campaign manager Joyce pumped up the volume, Key gave my friend the impression he has had enough.

          I would say the whole dirty politics saga and the pending Auckland town hall event put on by Dotcom is getting to him. Then if you look at having to deal with Peters or Craig and then there is Act, especially after the latest Jamie Whyte insane shotgun shopkeeper comments. Can anyone really blame him for calling it quits and jetting off to Hawaii, flagging politics altogether.

          • Local Kiwi

            Yeah, I agree Keyster is a gonna, but he is a happy camper in Hawaii wher there stll are many sharks as similar as him, and just ready to take a bite of his torso while he goes for a swim. Halelluha.

        • dave

          oh what shit storm it would be and those us who enjoy protesting occupy st stephens ave parnell has certain appeal

  2. Clemgeopin 2

    ‘That is not enough John, Front up!’

  3. Lanthanide 3

    30 minutes? Hardly worth bothering with.

  4. Treetop 4

    30 minutes may prove to be too much for a rattled PM.

  5. Craig Glen Eden 5

    Key is scared all right and with good reason. I have had 3 people this week raise with me that they were going to vote National but now they dont trust Key. All three were in a state of but” who do we vote for”. One at the end said she thinks she will vote NZ first, one probably would vote National the third one had no idea how they would vote. All three never mentioned Labour or the Greens as options.

    So National will not want Key and Cunliffe facing off. National’s tactics will be dont russell the horses and to pray on peoples fears with the whole steady as we go line.

    Cunliffe has to show that National are being quite on policy because they are hiding there real agenda. A good example is the fact that Nationals tax cut’s don’t add up National are simply behaving like a problem gambler, lies lies and more lies while spending what they cant afford with no regard for how to pay for the rent/mortgage.

    This election is going to be very close the left need to be seen as solid/ dependable and sadly Russell Norman being a bit smart with trying to distance himself from Labour was actually a bit silly. I urge supporters of Labour and the Greens to NOT START ATTACKING EACH OTHER, nothing to gain by doing this only and an election to loose!

    • Tracey 5.1

      Perhaps the other half hour could be used toadd Noman for a chat with cunliffe and hosking… As the time is booked.


      Isnt this the second debate with cunners key has run from?

      • Rodel 5.1.1

        Tracey – Damn! You beat me to it with your suggestion. But I suggest just an empty chair when John Key vacates it.

        But don’t do a Clint Eastwood and talk to it incessantly.
        The moderator could say, ” Now Mr Ke! … Oh that’s right he had to go early. Oh well. What do you think Mr Cunliffe?”

        But seriously I think it would make good TV. to leave Key’s chair there even if Norman was there . Depends who’s going to be the moderator and if the producers have enough chutzpah?

    • Tracey 5.2

      It is funny that those losing trust in Key dont connect his untrustworthiness with denigration of labour and greens. IOW hes been lying about labour and greens

      If people dont want key they cannot vote for act, uf, cp, or nzf

      • Craig Glen Eden 5.2.1

        Yup the disconnect is huge. I honestly think that Labour’s ABC club have done some serious damage not only to Labour but the left as a whole. This of coarse was assisted by Slater/Hooten /Farrar’s agenda and a more than willing MSM. Remember how Hooten thought Shearer was so good for Labour!!!!! I know Cunliffe will make a great Prime Minister and the Labour/ Green policy mix will be great for NZ. The leadership of both parties have to show they can work together and that they have all NZer’s interest at heart.

        • Local Kiwi

          Very well summed up CGE.

          Yes Winston has this time shown his real preference of wanting a centre left coalition anyway, and like so many we are all Winsston included what dark secrets hide in NatZ bucket list anyway as they have cleverly avioded the spelling out of agendas, so next three years they would be able to say we won on our policies ad will do what the country wants us to do.

          Winston is fearful as we all are this time.

          Key is a deserate man cliggng onto that sinking dingy called planet key.

          This while the sharks hover around him.

          Nixon number two comming along!

      • Zolan 5.2.2

        Unfortunately, I suspect that many on the right intend to support National by stealth. Just as long as they can say they didn’t vote for National without actually lying.

    • infused 5.3

      I had a friend who knew a friends mother, who knew and uncle who was related to another friend who said they made their bed and are now not voting National.

      • Craig Glen Eden 5.3.1

        Thats not what I said at all Infused cant you read or is your comprehension level just so poor?

      • JanMeyer 5.3.2

        Yes I heard someone at the bus stop say they had a friend whose brother in law was considering switching his vote from National to Green – it’s all over bar the shouting (although having said that, with Norman’s recent statements indicating a possible willingness to reach an “accommodation” with National, may be not!)

    • Kat 5.4

      If you want a change of govt I urge PARTY VOTE LABOUR. The Greens will be part of the new govt but not unless Labour can lead it.

      Otherwise…..3 more years of National….Key….Collins….Bennett……Joyce….Slater et al

      Anyone feeling nausea about that?

  6. Anne 6

    Well then give David Cunliffe the extra 30 minutes to discuss Labour policies. Just because the sulky brat won’t front up for the full hour shouldn’t mean Cunliffe has to forego the opportunity. After all, the media owes him a thing or two after the way they’ve been behaving. Show the voters David that you’re not some namby pamby who is ashamed to be man.

    Man up mate!

  7. Ant 7

    It certainly shows how compromised TVNZ is, they could have said 1 hour or we’ll give it all over to a Cunliffe interview and tell everyone you chickened out.

    • Saarbo 7.1

      Yep, imagine if David Cunliffe had suggested truncating to 30 minutes: Both 6.00pm news’s would be leading with Cunliffe being a coward, Labour giving up, Armstrong would be calling for his resignation, blah, blah…

      clear double standards.

      • Rodel 7.1.1

        If Cunliffe had done what Key has the journalists would be calling it a gaffe. So far what have we heard? A timid media silence.
        Actually it’s more of a right wing editorial refusal to acknowledge Key’s petulant fear of exposure.

        Key knows that Cunliffe has outclassed him in public debates and hopes that by slinking into the shadows and not fronting up voters will still think he’s competent.

        The sad thing is that with the usual obsequious assistance from the Hoskings, Armstrongs, Watkins, Slaters and Co., he probably will get away with it and voters will be left unaware.

  8. infused 8

    Doesn’t seem to affect the voters anyway. More like Labour having a cry.

  9. Jack the Rat 9

    Key needs to grow a pair and Man Up, he talks in weasel words and one liners, not alot of substance there.

  10. Ad 10

    That sucking sound is National’s tide going out.

  11. heather 11

    John’s on the cusp of something but he has forgotten what it is! Russell is being tricky for what ever reason, but the real problem is, that Labour and Greens start fighting with each other as seems to be happening in some quarters. Best to spend this last weekend doing something constructive like door knocking, canvassing or phoning, there’s still plenty of people that haven’t made up their minds – it’s amazing how easy it is to discuss Labour with them and help them make up their mind. You just have to get out there and do it! David Cunliff will be a great leader, the Labour policies are fantastic and will return New Zealand to a country that cares about the people who live here. Maybe ‘ infused’ would like to give a hand this weekend, a bit of sign waving is good for you, makes you feel really one with the people with all the toots and supportive waves.

  12. Zolan 12

    It seems that Key’s con-artisty doesn’t hold up if he can’t control the conversation, as in the tele-debate format.

    But I’m still wary. Labour should assume National’s team has a strategy, and that a brief and intense attack is prepared to run out the clock before details can be addressed.

    Labour could easily end up on the back foot — Having to prepare for any conceivable word-salad-question from Key, with no concise and clear line of attack against the morass of evasions.

    This is the one that will stick — It’s no time to get complacent.

  13. peterh 13

    Key will be to busy sorting out Monday night, The heavy mates of Dotcom have arrived , I wonder if they are left wing

  14. feijoa 14

    They could always talk to his office for the other half hour!!

  15. Bob 15

    Just a sign he feels the election is won, why give your opposition screen time when you already have the election in the bag?

    • ScottGN 15.1

      Especially given that when he has given Cunliffe any “screentime” he’s come off decidedly second-best.

    • McFlock 15.2


      I think that’s sort of the point (wishful thinking notwithstanding – why wouldn’t he want to shoot for governing alone?).

      In a debate both key and cunliffe will get equal screentime.
      Key obviously believes that this will hurt the nats and give a boost to labour. You seem to agree with him.

      As do I 🙂

      • Draco T Bastard 15.2.1

        +1 😈

        • AmaKiwi

          It’s Dotcom’s revelations he doesn’t want to have to deal with in the debate.

          The storyline of this campaign will make a fantastic movie, unless Warner Brothers already owns the the rights to it.

          ” Just another asset sale,” says Key.

    • Local Kiwi 15.3


      Pollitical + Opinion polls globally are all manipulated when you want to learn just search goggle Polls are manipulated there are 1.4 millions sites so dont beliieve all you hear or see much less speak fool.

  16. BLiP 16

    John Key’s decision to not participate in the so-called debate is the right one but, I suspect, hasn’t been made for the right reasons. The MSM’s attempt to reduce politics down to a form of entertainment is pernicious and has resulted in a complete arse-about-face situation where, rather than the MSN providing a service to politics, politics is now providing a service to the MSM. Rather than the MSM providing its consumers with anything like actual debate or support for the practise of democracy, it has reduced our politicians down to part-time celebs filling in space between advertisements. The lead-up to and the aftermath of the so-called debates provides seemingly endless additional copy as the punters pontificate about “who won” and “zingers” etc. In effect, the so-called debates are just the same as the polls in that the MSM is using them to manufacture content which it attempts to portray as delivering real information. The so-called debates have added no value to the wider political conversation and may even have detracted from it as blog thread after blog thread becomes cluttered with win/loss battle analogies typically seen on sports pages.

    Still, having had another of my stream-of-consciousness rants, I do agree that John Key’s decision is a tactical mistake. Now is not the time to bring order to the MSM and its a matter of making the best of a bad situation. For National Ltd™, John Key has just made a bad sitiuation even worse. Nice one.

    • Rich 16.1

      re National Ltd™

      Judging by the lack of policy and of substance now from several National ministers, including today Tolley, recently Key and English and of course Perata, and laws that have made it into legislation here which give the impression that they might have been drafted north and east of us, I think that should be (Multi)National Ltd™

      • BLiP 16.1.1

        Heh! Wasn’t that a telling Freudian slip by John Key. Not only did it give away his actual intentions for New Zealand, it also displayed National Ltd™’s dismissive attitude to the concept of our beautiful mutual multi and bi cultural society. For John Key the word “society” is synonymous with “business” so the slip is probably understandable given his inner mercantile and all pervading belief system.

    • Local Kiwi 16.2

      Well said Blip I hope the dull brained MSM wake up before we loose the coutry to this nasty lot of carpetbaggers and finally after all the Dirty politics saga carries on, come to our rescue…

  17. stever 17

    So, the big question, given all this, that MSM need to keep asking is: what new laws do you have planned for your next term, PM? And what changes to current laws do you have planned, PM?

    The usual weasel-worded reply is, of course “we have no plans to…”, but that’s hardly a credible response during an election campaign (or if he gives that response then that’s a clear mistake on his part).

    So, force him (and them) to say what they will enact. We have a right to know.

    • Local Kiwi 17.1

      Exactly Stever,

      By Key not releasing any solid bottom line policy platform they can come back after and say we were voted back!

      Then now will proceed to sell us into slavery in after secretly signing us up to the aggressive rules of the TPPA and clamp down on free speech and workers rights and then increase taxes to pay for their pork barrel promises.

      They will open all foriegn bids to buy any remaining crown assets.

  18. tricle up 18

    The democratic process is not johns ,give it back i want to be fully far as i know the word democratic still exists in my world…

  19. weka 19

    “dont russell the horses”


  20. rich the other 20

    Only 30 minutes , that’s a long time when you’re facing public humiliation .
    When will it end , it seems like hours , when can we go home .
    These must be the thoughts going through cunliffes mind .
    Key must be in shock and can’t believe his luck ,so much to talk about , the greens move to cuddle up to National has left cunliffe and the left completely impotent , the demise of labour at the hands of the greens continues .

  21. Local Kiwi 21

    Key- its all over rover so go rove some other country to plunder shitbag!

  22. Disabled Liberation Aotearoa NZ DLANZ 22

    What concerns me is the lack of real ‘General Leadership Debates’ we used to have back on the day. Disabled DLANZ think National and with the support of Labor, have monopolized the Media.

    I also think these Broadcasters are playing to their Ad Makers commercial interests….my view

    Regards and keep emiling
    Doug Hay
    Cordinator DLANZ

  23. Clemgeopin 23

    The TV1 guide for next Wednesday, 17th Sept, 7 pm, does show only half an hour for the leader’s debate.

    Vote 2014 : 19:00 – 19:30

    When you say that the PM’s office does not agree to a one hour debate, did Key give a reason why he has chickened out? I haven’t seen any news item on it.